» Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity, Santosh Jha [top ebook reader TXT] 📗

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advertises in all its ‘Media’ Munificence-Brilliance, to all passing customers at the front of the shop. Inside the shop, the generic reality of humanity is at sale at every counter.

We must also consider how more than pornography, the contemporary commercial food market is culpable of faking, misrepresenting and vitiating the innate and entrenched Information about nourishment, health and wellness. The contemporary human food and beverage culture is many times more disastrous than pornography. ‘Food pornography’ as calamitous ‘misrepresentation’ of innate Information of health and wellness probably is far more hypocritical and conflated than sexual pornography. If the young impressionable minds are accepting ‘Illusion’ as Reality in the pornographic world, they are getting far more illusions from the food items they see flooded and stacked in the market and happily accepting them as real and good. The related fallouts of the problems of obesity and innumerable lifestyle diseases and other disabilities are evident to all. The experts have been warning since ages but still, people buy in bulk the pornography – of food as well as sex.

What we wish to arrive at, having talked about pornography above, is this hugely dangerous but now very much a routine reality of the cultures and other human systems of humanity, very unlike animals. There is very miniscule evidence of faking, misrepresentation or vitiation of innate and entrenched Information for most animals. Some higher animals are known to use some shades of behavioral deception as part of their survival strategies but they are very rare. A baby of Shark, born in Atlantic Ocean or Pacific Ocean begins to perform most tasks its mother and others of its species does. They all share singular and common innate Information from their natural milieus, whichever Ocean it is. The new born shark baby does not encounter any fake news. It cannot be cheated or trapped by other species member through ‘misrepresented’ information. All information to everyone of its species is true, singularly common and freely available. Nobody is capable of vitiating the sanctity and sanity of the innate and entrenched Information available to animals in their natural world of existence, unless humans intervene!

A human new born is not that blessed. It has no access to any innate and entrenched information as everything around him or her in its ambient milieus and dominant culture is in the form of subjective and personalized metaphor or ‘representation’. Nothing is first-hand; everything is handed out. The human baby born in Africa receives a set of ‘represented’ Information, probably completely different from what a baby born in United States of America does. However, may be, the human child born in remote Africa gets a few information in its innate form; the baby born in America may never. In contemporary cultures, especially those highly urbanized developed cultures, all information is ‘Messaged’ and the ‘Media’, which does this ‘propaganda messaging’ or fake messaging is controlled by the hugely corrupted political tribes or the profit-sharks, who are patronized by the political tribes. This is easy now as contemporary humans have a Specific Type of fast evolving consciousness, which facilitates the task of ‘misrepresentation’ of Information at mass levels. This then facilitates enslavement of average humans, who become huge political capital for the corrupted political tribe. We must look at this new reality, but not in detail as most of us already know about it.

This hypothesis about the holism of Innate and Entrenched Information available in natural macrocosmic milieus and its vitiated partial Metaphorization and Representation in popular cultures and other human systems has to be understood with clarity and detail. Do kindly allow me to pick up an idea, which has probably been one of the most debated ideas in the fields of philosophy as well as pure science since ages. This idea is popularly referred as Beauty and in its holism; it is debated as the epistemology of Aesthetics. We attempt to discuss the idea of beauty and aesthetics, with a perspective that should ideally help us unravel the above-mentioned hypothesis – Innate Information versus Representation of Information.

As we all know, there is no singular belief or theory about the idea of beauty and aesthetics. It is more or less accepted that the idea is a conflation of perceptions or cognition both at subjective levels and objective ones. It is also accepted that beauty and aesthetics are ideas related with the art and science of ‘Forms’, logic, symmetry, geometry, sensibility, joyfulness, etc. The debate goes on as some say, ‘Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder’; classifying it as just a subjective perceptional acceptance even while others say, ‘Beauty is transcendental, rooted in the purpose and poise of core cosmic construct’. We bypass the debate and humbly wish to attempt a ‘unique’ hypothesis.

We have the knowledge back up of the new millennium science. We know how contemporary new age science accepts everything as Information and we have talked about how Information seeks its Media. We also talked about how the Media, when receives an Information, conflates it with its own ‘Message’. The innate and objective Information at Cosmic Levels get transformed and metamorphosed at the Media Levels. This is what scientists probably refer to as Emergence and a ‘Strong’ one. It happens as we know, ‘Medium Is The Message’. The Media communicates its Information in the ‘form’ of metaphors and representations. We have accepted that beauty and aesthetics is also about ‘Forms’ and in good probability, metaphoric information about ‘forms’.

In that perspective, we build our own hypothesis. Here we go.

We all know, how from very early childhood, when a human baby is so dependent on its parents, family, ambient milieus and culture; the infant continuously receives Information, most of them already ‘represented’ and in the form of metaphors. Still, what basic and repetitive Information it receives from its ambient milieus, ‘Form’ the basis of his or her subconscious ‘referral’ for all goodness and righteousness in life-living till death. The early information an infant receives, in whatever ‘form’ – innate or represented, his or her subconscious mind plexus accepts as key, core and cardinal information for survival and sustenance. These information then forms the basis or Innateness of all future ‘forms’, he or she accepts as useful, good and right. We hypothesize that this ‘Form-Familiarization’ and resultant ‘Value Summation’ of worthiness, forms the basis of beauty and aesthetics, when the child grows and matures as an adult. This is not a new notion as psychologists of great repute have already talked about this centuries back. What we are doing is approaching the idea with the alternative perspective of novelty of Information, with more specificity and with respect to holistic reality of beauty and aesthetics.

So, we try to list out, what innate Information an infant receives since very early childhood. The early information of an infant includes –

Softness – A new born is very tender and that is why everyone approaches it with softness of hands, touches and behavior. The infant is also muffled up in very soft drapes and clothing. Anything hard or rough is kept away from the reach of an infant. The softest thing the infant always feels for months is the mother’s breasts. Softness may be considered primary and predominant Innate and Entrenched Information.

Rhythm – Confined in a small space, the infant can listen only to smooth, rhythmic and soft sounds. The family also ensures that the infant is kept away from loud sounds and cacophonous beats. Every member of the family and even visitors approach the infant with sweet-sounding, humming and murmuring voices. The jingles, the lullabies, koochi-koochi tickling of family members etc, are all perfectly melodious and rhythmic. Rhythm may be accepted as Innate and Entrenched Information.

Fragrance – The infant is always surrounded by very assuring smells all around. The infant itself smells so marvelously with milky scent. The odor of scented body oil for massage, the tender aroma of talcum powder, etc. The best and probably most impacting fragrance an infant constantly and predominantly receives very early is the earthiness of the body odor of mother and other close family members, who hug them. Fragrance and aroma may be considered as Innate and Entrenched Information.

Coloration/Luminosity – Infants immediately notice something bright, shiny and full of colors. From early days on their arrival, the infant is introduced to different hues and shades, mostly bright and radiant and this automatically gets entrenched in their subconscious as something good and right for their survival. The Coloration and Luminosity may well be accepted as Innate and Entrenched Information.

Proportionment/Logicality – Very early in its life, a human infant begins to imbibe the very basics of geometrical logicality and embedded proportionment of all ‘forms’ he or she confronts. The milieus all around us have different physical ‘forms’ in definitive geometry of format, organization and pattern. Human brain is genius in deciphering patterns and geometric realities are very much part of the structure of logicality the human milieus are filled up with. The infant has very early familiarization and internalization of these elements in ambient milieus. The patterns and organizations can be accepted as Innate and Entrenched Information.

The list is long. We may also include such Emotional elements like proximity, assimilation, warmth, cooperation, etc. The infant also absorbs varied information as metaphor or what we called ‘represented’ information, subjective to his or her ambient milieus and cultures. These information are not innate but Media-Message as they are subjective to differentiated family and societal cultures. An infant in America shall see around him or her different Represented ‘forms’ compared to an infant in Africa or China; even while the Innate Information may remain similar. The ‘form’ of a mother in rural Africa and her ‘geometric details’ are likely to be different from the ‘form’ of the mother in cosmopolitan USA, as their physicality shall have cultural representations; even though core Information of Motherhood may be the same. The ‘forms’, logic, symmetry, geometry, sensibility, joyfulness, etc. shall be different for infants in different cultures and different family milieus, even within a culture. Therefore, what primary ‘Information’ a child receives about ‘Forms’ from its ambient milieus and cultures shall be both Innate as well as Metaphoric; both objective and subjective, both entrenched and media-messaged. But, they shall form the collective benchmark of utility and worth as they happen early and are associated with early life survival.

Very naturally, the idea and sense of Beauty and Aesthetics a child develops after growing up shall be a proportioned Conflation of both. The innate elements of ‘forms’ are generic, whereas the metaphoric or represented ‘forms’ are specific elements shaping the sense of Beauty and Aesthetics. However, it has to be understood and even very easily verified that both innate and represented Information about ‘Forms’, which shall shape up the sense of Beauty and Aesthetics shall have definitive ‘utility’ and ‘worthiness’ in terms of their relation with early life-living survival and continued usage. It also must have the symmetry of ‘forms’, which are innate information and present themselves as objective universal logic.

There is a very interesting example to show how conflation and corruption of this Information about beauty and aesthetics can be limiting, presumptuous and misleading for individuals and society. This we all need to be guarded against. Many scientists have said that when they hypothesize a reality, they look at its veracity and validity through different possible angles. However, ultimately, they test it on the anvil of Beauty. If a conclusion or hypothesis sounds, looks and feels Beautiful, it has better and larger probability of being true and right. This is however debatable as some scientists consider it as a trap and self-restrictive proposition. Why?

The primary reason may be the probability that beauty and aesthetics have subjective preferences and acceptance. Science however always seeks objectivity of benchmarks. Moreover, intuitive sense of beauty and aesthetics may not have the finality as it is bereft of the non-intuitive elements, constituting the holism of the idea of beauty and aesthetics. Therefore, even a scientist can ‘err’ if he or she ‘relies’ on the idea of beauty

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