» Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity, Santosh Jha [top ebook reader TXT] 📗

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cost of cremation. The graveyards could not accommodate the dead so, relatives buried their dead on the sides of rivers. The tales of the painfulness is endless…

I simply could not remain unaffected by the huge load of grief as I believe, grieving about all this hell on earth was the least I could do. I could not be shameless enough to enjoy life as I was alive and relatively safe. The grief however was too much and it took its serious impact on me. My metabolism went haywire and I dived deep into the abyss of gloom, bordering mental as well as physical morbidity. I realized, this could not go on and I had to come out of it as I am the sole caregiver to my old mother. I consciously decided to use the grief as metaphor for something better and come out of my current state of mind and body with artful representation of the massive tragedy. I decided; I would begin to write and live out my grief through the artistry of language and thoughts. I sat down to write on the above-mentioned date but I was completely blank. Usually, when I begin a new book, I already have the skeletons of the book in my mind; I jot down the points and then proceed with a definitive trajectory of writing. However, there was nothing in my mind as I had no planning. There was not even the intention to write a book. I simply wished to live out the grief and pain through a cathartic experience of writing. The blank was what I had as initiation for the book and the body-mind readiness was hugely missing.

As I am writing this, this Blank has already produced over 40,000 words. I am not even thinking what worth and utility these words have possibly created. I am simply continuing with what I had begun with – representing my grief and painfulness into a metaphor of some sorts, through the cathartic experience of writing as this process is largely about negating your own self and accepting a novel causality of beingness. Within this enterprise; explaining how this has happened so far is probably the toughest thing to do. But I very humbly attempt to explain it as I believe with all honesty and innocence that it may help you have the feel of how reality is lived out as our consciousness shifts/alters its cognition and uses innate information for creation of a metaphor, which may prove cathartic and lead to larger and deeper wellness. This exercise may help us in arriving at our hypothesis about the specificity of Emergence, which finally settles as the Causality of a Reality. That is why I sought your magnanimity at the very start of the chapter as you can probably see, how poorly resourced I am to explain something, which is so intense, complex and hugely therapeutic yet unimaginably tough to put into words and language.

This eBook, you are going through, may very well be accepted as an Emergence. This emergence may very well be termed as Causal emergent expression of collectivity of separate constituting Information I have in different parts of the brain plexus, which seeds my consciousness. The Information; discreet and non-contextual they may sound and feel but are themselves seeded in physicality of billions of neural plexus. They are however, cooperative and assimilative part of the bio-chemical holism of body-mind Media. Then, this media of my consciousness is in constant interaction with the physicality of external milieus, which incessantly feeds Information into my Media system. The emotions, feelings, thoughtfulness and cognition of ambient reality are all Emergent elements and entities of the physicality of Information as well as their neural-bio-chemical interaction with physicality of my brain states. Theoretically; there are complex plexus of Information, Media, Milieu and multidimensional Emergences. Somehow; as the science of emergence tells us; these elements are the constituting elements of the Reality of Causality of Emergence. But; the singular and most critical question is – What triggers the ‘Causality’ of Emergence? What germinates the seeds of the collectivity of elements into the fruit-laden Tree of Emergence? In my case; what caused the Blank to grow into 40k plus words?

From our knowledge and experiences of science, we know that there is a specificity of situation, when distinct elements of seed, soil, water and physical attributes of ambient milieus like light and air converge and coalesce in a symbiotic specificity, triggering the germination of the seed and subsequent growing of full tree. We know, a fully grown tree in its entirety is an emergent reality as the seed itself has no wired Information to decide and define the symmetry of the full blown tree. Therefore, we have this hypothesis that there is some sort of specificity, which is required for emergence of a Reality out of the bundle of Information seeded into a physical structure. The specificity however has to be ascertained with definitiveness and understand how this specificity can be lived out for life-living excellence.

Here, the core trouble starts to unleash its true nature and lists out as why it is so near impossible to ascertain this magical Specificity of Causality of Reality. We try to understand it through an example of our life-living. This example somehow is so very close to the science of emergence, which we know. This may somehow unravel how difficult it is to ascertain specificity of emergence. This example is about how brilliance of musicality emerges in a symphony, played out by a philharmonic orchestra. Science of emergence tells us there are certain elements, conditions and attributes in Information of parts, which in a certain situation of milieus can trigger emergence. A philharmonic orchestra has almost everything present in real and metaphoric elements. It has the scale, the to and fro loop of information flow, plexus of interactions between parts of information as well as the elements in milieu, the harmony and somewhat exptropic (reverse of entropy) propensities of system, attributes that sync more than cancel each other out, etc. That is why when a philharmonic orchestra of highest order plays a symphony, what emerges is beyond the parts it constitutes of.

Here, we may benefit in our understanding of Causality of Emergence of Reality, if we list out the five elements constituting Information, which we may accept as Causalities, which Information engenders and they are available for a ‘Media’, especially the human media of consciousness. These elements or causalities may be accepted as –

* Dimension, * Force (energy), * Motion, * Location, * Attributes.

We all know of the terms and their possible meanings. However, in the ever-evolving domain of contemporary science and with new age human propensity to unravel all Realities in ever-expansive holism and entirety, we have the facility to assign and invest novel and alternative meanings and usefulness to the five elements or causalities. As we do it, we open the doors of novel and alternative ‘purposes’ and utilities in life-living. We deal with these novelties and alternatives step by step for easy and lasting understanding. This should ease up smooth internalization.

If we juxtapose these five causalities of Information with the probable specificity of the Causality of emergent reality, we have ease in understanding the complex process of emergence. We have brought these five elements or causalities of Information in picture when we are discussing the philharmonic orchestra and emergence of musical excellence of symphony to hypothesize that probably, emergence happens as and when these elements or causalities of Information are altered and acquires a metaphoric meaning in the process of assemblage of endemic and symbiotic conditions for happening of emergence, which we have detailed above. The philharmonic orchestra is a complex system and process of Information. It has Dimension, which reflects in its massive scale of hundreds of musical instruments and minds playing them. It has the Force or Energy, which reflects in the interactional loop of to and from information flow of musical notes of different musical instruments participating in a symphony. The scales and pitches of medleys of varied sounds present the elements of motion and location. The attributes are embedded in the composition and melodies of the symphony, etc. Hundreds of musicians, their instruments and thousands of audiences present the milieu as well as the media. Somewhere in the complexity of the process of the interplay of all these three – the elements of Information, the Media and the Milieus; the specificity hits the button and probably, there is a Change, which probably alters everything, primarily the cognition of the realities of the parts, in comparison to the emergent holism.

Something similar probably happened with my blankness too. As I sat down to write, there was nothing in my mind. As the first word waited for its arrival in my mind, I settled for what looked like a definitive probability then that I may never be able to write a book in such a state of mind. Therefore, what seemed possible was I would simply write whatever comes in my mind and won’t bother for any symmetry and pattern, as is required for a book. I said to myself that I would write as if I am singing and do so without bothering for the grammar of music and the syntactic rules of musicality, which is adhered to when we sing a musical composition in Indian classical music tradition. As I settled to sing the writing, the words began to drop; it came as short drizzle and finally it began to rain good enough to gradient the flow of the river of words. I kept singing and never bothered to check what I had sung and how it felt. I continued singing and did so for the sake of surviving out the grief; only focusing on how I could successfully alter the feel of grief into a metaphor of song, which rained as words. Much later, probably after 40-50 pages, a pattern began to emerge and it began to feel that there can be a one word theme, around which the book can take shape. I embarked on the theme and the words continued to rain, the river continued to flow in the gradient and the song gained its melodic momentum.

If I look back and try to ascertain what triggered this all, I can say with humility and honesty that what happened with the book writing was suitable situation for Emergence to seed and blossom a full tree. There was the Information with all five elements and causalities. There was a powerful external Milieu and my own internal milieu stood in symmetry and synthesis. That is why there could be melody of accord and mutual augmentation. My own Media of consciousness was fine-tuned for emergence as consciously, I had been working towards creation of cathartic metaphors of the Information I had in my mind consciousness. All elements and their suitability for emergence were present about which we have talked about earlier, in the specific example of philharmonic orchestra. What probably caused the specificity of emergence of the book may be accepted as my conscious decision to change and alter the Information of Grief and gloom into a cathartic metaphor of emergent purpose. The parts were there inside me and they subconsciously coalesced and cooperated to engender a holism of a new reality for me. Therefore, if I could humbly accept what is the Specificity of Causality of Emergence of Reality; then it has to be the Code of Change. This code of change may be conscious or subconscious-unconscious. This code of change may buoy up from within the system or from some elements in the external milieu. The code of change emerges out of the complex, copious, cyclic yet melodic interactions between Information, Media and Milieus. The change happens in all five elements of Information; it happens in the composition of symmetry and symbiosis of information which permeates inside the structural complexities of the Media; it happens in the ‘readiness’ and resonance of the milieu. The change is

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