» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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keys to the unconscious. He understood what the drama of the human soul is and what is needed for its healing. We offer you 18 Freud’s tips that will guide you on the right track, help you remove anxiety and better understand yourself.

The mystery of the human soul lies in the mental dramas of childhood. Get to the bottom of these dramas and healing will come.


A person is recovering by “unleashing” his sexuality.


The only person with whom you must compare yourself is you in the past. And the only person you should be better than is you now.


You do not stop looking for strength and confidence outside, but you should search in yourself. They were always there.


Without a doubt, the problem of anxiety is the nodal point of many critical issues; solving the riddle of anxiety will shed a stream of light on the whole mental life of a person.


Neurosis is the inability to bear uncertainty.


In a love relationship, you can not spare each other, as this can only lead to alienation. If there are difficulties, they must be overcome.


Unfortunately, repressed emotions do not die. They were silenced. And they from the inside continue to influence the person.


Nothing happens by chance; everything has a root cause.


In a certain sense, what we call happiness happens as a result of (preferably unforeseen) satisfaction of a long time of pent-up needs.


A man who was the undisputed favorite of his mother, throughout his life carries a sense of winner and confidence in luck, which often lead to real success.


A dream never deals with trifles; we do not allow the insignificant to disturb us in a dream. Outwardly innocent dreams turn out to be not harmless if we deal with their interpretation; so to speak, they always have a "stone in the bosom."


Depression is frozen fear.


How courageous and self-confident is one who becomes convinced that they love him.


People find the reality unsatisfactory and therefore live in a fantasy world, imagining themselves the fulfillment of their desires. A strong personality translates these desires into reality. The weak lives in this world of her own, and her fantasies are embodied in the symptoms of various diseases.


Being completely honest with yourself is a good exercise.


Loafers rarely go to a busy person - flies don’t fly to a boiling pot.


Only the realization of a childhood dream can bring happiness.

Some especially temperamental men with high sexual temperament are upset not finding temperamental women, but there are quite a lot of them (though less than temperamental men), they just need to be found and no one should complain that they are difficult to find. After all, those who were formerly called homosexuals, and now they are called gays, are not easy at all, they cannot just approach someone on the street and get to know each other. The temperament is different even in animals, on tablets for suppressing sexual desire, sold in pet stores, there was an inscription: "The dosage of so many tablets depending on the temperament of the animal." Some even with high sexual temperament, single women do not give themselves away for a long time to a man who is interesting to them, fearing that after that he will abandon her, since he will lose interest in her, how true is this? After all, there are cases when a man, on the contrary, was looking for that woman who surrendered to him immediately and disappeared after that - there is no universal recipe for holding someone back , if a woman was “hooked” on a man, it does not matter when she surrendered to him or when to surrender?

When meeting someone, in order to start a conversation, one may ask if the girl is married, for example: “Hello, girl, are you married? I want to meet you. ” If not, then you can continue the conversation with the question: “Do you have a boy?” Or “Are you friends with married people?” Are you dating? ” The main thing is that there should be no pauses in communication, as in other cases of dialogue, whether it be a conversation with the employer at an interview or something else?

As already mentioned, if a man is married, then, as a rule, he will have to forget about the female attention of unmarried women, these women, as a rule, are only interested in unmarried women, some men begin to understand this with age and introduce themselves to single women when they meet free women, so that the woman was more accessible sexually.

Although the following phrases “cut off” the hearing, in certain cases when communicating with each other , some use the following nouns (sometimes together with other parts of the speech, such as “Hello, Kotya”), causing, in their opinion, mutual sympathy: little hare, little squirrel, a mouse, a kitten, a lapule, a cat, a kitten, a kitten, a baby, a baby, a darling, etc., but there isn’t much need for “sweet”, or will he begin to feel sick? Sometimes everything will look vulgar and ridiculous, which does not bring the desired result closer to arouse interest, in general you need to act on the circumstances, given what the person with whom you are communicating is his social status, profession, and so on.

Using the methods of influencing each other in the relationship between m and f, do they know those who use them?

One of them - creation of fixation on you, as an example earlier races meters atrivaemaya sexualization of Property: emphasizing the figure leggings, pants on the girl with a big zipper on the fly - that can occur with some those who are called impressionable people male (and a man like how is more impressionable than women)? With someone who talked to the person who wears such trousers, fixation, fixation can occur, no matter how ridiculous it sounds, for example, on a fly lock? Simply put, this moment, some people who are predisposed to fixing their identities will remember for a long time, especially if the person who wore such trousers was cute for the person who talked to him (“... undress, go out naked, they’ll fill their thoughts your body ... ”is the song of the Nautilus Pompilius group, one political scientist in his methods of non-violent struggle takes one of the points into account the tendency to fixation in some part of society, he suggests publicly undressing). Persons prone to fixation are probably predisposed to self-flagellation, recalling the negative moments in their lives, although everyone has negative moments, but everyone solves the problems differently about this, this is said in this work.

Recalling one of the points of the methods of the so-called non-violent struggle from the book of one political scientist, namely the item "public undressing", we can say that this action - public undressing - in non-violent struggle (psychological warfare) is designed specifically to form fixation on a naked or half-naked body, with you can write a slogan on the body, and those who are called impressionable personalities will remember not only this body, but also what was written on it, which was necessary for the one who organized the action with a naked body inscriptions on it. The naked body in this case is used to introduce any ideas, including political ones. It has already been written above that whoever knows the Nautilus Pompilius group heard the song where it is sung: "... undress, go out naked, their thoughts will fill your body ...". Broadcast ideology through sexualization - public undressing. Sexualization also occurs through the sexualization of computer game characters. To attract attention, some resort to sexualizing themselves by posting candid photos on dating sites, for example, on dating sites.

Thus, using the analysis method, one can explain every point of the methods of the so-called non-violent struggle of a book by one political scientist, namely, what each point is designed for: the point of public undressing and demonstration of delights, which it is designed for, it’s already clear what the item “accusation” is calculated for, for example accusing ”, it’s also clear, you blame those who accuse you, you change your status of the accused to the status of the victim, victims of the accusers.

Illiterate Internet messages sent to the opposite sex are not sexual, but literate are sexual? Fear and desires go side by side? Overwhelming emotions before meeting hinder getting to know each other? Beautiful ones should remember that some of them not only want them sexually, but they are also afraid, and therefore, if they build themselves inaccessible, it may not work at all in the sense of acquaintance with the opposite sex? Fear prevented many from realizing their desires, but now talking about something else, sexuality is concentrated not only on what people are used to judging about sexuality - is the naked body also not quite sexy, and in beautiful lingerie more sexy? Take in husbands or wives any of the power structures, astronauts or doctors - should they undergo psychological testing for psychological stability?

Once again, if you do not lie and tell everyone only the truth, society will collapse, and the one who is called an independent person (a person who cannot feed himself, or who is called an addict, an alcoholic), is forced to deceive and intrigue in order to survive or feel comfortable?

I heard one dialogue on the street: “Let's not forget that when communicating with someone, if you set yourself the task of impressing who you are communicating with and if you succeed (by creating micro-revolutions in your opponent’s mind, open it to him eyes on any circumstances), then after that you also need to save the state of trance into which you entered the one you were in dialogue with, unless, of course, you need it, or you don’t take time and do what you wanted to do after that as he introduced into the trance of the interlocutor (if there was or appeared motivation), and ache, he may withdraw from it, since the introduction of the resource into a trance opponent is exhausted, it will no longer give the impression it will have nothing to do, there is no information for the new micro-revolutions in the minds of the source, and the source grows and changes. "

No need to rush to part with anyone, if the one you want to part with is at least pretty, can you establish a new status for anyone at any time? It is better not to become attached to each other if there is no opportunity then to meet? By the way, the handwriting is the same for almost all women, and therefore, if you believe that the character of a person can be determined by handwriting, then almost all women are the same or almost the same? Does human sexual thinking also influence thinking and behavior? As the phrase from someone’s verse says, it’s impossible to harness a horse and a trembling doe in one team - or is it different in interpersonal relations and vice versa?

Women react to male behavior the same way in different parts of the world, just as their desires are similar to men, for example, women drive drunk husbands out of the house, apparently they were programmed so that children would not be injured if there is a family, however, and in men, desires in most cases also coincide, if we talk about most men and women?

ATTENTION, this is an affirmative sentence: the dialogues below, like all this material, do not have the goal of promoting anything, the dialogs simply express the physiological and psychological needs of some and the ways that some go to meet these needs, as literature expresses the behavior of some people, while also having no purpose of propaganda of anything.



Unisex time - everyone began to express themselves more clearly and openly, including in front of the opposite sex: they do not like my frankness - pass by, then you're not for me? I was told that there are a lot of inadequacies and charms on the Internet - is unusualness both attractive and repulsive? I won’t marry him, because the fortuneteller has guessed that I will live badly with him - many are afraid that they will have to face difficulties? With the help of some photos in social networks, a gloss is catching up - like “look how everything is fine with me”? You are just tired of impotent women, how tired of impotent women are

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