» Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity, Santosh Jha [top ebook reader TXT] 📗

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human lives are obsessed only around the Information of Relationships. It happens because even after centuries of development in human civilizations and cultures, no political system has ever ensured sufficiency and equal access of even bare basics like above-mentioned elements to all its citizens. On the contrary, the contemporary cradle of modern human civilization and culture – the clustered and suffocating urban spaces, have only accentuated the gaps between haves and have-nots. Also, families and peer groups have failed to uphold the high standards of behavioral and attitudinal traits, which could ensure Human Dignity to all, irrespective of their status, ethnicity and faith. Moreover, a large number of men and women, who have the blessed endowment of self-sufficiency and security of these basic resources, are still investing majority of their time and energy on either bettering them or augmenting them. In fact, the usual human tragedy is that the moment a person attains sufficiency or abundance in one aspect of ‘purpose’, this itself translates into deficiency and loss of other purpose. One may gain in status and money and this often translates into troubles in relationships. For mass majority, it is ‘enslavement’ of forced Deprivation, whereas for a large numbers, it is enslavement of obsession and Indulgence. The slavery is unique, over-encompassing and unputdownable for most humans. Most have the helplessness and compulsion of deprivation of Resources. The vast number of humans has deprivation of Cognition.

As we are talking about ‘Alternative’ Realities of life-living, cultures and human systems, we need to unravel and decipher some basic yet core ideas and hypotheses about the Holism of Reality. This may help us in understanding and accepting some ‘alternative’ purposes and their non-intuitive utilities and worth for human life-living. As we talked about earlier – there are two parts of the Deprivation and therefore, the alternative also has two domains. First has the role of political systems and other related human systems to create such ‘alternative’ cultures and processes, which could ensure improved equitability and basic sufficiency to all humans. Second and more important role is that of every individual – the aware men and women to embark on such ‘alternative’ cognition, perspective and awareness, which could add and augment loads of other ‘purposes’ of better utilities and worth than the current obsessive and enslaved indulgence in the bare basics. In both domains of eradication of Deprivation; Information as Liberty plays the singular critical role. The Information is the key and core element, which energizes the causalities for optimization of potentials in all dimensions of life-living. We have been talking about this aspect of reality in so many different ways. We continue to progress ahead.

We talk about that in the next chapter. Take a break; have the best of the Chocolates in your fridge! It shall help in the readiness of the acceptance of the ‘alternative’ we are going to talk about. It is important to have a sense of ‘Fulfillment’ in one domain, before venturing into a novel and alternative domain of utilities and worth.









Alternative Purposes and Utilities…


Before we start the chapter, I very humbly and with deep sense of amiability and compassion, call upon your magnanimity and optimality of openness, as I wish to take you to some idea and idealism, which is not very easy for our usual intuitive perceptions and acceptances. I also very respectfully appeal you to proactively partner with me in our joint enterprise to delve into some thought-territory, which is amenable not to intuitive Intelligence but non-intuitive Innocence of acceptance. It is also not easy for me to articulate it. I have already very humbly expressed how consciousness as a media is very insufficient for conceptualization and internalization of vastness of the holism of Reality. Moreover, expression of this ‘alternative’ intent of content through the very mediocre, metaphoric and hypocritical language, we communicate with, is tough. Therefore, the primary and cardinal ‘worth’ is your magnanimity, innocence and acceptance. If we could arrive at where we intend to, the sole and exclusive genius is yours. Einstein may not have been very sure of human stupidity but I am very much; about my own!

There are two broad ways in which we can understand something, especially complex ideas; given that the idea is very much part and parcel of our daily life-living. So far, in this eBook, we have been deliberating such ideas. Reality is what we all live out. First approach is to understand the singular, objective and complex science of the reality of the idea and accept it as some hypothesis or theory. Second is to understand broad aspects and Live Out the reality itself. Instead of hypothesizing, living out means, internalization of the idea within the layers of consciousness and actual observance and performance of the ‘Art’ of science in life-living. It is like; someone may study language and literature; learn all aspects of its reality and then enjoy poetry and even create poetry. Someone else may not study literature and language yet, he or she creates good poetry in simple expressions as he or she has lived out the essence and specificity of poetry itself. There was a legendary genius of India, known as Kabeer, who probably had no access to education and worked as poor weaver; yet, he created such deep and mesmerizing poetry, which has no parallel in history of humanity. He probably lived out the reality of life-living and then, poetic expression of these lived out experiences descended down on innocent and simple words. This Poor poet was the King of metaphors and literary imagery. In this eBook, since very start, we have listed out this very beautiful artistry of Internalization of Art, in the finest tradition of Living Out the Reality itself.

Somehow, in the domain of science of reality, first, there still is no definitiveness as the knowledge is still evolving and finality is elusive. Unlike language and literature, there is no singular definitive grammar and syntactic rules in science of reality as most ideas are hugely metaphoric and primarily in the domain of probability. Secondly, the reality of science apart, we all live out reality in our own ways and experience all those aspects of reality, which science may offer as field of study. This living out has the facilitative dimension of intuitiveness but, when we understand the basics of scientific ideas and begin to live out these ideas, the dimension of non-intuitiveness opens up for us. This idealism of living out Information in its holism, facilitated by scientific knowledge opens up portals of novel and alternative purposes in our life-living.

Ideally, everyone must learn the grammar and rules of language and art, before he or she delves into poetry. This surely is preferred chronology as it helps. However, if there is a situation, where there is no finality of a definitive field of singular knowledge; as is the case with science of Reality; there is this probability that we may not be worse off, if not better off, if we live out the Reality and internalize its multidimensionality in our own personal life-living. No doubt, knowledge of the basic aspects of the science of reality is important as it opens up the portals of non-intuitiveness of cognition but equally important is living them out. Why?

Any knowledge of humanity is for living it out and benefit from it. In the case of reality, learning through living it out has more benefits as good part of the Reality is emergent. Our consciousness itself is a classic media of emergence and therefore, it has the ease of living out realities and learn from life-living itself. This is what we have been doing so far in this eBook. We are detailing elements of Reality; familiarizing with aspects of scientific ideas about Reality and then attempting to understand it by living it out, through life-living examples all around us.

Moreover, what we have been doing primarily in this eBook is Living Out a very fruitful hypothesis, which says – Knowledge is junk if it is not lived out. Science too has to be lived out. In popular perception, science is accepted as a subject – an academic routine. This needs to be changed. Science is not a subject; it is Information of Life and Living. For that matter; poetry and literature is not a subject; it is also Information of life-living. For that matter, mathematics is also not a subject; it is also a beautiful language. Traditionally, we have accepted that life itself is the best teacher and the most vibrant syllabus of learning-unlearning. The long history of humanity has proven this hypothesis as we have had such geniuses in the past, who had no or very little academic education but created such masterpieces of art and science. It happens and shall always happen as life and our consciousness are the best and most potent Media of the holistic and symbiotic artistry of intuitiveness and non-intuitiveness. The mix of the two is what we have been insisting though out this eBook.

However, what we are going to do next, in this chapter is a tough situation. We are going to deal with some idea or what we may call an element of Reality, which is central to the very basis of Reality itself and about which, the contemporary science may offer probable hypotheses but they may not be easily understandable, unless we relate them with our own life-living. We are going to talk about a possible hypothesis of Causality between Information, Media, Milieu and Emergence. The Causality of Reality is a hugely complex and tough domain. Contemporary science offers great insights into a possible theory of causality or causation. But; they as usual are metaphoric and somehow a conflation of science, mathematics and philosophy. This is complex and not amenable to all. However, if we could live out this Causality by understanding it through our life-living experiences, we get to a model of personal wellness and excellence. This task is also not easy, as it involves so much of complexities and non-intuitive internalization processes. Still, we are attempting that. We are venturing to live out the Causality of Reality and this itself has fallen into the domain of probability as we have somewhat lived out the constituting ideas of Information, Media, Milieus and Emergence. As we attempt this tough task, we sure call upon our humility of Innocence and not the resolve of Intelligence. Living out a reality needs innocence of consciousness.

As we begin this tough enterprise, we probably can be better placed, if I start with the details about how this eBook ‘emerged’. This may help us Seed the very process of living out a reality. As we are talking about living out a reality, it may help if I explain in short as what ‘Causality’ engendered the ‘Emergence’ of this very eBook as both you and I are living out this eBook. This may help in understanding the causality of reality and the process of living it out. Let us give it a try; with all possible honesty of innocence at my behest.

It was April 15, 2021. The milieu around me was extremely grievous and painful. The second wave of Covid pandemic was wreaking havoc. Every day, there were around half a million new infections and over 4000 deaths. I had lost a close relative in my family a few days back due to Covid. People were dying on the streets, as they were refused admission in the already full hospitals. People were dying ghastly deaths, even in hospitals, as Oxygen was not available and was being black marketed. The relatives of the dead had to wait for hours for the last rites, as city’s crematoriums had no capacity for cremation of so many dead bodies arriving every passing hour. At many places, the crematoriums collapsed as they could not bear the continuous fire that had to be lighted for last rites. People were throwing away their dead in the rivers as they could not afford the

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