» Psychology » Non vowel resources of some good mood, Alexander Borodin [e book reading free .TXT] 📗

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of your instincts. Along with people, people are manipulated by alcohol and drugs, some who have taken for 30 years, for example, alcohol and already know what a heavy “hell” with nightmares like nightmares from the horror movie “Silent Hill”, know how the psyche turns on 360 degrees, except for the dose, are of no interest, well, of course, in this, as in other cases, everything is individual, depending on the degree of sensitivity.

In order not to lose, do you need to dissect every action of someone and look for “undercurrents” in these actions, as well as predict the results that will come after your actions?

In this case, a phenomenon such as parasitism is prepared. The formula “infantil + schizophrenic” is derived: “infantil” is a broad concept, in this case it is someone who loves fairy tales, loves when they hang noodles on his ears, “schizophrenic” is a narrow concept, here it is not entirely acceptable in its generally accepted sense , and at the moment, it would probably be better to indicate a schizoid personality type, non-professional psychiatrists, and ordinary people associate representatives of this personality type with those who like to compose fairy tales, when schizophrenic and infantile meet, in the sense of infantile and in the sense schizophr nickname specified in this paragraph, then between them begins something like a friendship: one "ship," another "boot", there may be different combinations, because one and the other type of person can periodically switch roles. Again, they say that people with psychopathic traits have a tendency to manipulate others, these are, as a rule, those who, as was indicated, probably were denied little in childhood, as adults, they continue to receive what they I want to, already manipulating for this not relatives, but others (here, in no case, there is no emotional connotation in the form of hostility to who is being discussed or will be discussed in this material).

Lyrics: how many did not have to communicate with those from the category of those who are called spoiled, the actions of each of them in relation to the one with whom they are friends, and in relation to the one with whom they live, are as follows: put pressure on the parents, so that they find easy work for them, they ask them for money instead of giving it, as a friend from the category of those who are called independent did, who serves in a foreign legion. If you drink alcohol with them (spoiled) and, as they say, “went through”, and it’s hard to walk on your own, they carefully leave you, leaving you alone on the street. If they are drunk, they call you home and pour “dirt” on you, they call your parents (discussing you from the negative side) or they call your wife and do the same, they probably do it for self-affirmation, they say, I’m not the only one loser, they are looking for who, in their opinion, is worse than themselves. In the end, you understand that it is impossible to be friends with such people, it will be more expensive for you. Such people, as a rule, do not get married and do not get married.

Manipulation is sometimes when they want to include you in a process in which you are not involved? If someone pestering on the street with a request to get acquainted, he can be manipulated, since the pester has already revealed his motives and weaknesses for the opposite sex (unless, of course, he is a manipulator himself and the opposite sex is not interested in him, but he is interested in material goods, for the sake of whom he meets)? Manipulation, as a rule, is carried out through words, and to speak - not tossing bags?

Interpersonal manipulation. One of the most popular influences on a suitable object is to “throw in” a topic, an idea that will unite both the acting object and the object on which the effect is carried out, after which the first can carry out real ones that are hidden from the second task. For example, an idea pops up such as “let's save up some money and go to a country with a higher standard of living, where there are big salaries and a well-fed life”. This is instilled into the object whose services the inspiring, inspiring "loads" him with this idea, and he does for the one who "loads" some services, for example, does part of the work of "loading" at his work, and he rests and continues to dream out loud how they, together with the “downloadable”, will soon leave for the country of golden Eldorado, who also manipulates, choosing an object for manipulation, takes into account his age, marital status, character and level of intelligence and education, for example, those who are called scammers.

Here is an example of manipulation methods at the political level: any representatives of the opposition of any government or organization can name the representatives of law enforcement bodies in their videos the dogs of the occupation system, of course, as a rule, there are no dogs of the occupation system, there is only a political struggle, which has long been told in textbooks on political science. By the way, if possible, it is interesting to watch how the same events are covered differently on television or radio channels by countries - geopolitical opponents, some call white what others call black, and vice versa.

About manipulation: psychological traps and mental hygiene. There is something to be proud of, there is something to be ashamed of - is shame a manipulation by creating a complex of guilt? Does it seem that something important is missing? A misanthrope is someone who does not like people, he is a potential initiator of offenses on an emotional basis, he needs to find work with minimal communication with people?

As a rule, those who call for war more than anyone else want to wait for victory in the rear.

(Words attributed to Edward Sevrus)

Indeed, it’s nice to watch and listen to TV when military operations are shown, and at the same time it’s delicious to eat, and then discuss what you’ve seen and heard on-line and offline, so to speak, like the aesthetic image of war, put on your uniform, but you don’t have to to participate, it is interesting to do what is called pathetics, much to say about the war, again, without participating in it.

Some people like only the aesthetic image of war, they create various organizations, wear uniforms, they like badges, stripes, but they themselves are not going to war.

It is easy to guess that psycho-hygiene is a kind of desire to partially or completely eliminate the object of irritation, distance from annoying objects, especially psycho-hygiene, can be recommended to those who do not feel pleasure in communicating with some people, and moreover, communication with them causes discomfort. In this case, it is recommended to limit yourself completely or to a minimum in dealing with unpleasant personalities?

Psychological traps are, for example, provoking someone to some action, for example: “Come on, are you not a man? Act, what are you afraid of or are you a coward? ” This affects, especially for young people, those who do not have enough life experience, who can be "fooled" on the emotional. If someone, as is customary to say, is stronger in spirit than you, you must follow him, but here you can interpret everything differently, if, for example, you are weak in spirit and afraid of everything, you can present everything in such a way that is beneficial for you, for your psyche (as already mentioned, everything can be interpreted in a way that is advantageous for you; you don’t need to forget about it, you just need to find the right words and phrases that, as you can see later, apply to all situations, the main thing is to find them, and then they manifest themselves with life experience like some leader at the moment when they say "no paper"). You can respond to criticism like “you're not a man,” like this: “Yes, I'm afraid, so what? I do not hold anyone, I don’t like it - go to the other, to the one who is strong in spirit, I don’t need anyone, don’t like it - pass by. ” Why, as the people say, “hopak” to dance before someone, proving that you are not a coward, do not like it - a tablecloth is expensive or, as they used to say, roll a sausage along Malaya Spasskaya (the main thing is that there is no dependence on friends and acquaintances so that you don’t feel that you feel uncomfortable without them, everything will be a little more difficult, because an independent is called someone who does not have addictions and attachments, but one who has negative attachments (in the sense of attachment not to members of his family , and to the manipulators) they call it non-self active).

When they manipulate someone, provoking him into a fight, and he doesn’t want to fight, you can react with humor, they say, I have a high pain threshold , so I’m afraid to get a fist in the face, therefore, to fight, and, it seems, about it already it was said in this material, if it was said, then please do not pay attention to the fact that this phrase is repeated - there was not enough time to adjust the text, and this was also mentioned.

Who knows who the illusionist Uri Geller is? If you believe the media and documentary films, Uri Geller, by means of some gift of foresight, indicated to the oil companies the places of oil deposits, you can believe that he really knew where the oil deposits were, but maybe not (in any case, I doubted his gift when Uri Geller on television in the days of the USSR suggested that everyone put a broken watch in their hands and they will start working, my broken watch didn’t start working in my hands, and you can always find the reason why - they didn’t work, for example, that means something de barked wrong). But if you still can’t believe him, you can only admire how skillfully Uri “spread” (tricked) these companies for money (this is proof that it’s easy to deceive the rich when it comes to increasing the volume of their wealth, despite that it can even be corporations, Uri can only be admired), because, according to the media, he partially made his fortune on this, searching for the location of oil, here is an example of how the rich, who should be literate, are “being” on “ divorces ”, the thirst for profit overlaps common sense. Uri, if he nevertheless deceived them, used the thirst for profit of company owners for his mercantile purposes, manipulated their weaknesses. But Uri may be an honest man, who knows? No one claims to be a liar, someone's opinion was just voiced.

This is how a familiar comrade emerged from a psychological trap. I heard one person say: “Are you not a man?” And he replied: "Guys go for a plow." The worker, greeting the security guard at the enterprise, says the following:

“You shake the hand that feeds you” (the worker makes products at this company, and the security guard receives a salary as part of the profit from sales). A harsh thing for an ambitious guard, I caught a working portion of endorphins. They also make a “changeling” from the phrase “You misunderstood us,” it says the following: “Why did you give us a reason to understand you like that?”

A psychological trap made at a subconscious level by a working guy for his son - it can be called the psychological trap of "destroying" negative authority in the minds of someone. This guy regulated the worldview and behavior of his son, a teenager, who grew up, so to speak, on the street, for whom the bandit from the same street was an authority, as follows. When this false authority is sent to prison, the guy tells the child “enchanted” by bandit authority so that the authority in prison ceases to be such for him, the following:

“They planted him, walked around, loshara, robbed people, his hands were sharpened under one place - he can’t do anything, but wants

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