» Psychology » We Are A Scam, Santosh Jha [the reading strategies book .txt] 📗

Book online «We Are A Scam, Santosh Jha [the reading strategies book .txt] 📗». Author Santosh Jha

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these scam ways. In this domain, the scam happens most and people easily fall prey to primarily because computers, smart phones, internet, et al are still new thing for most people and even while they use the devices reasonably well, they have little knowledge about the vast world of artificial intelligence and its Realities. Ignorance and part knowledge makes most get scammed…

If we accept this hypothesis of scam as the universal basis of existence, then very naturally we all also have to accept that the Biggest Scam on Earth is Humanity itself. Every human being; his or her Consciousness is a scam as they are aware about just a shade of Reality; have only very partial knowledge of Reality and therefore a scam unto itself. The continued denial of human world of this reality is scam…

Every Consciousness of every human being is a Scam and this scam is embedded and entrenched because of the differentiated Cognitions of Reality. Lack of singular cognition happens because every consciousness is only in happy possession of part knowledge of Reality. Consciousness is designed to be localized and builds up its cognitive plexus from the very restrictive and partial information received within small familial-societal-cultural milieus. This partial possession of Reality is the design of consciousness for Survival Optimization. This Scam of humanity is what we have to understand, accept and take remedial measures to ensure, there is no deception in life and living. This knowledge is the only way to De-Scam our life-living and redesign the human world for lasting sanity…

We also have to understand in detail as why and how this scam of humanity is the singular cause of two worst enemies of humanity – Fear and Denial. These two elements are the worst culprits of humanity. They are the tools in the hands of the innate design of scam. Human being; as a scam, uses these two elements of fear and denial to unleash huge loads of 3Cs – Conflict, Confusion and Chaos. We must decode the scam of humanity in holism. We can then decipher and win over the two monsters of fear and denial. This eBook is about ‘De-Scamming’ the human lives with the help of singular, objective and scientific Reality. This can happen, if we accept the primary reality of our consciousness, cognition and causality. Denial has to go; for the Reality to arrive in its entirety and holism. Welcome…


Knowledge is embarrassing… Especially, the progression of mind consciousness in the long and unending road of total awareness is full of unsettling moments. It exposes an individual to the world of stark objectivity for which we are not always trained and prepared. Thankfully, realism of life and milieus are always there and it accosts us, we wish it or not…!

As knowledge begins to unravel its wings, one feels discomfited by the ignorance one had lived so far with and the subjectivity one indulged in. Primarily, this contemporary knowledge about the complexities of brain, which seeds all shades of consciousnesses and cognitions and romances with all realms of causalities, is disconcerting yet beautiful. Though, at the start of the journey to knowledge, it becomes very clear that fully understanding the intricate artistry of mind universe is huge task, one can surely learn this first major lesson of life – The Criticality Of Communication In The Intellectual Universe…

Since the inception of human consciousness, three core ideas – the Milieu, the Media and the Communication have always been at the center of philosophy, to understand life and its intricacies in entirety and holism,. Definitely, science begins with philosophies and therefore could not sideline these core issues. Science and philosophies are majorly about the three in its entirety and holism. But then, the trouble is – the road of knowledge about these issues is long and journeys are tough.

Especially, at the beginning, knowledge engenders loads of fears and then, along the challenge to face the new knowledge, stands this daunting task of deciphering the fears and managing them well. This fear is the mother of loads of denials, which become a routine of life-living. Journeying beyond fear and denials is very tough and that is why only a handful actually has the wherewithal to continue with this unending journey of knowledge.

Not only in contemporary human society, rather in all times in history, if one looks at the extent of the content of fear, one can understand very well the causality between knowledge and fear as well as its debilitating impact on society. One is truly awestruck by the enormity and extent of mind disorders the humanity is faced with; now and in past. There are so many phobias that it seems, there is nothing that does not have the potential to spark off fear in a human mind. One is truly apprehensive and in great dismay that anybody, at any given time, could be affected by one mind disorders or the other that originates in fears…

This knowledge that people in large number, all throughout ages in the long history of civilization, had been in great pains and sufferings because of something which contemporary science says were actually never there is very painful acceptance! A fear that was never there, a reason not fit for being depressed, a disability which never was one but the mind did accept them as if they were. Add to it the scare that humanity has entered a phase where ‘mind disorders’ stand as the largest destabilizing factor for larger population…

This leads us to a realization that worst enemy of humanity is knowledge and best friend of humanity is knowledge…! The difference, of course, is in its content. Part knowledge or wrong knowledge or perceptional wisdom is worst enemy to humanity and it is such a pain that humans and their intelligent leaderships never accept dissemination of right and objective knowledge as singular primary business of humanity…

This fear and its manifestations in disordering mind consciousness emanate out of part knowledge or wrong knowledge or perceptional wisdom. Fear itself is a symptom of a disease, which is all about the specificity of subjective and perceptional mind consciousness, bereft of holism of wisdom…

Contemporary world and most of its troubles are majorly because of the lack of holistic knowledge in the three core areas of Milieus, Media and Communication. A person, who lacks holistic knowledge about his Milieus – both inside his body-mind as well as outside in society and cultures, lacks understanding of how consciousness itself is a Media and lacks knowledge about how everything – within his/her body-mind as well as the cosmos, Communicates with each other, is likely to exhibit the symptoms of fear, phobia and shades of mind disorders.

That is why; contemporary human world needs to reinvest all its resources and energies into core issues. Humans are marvels of mystically magical mechanisms of cosmic construct, which humanity may never fully decipher and understand. However, we have very well understood the skeleton structure of Realism and how it unravels to us. This itself is the right road to travel and even if the journey is unending, it is full of confidence, awareness and joyfulness of fearlessness… What better…!

It is time for everyone to accept the primary scam of humanity. We and our consciousness is a scam and this scam is a reality. There has to be a singular effort as correction of this scam of consciousness. The human world shall always remain a theatre of absurd and insanity if this scam is allowed to not only continue but prosper. The best possible way for an individual to come out of this scam is to understand in details about the scam, the fear and denial elements of scammed consciousness and the above-mentioned three elements of Milieus, Media and Communication. This eBook shall detail all these.


Fear and Denial

Since very early days of one’s teenage years; may be, when this very mystical virtuality of Consciousness – the sense of ‘I’ or ‘Me’ begins to shape, we are first fed by others and later ourselves lap up a rather stupid and calamitous idea and idealism. It seems, this creates loads of complexities and troubles for humanity and its popular cultures. This idea or idealism is – Death, Mortality And How We Handle It…!

Somehow, it is generic and universal emotion for all humans to feel perplexed and precariously positioned handling one’s own mortality – The Death…!

But then, there are two broad SPECIFICITIES that emerge out of the inevitability of acceptance of one’s own mortality – The Certain End Of ‘I’ –

First – The populist idealism is that as we shall die, we should do something big and great in life so that people could remember us even after death. This is a natural answer to the scary and nagging question of Mortality – To Design Immortality…! This is a scam; a perceived way to deny the confronting question of definite death and deceive the self by shifting the focus on attainment of something big and great in life. Most humans believe in this and the entire human culture is attuned towards this inclination. A new born naturally picks up the same thread as he or she is fed this perception from childhood.

Second – An equally potent and dominant emotion is to do whatever one feels good and right as the inner emotion is – When ‘I’ Have To Die, Why Bother and Restrict The Self…! This is also scam. Here, the denial and deception comes in the form of perception of indulgence. This denial and deception, expressed in the form of unbridled consumption, is amply supported by commerce, bazaar and governments. In contemporary world, where too many humans have crowded the Earth, it is very tough for someone to become big and great. Greatness is not easy and possible only for a handful. Indulgence is however possible for all and sundry. That is why modern world is accepting this mode of denial and deception of the inevitability of death.

Somehow, only a handful of men and women liberate them of the above two brackets and realize that life’s beauties, duties and utilities ain’t aligned with mortality and death the way most people accept. Both the above sets of perceptions are actually denial of the Reality and essentially a cognitive conflation of scammed consciousness. Both situations then lead most people to a series of scams, which they invest upon themselves and also infest others with.

Human history is full of details as how so many so-called successful and great people scammed and compromised the dignity of others to attain the greatness, which they were remembered for, even past their deaths. Same is the saga of those, who cared little for others in their zeal to live a king size life; often scamming others for attainment of self aggrandizement. Contemporary world’s most troubles emanate out of this two scammed cognition of the Reality of Death. This is just a small example of how human consciousness in itself is a huge scam and this in turn becomes the seed-stuff for unending scams, the human world is replete with.

This, we have to understand and accept, is primarily because of the way human consciousness is designed. The malaise is mechanismic and this we can correct but it takes a lot of awareness and true knowledge of the way Reality is created and unraveled to us. The fear is also mechanismic and it emanates out of the gap between Reality and Perception. When there is part knowledge or awareness about the holism of Reality, the human brain is designed to react in a way, which optimizes survival excellence.

The gap is the seed stuff for loads of branching of mysticism, unfounded fears and subconscious denials. Fear is one set of response of human mind consciousness to lack of right and adequate data of facts. Mysticism and abstractions are another set of responses. Contemporary science has begun to unravel it as they now have increasing knowledge of how human brains work. Scientific studies reveal, when we are confronted with the unpredictable (unknown),

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