» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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this doesn’t bother you, of course, you can talk about your problems). There is nothing to be done, some live by the presence of expensive things, some by science, and some enjoy collecting and spreading gossip (only, probably, scientists and scouts learn information for information, so acquaintances only learn information in order to pass it on to another and to enjoy it, some people are arranged like this, probably higher powers made them - giving a dose of pleasure as endorphins for this kind of their actions).

Another example of “turning” upside down, a monologue: “Yesterday, a moron invited me to meet him at the cemetery at night, but he didn’t come.” The question is, who is the moron here, the one who invited and did not come, or the one who came to meet at the cemetery at night.

For some dishonest leaders, a person or group of people (as a rule, they are from civilized countries) who know the above and the following and use this, an unpleasant thing, he or they, in the presence of certain circumstances that are unpleasant for them, will “fool” the head of the authorities, for example, those authorities who does not pay wages, replacing it with some common phrases. Therefore, some managers strive to leave such people alone, working with them, not going beyond the law, and to hire emigrants who are less obstinate than local residents - this ensures social peace within the framework of an enterprise run by the same leader. There are a lot of dishonest leaders in some civilized states, they like to recruit emigrants from poor countries, and they will work quietly for a small fee or they may not pay anything at all, while locals will no longer go to the work that the emigrant will do.

An example of how you can focus on a certain thing and “turn” everything upside down: the media said that one person comes up with an interesting idea why banks have the right to print money, but he doesn’t, why if a bank prints money it is an issue, and if he prints, this is counterfeiting, and so it went. According to the media and cinema, such “revolutionaries” in social life were loved, and maybe even now, they are recruited by some special services in order to “spoil” the authorities of an unfriendly state with their help.

Some study, as the people say, the vicious motives of people and begin to manipulate them with the help of these vices - for example, what is called greed. Give me money, and I will give it to you in a month twice as much - and then those who promised it will disappear from view? We sit down, as they say, on the “needle” (in the good sense of the word, in this case, we mean we are accustomed to something pleasant) and begin to manipulate? According to historical data, somewhere and once homosexual relations were the norm, in connection with which some countries ended their existence, as the process of reproduction stopped, somewhere and once adults arranged a witch hunt - we move classic heroes to our time and see how their time influenced the formation of their personality: what was acceptable before is now unacceptable? Education of public consciousness - there is no need to be shy about something; constraint is just in most cases the result of public education in the framework of the values ​​inherent in some time in which a person lives. Social values ​​are changing - is it like fashion for clothes or for anything else? The formation of a person’s personality is influenced by society, which is understood by society in its narrower sense - relatives, acquaintances, living conditions, country and specific place of residence, living standards in this country, the media, intelligence agencies and their influence agents, politicians, musicians, actors and the results of their professional activities in the form of films, music, songs, video clips? You don’t need to be ashamed or ashamed, since if everyone’s really psychic development is controlled and anything can be “fashioned” from any person, regardless of their psychogenetic inheritance, then your behavior in the form of constraint and shame is just the result of your upbringing, since have you been educated in the sense that something needs to be shy or ashamed, and now, as they say, you constantly “look around” around you, thinking what people will say about you? Popular science programs say that people are 99.9% genetically similar to each other, and the difference between them is only sort of 0.1%? In ancient Rome, according to historical data, there was something like prestige to enter a man into a homosexual relationship with a man-warrior - they were brought up like that, therefore, if that was the case, then is it really a matter of education? When you are criticized, and you are embarrassed, this means that the one who criticizes you has been educated so that he criticizes certain actions or circumstances that are not subject to moral and other norms currently existing, and you are educated so that you are embarrassed by these actions and circumstances, then is there any reason for someone or something to be embarrassed, especially since every century that which you should be embarrassed changes places with something that you should not be embarrassed? Everything can be “turned over” as you want, remember the “Overton window”? What was unacceptable before is acceptable now, and vice versa: does everything depend on time and place? Do politicians give basic education to society both themselves, personally, and through the structures created for these purposes, while all other representatives of society give secondary education or vice versa? Who are agents of influence, and what structures are interested in them? Certain structures involved in what is called parenting are in some cases to blame for the occurrence of mental disorders, as their parenting is not entirely acceptable? Is it beneficial for the state structures of the countries that the citizens living inside their country are healthy both mentally and physically, the structures of some countries waging a psychological war against this country, the opposite is beneficial, at least it was so before, according to the media and documentary?

In the film “Marry the Captain” (director Vitaly Melnikov, USSR, 1985), there is a dialogue between two people who came to the same collective farm to collect different material about its chairman - one negative, the other positive.

The practical situation of the topic of multipolarity education, which depends on the place and time: the man met a woman who works in a hairdresser, invited her to meet, she did not want to meet with him, after he met her colleague working with her in the same hairdresser, she got the same situation. When he met on the street the one that was the first whom the man offered to meet, when she greeted him, she made not only a nod of her head as a sign of greeting, but several, which is implied by this, one can understand - she nodded many times to get a portion of endorphins what she wanted to emphasize with a few nods of her head in greeting and smiling at the same time, everyone can understand for herself, but most importantly, she wanted to “break off,” as they say now, that I know that you rolled up to my friend, and she I also broke you.

The described situation is an example of the fact that her actions and her upbringing are based on the fact that the man in question, in her understanding, did what he should be ashamed of, and as for the man, in the sense of being ashamed of him or not his actions, this is his personal upbringing.

By the way, in this case, when they want to “break you off” in this way, I heard some people respond to this as follows - they said, catching up with the “nodding” many times: “You don’t need to nod so much, one time is enough.” You can say this with or without a smile. There is a war for endorphins - either you get them, or someone who wants to amuse his ambition with attempts to put you in an awkward position.

You can manipulate everyone who has any desires. Those who want to "drag" (have fun), as they say in the army, and those who want a lot of money, can be manipulated - take money from them, promise that they will multiply and return in the amount twice as much as before of this, and everything is ok, so scammers do, this was already mentioned in this material.

Almost every average adult thinks how to use someone in their own selfish interests, are ideally pure in a moral sense, as already said, probably, only people like scientists, or astronauts, or children, scientists and astronauts are people, not having any dependencies , in any case, to the extent that an ordinary person has, they do not have phobias, therefore they can be scientists and astronauts, since nothing distracts these people and does not prevent them from focusing on science, on work in special conditions and produce what will be claimed . Real scientists do not need to use intrigue to achieve their goals, they have one goal - science, such people, as a rule, have no emotional affection (love) for anyone , they therefore, as a rule, do not get married and do not get married (if a person lives with someone, this can already indicate that he has emotional affection, depending on the person with whom he has linked his life (and all dependencies are interpreted as weakness in modern society)). As one person said, scientists and astronauts are mentally strong individuals , although if we return to addictions, scientists are also addicted, but they have a positive addiction, they are not good and not evil, they just don’t have time for everything related to emotions and instincts, they do not think about it, their thoughts are akin to obsessions, but their dependence does not interfere with anyone, neither they nor others, but vice versa.



Lyrics: about manipulation - manipulation by imposing beliefs, does the formula "infantil + schizophrenic" work? (Infantil + schizophrenic in this case are the crude synonyms of the two words dreamer and ambition.)

Commensalism, mutualism, parasitism (types of symbiosis).

Can you form a symbiotic relationship with any person who will be useful to you? Do people called parasites grow parasitic devices, such as mosquitoes, worms, only in the psychological sense in the form of “stamped” phrases designed to “spin” a victim for money? Examples of symbiosis in the animal world are when one living organism helps another to survive, while giving the same benefit to another organism or not, or not at all, doing harm to another organism.

There is such a plant - rafflesia, what kind of symbiosis it represents, can be viewed on the Internet.

Not prostitution, but commercial sex: how can one word affect the perception of reality, for example - if you want to pour mud on someone, you can say “parasite” on him, but if on the contrary you want to “bleach”, then you can replace the word “ parasite ”to“ symbiote ”(it’s something like political correctness), or as in some politics an unwanted government is called a junta for some people, but for some people a government that’s nice is called a government, so some politicians of countries of geopolitical opponents act, again Overton Window In action? What do you call a ship, will it sail?

What is the personality structure of the manipulator? This, as Sigmund Freud noted, has been going on since childhood, but in this case, it’s not connected with sex, like almost all of Freud’s. Manipulator - at the household level, this is probably the person, as a rule, who was not denied anything in childhood or did everything for him, including solving problems, in the adult, this person decides by manipulating others to extend this pleasure for himself, he continues to create a situation where others decide and do everything for him.

Probably, ideally, it is impossible at the moment to protect oneself from manipulation, if people don’t manipulate you, then, if you can say so, higher powers are already manipulating with the help

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