» Psychology » Alternative Reality For Illusioned Humanity, Santosh Jha [top ebook reader TXT] 📗

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humans can have liberty and animals are all in chains and enslaved. The reality may be just the opposite. As we have discussed above, the primary requirement of the sanctity and sanity of all lives and living is the unfettered and unadulterated access to Information in its holism and entirety. Every human being must get this TRUE ‘Information’ from its milieus and this is what actual Liberty is all about. As we talked earlier, if we are not aware, even enslavement becomes a matter of pride and cherishment for us. True Information alone can make us ‘Aware’ and that is why Liberty is about Right Information. Every animal is generally and innately enjoying this Liberty. Only humans do not as they largely have access to ‘synthetic’, adulterated, metaphoric, localized and socio-culturally-politically ‘encrypted’ Information from the time of their birth till they grow up in years. Tragically enough, most humans do not have the knowledge tools to even verify the veracity, sincerity and complicity of the available Information. Only a few very evolved humans can ‘decode’ the hypocrisy, culpability and depravity of the incoming Information. That is why; mass majority of deprived and emaciated humanity of this very survival element of Liberty is slave of their own making. They are virtually the happy merrymakers of the Hell, they have created and perpetuated since centuries and millenniums.

We need to understand this very crucial and critical idea of Liberty in the cosmic context of Information. This shall clear the mist in our minds about our being, living and life priorities in the so-called cultures we live. To understand this, we shall discuss a very powerful idea, which is defined as – Medium Is The Message. We discuss it in detail to unravel a huge mysticism of human life-living systems.

In perfect idealism, a Media is supposed to be a neutral, objective, detached and non-participative mechanism in the entire processes of communication and expression of content and intent of the Information. However, what the adage Medium Is Message intends to hypothesize that in many cases, the Media not only communicates but also offloads its own ‘intent’ and ‘content’ in the Information it is communicating. In gradual progression, the Media itself becomes the Message as it suitably metaphorizes the Information as per its personal and subjective ‘Agenda’. This saying, Medium Is Message is accepted to be precisely true with human body-mind media and its own Media called Consciousness.

Therefore, finally, it is the medium, which itself becomes the message or majorly shapes it. Means, the media, which is supposed to be carriers of ‘content of intent’ of the Information from the external and internal milieus with objectivity and with whatever is assigned to it, instead starts to load its own intents and contents that essentially has the ‘agenda’ emanating from its own structural and functional mechanisms and processes. The ‘Message’, this ‘Media’ of human Consciousness creates as its own ‘Agenda’, is essentially a metamorphosed ‘representation’ and ‘metaphorization’ of true and real Information, suiting to the conscientious or non-conscientious ‘profitability’ of a particular ‘tribe’ of humanity; not the humanity as a whole.

Though humans are best examples of this tumultuous case of ‘Medium Is Message’, with every human becoming a localized and dualistic consciousness, communicating and installing its own personal ‘agenda’, it is widely applicable on all media that humanity creates and thrives on. We have already hypothesized as how cultures and other human systems are essentially Media of Information processing. We all know, when in contemporary age, we are experimenting incessantly with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and foraying into high-end humanoid robots, there is always this lurking fear that the ‘Medium’ we are creating and infusing with complexities of perceptional/emotional elements, may ultimately stand to develop its own animalistic cognition and organic consciousness to override the installed ‘Purpose’ and load its own ‘Message’ and randomly emergent agenda. Or, the ‘profit-sharks’ and ‘political tribes’ may also install their own Agenda into the AI platforms. They already are! There are already primary evidences of such eventualities.

Our own Consciousness is also a Media and it also uploads its own message and agenda on our meta-cognition of Reality as it creates personal/subjective metaphors and representation of Information (faiths, beliefs, perceptions, value summation) it receives and processes. In simple words, what we as humans see, perceive and express as Reality is and probably shall always be ‘Refined, Colored and Doctored’ Reality. It is because Information is sensed and processed by our media of consciousness through multiplicity of subjective and cultural ‘Filters’ and never as objective, singular and elemental, as it emanates from its innate milieus. Therefore, this ‘Medium Is Message’ realism also points out to the situation that Reality cannot be singular and non-dualistic as it is always a summation of different media-engendered parts where ‘messages’ or expression of reality changes or plays out differently. This is culture for us. This is what all human systems are – the Scammed Reality of botched up and fudged Information, having lost its sanctity and sanity in the conflated processes of metaphorization and representation…

The scientific studies of Consciousness have opened up doors for many probabilities, which are huge leeway in understanding the related and contextual ideas and entities of Milieus, Cultures and Emergence of myriad nature; many of them falling in the domain of ‘Media Is Message’ and abstract metaphoric representation of Reality. This needs to be understood with clarity and also probably with an element of populist culture, so that the core and critical ideas about the troubles the ‘metaphoric representation’ of innate Information lands humanity into, which the human consciousness is a master craftsman of, be unraveled. What better populist element than Sexuality and its abstracted and depraved metaphoric representation in the hugely predominant Porn culture across all societies, transcending geographical barriers!

However, before we go into the Porn thing, it is also very relevant and contemporaneous to mention that there is a scientific line of thinking, which describes Consciousness itself as some idea, which has now stayed to be accepted as conflated and abstracted collage of so many related and contextual metaphoric ideas. It suggests, Consciousness is like a ‘Suitcase’ notion, which is large and abstracted enough to pack so many different, yet seemingly related ideas like consciousness. In that sense, Consciousness itself is a Confused and Conflated Reality for most humans as it ‘Packages’ so many such abstracted yet related ideas, which human brain is masterly capable of churning out, as representation or metaphor of Information about a Reality. Essentially, this suggests – a confused and abstracted mind consciousness sits down to engender a series of equally confused, conflated and abstracted metaphors of so many related and contextual Information. This we try to understand with the help of a detailed discussion on the populist issue of a metaphor/representation called Pornography and the innate and entrenched Information, which we know as Sexuality of Humanity.

Sexual reproductive mechanism is not exclusive to humanity. The mating processes are extensive in animal world and have wide species specific variations in different birds and animals. Sexuality may intuitively be accepted as Innate Information and very much Entrenched in the internal milieu of body-mind spectrum. However, if we test its innateness on the anvil of non-intuitiveness, we may accept sexuality as Information at Media-Level and not as it is at Cosmic Level. Therefore, human sexuality or any other specifies-specific mating Information may well be accepted as ‘metaphor or representation’ of Innate Information. Probably, at cosmic levels, the Innate Information is simply about gene-transference or ‘species-proliferation’, which is ‘represented’ as sexuality in human Media and other Media of different species.

Anyways, we do not wish to go into this debate. For our convenience, we may accept sexuality as Innate Information for Media. So, the expression of this innate and entrenched Information for specific purpose of mating and reproduction is wired and its ‘Media’ in different species is also singular and fixed. However, different Media of different species express this ‘Information’ differently. We all know how different birds and animals behave differently in their singular expression of mating rituals. Moreover, we also know how this innate and entrenched ‘Information’ is used as metaphor and representation for other purpose than mating in many animals. From familiarity to dominance, from assimilation to identification of strength; this Information of sexuality is expressed in varied ‘Forms’ in animal world. Why blame the animals so disproportionately? The humans also successfully practice all these ‘forms’ better than animals! The average humans do nothing very exclusive with sexuality and mating information, which many other animal species don’t. Only a handful evolved humans have the faculty to create marvelous alternative ‘metaphors’ of innate sexuality.

However, all other animals have all these behaviors wired in their subconscious brain states and they do not have the evolved consciousness to create ‘fake’ and ‘freaked out’ metaphors and representations of the mating rituals and innate sexual Information. The humans have them and they do it with most prolific and passionate hypocrisies. Why human ‘superiority’ is usually expressed with more intensity of depravity than the animals is the question. Science likes to answer but we do not enter this domain now. So; these elements of ‘ritualistic vitiations’ and ‘ideational depravity’ may not be accepted as something ingrained in the ‘Wired’ Information of sexuality but in the attitudinal, behavioral, psychological and above all, experiential-experimental propensities of cultural consciousness. The seeds are supplied by ‘cultural metaphors’ and consciousness adds its own ‘Messages’ in the Media of Sexuality. Intuitively, even this conflation seems Innate to many people.

Pornography seems to be a classic example of how humans have this dubious yet brilliantly dominant penchant for creating spurious, depraved and conflated metaphor or misrepresentation of an innate and entrenched information. Pornography may well be labeled as a small and specific ‘Slice’ of the very generic and larger ‘Pie’ of the cultural propensities of vitiating and eroding the innate Information, the human consciousness receives and process. The contemporary human culture is the larger ‘Pie’, which is the worst misrepresentation and depraved metaphorization of innate and entrenched Information about realities. The ‘Media’ and its ‘Messages’ have the exclusive ‘Culpability’; the Information cannot itself divest itself of the elements of Sanctity and Sanity.

There is enough resource in public domain about the dangerously hypocritical world of pornography. How pornography misinforms, misleads and fakes the beautiful and very purposefully natural Information of sexuality and mating is known to most people. It is such a tragedy that most young and impressionable minds fall into this fake, misrepresented and vitiated Information of pornography for ‘learning’ the beautiful and hugely productive art and science of the innate Information of sexuality and mating (gene transference and species proliferation).

We all know, the visual representation and metaphor creation is a brilliant Art. Humanity has been truly masterly in creating such metaphors of reality in Art of paintings, sculptors, architecture, dance, music, et al. In almost all brilliant Art Forms, the innate Information of sexuality is entrenched and beautifully layered. The pornography too could be a great Art. Some related and associational ‘Art’ still is! It is not that other forms of Art have not been vitiated and deprived of its sanctity and sanity. But, not like pornography. It has in fact become the singular largest platform of ‘representing’ almost all dystopian elements of human nature and consciousness. If pornography could have maintained the Sanctity and Sanity of the highest traditions of Human Artistry, it could have been a huge Blessing for humanity. Sadly enough, contemporary pornography has become the inverse of it. Very naturally, it showcases the general depravity and dystopian trends in human cultures, other human systems and the Consciousness itself.

We should however not blame pornography disproportionately. It is not the prime culprit and chief conspirator but probably only the happy accomplice of the generic depravity of human consciousness. It probably is just the glamorous mannequin at the front showcase of a lustful shop. The shop inside is full of dirty and depraved stuff. This shop is the consciousness of cultured humanity. This shop is the stinking Reality, which the pornography as mannequin

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