» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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how about the Z objectively in them any information that everyone should solve itself.

We return to the topic of emigration. Measure seven times - once cut off where to emigrate - first you need to think about whether you need to do this at all, and if you decide what you need, then again you need to remember what you can do, why I'm sure that they are waiting for you where you are going to leave so you don’t regret what you did, because you may not be a super specialist in any field, and no one will invite you to work in another country by making a work visa. Before you leave, you need to study the required specialties in the place where you are going.

The main task is to know where to leave and why, are there any prospects and sense of departure, is it not a gamble, is there such a funny expression in one of the Soviet films - “erratic goal”, therefore nobody expects “erratic goal” without money, without proper education, without knowledge of the language (usually technical or medical) nobody needs you abroad what awaits you, so this is work at a construction site or other physical labor that local residents do not want to do, fear of deportation (so how at the moment (2017) very l it is difficult to legalize and obtain a residence permit in any country, or almost impossible at all).

It is necessary to collect information about each country regarding the living standards of local residents, the level and living conditions of emigrants, if it was decided to leave the country of residence. Of course, there are countries with the highest standard of living, large salaries and steep social benefits due to the presence, for example, of oil or the presence of colonies in the past, but it’s unlikely that the emigrant will get there, unfortunately, almost everywhere the authorities worry about their citizens, and then they throw the rest of the bone.

One of the sweetest pieces for expatriates dependent on drugs or alcohol is rich countries where, as already mentioned, there are buses in which they distribute free of charge for the purpose of so-called “humanity” and in order to relieve social tensions and prevent the commission of crimes drug addicts, alcoholics alcohol. The word "homeless", as was said above, in these countries has a completely different meaning than ours. A homeless person there is a person who does not work anywhere and does not live anywhere, a homeless person is purely out of ideological, romantic considerations, such a hippie that does not smell bad. Rich states can afford to prevent some of their citizens from working and looking for the meaning of life before old age, and in connection with this, they take some actions, for example, vagrancy from romantic motives, as the lyric says, rude, but faithful saying - "when a dog has nothing to do, it takes all known hygiene" (it was not on this topic, but I remember how one seller DVD-ROM drive that is after, as I asked him to drive to the old operating system my (it is no longer on sale) and installing it, I replied that I need to find a programmer in glasses with thick glasses, and from which smells bad, and so I will do perfectly well).

Again, let’s recall what has already been said, in order to focus on this, this is an affirmative sentence: for people like vagabonds, in rich countries in many cities of these countries there are shelters or, as they are called differently , shelters where such people during their travels can get shelter, wash, shave, eat, and all this is free, the shelter in question is a bit of a hostel. Rich countries offer such "homeless people" conditions that would seem fabulous: within three or six months, as mentioned, according to media reports, if there are no "riots" into the police in terms of alcohol or drugs, they will be given an apartment in their property, which, again, as already mentioned, they can dispose of, sell, for example. But will the emigrant have such rights, will the authorities and the population want to share a piece of the pie of material goods with him, or is it all for internal use, for those who have the passport of a country considered rich in their pocket?

Some people choose rather ridiculous motives for emigration, for example, everyone is so beautiful and fashionable there, and I am the same or I am the same, so I need to be there, along with the fashionable and beautiful, well, if you talk like that, how do you stand out among fashionable, neat and beautiful, if there is almost everyone there? Then it’s already better to stay where you live so that it is easier to stand out among the local population, you will be the brightest or the brightest, and where there are many bright ones, how can you achieve contrasts with your presence against all the interesting and beautiful?

Needed where was born? Only in the cinema do they show that a girl came from the periphery to the capital, did not go to college, she was met by a rich woman and married - if you are not getting ready or you are not being prepared for your future, you are in danger and you will have big problems in the future , rely only on yourself, is there competition everywhere? A mercenary can "zero" his life - to start it over? Where to go: Foreign French Legion, Bob Dinard and others? To go to serve in the Foreign French Legion, as mentioned above, one desire is not enough, you still need to be suitable in physical and moral-business qualities, so as not to be rejected on passing physical and psychological tests, which are aimed at identifying primarily anxious personalities (simply put cowards) and those who are called psychopathic personalities (individuals who are not used to hardships and overcoming difficulties)? Is a mercenary who creates new administrative-territorial units?

The legal concept of mercenarism is reflected in the criminal codes of various countries.

“We, mercenaries, always learn from each other where some sort of“ mess ”begins, and immediately go there,” the exemplary words of a mercenary from the book “Dirty CIA Work in Africa”, published in the USSR.

“As long as they divide the world, we won’t be left without work,” the exemplary words of a mercenary from one of the Soviet films about intelligence, I don’t remember exactly which of one of these: “Resident’s mistake” (1968, director Veniamin Dorman); “The Fate of the Resident” (1970, director Veniamin Dorman); “Return of the Resident” (1982, director Veniamin Dorman); “The End of Operation Resident,” (1986, director Veniamin Dorman).

But the legion is not at war now, unless its special forces are somewhere on those continents where the world is still divided. You can find out about Bob Dinar on the Internet and from other sources, Bob Dinar was, as they say, a strong-willed guy.

Here we can only say that no one is campaigning for a trip to the Foreign Legion or somewhere else, or for any other actions, it is everyone’s personal business, how to manage your destiny, a trip somewhere is everyone’s personal business, as they said in Soviet times, every master of his own destiny.

So the place where they pay for strong nerves or for fortitude is the Foreign French Legion or the army of any other country. If strong in spirit, can you sell it and your army time? Many people heard about the Foreign French Legion, perhaps even someone was thinking of going there to serve or serving there. If we consider the Foreign Legion on the material side, then as of the beginning of the 2000s, the salary there was about 1000 euros for an ordinary, for a corporal, sergeant, the salary was not much more, on business trips you can earn a couple of thousand more than 1000 euros of an ordinary salary how much more depended on the country to which they were sent, on the political situation in that country, whether hostilities were conducted there and so on. There is, as they say, one acquaintance of a guy who has been serving in the Legion for more than 5 years, received a passport, he began to lack money for his life when his girl came to him, and they had a child, this guy’s mother (in her words) sends to him and his wife to France, sending, that is (according to the guy) for France 1000 euros - is complete nonsense, given the fact that renting an apartment in Paris there, if you make no mistake, costs about 1000 euros.

To go: Aizul (Azul)? Some get into politics only because of going abroad to a “sweet” and “fat” country in terms of living standards? He stole, drank - to a rich country, some specifically call themselves the opposition, so that when a case is brought up for a real crime, it was possible to flee abroad, hiding behind political persecution? Some enter what they call a sect, provoke the authorities to close it, and then also ask for asylum in a country in which the standard of living is higher than in their country?

Wouldn’t it be good - yes, trouble helped, or measure seven times - cut once?

The question is for those who want to go somewhere permanently or permanently: do you have the right psychological qualities for this (do not forget that some companies that invite specialists from other countries have psychological tests)? Indeed, as already mentioned, there are cases when one desire and interest is not enough for some business, and there is also a film that talks about a person who was not suitable for this, he is called "Intergirl", starring Elena Yakovleva, director Pyotr Todorovsky, USSR, 1989, there is no suitable psychological data for emigration of the heroine of the film. And also who is interested in this topic, there is the Soviet drama “Flight 222” (USSR, 1985, director Sergei Mikaelyan). Nowadays, when the borders between states are open, it can be objectively said that the plots of these films are simply propaganda or really the psyche of some responds to emigration as indicated there.

What does it mean that there would be no good, but disaster would help or there would not be happiness, and unhappiness would help, is it true or just complacency? What is happiness - is it when the endocrine system, or, if you don’t make a mistake, the hypothalamus, according to the plan of higher forces for controlling you, releases an increased proportion of hormones in your blood that give a feeling of happiness, and unhappiness is when the same thing happens, just the opposite?

People go to aizul (refugee status) when a real disaster, for example, a war in someone’s country of residence, is not recommended for another reason, it’s very difficult and impossible to apply for asylum recently in the event that you really haven’t “lit up” anywhere in politics or in your homeland no military operations are being conducted. Those who wanted to receive refugee status and did not receive it are extremely angry and disappointed, they say that abroad is not very interesting, you will be hungry to walk and watch the rich local population eat delicious food in cafes and on the streets.

Aizul is a rather old invention, aizul's action can be seen in a fragment from the feature film “The State Border” (USSR, 1980, director Boris Stepanov), when those who were called basmachs caught the border guard and offered him life and living in a civilized country in exchange criticism of the Soviet regime in the foreign press, although at that time the aizul was not, as far as is known, enshrined in international law.

We remember that we can inadequately perceive the situation in the country where we want to leave, because we don’t live there, so we don’t have to think that the country where we are going to go is rich, and something will cross, in rich countries there are places and conditions where the rich live, but there are places and conditions for life where refugees, ayzulyants, as they are called, live. Aizul or azule is translated as asylum, asylum is legally regulated by the Geneva Convention and the 1951 UN

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