» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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discomfort a personality trait formed as a result of what is called negative propaganda? A car, a TV, a computer, the Internet, and still something is missing - by modern standards, some simple modern people live “cooler” than the kings and kings lived before, who had nothing like this, and again they are negatively satisfied with people's lives propaganda? Those who are called agents of influence, whose work is to change people's thinking, make presentations at relevant conferences on the subject of how deeply they have managed to change the worldview of those people with whom they work?

Information from the Wikipedia encyclopedia: DXing (Dixing, long-distance radio reception) is a type of hobby that consists in recognizing radio signals from both broadcasting radio stations and amateur radio enthusiasts. In order to receive confirmation from the radio signal source, the so-called reception reports are compiled and sent, the broadcaster, in response to a correctly prepared report, sends a written confirmation of the fact of reception, usually expressed as a QSL card - a printed card with the symbols of the radio station. The term DX came from telegraph abbreviations, and it means “remote”, “distant”.

Politicized radio broadcasts of various radio stations broadcast (and maybe broadcast now) in the short-wave ranges (in the radio receivers this range is designated as SW, some radio stations in 2016 refused to work in the short-wave range, probably this is due to the spread of the Internet, where they continue to broadcast )

David Sarnov - if I am not mistaken, it is his name that is associated with the invention of television. As far as it is known, according to the media, David Sarnov suggested that anyone who was interested in using short waves to broadcast to distant countries, before that short waves were used as operating frequencies. Short waves tend to cover distances of thousands, tens of thousands of kilometers from the emitter to the receiver, while ultrashort waves, which are usually used by entertainment radio stations, can be received with high quality only at a distance of up to 50 km from the emitter (radio towers) , minus shortwave waves - this is not a very good reception quality.

They say that the bulk of the radio stations broadcasting in this wavelength range are designed for a certain part of society, opinion leaders - it is considered, as already mentioned, that in any society there are about 5% of them, these are socially active, sociable people, that they affect the bulk of the population, a kind of deputy commander of the military unit for educational work.

In broadcasting, UTC TIME is used, some radio stations have stopped broadcasting in the short-wave range. There is no more romanticism, now you can’t listen under the Beatles band's “Yesterday” blanket on the radio, the frequencies of radio stations operating in the short-wave bands can be found on the Internet, there are many of them. With the advent of satellite television, transmissions are also being carried out using it.

The words attributed to Nikolai Bulganin (if you do not make a mistake with the surname): "... they are fighting for" warm "places, as for Stalingrad." "Warm" places are those places in which edorphins are born, it turns out that they fight for endorphins?

Some join opposition political parties to leave for a country with a higher standard of living? The signs of the sect are simple - is it when your wallets are “hacked”? Some parents gave education, but did not give something else to their children, for example, what is called fortitude, or did not give the necessary information, and then what is called a sect, and other manipulators take advantage of these shortcomings? Some need to educate themselves in the process of life? It is generally accepted that those organizations that are called sects are joined by people, so to speak, not of this world, and they are being manipulated there, however, there are those among the parishioners who manipulate the manipulators. Organizations called sects, playing on their nerves with representatives of any state authority, wait for the authorities to close what they call the sect in which they are located, in order to then go abroad to a richer country and ask for religious asylum, are those called "thoughtful" everywhere? Secrets that only those who work in this field, or those who do not work in it, know no less, or even more? Is manipulation also a war for endorphins? Each endorphin addiction, only one it is harmful to him and others, and the other vice versa? Behavior - follow your heart? The one who walks along the street with his head held high, emphasizing without paying attention to those around him, the one who drives an expensive car and looks around, did he see him - he receives a portion of endorphins from this, and they are controlled by the same internal opiates? For everything that causes people, endorphins can make a lot of money, and you don’t mean making money on sex, alcohol or drugs that give pleasure, but also on music, books, films, music videos, computer games, food, which also deliver pleasure - does the endorphin industry make a lot of money? The windows of your apartment overlook the bus and trolleybus stop, you set up the antenna, and everyone is looking at you at that moment - can you complete your task taking into account all these factors, or do those who look at you influence your behavior? Can you fulfill your life tasks if you listen to everyone’s criticism and comments? Do not listen to anyone - in any case, if you are one of those who are called an independent person who has a job, and if you earn money - you already have the right to not listen to anyone and even teach others how to criticize you, so how do you have professional key competence, you yourself can teach others how to live and show how and what to do? Some people like to look at other people and copy their behavior to achieve their goals - look at those who have achieved what you want? Doing what you like doing is the right line of behavior? According to historical data, there was such a guy, Yuri Kondratyuk, who proposed the optimal flight path to the Moon, but his work was not seriously considered under the pretext that he did not have a degree: a simple formalism worked - if not a professor, then this is not serious, from this it follows that all criticism against you should be taken no more than someone’s personal opinion, because you too can anyone you want to criticize? 

Never give up your dream just because someone said you won’t succeed. (The dictum is not of the author, the author is ready to refer to his owner if he has information about him)

It must be remembered that endorphins are internal drugs in the human body produced by the body itself. The war for endorphins and their production does not stop, many people get endorphins in ways that are completely unacceptable to others (humiliating or insulting someone, mocking someone, etc.).

Ideally, the line of behavior should be in the mode: to act as they say, as the soul lies. Each type of personality should have its own behavior, something like a separate etiquette for each, each person already has a program in place, and it doesn’t matter who - the higher powers, nature, society, the main thing is that everyone has this program. How do you know which program is in place, for example, with you? It's simple, it has already been mentioned - you need to pay attention to what gives you pleasure, what profession or action. Higher forces with the help of internal drugs - endorphins - lead you through life, suggesting that yours is not.

You need to give pleasure in a natural way, and not with alcohol and drugs. Under different circumstances, everyone develops internal drugs, someone from scientific activity, someone from seeing him in a restaurant with a handsome man or seeing him in an expensive car. Hormones of pleasure are produced from various elements of behavior, if people exclude these elements of behavior, it will become difficult for them, because this is their meaning in life. It’s difficult in prison because it’s impossible to realize what the higher forces require of you, what you were programmed for?

Attention, this is an affirmative sentence: the above- and below- the following is not a guide to action, but only material for reflection and just a quote from the author of several models of behavior in various situations that were recorded when they were used by people unfamiliar to the author.

The behavior of some shows that they are unlikely to survive in this world or not live long or live, but in discomfort? You are alone in the city, it is unlikely that someone will disinterestedly invite you to spend the night or feed - everyone has a program to care only about themselves and their loved ones, nobody cares about others - is that the position of higher powers?

As adults say, to drunk children: “What will come of you next?”.

Agree, for some circumstances, when, for example, we are talking about life or death, no one needs tactfulness, but there are those who do not see the point of tactfulness simply when dealing with citizens on whom they are not financially dependent, especially when citizens , on which they are in no way dependent, still insult them. But the line of behavior of total tactlessness, probably, in no case should you just choose and not make the meaning of life, not be obsessed with it, if you are not rude, otherwise you will run into a person who looks like you. It is not recommended to use this line of behavior in your work, unless, of course, where you work, no one can make your work better than you, and therefore value you very much . At work, we recommend a sense of tact with everyone you come in contact with (again, if there are no other circumstances, as they say, about behavior in prison - as you show yourself), politics is old and wise, you shouldn’t write curtsy at work, as intelligence officers say, you need to be able to mimic the environment, such as, for example, the character Alexander Korean from the movie "Golden elonok "(USSR, 1968).

Each minus has its own plus and vice versa (people are different, the more weaknesses, the more cunning a person will be to satisfy them, the less weaknesses, the easier it will be for a person, it seems). Why do all the time something annoying for others and see in this the meaning of their lives and thus obtain internal opiates called endorphins (although to each his own)? There are more interesting things in life, for example, creating a family, scientific activity, you need to remember that in every person there is something good, you only need to search it well.

No need to dress in other people's clothes? I’m not a maniac to be a 100% decent member of society, because, oddly enough, as a rule, not a single maniac ever curses anyone, has no criminal record, administrative drives, and is generally considered to be a decent person until a certain moment - he mimics environment? It is suspicious to be very decent, how suspicious is it to be single or married after 30 years? Only maniacs dress up in superorder clothes in order, again, to mimic the environment? If someone doesn’t like me, pass by — you are not a teacher, and I am not a student? We don’t need any friends, we keep our distance with everyone, but why do we need him, as one teacher said when they talked about someone he doesn’t need? Attempts to shame and reproach that there is no conscience, we perceive as an insult, since this is a manipulation by creating a complex of guilt?

We learn English so as not to be a bigot and ignorant, being in a decent society in an English-speaking country: "Who the fuck are you to lecture me?"

Already psychotherapists treat not only gambling addiction, but also greed - it’s very funny, what will be treated next? You don’t need to listen to anyone when someone is trying to criticize (criticism is one of the methods

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