» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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tranquilizers be sold in pharmacies and dispensed to consumers as directed by a doctor? Residents of countries recognized as the most drinkers, are characterized by the problems described below in this paragraph? Those who drink alcohol, can not realize some of the elements that make up the Maslow pyramid? Alcohol is consumed by those who do not produce endorphins from anything or from any action? Is alcohol consumed by those who do not have long-term goals, at least such as saving money for a year and going on vacation on vacation? In non-fiction films, long-term goals are also called the “Odyssey Contract”, referring to the Odyssey at the moment when he tied himself to the mast in order not to succumb, if not make a mistake, to the temptations caused by the singing of the Sirens. The “Odyssey Contract” is a state of mind when you give up, so to speak, current weaknesses (sex, alcohol) in order to achieve a more important weakness - for example, going on vacation on the sea or writing a book? As already mentioned, discipline is the decision to do what you really don’t want to do in order to achieve what you really want? Some of those who drink alcohol do not have what they really want? Some people’s alcohol is a substitute for what they really want, since there are no “drivers” in order to achieve what they really want? Alcohol replaces unmet needs? Diseases caused by an antisocial lifestyle - another thing contrary to healthy lifestyle, is alcohol and drugs? Not every country has an alcoholic culture, in some countries there is no what is called alcoholism - does that prove what educates the environment? They say that one of the ways to mimic the environment for those who commit economic crimes is to disguise themselves as an alcoholic, because drunks never have money - more often get caught drunk by law enforcement agencies, often get drunk by an acquaintance, but don’t to have any very expensive things in order not to arouse what is called envy in people, and not to provoke them in this connection so that they inform any detectives and investigators about this? If everyone becomes alcoholics and drug addicts, civilization in its development will be thrown back at least 100 years, and who wants it? Not a homosexualist, but gay - if political correctness in the names got to those who are called alcoholics and drug addicts, would they be called downshifters? Why there are no groups of anonymous gays, but there are clubs of anonymous alcoholics, why do those who are called alcoholics criticize themselves and their behavior and want to get rid of their addiction in their clubs, and, for example, gays do not? The reasons that they consider alcoholism are fear and insecurity, and also one of the reasons is the lack of endorphins in life from something or from someone else? Politicians take pleasure in politics, scientists from science, others from something else - when there is no pleasure from something in reality, then some try to get pleasure artificially through alcohol or drugs, what’s the matter, if higher forces regulate the behavior of each endorphins , then why does this happen, but not with everyone, and why do some enjoy only those actions that are considered inadequate? To find our place in life is to find what makes the natural internal opiates in the blood, through which higher forces lead us along the path of life? All that distinguishes a person who is considered normal from a person who is considered not normal is that one is stuck on what is considered right (science, for example), and the other on what is considered wrong (gambling addiction or alcoholism)? The main task in eliminating alcohol dependence is to teach the addicted organism to produce endorphins from its actions, and not from alcohol - is the problem of alcoholism in the endocrine system, since the body does not produce pleasure hormones without alcohol? A person lies or goes drunk on the street - we carry out a psychological analysis of the psychological state of a given person: does he have an ideological vacuum, or phobia, or neurosis, or depression? In some cases, is alcoholism the result of an “overdose” with a sense of self-preservation, when with the help of alcohol they struggle with an excess of this feeling? Do some use alcohol as a means of communication? Does a large body complex not always correspond to what is called a strong psyche? Are there countries of the modern world where the sale and advertising of vodka is prohibited, in some countries they are generally physically punished for this? One of the reasons for alcoholism is fear, which is suppressed with the help of alcohol, and the second reason is the lack of goals in life, when a person does not know what he lives for, remove these factors, and go through what is called alcoholism? Is alcohol in some cases caused by borderline mental disorders like panic attacks? Psychologists and psychiatrists say that there is no therapy against panic attacks, there is only training like breathing exercises and internal control, they teach how to live with such features of the psyche, but they do not cure it, do they have other training? We find out the causes of chronic fears and try to apply regenerative psychology, since modern psychology and psychiatry do not offer any other psychological regeneration of the damaged psyche, it only teaches how to live with it with the help of trainings and pills? Can I drink alcohol, most importantly - so that drinking does not affect work? The heavy "otodnyaki" with terrifying hallucinations and nightmares is a consequence of the fact that the owner, that is, the higher powers, do not want someone to drink alcohol and do nothing, everyone should benefit, or nightmares and hallucinations are simply the consequences of drinking alcohol anxious individuals, and the brave does not happen? Do not let anyone dispose of your body (meaning when you are drunk or committing another administrative offense or a criminal offense are detained by law enforcement agencies) or limit as much as possible the ability of someone to dispose of your body? Do law enforcement give fines for drunkenness, urging them to change their life values ​​and priorities? For some, the values ​​are to look good, and they do everything for this: they look after themselves, lose weight, buy clothes in which they look as attractive as possible in order to exercise power over who will “lead” their beauty? “Hand over” all who show off to the police, the main thing - be sober at the same time, and you will get great pleasure from “breaking off” a drunken aggressive person? Many do not know this, but sober opens up great opportunities for pleasure? If you are sober, are you always right, if you are drunk, are you already potentially wrong for law enforcement agencies and the court? Is alcoholism a lordly disease accessible only to those who have money, just like liver disease from overeating and alcohol? If you don’t stop drinking alcohol, will such a state be throughout your life? Is alcohol poison if used improperly? “The boy wanted to become Arnold - he rocked his muscles, doused himself with water, he lay in a coffin, Arnold, young” - is everything all right in moderation? "Farmacon" - in Greek, "pharmacon" means both a remedy and poison, in a small amount of alcohol - a remedy, in a large - poison? Some who become afraid of life and those who have succumbed to the modern cult of excessive caution become some drunks? People who drink because they feel sorry for themselves and / or enjoy their suffering need to be cynical to themselves (cynical not in the sense of becoming an addict or an alcoholic, but like a paratrooper who does not think much about the consequences of parachuting ), you don’t have to feel sorry for yourself, what will happen? Not to regret, but to study yourself? Are chronically drunk as a cure for fear? He is familiar with a man who will never become an alcoholic or drug addict, no matter how much they push him into him - he is just a brave man with an overestimated self-esteem and is rather cynical about himself in the sense that he has no phobias, he is not afraid of anything (he crossed the road without making sure his cars were passing or not, and it wasn’t “window dressing”, he also flew a hang glider in an air circle), which allows him to be in the service in the Foreign French Legion? Will alcoholism end as soon as you become bold and self-confident? The main question on psychological testing in the French Foreign Legion is the presence of fear - whoever has a lot of it, the legion is not needed, and if you have what is called cowardice, do not go where you need what is called courage - everyone should be on his own place? Brave will never become an alcoholic? Where do you need to “ventilate” the brains of those who have problems? As long as there are those who are called neurotics and anxious personalities, fortunetellers will exist, as well as what are called sects, alcoholics and drug addicts - since these personalities form the basis of supply and demand in the above areas? Fear, passion - you can earn money on all feelings, the main thing is to seize someone's attention , and the door for manipulation is open? The discovery of the work of the KLB gene, according to scientists responsible for addiction to alcohol, will solve the problem of what is called alcoholism, or again genes do not matter much - most importantly, in what conditions did the person live? The condition for the presence of what is called alcoholism is fear or lack of life goals, and if everything is normal with this, is there no alcoholism? Fear gives rise not only to what is called alcoholism, but because of it it is impossible to fulfill its functions, if there is fear, then you will not fulfill your functions, if the bird were afraid of the altitude to which it is necessary to fly?


“Here it is necessary that the soul be firm, so that fear does not give advice ...”


At the beginning of the work, the importance for human life was mentioned - the availability of information received from their relatives and from life experience. Families who grew up in normal families according to generally accepted canons were given information on how to behave in different situations, and those who are called alcoholics did not receive this information, these are the people who, as the media say, were squeezed out of society, in a word, sometimes alcoholics are As a rule, those who had to communicate with people who were bad towards them, and those who did not receive the necessary information?

The main reason for alcoholism is what is called cowardice and fear, as well as the so-called post-traumatic syndrome - the fear of drinking alcohol is first instilled by someone or something, then it is suppressed by alcohol, which many use as an adrenaline blocker and block the work of bad memories? Again, remember Carl Leongard - because of the inability to forget the brain is littered? The fact of alcohol consumption deprives the person who consumed it of certain rights and gives law enforcement authorities the right to dispose of the body, the one who drank alcohol by sending it to a detoxification center or to prison, it’s, as it says in political science textbooks, something like the time of elections in any country - when the power of the ruling elite has weakened, since it is no longer completely in power, since the elections are held, but also not devoid of it, in a word, there is some weakness, a vacuum of power that is used by those who want to get power it is said to the fact that when you get weaker, then some problems begin, as in a tree that has lost bark, when bark beetles climb into the place where the bark was (I mean problems with bark beetles).

The problem of a person from countries called

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