» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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might not be a second time? In real life it is easier to get to know and meet if the person you want to meet or meet knows you, because you are not a stranger, and therefore they are not afraid of you? The average man (or woman) wants to collect one (one) of several women (men): from one (one) fasten a high sexual temperament, from the second (second) decency, from the third (third) thrift, from the fourth (fourth) money - that’s why they are looking for relationships on the “side”, to complement what is not, is betrayal - is it cement or not? After meeting with the opposite sex, some people think that the meeting was of poor quality, and that they “blunted” it, but the meeting was of poor quality in terms of their coordinates and their stereotypes that they have in their brains, and that's that?

A good p ... always let the juice go. (A crude saying about a woman’s high sexual temperament)

Paradox: many people meet people who are considered of average appearance, including those for sex, and those who are considered very beautiful, enjoy (endorphins) in another way - not letting them in (keep the suit) and showing off before them, even if they "roll up" to them themselves, but can the "suit" be kept until retirement, is it important to stop in time?

I wanted to meet a little drunken neighbor, whom I had not met before, and I am married and she is married - a neighbor left the store, called me by name, took my arm, and we walked with her to the house in which we live, it’s clear that it is a “tackle”, but since there was no reciprocity due to the fact that it “slowed down”, did not show activity, it didn’t work, after that I met it near the elevator only once, and the situation didn’t have a “tackle” already for my part, of course, she interpreted in her own way that I didn’t take her phone number or invite l Coffee during that time, as we walked together out of the store, I thought that I'm not interested, but she was wrong.

Ahead, a girl standing in a line of the store looked all the time on the sides, when I turned my head, I saw with lateral vision that she was looking at me - there was no activity on my part, she paid and left, I did not see her again.

Cybersecurity is based on the same principles as conventional security - do not communicate with strangers. Communication on the Internet is safe, because at the time of communication there is no possibility of physical contact with anyone, you can express your emotions without fear of physical impact.

You can rest assured that the one who looks after himself and looks good wants to be desired (desired) always and by all - this is his (her) goal, so that everyone wants him (her) in terms of sex, and he (she) loves power over others in the sense when everyone wants her (him)? With an athlete about sports, with a lawyer about laws, with an extreme player about extreme, with a fisherman about fishing - sex is the same hobby as everyone else, and therefore if you are looking for sex, you need to look for someone who is also interested in him, and only with this will you find a common language to the full extent? Look for people like yourself - who lack what you lack? And in relationships money gives independence - do you want romance, but there is no money to fulfill your needs - then change tires from summer to winter yourself?

Lyrics. As the female gender says: "He is not dangerous as a man."

In the words of Zose Sinitskaya (Svetlana Starikova), the character from the movie “The Golden Calf” (USSR, 1968) Ostap Bender (Sergey Yursky) about another character, Koreyka (Evgeny Evstigneev): “So what does this vulgar write to you?”

Do not rush to the opposite sex with what is called a “tackle,” if it seems to you that the person to whom you are rolling is a “simple”, not proud person - sometimes this is a “mask” to simplify communication, especially this “mask” those who are fashionable and beautiful like to wear? Where does the line between normal sexual behavior and deviant sexual behavior end - is that all, as usual, it's all gone - as inspired, so it is, what is normal today, tomorrow may not be normal and deviant? Remember that legal and moral laws stem from the psychological attitude of the majority of members of society towards a fact, and therefore also in sexual relations: if some elements of sexual behavior cause fear, disgust or irritation in the majority, is it recognized as deviant? Is the inter-gender relationship reminiscent of Tor and other daknet browsers, is everything encrypted and confused in them too? A man wants to give money to a woman himself, it is only necessary to find one that will inspire him to do this - is the average man programmed for such behavior? What are hypertrophied moral values ​​- in some cases, when someone flaunts his intimate life? Psychologist Mihai studied creative personalities? Is it difficult to live in a family with a creative personality, since they are usually emotional or do they require the family to tolerate manifestations of their non-family interests? They will love you anyway, do you want it, do not want it - because love is a program in your head? Some on dating sites in order to “shit” to leave each other? He drew attention to the fact that my daughter looks like a TV presenter, which I like - a paradox: you fall in love with those and like those people whose appearance is similar to yours ?! In inter-sexual relations, is the task of catching the attention of one or more persons of the opposite sex? Independent, when we ourselves, and non-independent, when with the help of others, we will not generalize that all men and women need only money, and not intimate relationships, intimate relationships for money want only those who are called non-independent? In some states, called civilized, many of those who are called non-independent and spoiled? Men don’t need to be offended by women when they don’t want them, women don’t seem to be offended when they don’t want them, they can call those men who don’t want them impotent - can impotence be either male or female? The reason for unwillingness of sexual relations can also be low sexual temperament? There are more women with low sexual temperament than high - the search for a sexual partner is like a job of a personnel service, the more you go over, the more real are the chances of finding a suitable person? Everything is known in comparison - she does not have grief, she just perceives the situation, and there are people who are in a much worse position than she is? They say that women have sex with whom they want, men with whom they can, some men complain that women need only money, but what will we talk about is a certain social stratum of poor women and, as a rule, those left with children without a husband? A familiar person with experience on dating sites said that there are exceptionally wealthy people and, as they say, with a low social status, some of them, in order to raise their social status, can lie that they are rich or compose that they have a position respected in society or profession? Independent or not independent, who is ranked among the first, who is among the second, how are not independent ones twisted? Some social services in some countries have an injunction that if parents cry when their children are taken away from them, in the opinion of the social services, a dysfunctional family, this proves that they are working correctly, since crying speaks of the parents' mental instability - crying is this a sign of mental instability? Those who are called only consumers are those who do not want to give anything in return to the one who gave them something, they are also called manipulators? Women who have never been married do not build a relationship with a man on a monetary basis, since they want to get married? Women who have children living without a husband build relationships only on a monetary basis, since they need to feed their children or spend money on themselves? Women who are married do not build relationships on a financial basis, as their husband feeds them? Women who are called independent and who have a high income are not interested in money?

Affirmative sentence: when I turned 40, I concluded that all my friends with whom I had been in contact longer than others were, like me, from an incomplete family (without a father) or, like me, grew up as one child in the family (without siblings).

Some males claim that women only need money. One of the conclusions is as follows: not entirely and not always in 100% of cases such factors as the presence or absence of a husband, children, age, upbringing play a role in the behavior of someone (in this case, girls and / or women) in relation to a man in an incomplete or complete family, divorced or not, income, social behavior, etc. There were women who are called elite in the sense of external data, who, being divorced, having children, were ready to date a man without requiring him nothing that is also married. It is worth adding that all these women had a high sexual temperament, almost similar to masculine (masculine in the sense inherent in a man-inhabitant, not a programmer, not a scientist), as well as a simple, not complex character. For meetings not based on money, these women were pushed, most likely, not by their high temperament, but by their simple character. Most likely, women need money from a man who can be called non-self-sufficient (in any case, in terms of meeting the need for money) or having low income. Most likely, according to the Maslow pyramid, they are at the fundamental level of needs, in this case, the need for food, clothing, that is, there is a need for a material minimum, so a person who needs this, not to higher levels of need for the Maslow pyramid, to love and not to sex.

Also, based on life experience, temperamental and / or without prejudice women and girls have a tactic of establishing relationships through their intimate photos, which they send to their future partner via social networks, that is, you get acquainted (on a dating site, as a rule), and you send the deceived photos without any of your requests for it.

Tactics, how to attract someone and that he was with you, may be different, but the most important thing is to show something that hardly anyone else will ever show, for example, to show something in sex (or in something else) that no one else will show anymore, and after that it’s unlikely that someone’s sexual life (or other life) will be saturated without you, and even if the partner leaves, he will still come after he tries the one to whom he left, or those whom I met? Having registered in one of the international social networks, I was faced with the fact that some women from Africa and Asia asked to send them photos of the intimate parts of the body, explaining that I am white and their exotic ones are white, those men who are looking for a big, clean, not implicated in money carnal love, can find it on other continents? My grandmother said that there is only one gang in the city, those who don’t want to work, and if you interpret her words on gender relations, then in most cases in the city, the relationship between a man and a woman is “tied” to money - Wednesday is to blame, because it’s not Will you meet a girl from a village who is expecting from a man such gifts that a girl from a city is waiting for? At school, the teacher said that due to

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