» Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity, Santosh Jha [top ebook reader TXT] 📗

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as benchmark of appropriateness and righteousness. What however is the core idea we need to look at is the fact that many scientists accept that there is innate and embedded Information about forms and logicality, which is universal and objectively true and right. If a piece of reality conforms to this universal logic and form of innate, entrenched universal Information of beauty, it has better probability of being true and right. It however has to be ascertained that individual consciousness first tests the very benchmark of beauty and its objectivity, before accepting it as the benchmark of logic of appropriateness.

Now, what we intend to hypothesize is how innate and even represented Information gets corrupted and how misinformation and fake Information creep in and deprave the consciousness of people. This has happened with humanity since ages and even today, it continues to create troubles for humanity at large. These depravities have only augmented in contemporary times and modern cultures as Information is being metaphored and represented by dubious and regulated Media for purposes not associated with survival/excellence of life-living but commercial/political agenda.

The idea of Beauty and Aesthetics has to be shaped up by Information that a person receives about ‘Causalities of Realities’ – objective or subjective, generic or specific, innate or metaphored, from his or her ambient milieus and dominant local cultures since childhood. However, when cultures begin to supply its own set of new Information, which are not only ‘External’ (even alien) to what ‘Forms’ a person has grown up with but also in no way associated with ‘utility’ the person ascribes to the ‘Forms’, the trouble begins. They are either propagandist or laced with ‘some agenda’ which the guardians of culture wish to install in society for their own suitability. For ease of internalization, we list some of these examples below.

There was an infamous sense of Beauty and Aesthetics for women folks in Europe between 16th to 19th centuries, which required women to have ‘disproportionately’ thin waist. To achieve this Beauty and Aesthetics, majority of women, especially in the higher classes, where it was more obligatory for women to have higher value and worth in matrimonial benchmarking, they were required to wear a hugely suffocating and crippling outer dress called Corset. What the corsetry achieved for most ‘eligible’ and ‘appropriate’ women was something, which is now called fetish and sexual ‘perversion’ of the dominant male society. The corsetry was ‘aimed at’ attaining the ‘male desire’ of bigger bottom and bulging bust in women.

Much later, it was declared that corsetry created major health problems and medical conditions in women as the corset, using steel ribs and whale bones, was squeezed so tight on torso of women to thin their waist that they could hardly breathe properly. Also, it badly affected their metabolism and other organs. Moreover, it was also reported that women could not perform their roles in households, including tending to their kids as they had huge trouble with this tight dress. The corsetry was one flagrant example of how depraved, demeaned and disastrous ‘metaphors’ and ‘representation’ of the innate and entrenched Information about the Reality of Beauty and Aesthetics not only possibly attains ‘utility’ and ‘worth’ but also, the obsessive madness and maliciousness could last for centuries.

The second example is even worse than corsetry. This happened in China and lasted for more than 1000 years, till recently. Since around 10th century, a ghastly and calamitous cultural practice of Feet-Binding of women, especially the upper class women, was started in China. This too was later declared fetish and sexual ‘perversion’ of the dominant male society. The aim of this culturally dominant sense of Beauty and Aesthetics was the same – To make the women appear more sexually ‘attractive and desirous’ for the dominant males. The foot-binding tradition was far more painful and crippling for women but majority of women, even average women in normal households followed the ghastly practice. The bones of their feet were broken; they were wrapped very tightly so that their feet appeared small. Because of their broken feet and resultant pain, they could walk awkwardly swaying their body, especially ‘certain’ body parts and this was what the fetish of male population sought.

This depraved and demeaning sense of Beauty of women and Aesthetics was so powerfully installed in Chinese culture and psyche of men and women that this 10th century ‘calamity’ was continued till recently. It is believed, there still are some women alive in contemporary China with their deformed feet. The ‘feet-binding’ was another flagrant example of how depraved, demeaned and disastrous ‘metaphors’ and ‘representation’ of the innate and entrenched Information about the Reality of Beauty and Aesthetics not only possibly attain ‘utility’ and ‘worth’ but also, the madness and maliciousness could last for centuries. The sentence has been repeated here for better internalization of the bitter Reality.

What we are attempting to arrive at is, how there are innate Information, which shape up and determine Reality about some cognition. Then there are culturally induced and metaphored Information, which Shade Up the innate shape and ‘Form’ of the Reality. This far, things are okay. In animal world, most Realities and their ‘utility’ or ‘worth’ are decided by their Innate Information. However, in human systems, culturally ‘shaded’ and modulated Information, which we call metaphors or representation of Innate Information, become more important and often override the Innate ones. This is fine. Humans being more complex and aware Media, their ‘Media-Message’ naturally shall be dominant. However, when cultures and human systems fall prey to fetishes, perversions, obsessive behaviors, gender-afflictions and most importantly ‘Agenda-Driven’ sensual and consumptive epicurean depravity of dominant segment of society and culture; this kills the Sanctity and Sanity of Information Systems of milieus. This then kills the sanctity and sanity of cultures, human systems, average life-living and most importantly; the human consciousness.

We have already talked about how contemporary pornography, which could have been a true, beautiful and aesthetic metaphor and representation of innate and entrenched Information of the over-encompassing Reality of life-living, was transformed into a depraved disaster as it succumbed to the demeaning fetish, perversion and madness of male world. The contemporary pornography has even worse elements of the erstwhile insanity of corsetry and feet-binding. It has lost touch with the innate realities of beauty and aesthetics as ‘commercial’ ingenuities of certain and specific ‘Media’ uploaded their faked and conflated ‘Message’ on board the Innate sensitivities of beauty and aesthetics. This is routine affair with most contemporary cultures and human systems. The madness persists; forms have changed but the primacy of depravity is only evolving exponentially.

In contemporary times, we still see in many tribal societies and cultures, a parallel trend and practice of corsetry and foot-binding. For example, in almost most tribal communities of Central Africa, Asia and Amazonian regions of Latin America, some very self- deprecating and painful sense of Beauty and Aesthetics among women are still prevalent. Body piercing and body-deformities of extreme nature are still prevalent in these tribes. Almost all these ‘benchmarks’ of beauty and aesthetics are grossly against the innate and entrenched ‘utility and worth’; rather, they only prompt painful life-living and embedded medical conditions.

Somehow, the fine-line between good cultural or personal ‘metaphor’ or representation of innate Information of beauty and aesthetics and its depravity and perversion is purely cognitive; often highly emotional as it essentially relates to the core ‘twin’ human desire of ‘Domination’ on male side and ‘Desirability’ on female side. This ‘Twin Factors’ can be clearly seen working out almost all the ‘Dynamics of Perversion’ in contemporary pornography. This happens in very pronounced and explicit ways in the domain of pornography but it has its euphemized and ‘toned down’ expressions in many other cultural trends of modern human systems and life-living. We all know about this reality and therefore, we do not go deep into it. We just list out some trends.

For example, we can see the shades of the ‘twin’ factors, along with some other psychic or illusioned cognitive ones, in the very modern and contemporary trend of tattooing. Tattoo is a great tool of very fruitful and hugely expressive communication of innate Information. However, the depravity and perversion seems to have gripped it and it has growingly become more disproportionate and less sanctimonious. Tattooing can be accepted very much like the cave wall paintings of early humans. They represented some core Information of the current milieus as well as internal emotional state of humans. Tattoo is very similar in content and intent. It sure could be as healthy and innately facilitative for larger humanity as pornography could have been. It may well be debatable but many believe, contemporary ‘overdose’ and obsession associated with the cultural communication of tattooing has entered the territory of deformity and borderline perversion.

This issue is very wide and deep. It is debatable and people may have very different viewpoints. We need to respect other viewpoints too. However, what we have done here is to just exemplify a certain and specific aspect of how Information and its related Realities are metamorphosed and probably deviates from its innate and appropriate ‘utility and worth’ as ‘Media-Messaging’ tampers with the critical Information. We also only wished to exemplify as how many of this prove harmful and very crippling for healthy and prosperous life-living. We sure do not wish to sit on a judgment but simply attempted to build on a probable hypothesis about the Reality of Information and ‘Media-Messaging’ in cultures and human systems. The hypothesis fits into our broader hypothesis that often, innate and entrenched Information, when transformed in cultures and human life-living systems, creates ‘Illusions’ as ‘metaphors’ and ‘representations’ have ‘doubtful agenda’ of dominant classes and corrupted political tribes. The author very humbly and sincerely wishes to say that there is no intention of judging anything or anybody. It is simply a process of hypothesis building, with the help of probable life-living examples.

The author humbly requests that if you wish to go further into this issue of sexuality and its dubious metaphorization in cultures; you may kindly refer to earlier eBook of the author titled, ‘Stupidity Of Be Yourself Viscerality – Unlearning Sexual Unputdownability And Pop Empowerment’, available for unrestricted downloads, like all previous 44 eBooks of the author. Thanks.


As we have discussed about the crucial aspect of Information transforming Reality and therefore life-living sanity of humans, we move to another very contemporary aspect of modern life-living. This is something said to have potentials to impact human life-living more than anything else so far. Scientists caution humanity of a newly emergent Reality called Hybrid Consciousness. This term refers to the new millennium reality that human brain is no more the only mechanism for humans, which processes and stores Information for them. There is this Artificial Intelligence and its processing devices, which are now very much an adjunct to human brain and remain reasonably well synced to it. Like the Smart Phone that almost every other person in urban culture has, which has ‘partially replaced’ the brain in its exclusive role of processing and storing Information. This smart phone is also considered as part of or extension of human brain and therefore termed very much a ‘Part’ of the generic human consciousness. This ‘mix’ of compartmentalized yet cooperative and symbiotic consciousnesses is called Hybrid Consciousness – one component biological and other non-biological; one part real and other as ‘artificial’ Intelligence, processing different Information. The overlapping is what makes it interesting as well as a major potential of troubles.

What scientists caution about this Hybrid Consciousness is a general and widespread unawareness among average human about the reality and challenges of this new reality. Secondly, the more critical point is the probability that the hybrid consciousness has signaled the advent of Singularity for human evolution as human brain has begun to ‘delegate’ and ‘designate’ its ‘artificial’ adjunct to perform the important task of Information processing. Together, they are being predicted as the beginning of a new era of further ‘enslavement’ and ‘incarceration’ of average humanity. Interestingly, this emergent ‘Reality’ happens to be the ‘critical jump’

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