» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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unclear whether she was sober or drunk at that moment. Law enforcement agencies were called. The internal affairs officer who came to the call, after listening to the testimony of the above-mentioned girl, thought: “Rejoice that you are harassed by males, albeit with deviant behavior, there are those who can only dream about it (he meant a girl with a cosmetic defect in her face living in his area, whom I remembered at the time of voicing the incident by the girl who was grabbed between her legs). ” This is another point that indicates that laws are adopted on the basis of the psychological component of most people, but is there a minority that dreams of different attention?

Let's start with the so-called everyday life of a serious relationship between a man and a woman (m and f). Earlier, in the 1980s, in some countries, as a rule, in most cases, not everywhere, of course, the following was practiced: if you got married, here's a car from your wife’s parents, an apartment, now this is gone, and this proves that time and place changes people, people have now become different, and relations, accordingly, have changed between them, now married, used a car and an apartment, if they were, got divorced, took everything back from you - both the car and the apartment.

If there is a desire to find an accommodating husband or wife, then you should probably look for her or him in countries with a lower standard of living than in your country of residence, people there are less spoiled of civilizations, which means that more, as they say now, mentally strong (independent or independent). So do male citizens from considered wealthy states, taking wives from poor countries, they usually have feminism in their homeland (remember that, according to media reports, in some countries, feminists, as far as we know, “passed” the law on parliament that an attempt to meet on the street is seen as sexual harassment, but what about the rights of women with a high sexual temperament, among which there are, as a rule, those who dream not only of meeting them on the street, but also that raped - here again, ka the adoption of any law, take into account the interests of the majority of women with low sexual temperament more than high?).

And, of course, family relationships and relationships between m and f or f and m are in most cases the same manipulation as almost all interpersonal relationships.

By the way: if there is a family and a child, and he is not indifferent, you need to monitor your health for the child to teach him everything that you know yourself, because if you do not, then, as already mentioned, he will be taught and manipulated by the street or someone else. You need to monitor your health, sick parents do not need a child, what can they give him?

Relations between m and f, f and m, the creation of micro-revolutions in the mind for subsequent manipulation or without the purpose of manipulation, sexual temperament, etc. - Do you need to study what actions cause certain chemical processes in the human brain, do you need to learn neurochemistry? Different words and actions cause certain neurochemical processes in the majority - because of which, everyone who works with people needs to react correctly to any situation? For many, it all starts with virtual relationships that take place in real life - when someone looks at someone, urging or provoking a potential partner to such actions as acquaintance, but for some this does not work out, and virtual relationships drag out for a long time? Looking at someone is sometimes a way to attract the attention of the opposite sex, when it comes to when a woman looks at a man and vice versa? To make the acquaintance as successful as possible and without negative consequences for the psyche, when self-esteem suffers in case of refusal, you need to get acquainted with someone who looks at you or greets you, by which it is clear that he would never look at you or say hello to you , if you would not be interesting - all this, as a rule, indicates that you are interested in? A European man, unlike an Asian man, is suitable for meeting a woman once and doesn’t do it again if he refuses or is he not? Do not forget another possible reason for refusing to get to know someone - it can be not only because of ambition, fear, lack of sympathy, etc.: the one who does not want to get acquainted can be just the one who is called lesbian or gay? The queen defends the king, like in chess? Everything is explained from a scientific point of view - they choose the most, in the opinion of those who choose, beautiful partners because their children are beautiful, and if the children are beautiful, it will be easier for them to adapt in the environment, because beauty causes trust and attracts attention? To promise - not to marry? We scatter in different directions - a wife in one, a husband in another, do they need someone other than each other, again we look at the statistics of chances to find a new life partner? Every average person wants to be beautiful, because a beautiful person arouses a lot of feelings for himself, including, as already mentioned, trust and that’s why the unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar person lends money to someone he likes, or they choose a seller at the market, who also liked more than other sellers selling the same - again, beauty is credible? Try to ask on the street a small amount of money from the one you consider ugly and the one you think is beautiful, and you will see the difference in attitude to your request, an ugly and beautiful person in your opinion? Someone like pop, someone popeye, someone popovy daughter - does a beautiful person have less chance that he will be refused any of his requests, or has a buyer for each product? Between whom will the family union be stronger - between those who met at a sex party in a rich country, or between those who met in the city under bombing, in which military operations take place? What is more difficult, to be in prison or marriage, or is it the same thing, and there, and there is deprivation? The family is conservatism, and the family does not suit everyone - is it like work that is acceptable for one and unacceptable for another? Just wanting to start a family is not enough, you still need to be suitable for this in terms of moral and business qualities? Do not refuse to meet someone who wants to meet you, because then you can regret it? As already mentioned, they get to know and meet those who are considered average in the sense of their attractiveness, and before those who are considered beautiful, they "show off" and don’t bring matters to relationships? Do not let sexually active people into the family so as not to provoke infidelity? For a sexually temperamental person, one of the most important moments in his life to find a suitable sexual partner?

She fell in love with him for torment, and he for her compassion for him.

Shakespeare, Othello.

Everyone has his own idea of ​​the ideal, everyone loves in everyone what is acceptable to him, for example, I like the representatives of the opposite sex without prejudice and "simple" in character? He walked along the road with a classmate at the institute, he saw a fat girl selling meat at a kiosk, not with a double one, but, as they say, with a triple chin from fat folds on it, a one-year- old asked me to introduce him to her, I thought this is a “joke”, but then he began to meet with her and lived with her, though he himself was not Alain Delon according to my ideas about beauty, so he really was embarrassed when he asked me to introduce her to her? There is a buyer for each product, so you don’t need to be very proud that you consider yourself handsome or beautiful, because the king makes a retinue, you just have tricks from this retinue, who do you like, is everyone retinue different?

Two people are walking in the forest. “Kuma, are you not afraid of me? And then I am like that. ” Time passes and at the exit from the forest the phrase is repeated again: “Kuma, are you not afraid of me? And then I am like that. ” Here the godfather doesn’t stand it and says: “If I knew that you were like that, you would put on your underwear. There were different people on the life path of each, who have different situations, and very exclusive ones. The girl, 33 years old, told the following: she lived with a guy, they had two children, the guy owned three cars, officially didn’t work anywhere, for the whole period of his life together he didn’t give her a cent of money, worked as an unofficial taxi driver at night, traded, again , unofficially, with vodka - he saved up a Mercedes, which he later bought on the expensive "lupato", which he came to eat with his cohabitant or came to his mother for the same. They parted, the guy didn’t drink alcohol, but he didn’t carry money in his family either, he saved up, as already mentioned, an expensive car, he copied everything to his mother. This husband had a second girlfriend, the first one also did not drink alcohol, but was similar in his business and attitude to the family to his first husband - a conclusion: another “undercurrent” was dissected , it was revealed how partially in the region in which I live on this the moment, the origin and availability of expensive cars is explained by someone - it’s either an expensive car for “show-offs” (production of endorphins from the owner of the vehicle), taken on credit, but there is nothing to eat at home, or in this way - through accumulation money at the expense of food from his wife and parents. The unromantic way of making money on an expensive car, although there are some, as they say, are “driven” by the one who has such an expensive car, bought half-starving from the owner or his family, is not critical to the method of acquiring it. Well, in vain, probably, as a rule, in some cases a person in an expensive car has times less money in his pocket than a simple worker, and these are not emotions caused by hostility to the owners of expensive vehicles, this is an experience from personal life, and not only about the owners of expensive cars, but also expensive furniture, which the "rich" are not allowed to sit down with their family members after buying it - so as not to spoil it. Do not believe? Then check yourself, try to borrow money from the owner of an expensive car and at the same time from a worker. Therefore, it is not always necessary to envy someone who has expensive things that you dream about.

There are no really really rich people in most countries of the world at the moment, some “show off” under the rich, sheer half-schizophrenia of ambitious people in order to stand out? And again, the conclusion is that if someone still has wealth, then you need to remember that it or part of it will not immediately become the one who married this rich man, his wealth, do not forget about it, and whether if he gives something in material terms to someone who lives with him, or will not give, this question remains open all the time.

It is very rare (only when a person of the opposite sex inspires him to do it) when a guy or a man dreams of someone from a female giving money in their fantasies, in fantasies of an average male citizen, a meeting alone with the opposite sex, and this has already been said.

Certain chemicals are released into the blood of a person (usually men) when he finds his ideal - do these

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