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dealing with realism, which are there in the brain states and expressible in terms of cognition.

This need to be internalized and unraveled by consciousness, which itself is an intangibility. Internalization is most difficult task as it creates fear, forcing people to deny the process and deceive the self in avoiding it.

It is probably toughest to come out of the scammed consciousness and cognitions as they have evolved for decades since childhood and prospered by the scammed world of tainted cognitions. Most people have been cultured in the artistry of denial and deception – primarily self-denial and self-deception. Even education system of humanity is imparting scam training to young minds. It shall be a huge task to unlearn such mind training and then install a new one.

This shall need knowledge – not information but knowledge; internalized consciously in its holism, to unravel the mechanism and processes of scams of consciousness and its scammed elements of fear, anger, denial and deceptions. This holism of knowledge deals with the earlier mentioned three aspects of Reality – Milieu, Media and Communication.

There has to be acceptance; at the first place, of the scam of consciousness. Secondly, there has to be a readiness for unlearning the existing archaic, obsolete and calamitous perceptional awareness about Reality. Reality shall have to be confronted and then internalized in its holism. This shall need loads of courage. The outcome shall be nothing less than brilliantly extra-ordinary. This too is an intangibility. All these can only be unraveled by consciousness itself.

Anyone saying sweet and aroma shall not mean anything to me until and unless ‘I’ myself ready myself for this experience and actually internalize sweetness and fragrance. Knowledge is a deep and expansive process of conscious internalization of Reality in its entirety and holism. Let us begin the journey…


Deconstructing Death And The Redesign…

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We are about to deal with an idea, which has its origin over 3000 years back. It sure is tough to visualize a time that far in history but we can understand it and feel it in our consciousness. It was time when there were very few people around and naturally, there was little competitiveness, which we are used to, between people. We can even say that the level of proximity and intimacy between small group of people within a small clan or tribe was far deeper than today. The nature then was wilder and far more intense and people had to always remain in high awareness (alertness) state to pre-conceive and pre-empt any probability that threatened their survival. In such world and life, it becomes so much easy and available to observe even the most intangible of feelings, emotions, ideas, patterns and structures.

Our early ancestors had little distractions of modern and contemporary life. As population pressure on natural resources was very little and needs of life were few, they probably had sufficient quality leisure time. Most wise have accepted; leisure is the pre-state of a knowledge seeking consciousness. In contemporary age, however, where leisure is dreaded, even criminalized and denied with full might of pretentious posturing, it is weird for average person to understand and accept how leisure is so crucial for deep awareness and knowledge processes. Leisure is rather accepted as pre-state of loneliness and avoided.

The poise the early humans in initial civilizations had within and utility they accepted of this precious leisure, led them to be keen observers of every little thing around. They had to because in tough natural state, survival depended on ‘Aware-I’ mode life-living. They could decipher a design, a pattern, a ‘causality’ in almost everything that happened or presented themselves to them.

Human consciousness has the most developed facility of logical-contextual observance and interpolative-extrapolative imagination. These two innate facilities made our ancestors decipher so many patterns in the nature and in their lives. They started to put them into actionable ideas. It is also very natural and we all even today do the same. Those were days, when our ancestors only had the human tools of observations and imaginations as means of corroboration. However, they had the genius to engender such ideas, which were self-evident and self-corroborative in their immediate milieus. They beautifully picked up symbols and metaphors from nature to elaborate and substantiate their ideas. They are part of philosophic and spiritual traditions but actually, they also happen to be the crude resource for scientific enquiry and substantiation.

The ancient philosophy is based not on ideas, which modern contemporary world can label as pure imagination of idle and primitive minds. They can be accepted as observations of realisms, present in the cosmic mechanism and in the microcosm of human lives and the social living of people, who had the most receptive mind consciousness. We have talked about causalities and how any evolved and poised mind consciousness can observe and decipher these patterns of causalities in the milieus – Inside and Outside. That is why the core philosophy seems so self-evident and self-corroborative. The core idea emanates out of a realism, which was, is and shall always remain the ultimate finality. This Finality is Mortality – Death; which we shall discuss here in spiritual-philosophical mode but has scientific insinuations.

To internalize the idea and utility of ‘Mortality’, we need to put aside our consciousness, which is so used to and infested with popular modern ideas and benchmarks. It is a popular way of thinking that death is the end. Classical Indian spiritual philosophy accepted it as the beginning. The core Indian philosophy starts with finality as the initiation of all ideas of life. That is why it is self-evident and self-corroborative. Our worthy ancestors could decipher that even in the definitive and inevitable pattern of mortality; there was overall continuity and immortality, which permeated in the milieus around them. They could decipher that in nature, there were elements, which remained continuous and immortal in totality, even while part of it decayed in cyclic mechanism.

This masterly observation was made available to the genius of imagination and it could be unraveled to them that every life on earth too had core elements, which were continuous and immortal, even when part of it decayed in time. This core observation engendered the idea of two distinct but simultaneous elements of the cosmic realism – the mortal and discontinuous and; the immortal and continuous. They also discovered that within human life too, the same twin elements existed. The body was mortal and aligned to discontinuous cosmic elements but the elemental or generic consciousness, deep within, was immortal and aligned with continuous elements.

The subjective feeling of me, the self as distinct and different from other human being was just a virtual bridge between the twin realisms of mortality and immortality. This core idea became the cornerstone of a philosophy, which is enshrined in the cardinal Indian spiritual system. The yoga philosophy also adheres to this core idea. Yoga in ancient Indian language of Sanskrit means union of the immortal elements within a human being with the cosmic elements of immortality. Yoga is a process of attaining the union of jeevatma (the consciousness of living beings) with parmatma (the ultimate cosmic consciousness). This core idea also led to a belief-system, which decided the ultimate utility and purpose of all lives. Yogic philosophy presents a self-evident and self-corroborative idea of why and what is the true way of living one’s life.

Interestingly; this is what the contemporary, modern and frontier science of quantum consciousness also speaks of. It talks about the continuous and immortal non-local consciousness, which is popularly accepted as soul. This we are not going to elaborate here as it shall create unnecessary bulk of its own. However, what is there to be understood is the commonality of science and philosophy and also; the fact that both science as well as philosophy reach a stage of finality, where the arriving is beyond measurable reality. It is only to be unraveled through very rare artistry of imagination and awareness.

The core idea was tested empirically in the social milieu. The best laboratory to test and validate any idea empirically is the human body-mind mechanism itself. The patterns of human action and behavior corroborated the idea and they finally became a social practice and part of the larger culture of that time. The culture; this core idea evolved, accepted that in life, everyone is naturally inclined to maximize joys and minimize pains. It was accepted that self-welfare is the cardinal goal of life for every living being but this is not an automatic facility for average consciousness. Rather; this is attainable through a very evolved and persevered artistry of self-interface or self-dialogue (aatma-sakchhatkar).

The wise of our civilization empirically observed that living beings are in constant and causative relationship with elements of nature. This nature also exists in microcosmic form within living beings. In nature, there are both mortal and immortal elements. They observed that mortal elements are usually expressed in tangible matter and immortal ones in intangible form. They deciphered that human being could attain their lasting and continuous wellness only when they establish a relationship with immortal and intangible elements of nature and life. The philosophy they engendered says – True And Lasting Relationship Can Happen Only Between Similar And Generic Elements. And, as the true element of body-mind is the ‘immortal’ entity of consciousness, it must always align with immortal elements in milieus for lasting peace and sanity.

This is the idea, yogic philosophy practices in totality and perfection. Yogic philosophy maintains that even the matter shall finally lead to a-matter, tangible shall lead to intangible and mortal elements shall lead to immortal elements. This is because, empirically, true and lasting relationship can happen only between similar and generic elements. The five senses of body mechanism shall initially orient a person to consumption and gratification. However, the same five senses automatically and finally lead to the realization that these consumptions and gratifications are ephemeral, mortal and; essentially painful.

This is self-evident and self-corroborative as every human knows that mortality is inevitable and the ultimate realism. Therefore, the end, the death, the definite mortality is actually the beginning of everything good right in life. Because, death is definite and its inevitability is the single element of righteousness and utility. Yogic philosophy admits it as self-evident for all that all pleasures of body and all joys of gratifications have the inbuilt and inherent energy advocating against it. The energies of attachments and gratifications are entwined with the inverse energies of detachment and renunciation. That is why, within a human being, the desire and will to have a life of absolute detachment and renunciation is as powerful as the desire and will for a life of attachment and gratification.

This has to be understood and internalized. Probably, only humans have this evolved and advanced subjective consciousness to be personally aware of one’s own death. Therefore, every human, as he or she becomes conscious of his or her subjective or personal self, is exposed to this awareness of inevitable reality of death. As death, the definitive mortality and end of life is subconsciously embedded in overall consciousness, it always engenders a parallel and potent sense of futility to all utility, detachment to all attachments and renunciation of all acceptances. Death and mortality creates a powerful advocacy against consumptive and material obsessions, even when a person is at the peak of all indulgences. It happens only to humans as only humans have the required consciousness and it happens because human consciousness alone can be knowledgeable of and experience death. Naturally, 99.9 percent humans have no choice but to stand in perpetual denial and deception of death and mortality and blissfully continue with indulgences, attainments and possessions. This is scam.

The philosophy, which enshrines the ideals of purpose of life as attainment of perpetuity of wellness, therefore extends this empirically self-evident and self-corroborative fact. It says that every human being should consciously opt for a relationship with only the intangibly expressed continuous and immortal elements

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