» Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity, Santosh Jha [top ebook reader TXT] 📗

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in the evolution of consciousness of a handful. It is all about which side of a Reality you stand out. How?

We have already discussed how ‘Medium Is The Message’. The artificial intelligence as a Media is loaded with its own ‘commercial’ as well as ‘political’ message. A smart phone for that matter further ‘alters’ the innate and entrenched Information by presenting it as metaphor and representation of a Reality. The largely ‘unaware’ human consciousness, which is already in a mode to ‘delegate’ the information processing and part consciousness to the ‘artificial intelligence’, has neither the Free Will nor the inclination to test the validity, veracity and sincerity of a metaphor that the smart phone or other devices provide. Moreover, the more dangerous probability is the hijacking of the ‘artificial intelligence’ consciousness by the political tribe and profit-sharks for their propaganda and commercial agenda. This has been happening and there is a huge plexus of unfettered and uncensored fake news and ‘navigated’ information, which larger humanity happily believes and accepts.

The emergence of this Hybrid Consciousness is fast getting deeply entrenched in human systems and life-living. Contemporary times is a precarious stage of human evolution where average human brain of mass majority has hit its best potentials and its further evolution is dependent on its synthetic and artificial counterpart. The biological consciousness of earlier humans was also not getting the innate and entrenched Information from its ambient milieus and dominant cultures and they were already slaves to ‘representations’ of Reality, which their political, religious and commercial ‘masters’ designed. After the advent of the Hybrid Consciousness, the non-biological consciousness is gradually usurping the territory of biological counterpart and it has already begun to enslave more the already enslaved average unaware mass majority of humanity with its ‘loaded’ Information plexus.

As you know; every new knowledge, technology or utility is dual-faced. Its goodness and righteousness depends on whether you use the ‘utility’ or the utility uses ‘you’. This critical technology of artificial intelligence and non-biological information plexus is a huge facility of diverse probability. Those, who have the eligibility of using this utility with dexterity and aware choices; they have benefitted from it by enhancing their potentials exponentially. The handful now stands way above and ahead of the average masses, who are largely being used by this mega utility. The mass majority is blissfully ignorant about its true potentials and is happy using it for entertainment and basic communication. The ‘potential gap’ between these handful and mass majority is now a major gradient and as we know; it creates dimension. Elements and entities in different dimensions are virtually isolated.

What seems to be a calamitous Reality in near future, as the contemporary ‘Causalities’ clearly hint at; is the probability that in very near future, humanity shall witness an event, which shall equal the distant past ‘pre-historical event’ of our ancestors ‘climbing down’ from trees to herald the advent of early hominid. In coming years, a small portion of existing humans shall attain the criticality of knowledge and physical resources and shall feel suffocated and constrained living with the rest of average humanity. They shall make the leap forward in their consciousness evolution and segregate themselves from the rest of the humans. They shall consider the rest of average and ‘enslaved’ humans; especially people with the mechanical Hybrid Consciousness, as animals. It shall be similar to what humans consider their distant cousins, the chimps. The ‘new species’ of ‘super humans’ shall begin to consider mass majority of average humans as objects and shall control them like other ‘properties’ they shall preside over as Lords. As humans like to keep the animals in cages; the super human should not behave differently for ‘lesser humans’.

This has already started to happen even though the trend is not as perceptibly felt. The political tribe has already started to control the mass majority of average, unaware and ‘enslaved’ mass majority as animals and objects. Collectively, these ‘evolutionary vestiges’ have become their winning political capital as they control and enslave their Hybrid Consciousness through manipulation and management of innate and entrenched Information. In many countries, where the idealism of Democracy is still held high, this Reality has already taken concrete shape. The corrupted, oligarchic and dictatorial political tribe and its handful of powerful leadership have already ‘conditioned’ the hybrid consciousness and cognition of a sufficient majority of average and enslaved people. This enslaved majority considers the depraved political tribe as ‘Saviors’ and worships the dictatorial leader as God, even when they wreak havoc on them and play with their lives. The media of all sorts, especially the most powerful, invasive and omnipresent media of smart phones and internet have been usurped and monopolized by the corrupted political tribe and the profit-sharks they patronize, who use it for their propaganda purposes and fake information. They splurge huge amount of money on these intrusive Media to keep the mass majority enslaved. Independent media is hunted and political systems attempt to kill them or tame them through irrational and autocratic controls. Through these Media, the political tribe camouflage and fudge the true and innate Information and instead communicate such ‘cool’, ‘colored’ and ‘conditioned’ information, which make the mass majority feel that everything is going great, even when they live and die in hell of calamitous probabilities.

Also, we already know how only one percent of existing 7.5 billion strong human population controls and presides over 70-80 percent of all incomes and resources. We already know; more than 75 percent of human population barely survives through their monthly earnings. We already know, only five percent human population across the globe currently can afford a dignified and stable life-living. We already know, how in most countries, more than 75 percent population are dependent on the dole and hand outs of the political systems. We have enough reasons to postulate that more than 75 percent human population lives in a timeline that is centuries back and only a handful men and women are updated with latest knowledge pool of contemporary humanity. All these facts are fertile soil for the above-mentioned eventuality of a small new species of ‘super human’ to declare complete segregation from rest of the ‘animals and objects’, they feel suffocated to live with.

We have already witnessed how in most urban societies, elitist clustering and ghettoisation of lower rung of economic classes in most urban spaces of developing societies have already taken place. The higher income group and highly educated bunch of people are very skeptical of the lower classes. They find them a perceived security threat; unsuitable for societal mixing and definitive trouble for healthy-hygienic living, even when they happily take the services of these lower income group people. The very economy of these handful of wealthy and highly educated people depend on the service support and collective purchasing power of the mass majority of lower income people; still they consciously support their ghettoisation in restricted areas of the urban landscape. This trend has only accentuated and consolidated in the ongoing Covid pandemic crisis. Mass majority of the well off people virtually abandoned these lower income people serving them since long and even blamed them for aggravating the crisis. It is however also true that some of these wealthy people actually came to the rescue and help of the helpless and victimized lower class people, living in ghettos, whom the political tribes had almost abandoned and left to perish.

However, this divide between two classes and groups of people is certainly going to widen in future as they are actually two very different sets of consciousnesses. The mutual exclusivity between these two collective consciousnesses are ever enhancing and as the top hierarchy of financially-rationally-culturally Resourced humans can clearly see how the mass majority of the other set of consciousnesses of less resourced people have been hijacked and enslaved by corrupted and dictatorial political tribe, which they eagerly distance themselves from them, blaming them for the disastrous milieus they have to live in. Many such wealthy and highly educated bunch of people have already begun to leave their respective countries, where they find the milieus very suffocating and settle in those countries, where they feel they have better life-living options.

There is a two-dimensional ‘Migration’ taking place in the human world, which is currently not very visible. They may become a strong trend in coming decades. Within a country, the ‘Super Human’ species of ‘wealthy-educated-ensconced’ people are migrating to privately secured and serviced dedicated spaces, where they are gradually using modern technologies to keep them physically segregated from the ‘lower species’ of mass majority. The lower species are forced to migrate to the outskirts of the Super Human spaces in ghettos, dependent on the super humans for livelihoods. The elite clustering and ghettoisation is one dimension of new migration.

Second migration is taking place between countries. Some countries are being preferred as new life-living heavens and super human species are migrating to them with their wealth. There are countries, which are inviting and welcoming them. Some high tech designed and specially constructed cities are also receiving the new migrants of super human species. Gradually, there will be a few countries, where the super human species shall concentrate and as they have the wealth, they shall rule the rest of the world from their new ‘kingdoms’. The rest of the lower species shall remain slaved and even more incarcerated in their ghettoized hells in their countries. There, the political leadership shall keep their patronage to the wealthy and manage the lower species through ‘Information Management’ as political capital. The divide between the two species may concretize by the end of the current century.

This neo-evolution and consequential emergence of a ‘New Species’ of wealthy and highly educated super humans has already created a big divide in human societies. The resultant sense of alienation from both sides is also very perceptible. During the Covid crisis, this divide, sense of alienation and bitterness have only accentuated and consolidated. The whole world could see it and the local media also highlighted the stark and sad reality that during long and crippling lockdowns, the wealthy and well off people remained indoors happily and even enjoying lives, whereas the mass majority of lower income people, having no incomes, struggled to survive. The fragile and collapsed health care system also failed big time in saving lives of mass majority of poor and middle income people, killing them like insects. Most of the wealthy however survived as they had the best of private as well as public medical facilities ‘reserved’ and lined up at some cost, only they could afford. In fact, many rich people even got wealthier as they reaped the benefits of new openings in trade and commerce emerging due to Covid crisis. The resourced people even benefitted hugely from the black marketing and demand-supply imbalances of essential commodities and services. The political tribes happily looked askance. The small bunch of resourced humans made fortunes at the cost of lives of un-resourced millions, whom the Human Systems failed and left to die like insects and poultry. Still, the political tribe may not lose anything big as they shall manage the political capital with their Information Blitzkrieg, which has proved a potent tool of political management.

The post-Covid world is bound to feel and work on the calamitous ‘Causalities’ the Covid crisis has created. The human systems does not seem to be willing to learn any lessons from the current crisis and are making no efforts to correct the catastrophic mistakes committed during Covid crisis. The divided humanity shall also forget about all these traumas, as the human memory is proverbially short. The political system always bank on that. However, the ‘Causalities’ itself shall be the energies that shall engender such follow ups, which may further deepen the crisis for humanity. These Causalities are not physical but psychological and ideational and therefore, they shall unravel and unleash sub-causalities in subconscious layers of populations. The fall outs have little probability of being anything but tumultuous and calamitous…

This itself presents an opportunity

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