» Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity, Santosh Jha [top ebook reader TXT] 📗

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for the contemporary humanity, especially the Intellectual leadership of humanity, to create an alternative human system, in the post-Covid world, emerging from the ravages wreaked by political tribe and profit-sharks during current crisis. The failures of contemporary human systems during current Covid Crisis have been historical, hysterical and definitely unpardonable. This sure cannot be allowed to continue. This itself presents the outline of an alternative model of new human systems in future. The requisites are there for anyone to see and accept. However, human penchant for Denial and Deception of even the starkest of Realities has also been known to all. There is every probability that post-Covid world would also see the same denial and deception methodology of leaderships and even the mass majority. This however, shall be more tragic and calamitous than what humanity has suffered so far in the last few months.

Humanity has come a full circle. The mediocrity, stupidity, hypocrisies and shamelessness, which the human cultures created and promoted as ‘benchmarks’ of speedy and sustained ‘Successes’ have boomeranged on larger humanity as the tools of total annihilation. These benchmarks of successes, which have now become disaster devices, are nothing but expressions of the depraved elements of scammed Consciousness. The scammed consciousness and corrupted cultural cognitions of humanity has wreaked havoc on themselves and they are clueless. The alternative human systems need to ‘unlearn’ these elements of calamities and install a new mechanism, which ensures sanctity and sanity of innate and entrenched Information.

It has to be understood and accepted that Reality and Liberty are two sides of the same coin. There cannot be perception and cognition of true, holistic and objective Reality if the human Consciousness does not have complete and perfect access to Liberty. We have already talked about the hypothesis about Liberty. Liberty is not something that the humanity has ‘created’ and installed for its human systems. If humanity thinks and believes that the political Constitution of a country or the laws structured by jurisprudence, which most free and democratic countries follow, are the basis and guarantee of Liberty to humanity; it is then probably one of the worst hypocrisies and mediocrity of humanity. The constitutionality and jurisprudence themselves are probably the worst expressions of the hypocrisies and mediocrity of ‘enslaved’ and imprisoned collective Consciousness of humanity. Both have so dexterously been compromised and obfuscated by the corrupted political tribes and the systems they preside over. In fact, the worst violators and culprits of conspiratorial action/behavior for the annihilation of justice and liberty have been these two idealized platforms of humanity – Constitution and Jurisprudence. Liberty, like Reality, both being two sides of the same coin, was there before life came on earth and much before humanity happened. The new alternative human systems must understand Liberty in its holism and entirety and make it the singular basis of new systems.

With all humility and sincerity at my behest, I wish to submit that as I have already detailed the issue of Liberty and Alternative Human Systems in my previous eBooks; I need not burden this eBook with the unnecessary bulk of it. You may very kindly check out the eBook titled, ‘Sanity Is Impossibility’ for the elaboration of the idea of Liberty. The issue of Alternative Human System has been detailed in the eBook titled, ‘Give Me My Crown Back’. Both eBooks, like all my previous 44 eBooks are available for unrestricted downloads.


I very humbly wish to say that that in this eBook, we are attempting to progress on many issues, some of them dealt with previously so that you have ease and facility in processing and internalizing novelty of issues as well as interpretation. Holism always facilitates internalization. An issue or idea must always be approached and addressed with different perspectives and alternative standpoints to facilitate holistic understanding and internalization in its entirety. The fast emerging and ever evolving new and path-breaking objective scientific information that contemporary humanity has been provided with by our brilliant scientists; must be popularized for the masses, who usually have little time and energy left struggling with their life-living challenges. Presenting them to you with whatever utility and worth my own stupidities and worthlessness can muster up, is my singular and humble satisfaction.

We move on to the next issue and new chapter with this deep assurance that you shall always keep your innate and entrenched energy of skepticism upfront and never ever accept anything I say here, without assigning it to the objective process of self-inquisitiveness and self-verification. What you internalize in your consciousness must always be what you own and what you own must always be the outcome of the Self-Enterprise of personal processing of Information. Thanks for coming this far. Do kindly remain the collaborator, you have been so far, for the next levels of the journey this eBook intends you to continue with.












Contemporary Wisdom And Future Humanity…


History of human evolution; especially the history of organized human civilizations and cultures is a mesmerizing and magnanimous bunch of Information. It is virtual ‘energy bundle’ for humanity to fuel its future journey. History must never be repeated. It shall, always, if humanity continues to fail to learn and especially ‘unlearn’ from its past – both mistakes as well as marvels. The very basics of physics of Reality tells us that ‘change’ is the only constant and if we feel the linearity of the ‘arrow’ of Time, it is because change is always transforming Information for us.

Primarily, the singular and critical ‘learning’ from history is that every speck of all Milieus and all Media must alter and renovate itself in sync and symmetry with changes in the progression of Time Dimension. Every creature, including humans as ‘media’ and their cultural milieus must keep pace with Time. What however is the ‘unlearning’ from history is that even if there is something glorious and brilliant in past and present, it must never be ‘revered’ as static virtue; it also must keep evolving and upgrading itself. If these twin elements of learning and unlearning are not kept energized in unending cyclicality of dialectical change; history shall repeat itself and that would unleash calamitous probabilities for human systems and life-living. We clearly see this happening in contemporary cultures and systems. Even worse; let alone glories, the worst of stupidities, mediocrity and hypocrisies are being continued and even idealized as static virtues. This manifests itself in calamitous cultures. History repeating itself is a huge ‘metaphor’, which needs to be understood in its holism…

Human history can be approached from different perspectives. Do kindly allow acceptance of a novel approach of history being a dialectic progression and journey of Information. Human history is a very miniscule, though very critical portion of the long and vast history of our universe. Magically enough, the ‘history’ itself happened as humanity happened; otherwise there was no nomenclature of historicity. The Big Bang happened 14.5 billion years ago and it created the primary and transcendental Information. The Big Bang and its ‘perceived’ details of high energy and magically mystical progression may itself be considered some sort of ‘metaphor’, which humanity has created for our own understanding. Human understanding has its limits.

Like, we probably cannot perceive and understand ‘nothingness’ in its absoluteness and holism. Why? Probably because, even if we feel and perceive ‘nothingness’, it is an ‘observation’ and perception of the Media of body-mind consciousness, which itself is ‘something’. The ‘something’ observing a ‘nothing’ is likely to embed its innate elements of ‘beingness’ into the observation and this shall ‘vitiate’ the absoluteness of ‘nothingness’. The Media uploading its own message has this propensity of vitiating objectivity and absoluteness; we know that. That is why we hypothesize that most Information, even Big Bang, nothingness, somethingness, finiteness or infiniteness et al may only be ‘metaphoric’ – some ‘representation’ of a probable Reality. This in no way discredits even a miniscule speck of Science as most causalities, we humans encounter in our life-living are Media-Level Information and science has good amount of definitiveness unraveling them and using them for benefit of humanity.

History has progressed just like that. Human history is a good ‘representation’ of how Information progresses in metaphoric linearity of Time and how the dialectical evolutionary energy of change and metamorphosis works in interactional causalities. A short elaboration of this hypothesis may facilitate understanding of what we intend to deliberate in this chapter.

We have hypothesized earlier; Information may be accepted as the ‘building block’ of all Reality. Human consciousness as ‘Media’ of information processing has been in constant and evolving interaction with external physical milieus as well as internal body-mind milieus. This continued and evolving Interconnect and Interplay of Information and Media is the metaphoric Reality of linearity of Time and this engenders the cognition of History. Therefore, the singular, core and critical ‘learning’ from history is this Cyclicality of Causality between Information and Media.

Even before the ‘Media’ of humanity happened, Time progressed metaphorically, with its Information-Media causality and as early-primitive ‘Brain’ had happened much before humans happened, multitude of metaphoric Information as innate, entrenched or wired ‘Knowledge’ had become part of the brain, which kept evolving till humans happened. Human brain, which is the best possible and most empowered Media to unravel and decipher Reality, itself is probably a poorly catalogued library of history. Modern science has definitive Information about human brain evolution and we all know how human brain is not a singular organ but a ‘cooperative’ of different organs, evolved within different Timeline. We have a reptilian brain and a mammalian (monkey) brain stacked beneath the upper brain, which we call the cerebrum and the cerebral cortex. Scientists tell us that we humans still have genetic materials of the primeval ancestors of reptiles and monkeys. Our genome has the ‘debris’ of viruses, human body encountered and survived. Therefore, human brain itself is a history, which can look into what it calls the ‘history’.

Human brain, which engenders human consciousness, is probably a good example of how Information and Media are ‘entangled’ entities and their constant interaction is the primary ‘energy’ for causality of every other Reality, which we perceive. Essentially, when we talk of History, we definitively invest ourselves into the progression of human brain and the journey of human consciousness. This is also the history of civilizations and ‘cultures’, we have documented.

We can begin the history of human brain since 10,000 years back, when humans settled and began to live an organized life in small tribal societies. When we look back at this history and trace it down to contemporary Times, we probably can unravel and understand where humanity went ‘wrong’ and what learning and ‘unlearning’ we can derive for future corrections and excellence.

We know good lot about the contemporary human brain, as the neuroscience has deciphered great many aspects of the mechanisms and processes of human brain, especially, how it works in contemporary milieus. However, the knowledge of brain’s evolution in the past 10,000 years is still largely elusive. This leaves the scope of some scientific philosophization, which we may resort to just for the sake of better understanding of our own hypothesis. Very early humans had very little knowledge of the larger milieus as what was ‘primary and cardinal’ to survival was ‘memory’ of prospective and safe localized locations and some survival skills. Later, when settlements happened and agriculture happened, the human brain probably had enough latitude of safety, leisure and prosperity to be inquisitive about the larger milieus and more information just for the sake of ‘awareness’ and probably entertainment. The upper brain associated with planning, thoughtfulness, organization, association, et al began to be more active and more organized. Modern scientists have discovered that in humans as well as in most domesticated animals, the brain size has ‘shrunk’ by around 10 percent in the last 70,000 years. Many believe it has happened because the upper brain portions have become more efficient (as happened with computers) and therefore their size became sleek and small. Also, as life became comfortable, it

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