» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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Convention on Refugees. And of course, better than Karen Dzhangirov, who himself was in the shoes of a refugee and received asylum, no one will tell about the ezul; his book is on the Internet. At interviews, the authorities of the country to which someone who calls himself a refugee came to “untwist” the person who came to the truth.

The homeland is where you feel good, as already mentioned, for those who do not remember: aizul (azul) is translated as a refuge, it can be obtained, as a rule, in any country in the world. To get it, according to international documents, you either need to live in a “hot spot”, that is, in a country where hostilities are being fought, or there must be persecution for political reasons, or for reasons of belonging to those who are called sexual minorities, religious motives.

According to acquaintances, if everything is normal with the past, there’s nothing to go anywhere, as one border guard said, they leave for Aizul, as a rule, those who, for example, have their future crossed out with some kind of diagnosis related to a mental illness, or a sea of ​​convictions, from - for which it’s problematic to get somewhere, or not at home or apartment, in short, who has nothing to lose, and therefore you can try to start everything, as they say, from scratch.

It must be remembered that no matter how difficult it may be at home, there, outside the homeland, it can be even worse in all respects, in any case, to a person who has arrived in a foreign country by aizul from a country where there is at least some kind of civilization, he already will be spoiled by this civilization. As they say themselves, who was an aizulant and returned home: aizul is good to be when you are wanted for a crime in your native country, this fact will keep you there, no matter how sad you are.

According to available information, it’s extremely difficult to obtain asylum at the moment, they say that under the Soviet Union it was extremely simple, everyone who came to ask for asylum was ready to carry on hand (by the way, many who “drank” abroad, not everyone emigrated) and someone, on the contrary, being a person who has not achieved anything at all, who does not have what is called talent, took advantage of the opposition of systems and came out, as people say). Now, all asylum seekers are considered by potential asylum seekers to be economic refugees who want a higher standard of living, rather than political refugees. In order to obtain asylum at the moment, you need to bring with you a sea of ​​evidence, such as an interview in an opposition newspaper, or get recommendations from local human rights activists, or you need to have a lot of documents evidencing persecution with you, another thing is when someone he came to ask for asylum from a country where there is a war, everything is clear, the authorities of the country hosting such refugees have nowhere to go from international law. In the end, some who were denied asylum usually go to the Foreign French Legion because, again, they have nowhere to go, or they come home, but time has already been wasted, especially if they lived abroad for 5 years, and then refused asylum (and this may be).

They say that local residents of some economically developed countries do not want to work in construction sites, factories, all of them have office work or other dustless work that does not affect their ambition, for this they need emigrants to plug “holes” in terms of unskilled labor? Departure by aizul is almost always physical labor in the country to which you came for asylum (if you are not a famous opposition politician), as already mentioned, locals work in offices (or do not work at all, sit on social) who come as workers are waiting at construction sites, farms, factories and factories? Let him ride, they have been waiting there for ten years, or measure it again seven times, cut it once?

On some sites, ayzul is presented as a tour, although ayzul is far from sugar in most cases, no one will just let anyone ready for anything, and living on a poor allowance is not so easy, some who give up on aizul are forced to steal in stores, therefore, it is probably better to be a king in hell than a slave in paradise, although, as a rule, hell is not hell at all, because everything is known in comparison. Nobody intends to share wealth with anyone, so - a living wage will be thrown like bone and enough, and walk hungry, even in the richest country, along the street and watch the locals eat deliciously and drink sweetly in cafes and restaurants, not very interesting?

Why go to aizul for someone who feels uncomfortable psychologically in the host country, as a rule, those who want to leave for psychological reasons, will be 99% guaranteed to feel uncomfortable everywhere, as a rule, this is not a problem in the place of residence?

Craving for the art of the local population of rich countries due to the hard work of someone in the past and present?

Indeed, they say that the population of some rich countries is saturated materially, and now wants spectacles. From a rich life, usually everyone becomes sentimental, musicians and poets appear in more numbers than in poor countries. In a small amount, they are everywhere, by the way, according to the media, it is in rich countries that there are most musical groups, almost every schoolchild or student plays in some group of his own.

As some comrades who left for aizul and returned to their homeland complain, everyone only teaches, but ask someone for money or come to some country that teaches you how to live through your agents of influence, and ask that you be there legalized or granted asylum without evidence of your persecution, here it all begins, here the emigration services will kick you out of this country, as they used to say, like a drunken sailor from a port brothel. They (the authorities of that country, in which someone was striving to leave for a better share) try to cheat on the emotional, but when it comes to selfish, material issues like someone’s legalization in their country, they are not guided by the emotions they want, to be guided by someone, but by pragmatism and mercantile considerations.

In a word, why do they need another “hungry mouth” that receives and lives on their allowance? A regime is included, like the saying “your own, your own, but eat your own bread”, and there are more than enough workers in rich countries at the moment, there are enough emigrants with whom, in terms of physical work, for example, a construction worker helps a civilized person compete it’s very difficult, there are those who work for beggarly wages or for food, like ants, and no one can compete with them as a laborer. What is an aizul or not even an aizul, but emigration in action can be seen in the film “Running”, USSR, 1970, directed by Alexander Alov and Vladimir Naumov, based on the works of Mikhail Bulgakov. Although the events of the 1920s are indicated there, but the film is also relevant to our modernity, after the lapse of time you begin to understand that such films were not quite propaganda, but reflected the real state of things.




Hurry to get a job and earn money for old age and for the education of your children, as in almost every country in the world there is age discrimination - after 45 years it is difficult to find a job? Classes that promote freedom of thinking - a janitor, a helper, a loader - are meditation professions in which, when working, you can immerse yourself in yourself and think about what's interesting and what you like?

The most difficult thing is to serve and work for the government, do you need a person with a minimum of instincts and emotions, like pilots and train drivers? Is it easier in the civil service for someone who has a business or a second job? Does the government need people who are fully included in reality, and they are not distracted from this by phobias, neuroses, and harmful and not harmful addictions? Emotions and instincts interfere with work - then you need to find a job where it is welcome? Everything is built simply - those who a priori have what are called weaknesses, contain through taxes those who do not have weaknesses or their minimum, for example, military, civil servants, scientists or astronauts? Civil servants should not have much that is considered weaknesses (for the opposite sex, alcohol, self-promotion in the form of flaunting their personal lives, etc.) - can they be fired for this? Turn into work or in making money what you are ready to do for the sake of endorphins, that is, out of sheer enthusiasm, and not for the sake of money? Passing with ionarny ethnogenesis - a certain percentage of people in society who are able to change something? “Never take a vacation. Why do you need it? If work is not fun, then you are not working where you need it, ”the words attributed to billionaire Donald Trump.

Indeed, serving the majority of governments is probably the most difficult task, you have a minimum of free time and a maximum of various hardships, you, as a rule, should always be “in the wings”, that is, so that always what is called the state can use you , for this, for those who choose to serve the state, for example, in the role of a military man, they build barracks, and therefore you must first of all be suitable for such a service in terms of your qualities, and one desire for the service is not enough. So the profession must be chosen not only at will, but also take into account your capabilities.

Lyrics: while working at a construction site, I saw a fly flying into the room and beating through the window, although next to the window where she knocked with her head to fly out, there was a second open window, it was only worth flying to the fly to the open window, and the problem was solved, which means that indeed there is always a way out of any situation, you just need to be able to find it.

Dismissal from work can be compared with such a phenomenon in astrophysics as a black hole (do not forget that everything has both cons and pluses - where it disappeared, it arrived, this is an indisputable fact) when the planet explodes and a supernova forms, etc. e. a new cosmic body, a black hole (with which such a phenomenon as dismissal can be associated) attracts everything that is nearby, and from this material a new planet is born. Dismissal is not such a terrible thing, because the end of the old is the beginning of something new, remember the "supernova" star formed from a black hole after the explosion of an old planet. You don’t have money, but you have your own free time that you used to sell to your employers, you can solve your problems, you can start to study on your own (it’s not without reason that monks and clergy are considered smart, this is because they have the opportunity to constantly study )

When looking for work, activity is important, only activity will bring it closer to the desired result. When employing, you need to take into account factors such as location (city, country) and time of stay (year), as they say, you need to be at the right time at the right place, these factors are always taken into account by the business - they produce and sell what is in demand for this the moment, so, in principle, in the writing sphere - the works on actual topics in the country are most in demand (they are different in each country).



At the interview, and not only at it, but in life, there are people who are trying to put you in an

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