» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

Book online «Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗». Author Alexander Borodin

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significant differences in the laws of different states of the USA, people do business - again , we will interpret it on the relationship between m and f, those men who do not like the fact that in one country women took the position that they need to spend money financially, can go to another country where women have taken a feminist position and will never allow a man to pay for it, for example, in a restaurant or cafe? B to do something married man in some countries (because where there is feminism, everything can be different) between the ages of 30 to 40 years, when the reason for the use of their alcohol in dangerous for life and health amounts is what is called the crisis average age - when women do not give such attention to men as men had before, when women almost do not render it, and if they do, then, as the men themselves say, only for money? As the women themselves say, a woman, if everything is normal in her family, will not change - what does it mean when a married woman looks at you often and for a long time, as a rule, this means that she wants to change her husband or she doesn’t at all lives and seeks a new husband or man - how to correctly understand the signs sent by a woman to a man, and are they signs at all, and not just like that?

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: the following correspondence for persons who have reached the age of majority, which, as it is believed, makes it possible to take everything critical and not to perceive any information as its possible line of behavior.

ATTENTION, this is an affirmative sentence: age restrictions - all of the following correspondence for citizens who have reached the age of majority, due to the fact that the correspondence has a sexual theme.

Here is a dialogue, the beginning of acquaintance on the Internet in one of the social networks with a girl from a European country, whose age is 35 years old (data that a girl is from a European country, and that she is 35 years old, can be both objective and not objective, age and country were indicated on its page, spelling and punctuation of correspondence left in the original).

Due to the fact that the author does not have a large resource of time and material resources for the correction of the following correspondence in social networks, the correspondence was not corrected carefully, in connection with which the author apologizes and also requests to determine by the semantic meaning where the author’s words and where words of the one with whom the dialogue takes place:

6 days ago hello

Privet :)

U menja podrugavMinske! :))

4 days ago

Hi, cool, so maybe meet

3 days ago

Konechno, v zhizni vsje vozmozhno :) Kak tvoi dela, chem. zanimajewjsja? :)

3 days ago

I work as a sales representative

3 days ago

Ti davno obwajewjsja nasajtah znakomstv? :)

3 days ago

With large intervals on dating sites

3 days back

Vstrechajewj devuwek, poetomu intervali? :)

3 days ago

You know, probably yes, I even fell in love with one, she is from Turkey

3 days ago


3 days ago Ichtoteperj, razljubil? :))


2 days ago

Togda u tebja nastohawije chuvstva ... Tak vi vmeste? Neponjala.

2 days ago

no not together

2 days ago

Da, ti nemnogosloven ... Mozhem negovoritj ob etom, esli ti nehochewj :)

2 days ago

What can I say, in May there will be two years we have known her, she is a difficult person, she has been living in Turkey since childhood, she has been working as a translator, she is 35 years old, has not been married, has no children

2 days back

Tak ti hochewj s kem-to poznakomitjsja ili tebe prosto obwenija ne hvatajet?

2 days ago

Depends on a situation

2 days ago

Prosto, kogda serdce zanjato, tam net mesta drugim chuvstvam, tak mne kazhetsja :)

2 days back

A ja hochu vstretitj cheloveka, svojego ljubimogo i dorogogo :)))

2 days ago

Yes, the Internet gives such an opportunity

2 days ago

All the girls so want

2 days back

A parni ne hotjat? :)

2 days ago

Probably only with those whom they already love, so they only want to fall in love

2 days ago Most, not all

Yemko i po suwestvu !!!

2 days ago

Politics old, sex guys, relationship girls

2 days back

Devuwki tozhe seksa, no cherez otnowenija :)))

2 days ago

Also capacious)

2 days ago

What do you like in sex by the way

2 days ago

Mne .., eto ne vazhno.

2 days ago

Kak ponravitjsja parnju, kotoromu 32 goda s kotorim ochenj horowee obwenije. On prosto ne zavjet na svidanije. Vse zavut, a on - net !!! Daj sovet :)))

2 days ago

I don’t understand, do you want to meet a guy?

2 days ago

Ja sama ne znaju !!! :) Mne voobwe malo kto nravitsja, hozhu na svidanija, no chuvst ne voznikajet, mne kazalosj eto budet kak-to prowe :) Prosto ja podumala, ti daleko, mi vsje-ravno ne vstretimsja :) pisatj i sprawivatj chto hochewj :)))

2 days ago

I don’t understand. Do you want to meet someone?

2 days ago


2 days ago

Well, what's the matter?

2 days ago

Call up and meet

2 days ago

Ja ne znaju kak sebja vesti! On menja ne zovjet nikuda! Mi milo obwajemsja v nete :) Vsje obsuzhdajem. On schitajet menja ochenj krasivoj i td, no ...

2 days ago Communicating ?

2 days ago

Do you want a relationship with him?

2 days ago

Da, mesjaca 2: (Zabitj ego?

2 days ago

How the soul lies, you can forget, but you can not

2 days ago

As you want

2 days ago

Ja bila zamuzhem 15 let, potom roman 1.5 goda. :) Mne hochetsja chuvstvovatj, a ne podstraivatjsja :)

2 days ago

As the soul lies, act as you want, without asking anyone for any advice.

2 days ago

no one

2 days ago

Eto kak “Master i Margarita” ... nikogda nichego ne prosite, osobenno u teh, kto siljnee Vas ...

2 days ago

Do not listen to garbage

2 days ago

Da ja ne sluwaju!

2 days ago

The Master and Margarita Political Work

2 days ago

You are your own authority

2 days ago

Ja sluwaju toljko sebja i mamu, inogda, no redko ... :)))

2 days back

U tebja estj deti?

2 days back


2 days back

Ti bil zhenat ili tak poluchilosj?

2 days ago

A person has several components: intellectual, emotional and physical, they always fight among themselves creating chaos in the soul)

2 days ago

I'm married now

2 days ago

Pochemu oni ne mogut mirno sosuwestvovatj? :)

2 days back

Ja v woke, ti zhenat i ljubiwj druguju :)

2 days ago

Don't worry about me 2 days ago

Net, neserdisj, pozhalujsta, ja ne bespokojusj.

2 days ago

They can coexist peacefully, intelligence is used to satisfy the emotional and physical

2 days ago

U menja ljegkij i dobrij harakter :)

2 days ago

Do you want to return to your husband?

2 days back

Ja ne uhodila ot nego.

2 days ago

You are married and live together

2 days ago

Mi ne ljubim drug druga, on prinjal rewenije - i uwjel, potom vernulsja, no uzhe svjazj bila uterjana i mi rasstalisj okonchateljno.

2 days ago


2 days ago

You need to take a pragmatic approach to the issue of relationships in your years

2 days ago

You're beautiful

2 days ago

Take advantage of this)

2 days ago

If you need it of course

2 days ago

Ja izbalovana muzhskim vnimanijem, hotja ponimaju, chto posle 40 ja uzhe ne budu tak vigljadetj :) U menja 2 detej i sobaka.

2 days ago

are you dating anyone now?

2 days ago

Uzhe 4 mesjaca kak net.

2 days ago

And your new guy, what are you talking to him about?

2 days back

Na raznije, no tojko ja takaja ochenj prilichnaja s nim.

2 days ago

Well, you know better how to be with him

2 days ago

Are you afraid to scare him away from a serious relationship?)

2 days ago

Ja ne hochu pragmatichno, ja tak zhila 15 let, i jahta i dom, iv rezuljtate ... ja hochu chuvstvovatj :) Ja dazhe ne za sovetom, ja cherez razgovor sama sebja ponjatj pitajusj.

2 days ago Net, ne bojusj.

2 days ago

Offer to meet a guy or call, which is honey, only in a short time you will understand that you get something, whether it be or not

2 days back

Ja pervaja? Tozhe verno, zato srazu budet ponjatno :)))

2 days ago

You are interesting

2 days ago

Are we going to sleep?

2 days ago

Ja otkrovennaja, dazhe sliwkom, idjem, konechno! Spasibo, obichno ja tak ne piwu :))) Spokojnoj nochi tebe :)

2 days ago

Found me frankness

2 days ago

I, too, when I like a person I want to talk on open topics)

2 days ago


2 days ago

Do you want to share something

2 days ago


2 days ago

What do you want to know

2 days back

To, o chem nikto ne znajet !!! :)))

2 days ago

Sexy or just

2 days back

Net, prosto! U tebja vedj zhena estj, au menja poka - net: (Chto ja budu delatj :)))

2 days ago

What do you mean

2 days ago

I got you

2 days ago

You can caress yourself)

2 days ago

Esli govoritj o seksualjnom, to voobrazhenije razigrajetsja, a ja gonju poka vse eti misli, u menja vedj net muzhchini.

2 days ago

And I had sex with you)

2 days ago

Sawa, net !!!!

2 days ago

Do not want to talk about this topic

2 days ago

Rejoice that everyone wants you)

2 days ago

Ja radujusj, pravda. I mne prijatno uzhasno i kogda on shodit s uma i ne mozhet kontrolirovatj. I vse eti sumaswewije otnowenija!

2 days ago

And what do you like about sex only a classic?

2 days ago

Chto v tvojem ponimanii klassika?

2 days ago

Only where it should be (a phrase that can be considered vulgar has been replaced by the author) and nothing else

2 days ago

Ja ne mogu govoritj sekse, kak o buterbrode :), esli net duhovnoj sostavljajuwejiljudinelovjatnuzhnujuvolnu - togdaipoluchajetsja - chlen vo vlagaliwe, ewe trenazhjernij zal! :)))

2 days ago


2 days ago

Then see you tomorrow, and baby?)

2 days ago

Da poka :)

2 days ago

For now, call the boy, find out everything, maybe he don’t

the one who claims to be)

2 days ago

Ok! :)))

2 days ago

Throw a fishing rod do not be afraid, the main thing is that you peck then you can’t drag it by the ears)

2 days ago

Lyrics: I met a girl on the Internet, began to ask how she relates to classics and exotic like “screaming”, etc., and she says what kind of exotic this is, this is a classic, not a classic, it's sadomaso.

Why does what is commonly called friendship end: one of the reasons is that a resource of mutual benefit is developed, and the second of the reasons is when the “apprentice” wants to become “artisan”, that is, when one friend ceases to see the leader in that friend in whom he seen, and also when mutual interests end? I have no friends, said a friend of my girlfriend, who is over 30, can I conclude from this that after 30 most people stop communicating with representatives of their gender and communicate only with the opposite?

Beginning of correspondence with a girl from a European country, age 35, the correspondence uses jokes with a sexual motive. (Data that a girl from a European country, and she is 35 years old, can be both objective and not objective, as indicated on her page, spelling and punctuation of correspondence are left in the original.)

Your jacket in which you are the favorite in the photo with a slit for the chest? (Photo with open chest) - this is an addition by the author.

8 hours ago

)))) Why do you say that??))

8 hours ago

You are in it in almost all the photos

8 hours ago

Just the photos were taken in one day, or rather evening.)))

8 hours ago

When you and I meet, you can ask you to dress her

8 hours ago

And beautiful underwear too

8 hours ago

And where did you get that we will meet ???))

8 hours ago

Is not it

8 hours ago

Is it worth it?

8 hours ago

Are you a pervert ??))

8 hours ago

I am not looking for a sex partner ***

8 hours ago

You as a sex partner do not interest me

8 hours ago

Like a housewife

8 hours ago

Wash what to eat

8 hours ago

Very funny))))

8 hours ago


8 hours ago

Boor !!!

8 hours ago

And ignorant

8 hours ago

Fuck off. I am like that, and I feel good *** As you write, I answer ***

8 hours ago

What are you like you no

8 hours ago

To me too - decency itself !!))

8 hours ago

Not for you to judge!

8 hours ago

And to whom

8 hours ago

You don’t have anyone to quarrel with - stand opposite the mirror !!

8 hours ago

Should not ...

8 hours ago

Let's be friends

8 hours ago

Why do you need friendship with no ???? Find yourself worthy !!!

8 hours ago

I'll make you the most worthy of you

8 hours ago

I am what I am, and proud of it. !!! Blind someone like that !! There are

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