» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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awkward position, for example, by what is called humiliation, humiliating you - in this way they catch a “buzz”, that is, they get from it a portion of endorphins, but as soon as the interview ends, you become the master of the situation, since you can find out all the shortcomings of the institution whose representatives conducted a sadistic interview with you and signal this in a form convenient for you? The main thing is not to be afraid of anything new, change professions and look for your own? Interviews and interrogations are similar: a guide to conducting interrogations in war and non-war time - is there such?

They pay as a fool, they ask how smart.

(A proverb whose author is unknown)

“I heard such nonsense, next to which it is an explanatory dictionary,” - the words of the queen from the cartoon “Alice through the Looking Glass”, filmed by the writer Lewis Carroll, director Efrem Pruzhansky, 1982, USSR.

“To stay in place, you need to run headlong, and to move forward, you need to run twice as fast,” - the words of the queen from the cartoon “Alice in Wonderland”, based on the work of writer Lewis Carroll, directed by Ephraim Pruzhansky, 1982, THE USSR.

If there is no specifics in the conversation, if the employer does not go to a discussion about wages, and starts from his side, instead of answering your questions, the lyrics are in the form, as they say empty talk, "pouring water" or "rolling cotton wool" (for example: "here I am you’ve earned so much in your years ”or“ we start a relationship of mistrust with you ”), then you can be sure that this is called“ sharaga ”or“ sharashkin’s office ”, and if someone gets it money, then only the one who is the leader of this "sharaga".

During employment, the author went to an interview with several employers at once in order to choose the most suitable one, which, however, the employers themselves do when they are searching for an employee - they invite several applicants at once and choose, in their opinion, the best one.

I asked the following questions to the person conducting the interview: what is the design for employment, the contract or the contract, asked if there is a salary part and its amount, and everything that concerns, as is now customary to say, motivation, did they previously have an employee of the position that they are looking for a person, if he was, then why quit, if someone worked before me, then I was interested in how much he managed to earn per month, working conditions, at the end of the conversation he said “Well then” and specified when You can find out if I suit them or not.

At the interview, the main thing is not to indicate that there was a bad or dumb boss or there were poor working conditions, you need to refer to the fact that there was a small salary, so I left the previous place of work or company or company, and therefore I’m looking for a new place.

And what to do when you were about to be fired for a negative article? One employer said the following: he wanted to dismiss the employee for negative reasons, to which the employee told him that he was “being dragged out” by the courts, and this helped, the employer was afraid of “hemorrhoids”, and no one was fired, as the people say, “according to the article ".

What about job search? Here you need to show all the accumulated life experience of communicating with people and choose the right line of behavior along with the information provided about yourself to the employer. And the most important thing is activity in all respects, including, of course, the search for work, do not be afraid to be imposed on the employer, within the framework of the reasonable, of course, do not be disappointed in the unsuccessful first interview, and in the second, and third, and fourth, and, perhaps, even in the fifth, experience appears in how to make the right impression on the employer, and over time you understand what he wants to hear from you. How to build your legend ? For example, he, the employer, wants to hear from you that you increased production or sales in your past work, you need to say that you increased volumes in your past work and expanded the market, increased the number of customers - in case of an interview for a position For example, a sales representative (depending on which position is interviewed), and most importantly - not to worry, it's not professional, is also not recommended to smile all the time, some employers are experiencing from this irritation, and in a complementary of soft-touch, you can impress a man. You need to conduct yourself as naturally, calmly as possible, imagine, for example, that you already have a job, and you are looking for a second one, or something better than an old job, but it’s better to already have a job in real life and look for a second one, the availability of work makes it possible to behave confidently in an interview when looking for a second job. You need to talk a lot and intelligently about yourself without pauses.

If it is not possible to get information about the employer from someone or from somewhere (about his solvency, for example), or the job is such that it allows you to get a job at once for several companies or organizations, then it is advisable to use it and get in as many institutions and enterprises, at once to several companies: come to get a job with one employer, then another and choose the best or the best (if you do not mind working in two jobs and if the work allows it) in the end, because you are no worse than the employer - he chooses the best of all who came for an interview, and you choose one of the best of all who invited you for an interview.

A bad entry in the work book - you can throw the book away, say that you worked in another country, now decided to return home, that they say that the personnel department can check your last job on the insurance card, nonsense, nobody will do it , the probability is very small, although the HR department can do this, but some HR departments do not know where to go to find out about your past work place, this is tested by experience.

If you haven’t worked for a long period of time after leaving your last job, it doesn’t matter either - he was earning money in another country, but then you understand what the employer will think, he knows that migrant workers, as a rule, do not make entries in the labor book .

Why did he come back from where he worked as a guest worker? The answer is tired of lodging in rented apartments, or you can say that you decided to find an official job at home, with a note in the work book so that you have seniority, or come because of a change in marital status or pay little for work.

At the interview, you need to ask specific questions to get specific answers, we emphasize once again - specific, don’t listen to relatives or people who advise you to keep a sense of tact - strong tact is superfluous, at the interview you need to specify the amount of wages, ask for what reasons the person who worked for you at your potential place where you are going away leaves work (as a rule, you can hear the answer from most employers that he left for another place of residence). If the employer is doing fine, you will hear logical, adequate answers from him, but if the employer starts to “load”, “bug” and go away, say something not like some examples from his personal life, then something it’s not so, and don’t be afraid that you will not be hired because of your direct questions, again, if the employer is normal in terms of solvency, then your questions will not alert him, if there is no money to pay salaries, he will be afraid of you to take to work. Now, as some say, everyone is "Americanized."

By the way, according to the media, Eastern Europeans are more similar in their psychological mentality to US citizens than to Western European citizens, again, according to the media, in Western Europe the level of psychological tension is much lower than in Eastern Europe and than in the United States of America, there is no such rhythm, everything is quiet, measured, calm.

Let us repeat that when asked why he left his previous place of work or past places of work, you need to answer that there was a small salary or promised a big salary, but you gave a small salary, but in no case do you need to say that you didn’t like that, that the chief is a fool, well, etc., in such a plane of criticism, this has already been said. You don’t need to be afraid that they will call the management from their former job in order to make inquiries, even if they characterize them negatively from the previous place of work, you need to remember that everything can be interpreted in a way that is advantageous for yourself, for example, to say that the leadership is simply evil for me due to the fact that I quit, it promised me that it would give such characteristics in relation to me. You need to remember the saying: everyone has their own truth.

One acquaintance said that you can ask your friend to give you a description by phone to your new boss, let him (a friend) introduce himself as your former boss when they call his phone number (you can give your employer a phone number to he gave a characterization). And one more thing: you never need to go for an interview drunk or after drinking, if the employer smells what is called “fumes”, then even if you are smarter or more interesting for the employer than others who came for the interview, you still won’t be taken to work, and you lost to your competitors in employment.

For everything that you planned to do, there should be a social request, maybe it will not be at that moment at which you did what you did, but then it will be like some artists and writers who appreciated works after their life ? Do not put all the eggs in one basket - the basket will fall, and the eggs will break (there must be two or more works - they will be fired from one job, the other will remain), is the presence of several works a person the guarantor of his calm life? There must always be several jobs or one job and your own business, does this allow you to feel confident ? The psyche does not accept any conditions of existence, in this case related to work, then you need to find a job that does not need to "break" yourself? Learn, otherwise you won’t find a job called prestigious, you don’t study, you are tempted to play on the computer - turn on the Internet what you need to learn, listen and play on the computer at the same time? First find yourself, create what is called a “money hitch”, get an education - only then create a family? Be prepared for the second half of life, think about the future, do not get carried away by what are called complaints, do you spend time on making money for old age, get an education? An athlete’s drama is what some of the athletes face, because after 30 years, some have ended their sports career? Do you need to invest in risky projects in youth, since there is no longer an age resource for correcting erroneous actions?

Work for those who are called migrant workers in the metropolis. (The situation as of 2009.)

Well, when you are not looking for work, but she you? Without work, do some feel flawed? If you are not a programmer and not an IT

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