» Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity, Santosh Jha [top ebook reader TXT] 📗

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humans, which would put to shame even the guardians of hell. Is this ‘metaphoric’ Information too inharmonious? Sometimes; overemphasis and borderline hyperbole may come handy! It is like when you say ‘I Love You’, the emphasis and elongation of the word ‘Love’ is only natural…!!

The contemporary humanity has fallen into a trap and they have little hope of coming out of it as they do not now have easy and sincere access to something, which is essential element of any System of sanity and sanctity – the Information.

In 2021, more than 50 percent the population of the world is living in less than one percent of the land of earth, which humanity very proudly calls the urban heaven, where at least, life and livelihood is possible. Out of the remaining less than 50 percent, who still live in villages, jungles or in places not urban spheres, it is estimated that more than 70 percent of them are able to survive in their non-urban landscape because of the Remittances sent in by those migrant work force, who still have their families living in villages, as they cannot afford family living with their meager earnings in urban places. In the big cities, only less than 5 percent population has a life and lifestyle, which we can say as good, dignified and a ‘cultured’ one. Majority of remaining 95 percent either survive in slums, footpaths, undefined-unapproved houses, cramped tenements and in undignified situations, which can never be termed as cultured-civilized living, even by old standards. Humans could live in far dignified milieus, even 5000 years back.

An average person is almost a slave of situations or ‘system’. The political systems want them like that as such slaves are worthy political capital for successful survival of political tribe. Most of these ‘Slaves’ have no or very little access to free-flowing, unfettered, unadulterated, genuine, objective and updated Information. They have access only to well commanded, ‘unfettered’ and abundant ‘Entertainment’, political propaganda, market-managed consumable infotainment but never those updated, genuine and relevant Information, these slaves would need for their emancipation. Moreover, the political tribe has successfully discredited the culturally respected-trusted intellectual institutions, therefore, making it perfectly possible for fake information to have easy acceptances by these slaves. The intellectual institutions as well as the public intellectuals also haven’t done anything great to redeem and reclaim their lost credibility either! They keep blaming the political tribe but haven’t come up with a counter-strategy to neutralize the ills of political system. They probably miss the Holism of contemporary situation by more miles than average men and women can.

During the Covid pandemic crisis, globally, we could see how a devastated and depraved urban life-living system responded disastrously to an emergency situation, where Information and its Sanctity-Sanity was of utmost importance. We could also very explicitly see how the political tribe of almost most countries unleashed untold miseries on their own people as they worked more diligently in hiding, suppressing and manipulating Information than sharing it with honesty and sincerity. Many political stalwarts unashamedly remained busy in using the pandemic as ‘opportunity’ to shine up their personal image and political brand equity. At times, tragically enough; it seemed the scientific community also could not come true to their potential and failed in upholding the true traditions of scientific information sanctity-sanity. More calamitously; many people also began to believe that a part of scientific community and their credited institutions were ‘hand in glove’ with depraved political tribes to ‘fudge’ the Information. This was calamitous; to say the least. If this is overemphasis and borderline hyperbole then it may be natural…!

The Covid crisis exposed the hypocrisies, stupidities and depravity of all layers of human life-living as it not only laid bare the myths humanity lived about their own body and mind but also the many myths of different human systems in urban life-living, which they considered the benchmarks of their shiny successes and excellence.

The political system, administrative system, the health delivery system, the economy-commerce system, the international system, etc all failed big time and humanity suffered untold pains and deaths. All this is still continuing almost unabated and there seems little hope for future as still; the sanctity and sanity of Information is being marginalized, vitiated and even destroyed. The worst is the reality that mass majority of people have developed so much distrust and doubt in their minds that even if in future, some true and right Information is made available; nobody will trust them and accept them. This cultural entropy is what we may accept as signs and symptoms of near complete annihilation of human systems in very near future.

All this happened primarily because contemporary human systems were already very poor, corrupted, confused and hypocritical Information Processing Mechanisms. The level of distrust over sanctity-sanity of Information was already high. During Covid crisis, at every level, the information flow and its sanctity-sanity was further mishandled and conflated with politically-socially engineered myths. Every system of humanity, especially the political system played havoc with the lives of their own people as they worked in their usual ways of fudging and suppressing Information; mixing up propaganda and fake information to suit their personal brand embellishments. As most people suffered directly and explicitly, they could understand the ‘game plan’ and ‘machinations’ of the political tribe and the profit-empire. Sadly, the scientific community has also lost so much of trust and faith in them by average person. It seems; they probably cannot absolve themselves of the ‘culpability’ as very likely, they too lost their ‘rooted resolve’ and ‘entrenched responsibilities’ in the storm of the pandemic.

Even after more than a year of the outbreak of the Corona virus and panning of the pandemic to such colossally devastative dimensions, nobody has the right, true and sincerely genuine information about everything that the humanity must know. Covid pandemic has exposed how humanity handles its own knowledge and informational plexus so dangerously and how human life-living has become a slave of their own created hell of diseased and depraved Information. The mass majority of people have all the reasons to believe that there is a well-orchestrated ‘Plot’ and diligently pre-planned conspiracy behind all these. The probability of the ‘Mishap Theory’ would be a great relief for larger humanity as it would lend them the much-needed relief that such a ‘mishap’ may be prevented in future. However, conspiracies may never be prevented and shall keep repeating. They say, ‘History has a penchant for repeating itself’. Somehow, if the dear History is compassionate enough not to repeat itself; humans may never be…!

If contemporary human tragedy and its calamitous nature could not convince the humanity of the need to dump the contemporary human life-living system, primarily its current Urban Culture and construct an alternative culture, then it is for sure that humanity, its intellect and its consciousness are all either dead or corrupted beyond redemption. The Covid pandemic has lent credibility to this probability.

The alternative culture is not a dream for humanity; rather, it is something the contemporary knowledge of Reality can and it must install with pragmatic precision. We know how Reality works for us and that is why, any human system that is supposed to work best for us must always be based on Reality and not personal suitability of the political tribe and handful of profit-monsters. It is therefore very natural that the contemporary political system and their patronized profit monsters would never want this alternative culture to come up. Only people can bring it about. This can happen if people understand this simple yet cardinal rule of life-living – Intuitive life-living and perceptional spectrum has created this hell for us. The new millennium must install non-intuitive thinking and life-living, which can bring about the alternative culture, based on Reality. Reality alone can replace the darkness of human life-living and it alone can emancipate humanity from the slavery, they cherish and celebrate as success. For this to happen – Sanctity and Sanity of Information must be held high.

We need to internalize the structural and functional fundamental building-blocks of the alternative culture for humanity and this can happen only when we understand and accept the true, objective and holistic nature of Reality. We must also get to the details of the manifestations of the Reality at different levels of differentiated Media. There are scientific ideas of Information, Emergence, Neuroscience and ontology-epistemology of related notions, which we shall have to understand, process and internalize. It sure is not easy but then; we shall try to ease things. But, the core factuality is – When was life-living easy and when it shall be for us to postulate that ideas and realities about life-living could be Easy. Internalization of knowledge is never Easy; only shameless stupidity and hypocrisy to live in happy Denial-Deception is Easy. That is why the humanity has always been Satisfied Slave in Happy Hell of its own making. Transformation from this situation is a must – however challenging it might be.

In the next chapter, we deal with Reality and everything related with it…






Reality, Liberty And Human Systems…


There is a new physics, which essentially asserts that questions are relevant but more crucial and critical is which side of the questions we are, what specificity of questions we seek and how. The logic is simple; not even a new discovery that if the question is wrong, the possible answer can never be right. Or, as we all know of the very classical idea that if the hypothesis is wrong, the theory can never be right. We already know; most questions have their answers embedded in them; most problems have their solutions seeded in their structure. The artistry is in acceptance of right and true questions!

The important question, which most of us miss is; we all know we are different from other animals, even when we share majority of body-mind mechanism, processes and reality with them. However, what we do not always ask and are interested in knowing as how and why we are different from other animals, even when we probably are an extension of this long evolutionary chain of animalism? More importantly, we also never ask, what does this difference mean to us? Are all differences good for us? Are we humans always well off with our ‘differences’ with other animals or are we in many ways than imagined, in loads of trouble because of these differences?

We may never ask these questions and probably are seldom interested in knowing but science asks them and also, science knows the answers with sufficient certainty. The contemporary scientific knowledge of Reality, human reality, the biological historicity, brain evolution, et al have made us understand the human systems, as compared to animal systems, with great perspective and insight. We need not go into details of this knowledge but we shall only touch upon the basic idea about this comparison of human-animal systems, to help us understand where we stand.

As we have hypothesized earlier; all living beings, from a unicellular one to the mammoth whale, are essentially a Media of Information processing. We stand in commonality with millions of other species on earth in this respect. However, where we differ from other organized big animals is how human brain processes some of the Information differently and probably exclusively. These differences are only a small part of the overall commonality we have with animals. We know, our distant cousin, the chimps have 98 percent genes common with us. For that matter; 99 percent of genes of 7.5 billion humans on earth are same. This means, we differ only ‘marginally’. However, in genetic makeup and gene expressions, this small ‘two percent’ is a huge factor. But, it is to be accepted in the same breathe here that this differences we have with other animals is not only good for us. It probably is the most critical element for most of our troubles. We must account for this fact and must internalize it.

The difference of human system with animal system is in the hypothesis that

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