» Religion » My Understanding of The True God, Cathrine Thomas [mobi reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «My Understanding of The True God, Cathrine Thomas [mobi reader .TXT] 📗». Author Cathrine Thomas

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death for their children, nor shall children be put to death for their fathers; a person shall be put to death for his own sin.

According to the Jewish site, Aish.

In Deuteronomy 12:30-31, God calls human sacrifice an “abomination”, and something He hates: “for every abomination to the Eternal, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.”
Jews do not believe that after forbidding human sacrifice, God had a change of heart and decided to require it; and we certainly do not believe that it was the sacrifice of God's own human 'son' that God wanted. After telling Israel to stay away from pagan practices and pagan beliefs, did God change His mind and say, “Go ahead and believe in a human sacrifice, just as these very pagans believe”? No, he did not.
In Malachi 3:6 we read, “For I am the Lord, I do not change; therefore you are not consumed, O sons of Jacob.” God does not change His mind.
God tells us that any human sacrifice is an abomination, something God hates, and so horrible that it would never even come into God's mind to demand it of us. Human sacrifice was practised by the pagans - those who worshipped and made offerings to one or more imaginary deities. It was NOT to be practised by believers in the One God.

When the earliest Christians came into the synagogues and tried to missionize, they would get thrown out: they were not allowed to stay and preach. They were rejected because their message was pagan and was recognised as such by the Jews. Thus, they were removed and separated from the Jewish people. This shows the real reason why Judaism and Christianity parted ways, dating from the very beginnings of Christianity. It also shows that one cannot be a Jew and a Christian at the same time, despite the so-called “Jews for Jesus”, “Messianic Jews”, and “Hebrew Christians”. Christians cannot be Jews, and Jews cannot be Christians.

The Messiah can trace his lineage through his human biological father, back to King David. (See Isaiah 11:1,10; Jeremiah 23:5; Ezekiel 34:23-24; 37:21-28; Jeremiah 30:7-10; 33:14-16; Hosea 3:4-5).

However, I see this very differently from Jewish write up.

Ezekiel 34: 23 “I will establish one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them- My servant David . He shall feed them and be their shepherd. 24: And I, the Lord, will be their God, and My servant David a prince among them; I, the Lord, have spoken.

(My thinking that in the long run King David will be our prince our shepherd). This is actually true if we think about it, Jews are always referring back to King David)

According to Christian theology, however, Jesus' father was God. Therefore, Jesus' lineage does not go through his human 'father' - Joseph, the husband of Mary.

With reference to the Jewish site as above, I took example of the following.

In Isaiah 11:1-2 states: “And there shall come forth a shoot out of the stock of Jesse, and a twig shall grow forth out of his roots. And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.” I think, if you have a tree and break off a branch and then go plant it somewhere else, the root of the branch will grow, so just maybe it could be that the root will be the example of Jesse, because King David had the fear of the Lord and did what the Lord asked him; maybe the Messiah will be the example of King David. The Messiah will be from a far country, but will be an example of King David and will bring peace and righteousness.

The Messiah is preceded by Elijah the prophet who, together with the Messiah, unifies the family, as Malachi 4:4-6) tells us:

4. “Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgements.
(We are ordered by God to “Remember the Law of Moses … with the statutes and judgements”: the Messiah will be someone like Moses who took the slaves out of Egypt.)
5. “Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the dreadful day of the Lord.
6. “And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

According to the traditional Jewish definition of the term, the Messiah will make changes in the real world, changes that one can see and perceive and be able to prove, precisely because they take place in the real world. It is for this task that the Messiah has been anointed in the first place, hence the term, Messiah - one who is anointed. Daniel 7:13-14 refers to the Messiah as “one like the son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven…. He comes from the ancient days….”

The Messiah brings an eternal peace “between all nations”, all peoples, and all people and “He shall judge between the nations, and rebuke many people; they shall beat their swords into plow shares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up swords against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4.) If Jesus is the Messiah, how long do we still have to wait?

In the last chapter of the Book of Daniel, he is told: “But you Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased” (12:4). Is this not what is happening today? Biblical scholars are finding things that Christians do not like: certain people and books in the New Testament were not there originally; the Jews of God the Creator are telling Christians that Jesus is not the Messiah; they have found the tomb of Jesus and documents that were burnt and have put them together to find the truth; they have dug in the ground and have found the Ark of the Covenant where the Ten Commandments are placed; they are getting ready to build the Third temple, which Jesus did not build. More and more people are beginning to doubt that Jesus was the Messiah. We are at our bitter end, everyone is at war, and not only countries but human beings are fighting over which religion is right. Not many people today even like going to church; the ones going to church are listening to someone who is not saying the truth. Why are people fighting against the Jews? Are they not meant to be God’s chosen people? Why is God blessing the land of Israel for the second time?

Why do Christians and Jews not sit at the same table and discuss what the truth is about what will happen? The reason is that Christianity is wrong. And what will happen if someone stands up and says from today there is no Christianity? The rich will lose their riches.

Let’s see how grateful and humane we really are.

In South Africa, we throw away billions of rands of food a month and yet we don’t want to give to the poor. Shops hold onto food until it is over its sell-by date and worry only about money.
We are going to see a Tsunami wave. How will mankind create it? I’ve seen it on TV where America shoots off a rocket and, let’s say, Australia sends off another rocket at the same time, and, when the rockets meet in the sea, they cause an earthquake in the sea, and that causes the Tsunami. Then we quickly go and send help for the rescue, and everyone asks, “Why is God punishing us?” But it’s not God, it’s mankind. God doesn’t want to destroy the earth: he made us a promise; why would he would he break his promise?
Do you ever think: where is God? why is he not listening when we are asking? It is because you are not asking God the Creator: you are asking someone who claimed to be God. We have gone and forgotten our Creator. We have left him all alone. I don’t think he is really interested in what mankind is doing to this earth. We are all like little sheep, just obeying all the false rich people, the rich for the love of money and the gain of the land, each one saying that he or she is going to the kingdom of heaven. Well, if the kingdom of heaven is anything like earth, well I hope God the Creator has made another heaven and earth. Please, God the Creator, don’t forget about me: I don't want to be associated with this kind of mankind.
Let us stop and listen to our hearts, and we shall see a difference in our lives. No matter who you vote for in this day and age a corrupt Government will be in control, so why waste your time and effort? Why have parties after election and spend thousands of rand’s when so many are dying of hunger? One kills and gets off free because one has money. Government is creating jobs, and, when people get jobs, they go on strike. Who then supports the unemployed? Not the people who told you to go on strike. No, they are all having a great meal. Where has one ever heard that the children go on strike? How sick are we as mankind! We hear the same news, every day, every year, probably at the same time each day.

We need to find God the Creator first; we must ignore false teaching; and, from then on, we can make up our own minds about what is right and what is wrong. We each have our own free will. And, to tell you honestly, it’s a nice feeling for me to be free from Christianity.

If God can say, “Don’t trust mankind”, who are we to disagree?

Jeremiah 17:5: Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord.”



Chapter 3 Who Could Be the Messiah/God’s Servant?

Who do I think could be the Messiah?

Let us read Isaiah 53:
1. Who would have believed our report? And to whom hath the arm of the LORD been revealed?
2. For he shot up right forth as a sapling, and as a root out of a dry ground; he had no form nor comeliness, that we should look upon him, nor beauty that we should delight in him.
(You will not even know that he is the Messiah (GOD’s Servant). We shall not look upon him as the Messiah. He will not be a person of “beauty that we should delight in him”.)
3. He was despised, and forsaken of men, a man of pains, and acquainted with disease, and as one from whom men hide their face: he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
(The word “despised” means strongly disliked. He was abandoned by men, “a man of pains”. He was “acquainted with disease”: he had good knowledge of diseases (sins). He was “as one from whom men hide their face”; “he was despised” (strongly disliked), “and we esteemed him not”: we did not respect or admire him. We do not like a man who corrects our sins.)
4. Surely our diseases he did bear, and our pains he carried; whereas we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.
(Our “diseases” (our sins) “he did bear, and our pains he carried”, but “we did esteem” (think, consider, judge) “stricken (struck, hit. Punished), “smitten” (injured, attacked) “of God” (by God), “and afflicted” (severely distressed). He suffered all this because of our wrong doings.)
5. But he was wounded because of our transgressions, he was crushed because of our

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