» Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity, Santosh Jha [top ebook reader TXT] 📗

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media is a complex processor of massive information. This is probably required to maintain the homeostatic equilibrium of the body-mind for survival and wellness. As we can see the trends; smaller animals sleep very little and that too in standing-alerted state of body-mind as they have larger threat of predation. Larger the animal; less is predation threat and more is information-triggered entropies to clear off and hence, more sleep hours. Humans probably have the best luxury of sleep and dreams!

This hypothesis seems in sync and symmetry with available scientific knowledge about sleep and dreams. We all know how most dreams happen when we are in deep sleep. It is the time our body is completely paralyzed. This deep sleep is called Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, where most dreams happen. We also know from science that REM sleep is not a 6-8 hours of non-interrupted sleep. The REM deep sleep happens in cycles; the first cycle starting around an hour after we sleep. The first REM cycle is usually of 10 minutes and subsequent cycles become longer, reaching to the longest cycle of an hour, before we wake up. This very well hints at the pattern, the brain manages for the optimum safety of the sleeping body. The deep sleep happens in parts and often, dreams happening in deep sleep cycles of varied lengths either wake you up or revert to a non-deep sleep cycle. Dreams therefore, may well be hypothesized as some tool designed by brain states to interrupt the deep sleep cycle for survival optimization. We are further hypothesizing that dreams are engineered by subconscious brain, creating metaphors of Information received in somewhat altered states, even during REM deep sleep cycles.

We can hypothesize; learning from our scientific knowledge of brain working as well as experiences with our sleep and dreams that subconscious mind probably gathers ‘altered’ information about milieus through very partially functioning channels of ears, nose and skin, even as the major source of eye information is completely missing. Our best hypothesis is that subconscious brain states may have this exclusive role in designing a personalized sleep and dream pattern, depending on the Information it has about a person’s overall Milieus. In that sense, sleep and dreams are functionally aligned to the overall state of mind of a person and therefore, dependent more in Information already inside the brain plexuses; rather than the ambient sleeping milieu of a person. We already know; when you are emotionally or physically unsettled, sleep is difficult to happen and dreams are recurrent and more impacting. The experts tell you that emotional-physical-intellectual poise and serenity is crucial for sound sleep. Many people fall asleep as soon as they land on bed. Many have to wait for an hour. Many people dream very little or their dreams are faint. Many people dream too much and their dreams are vividly remembered. Therefore, to be on the safe side of a probable reality, we can hypothesize that the subconscious brain states may account for Information both inside the body-mind milieu as well as the external ambient milieu of a sleeping person.

The subconscious mind probably ‘reads’ the Information in terms of a ‘Change’ in the subconscious cognition map of elements of dimension, energy, motion, location and attributes, it has formed over a time. The subconscious brain states probably map a probable change in the Information before a person goes to sleep, in terms of metaphors or representation of a probable Reality and then match it up with existing imagery in brain states of memory/experiences to reflect them as warning or simple awareness in dreams.

We all know, how we see images in dreams, which look like a muddled up or confused mixing of those realities, we have already encountered in our lives. So, we see a dead relative appearing and saying something to us and we wake up in shocked amazement. We see a snake with four legs approaching us and we wake up before it bites us, etc. All dreams are essentially altered Realities or metaphors of reality for us. Intuitively, most people believe and accept that dreams are ‘metaphors’ of some actual Reality and they have a representational meaning. Many people would tell you what dream signifies or means what! This is another domain of language and metaphoric representation of Information. It happens; we can hypothesize, because the ‘Media’ of our mind consciousness alters the five elements or causalities of Information for us. As it happens, we are faced with alternative and novel yet muddled up Realities, which amazes us, instills fear in us and even launches us into unfathomable ‘purposes’.

All these happen in our unconscious or subconscious state of life-living. What we propose is that we can do it very Consciously and work out alternative and novel Realities for us, which have better and deeper purposes and utilities. As we said earlier, many aware and empowered people have been doing this artistry successfully. This is what we call the Art. The Epistemology of Art is about consciously ‘altering’ the five elements and causalities of Information, namely dimension, force, motion, location and attributes and launch them into alternative and novel realities, installing higher and deeper ‘purposes and worth’. Humanity’s tryst with Art is long and proven, even though much of it is as usual exposed to depravity of mind consciousness. We shall explore the beauty and aesthetics of the Art and dump the depravity.

What is Art? The very basis of art, beauty and aesthetics is the human Media of consciousness. Human consciousness is a genius mechanism of ‘Information’ processing and the brain plexuses have very special intelligence in deciphering and picking up patterns in the Milieus. Art is an Emergence of Media of Consciousness – It is an emergent and symbolized Information of the innumerable ‘patterns of causalities’ the brilliance of human brain can detect and map for further expression and communication. Art is the genesis of all sciences and in turn; science details the genetics of all Arts. There is this beautiful and very propitious symbiotic relationship between Art and Science.

Contemporary science, with its ever-expanding knowledge of human brain has facilitated the deep knowledge about this genetics of artistry the human brain and mind consciousness creates and thus adorns the cultures and human systems. The epistemology of art is profoundly about the precarious ‘Media’ of human consciousness and cognition. How consciousness creates multitudes of metaphors from the innate and entrenched Information it receives from Milieus – external as well as internal, is the genetics of all arts. Very naturally, the erstwhile mysticism and veil of ‘supernatural’ insinuations from Art has been duly replaced with objective and verifiable knowledge of science about human brain, consciousness and cognition. Art, accepted from the viewpoint of Information and Emergence is pure science. This is an alternative and novel way to accept Reality and ‘Purpose’.

To facilitate better understanding of what we are at and what we are hypothesizing about, we can take an example, which we all are aware of and then detail as how art and science feed each other and stand in symbiosis of mutual relationship. The example is about the working of our DNA and how it is a mesmerizing example of how Information works and how art hidden in Information is patterned by science as powerful and meaningful language of communication and expression.

Scientists call the DNA as Language of Life. We are not going into the details of the science of DNA, genes, chromosomes, genome, messenger RNA, amino acids and protein making as it is already known to you. What we talk about now is the artistry of symbols and metaphors, which is part of the Language of Life. We may also detail a bit about how probabilities of ‘mishaps’ and entropic propensities happen when the sanctity, sanity and symmetry of the language of life is compromised. Science says, the DNA is the language and the Genome is the whole book as it has all the chapters of life’s making and working. The DNA is a language in the sense that different combinations of chemicals, namely ATGC, stands as ‘metaphor’, as are words in the languages we speak. They communicate a particular meaning and instruction to the amino acids, which then go on to make relevant proteins. The complexity of the art of communication of the language of life is mindboggling. It is said that more than 70 years have passed since the DNA was decoded; still, scientists have not been able to fathom much of the communication at the molecular and cellular levels. The complexities are mesmerizing.

At every level, be it DNA level, gene level or cell level; there is beautiful artistry of how Information is requisitioned, communicated, received and then it is actualized into specific functions. They all may very well be termed metaphoric Information. A base pair representing some Information, which is copied as messenger-RNA and it then messages the Information to amino acids, which in turn translate the Information to create a specific type of protein. Understanding this all is pure science. However, what is there in the overall Information plexus of complex and colossal magnitude may very well be accepted as brilliant artistry of expression and reception. We still do not know in definitiveness as how different elements or causalities of Information, embedded in the interactional patterns of chemicals create this specificity, which works out as Code of Change at molecular and cellular level Media. This sure is something humanity may unravel in near future as scientists have been successful in deciphering good bit about the Information plexus and language of chemical patterns.

It is also brilliant as how different Media at molecular and cellular levels create the powerful and meaningful ‘metaphors’, which perfectly represent roles, purposes and functions. And, at the end of everything, it is all about chemicals arranging and patterning themselves in such a fashion that they work successfully as Information; leaving no room for confusion and misinterpretation.

We are not going into the details of so many mesmerizingly beautiful processes, which are part of the innate and entrenched Information mechanism at DNA and cell levels, as it shall create its own bulk and may defocus us from our original purposes. However, it is truly worth knowing and it is my humble request that you may kindly visit this very interesting and useful domain of contemporary science. It may provide deep insights into media, metaphor, language and communication.

Therefore, essentially, when we talk about alternative and novel ‘purposes’ of life-living, it shall be optionless necessity that we understand and accept the scientifically approachable Information (knowledge) about Consciousness, Cognition, Emergence of Information, Epistemology of Art, Symbiosis of art and science, Causalities of Interaction between Media and Milieus, Elements of Information, Mind Process of metaphor-building and representation of Information by brain, Macrocosm of Milieus, et al. The erstwhile mysticism and supernaturalism about human processes, human media, milieus and realities must be dumped and assigned to scientifically adorned energy of skepticism. We need to be in the ‘presentness’ of the species Timeline. If humanity is at level ‘A’ of the Timeline of Information and mass majority of humanity remains stuck at ‘Z’ or ‘S’ levels, then it is simply calamitous for cultures and human systems. This is singular causality of personal and individual slavery and sufferings.

Let us understand this with an example we all are aware of. We know that ‘intoxication’ and ‘inebriation’ have been part and parcel of human life-living, civilizations and cultures since inception. Psychedelic or hallucinogenetic substances have had a long and deep history with many great and famous Artists. Art and intoxication seem to be strange partners. It is often complained that the so-called philosophy of Higher Awareness or Spiritual Awakening is nothing but a state of psychedelic hallucination.

This is classical example of how human mind consciousness works. Scientifically, the mechanism and process of Higher Awareness and Psychedelic Cognition are similar. Both processes actually create ‘alternative and novel’ metaphors or representation of the Information about a Reality and alter the feel and cognition of it. In both situations, the

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