» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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same, throughout his life he changes - what do you need now, then you will not need it? Is a man born again throughout his life? Dzerzhinsky was right: a person is unstable, he changes from birth to death, and generalization is appropriate here - all without exception, not just some, only to varying degrees?

As the ancient Romans said, the Motherland is where you feel good, or, as someone said, it is better to be a king in hell than a slave in paradise.

Some states solve the problems of their citizens themselves. Yes, in some countries the standard of living is quite high, but in what ways was this high standard of living achieved? Some of the countries had their colonies on different continents - this is one of the main reasons for wealth, the exception is probably only those states where a high standard of living due to the availability of oil, and not because of the presence of colonies or for other reasons unknown to the author.

Whether a high standard of living always brings benefits in terms of psychological comfort for people, as they say in this case, whether pampering in the family will benefit is a moot point, for politicians in rich countries it’s good, social peace (they say that in some rich countries, according to the media if you are not married, you can visit the brothel for free a certain number of times for a certain period of time, you can, if you are on social security benefits, receive any medications for free, etc.), everyone gets what they want. They also say that in the same countries with a high standard of living there are buses for drug addicts, where they will give an injection to withdraw, alcohol buses, where you can, with a hangover, relieve withdrawal symptoms, on the one hand, this is humane and relieves social stress, no one He doesn’t steal or rob in order to “inject” drugs or drink alcohol, but on the other hand, is it really good when the very fact of drug addiction and alcoholism is confirmed with such humanity, which contradicts the rules of healthy lifestyle?

Until you become a parent yourself, for some it’s cool, but then you don’t want your child to walk past such buses, as Felix Dzerzhinsky used to say, a person does not happen to be the same, as he grows up, he changes. The media report that in some countries that are economically well-fed, the concept of “homeless” will cause the indigenous people to use other words from our associations, where a homeless person is simply a person who does not work anywhere and does not have a permanent residence, who is homeless on the basis of his personal convictions, adventurer, he does not fight for survival, all conditions are provided for the bombing: shelters, private, public, free food, that is, the state waits until he, as they say, grows older, outgrows this whim.

Although in poor countries social housing is provided, and this is a higher status than a night shelter, but, unfortunately, there is not enough money in the budget to give social housing to everyone who needs it, so, homeless people (and homeless people, as already mentioned, as a rule, there, among the rich, these are young people, romantics, such hippies), according to the media, in the same rich countries, for example, if he, a bum, a “donkey”, calmed down in some social institution and decided to end his romantic pastime associated with travel and vagrancy, t. e. , "interrupted he had a crush ”, psychologically matured (by the way, in the USA the perfect years come at the age of 21), the state can provide him with property if he doesn’t have“ drugs ”or alcohol for a certain period of time, he will be checked by the police twice a month, and if everything is ok - get housing that you will own and which you have the right to dispose of, you can, for example, sell it.

The world is predatory, do some politicians in rich countries artificially dilute the predatory environment with generous social packages to relieve social tension, spoiling the population and making it incapable of survival in emergency situations?

In fact, the population of some rich states is currently rich not only because of the presence of colonies in the past or the availability of minerals, because if the state is rich, this does not mean that the population should be rich either, something should make the government rich countries and just rich people living in these countries, share wealth with the population, so the population (namely the population, countries were already rich, in which the population lived and lives) of the above rich countries became rich thanks to creatures the geopolitical rivals of their states (some states became rich due to their colonies or due to the presence of large quantities of minerals, and the population became rich due to the presence of what is called multipolarity), and this is why: according to the media, those who had a lot of money, and this is the elite of rich countries, they were afraid to lose money and their status. The rich realized that it was necessary to share a bit, to give part of their money to the population, and were not mistaken, the revolution in connection with this forced act of philanthropy in the rich countries did not work, the so-called rich proletariat was formed, which the rich and formed for their own peace, the proletariat was satisfied and strongly, as they say, did not twitch, there was no reason for the population to go on strike, because they shared with them.

But the guarantor of the wealth of the population of rich countries, which was a multipolar world, fell apart, the world temporarily became monopolar, some rich states lost their geopolitical competitors, and they had nothing more to fear, and they say that in this regard, some rich countries have a high standard of living collapsed, and here, so to speak, the spoiled population, many of whom didn’t work anywhere, but sat on generations for social benefits (grandfather, father, son, nowhere worked, it became hard). The allowance, as a rule in some rich countries, is neither large nor small, you can keep sitting on it, the average standard of living.

According to the media, in some countries that are considered wealthy, most young people are interested in not being hired anywhere to continue to sit on the “social” (so-called social benefits), an example of what was said, again, according to the same media: a girl comes in a country that is considered rich, to get a job from a employment service in a cafe and does everything to prevent her from taking it - she complains that she will travel far and travel to work will be expensive, the owner of the cafe says she will buy her in this regard the bicycle, the girl replies that she does not know how to ride it, then the cook will bring you a car, the cafe owner says to the girl, to which the girl also has the answer that she is afraid to ride alone with men in the car, as a result the cafe owner writes to her in papers from the employment center that she did not suit her. After all, if, again, to believe the same media, in rich countries it’s more profitable not to work anywhere, since taking into account deductions from wages and taxes, etc., those who work have almost the same amount of income as those who receive social benefits without working anywhere, this is such nonsense.

There are psychological tests for the ability to adapt to life in another country, some foreign companies use these tests to invite the specialist they need from another country, for example, air carrier companies that invite pilots from their country of residence to their work in their organization.

It must be admitted that many do not have immigration, even if there is a “golden cage”, and therefore, as far as we know, the above tests are also used to recruit volunteers for service in the Foreign French Legion, for example, one guy who has already served in the Foreign Legion was sent of overseas trips back to France for a medical examination with the wording "not suitable for external operations", he must have been there, outside of France, not very psychologically comfortable - this is precisely the case when parnyaga of those to to consider and call too impressionable and susceptible to such exploits as a service outside the country of residence and even, perhaps, in a country where military operations are conducted.

In general, ideally, if you immigrate for a long time, you should not have any emotional attachments like love, etc., be prepared for various hardships, in a word, you must be a very strong spirit or a sixteen or eighteen year old person, an age when he does not hold anything anywhere , and in general, when moving, the psyche should be almost like that of an astronaut. Why many were unable to adapt, do not stand it and return back to their country, even having the citizenship of some of the coolest countries in terms of living standards and social packages, so take it on my own so as not to fall when walking.

It is necessary to take into account that different laws are different in different countries, in some countries women cannot walk without a scarf, in some they cannot walk without anything, in some women they cannot drive a car, polygamy is allowed somewhere, polygamy is prohibited somewhere, in some states, an attempt to get to know a woman is perceived as sexual harassment, in others not. Therefore, we do not forget that the laws of any country stem from the psychological component of the population, if people are psychologically comfortable with certain, so to speak, psychological values, respectively, and the laws will be aimed at protecting these values ​​(by the way, this was already mentioned at the beginning of the material, but we will repeat: the task of some services in some countries is to educate the population of countries - geopolitical opponents in such a way that they begin to feel uncomfortable within the laws of their home country, and not only services, for example if you are a millionaire, then you yourself can take part in educating the population of a state by giving money grants formally or informally to the person you hired to educate the population, so that he or they educate people in the right direction for you, for example, as a millionaire who, according to the media, created a feminist movement, which, as the same media say, promoted the law that an attempt to meet a man with a woman should be interpreted as sexual harassment).

An exception to those who are not comfortable with the laws of their country may be, as previously mentioned, people with behaviors that are not generally accepted in any country, some of which are called maniacs or bandits, for example, someone feeds a homeless kitten, one day he comes, and the kitten that he fed lies dead, after it turns out that the child killed him, and if such a child is not subjected to what is called psychocorrection or if he does not outgrow this behavior, then he will be in prison or moving from his country to country, where such behavior will not be punishable if such a country exists and if, again, it does not “outgrow” such behavior or it will not be corrected by psychologists or by the people themselves (in the 1980s, during my youth, psychocorrection was carried out by physical action, the perpetrator was beaten in the face they said that it was nonsense, and when there was blood from the nose or lips, they said that it was nonsense). The teenager who killed the kitten will be unhappy himself and make others unhappy, he will suffer and torment others, living in his native country. Remember that the person is very plastic material, from any possible fashion that you like, despite his tendency psychogenetically, so they say modern scientific films, and

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