» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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know where those who see what others do not see get to?” The artist’s response: “Yes, they get to the national art gallery.” The film "June 31" (USSR, 1978, director Leonid Kvinikhidze).

Lyrics: when someone unfamiliar taught a friend of the author on the street how to behave, he always asked the "teacher of life": "Are you a former police officer or a former military man?" Paradoxically, but he was never mistaken, the answer was yes.

But this, as already indicated, the lyrics, the author of the work, unlike his friend, had enough “teachers of life” among civilians.

If someone, even without being impressionable and sensitive , at least once went into some pro-government structure during Soviet times, he noticed how high the door was installed at the entrance, if you look for the randomness of this, which all this material is directed at, then the meaning of such a task for the carpenters who installed this large door was probably understandable - to emphasize, but rather to inspire, that he coming in was a simple screw.

In the same Soviet times (and then there were a lot of interesting things, for example, they say that in the 50s men did not pay child support, police officers were punished for misconduct by arrest) all primary needs, such as attraction to the opposite sex, for example , it was recommended to suppress, then it turned out that Freud was kind of right - for some people nothing is suppressed, and is melted into neurosis, especially such a powerful instinct as the reproductive instinct (this once again proves that generalization is unacceptable, since in all people are different, and each needs an individual approach).

This repression is not suitable for everyone, especially those who have a high sexual temperament, which is greater than that of other people. It was not taken into account that everyone’s sexual temperament is different, which one wants more often, others less often, someone rarely, and who doesn’t want anything at all, respectively, and you don’t need to suppress anything.

Now no one is forcing anyone to suppress, well, if he only recommends doing it, the question now arises different - what methods to fulfill your needs, if previously psychological discomfort was formed due to the fact that it is impossible, then now because of the fact that it is possible, but I don’t know how, or not enough time for everything, including the realization of sexual desires and the choice of a partner for this.

Circumstances make people those who are called to ayut good or evil? A test question for someone who considers himself good is if you were told that you can save starving people dying of hunger in a very poor country, but for this you need to get up at 6 a.m. and go to work as a maintenance worker on a construction site, get a little a salary, and such an offer came to you after you worked, sitting in your office and getting a big salary - would you agree to help those who are dying of hunger, or not?

The number of problems is equal to the number of requests, as a rule, the greater the ambitiousness, the more needs, respectively, as a rule, those who require a lot more from life than the rest have problems in such cases so as not to become an unhappy person who tormenting himself and others, to possess certain knowledge and moral and business qualities, which, if they are not there, can be educated in yourself, and most importantly, this can be done with the help of information and knowledge about how and in what ways to fulfill your needs, which others are not or are not so pronounced. Or to know how not to get into a situation in which it will be impossible to satisfy the needs and realize your lifestyle, for example, you need to know how not to go to prison, since there is complete deprivation and, accordingly, the lack of the ability to meet any needs.

Everyone chooses the path to the realization of their interests: if someone loves money and is inclined to earn it in not entirely honest ways, then it would be wise not to swear with anyone, to be kind to everyone, so as not to set anyone against yourself, and then suddenly someone will take and he will tell the competent authorities about the "dark" business, in a word, it is necessary, as the representatives of power structures and biologists say, to mimic the environment. If someone is ambitious and loves to scold, amuse the ambition, then it would be wise to lead an honest lifestyle, so that there is nothing to catch on who will be angry at you because of your scandalous nature, and so if you are clean and if you don’t have a criminal past and present, you can write complaints, criticize and not be afraid of anyone.

Lyrics: by the way, it should be noted that those who are called schizophrenics are ambitious people, because none of them represents themselves as machinists, cleaners, loaders, helpers or plumbers - all of them are either Napoleons or scientists, but those who have imagination more disciplined, those prosecutors - why ambitious people need to be careful?

An example of the absence of large requests is the scientist Perelman (if the author correctly interprets the reason for his refusal of the Nobel Prize, the refusal was due to the unnecessity of a lot of money). Perelman, who worked with the Poincare formula, refused the million dollars awarded to him for his discovery in the field of mathematics. This suggests that this person has a minimum of needs, only science, and such people can only be envied that they can feel psychologically comfortable even without a million dollars. Perelman lives with his mother and is happy with everything, the reason that he did not take the money that was due to him for the discovery (unless, of course, because of his refusal there was some kind of hidden motivation, which is hardly the case), it’s simple, because Perelman is just real ucho n th, which is not interested in all material goods are the meaning of life for most people, since he does not have what is called the weaknesses that have to be met by money. And, as already mentioned about the rich, no one will remember after 100 years, and earthly vanity, as clergymen say, as a rule, does not lead to good, especially those who fuss in the negative sense more than others, in some cases they are waiting for prison and other troubles.

All fools, but only in some things, because someone is a genius in some ways, but a fool in something, and there’s nothing to climb into and where you are a fool, and it’s better to climb where you will be the first thing to climb to where you will be the second? If you think that you are not capable of anything, then remember that you know how and what you like to do, and look for a job where there are those components that you like and what you like to do, and then develop them into sense improve your abilities? Does everything need to be done professionally or not at all? The forbidden road to happiness has long been open, know how to come to it? It’s bad when you demand a lot from life, but don’t know how to come to this much?

Do not forget the tale of A. S. Pushkin about the goldfish, when the old woman wanted a lot, and as a result, an “overdose” of her desires turned out.

An anecdote from the times of the USSR: a man caught a goldfish, she began to fulfill his three wishes, he asked her for an elite car - on, get it, then asked the most beautiful woman in his understanding of beauty - on, get it, then wanted to become a hero of the Soviet Union - He found himself on the battlefield with a bunch of grenades in his hand, and a tank rides on it.

Returning to what was already said at the beginning of this material, it is difficult to satisfy your ambitions when you do not have influential relatives, or you are brought up in a single-parent family, or in general an orphan - such people, as already mentioned, are usually more prone to false beliefs, information about their life, in any case, at a certain stage of their life, as a rule, is biased, distorted, it does not work out in the family, but comes from the street, from advertisements, video clips, where there is a lot that is not comparable with the reality of things happening . Most of the people who grew up in complete families are better adapted to life due to the fact that they had the opportunity to receive objective information about life from their relatives, normal relatives would not advise anything bad, their relatives acted as so-called deprogrammers , filming " noodles with ears ", which is hung on the street, by some media outlets, in some cinema (by the way, at the beginning of each film where there are main negative characters, you need to make an inscription - do not repeat their actions, as this can lead to jail. This is done with master Blenheim tobacco in the movies - warn that smoking is hazardous to health). Also, people who lived without relatives, those who could advise something, saw and received information in advertisements and video clips - unless, of course, these relatives with whom they could live themselves owned this objective information, because there are entire generations of "confused" people who suffered , speaking in youth slang, that false “cargo” that they were “loaded” with in the places indicated above (for example, on the street), and in others.

It’s difficult for ambitious people from single-parent families (not to mention, as they say, from dysfunctional) to realize themselves, if they, of course, are not child prodigies, but ordinary average people - ambition does not disappear anywhere, all unrealized ambitions due to ignorance of the ways to realize them, as a rule, then they are manifested in family scandals, alcoholism, etc., in a word, it’s difficult when you demand a lot from life, and there are no resources, probably, therefore the so-called coding for alcohol dependence does not help the majority, it is based on fear of that if you drink alcohol, it will immediately be bad, no, as doctors say of high-quality remission, the person is in constant fear, and the main task is the psychological comfort of the person, if he is not there, some resort to psychostimulants in the form of alcohol, which is called alcoholism - this is a psychological problem that needs to be solved, it is primary, alcoholism is secondary.



They say that if you went abroad and started a family there, you lose your children, because they speak a foreign language for you, and you are only a migrant worker abroad, if you did not leave with a large amount of money or you were not invited to work there as specialist in any field? What is the Gini coefficient - a statistical indicator of the stratification of society in something? Is the cost of labor different in different places and countries?

Previously, during the Soviet era, a lot of things were “free”, for example, free higher education, cheap gasoline - all those who lived at that time lived under communism, just did not realize this? One of the emigrants, who achieved more than a local resident, reasoned, standing in line at the store, looking at the cashier: “She’s local, she knows the language and hasn’t achieved anything except that I became a cashier, and I’m a newcomer without knowledge of the language , achieved a lot. " Conclusion - a professional in any field knows how difficult it is to do something, and that it won’t work, and therefore doesn’t do it, but the layman doesn’t, so he does everything: self-hypnosis is an important thing? What is the standard of living and why is it called somewhere high and somewhere low? Take home and street cats as an example, respectively, for a home cat, as a rule, the standard of living will be high, but for a homeless cat low? A man does not happen to be the

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