» Religion » My Understanding of The True God, Cathrine Thomas [mobi reader .TXT] 📗

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was given for the saints of the Most High; and the time came, and the saints possessed the kingdom.
(The “saints”, on their own, cannot defeat the beast without the help of “the Ancient of days”, God.)
23. Thus he said: “The fourth beast shall be a fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
24 And as for the ten horns, out of this kingdom shall ten kings arise; and another shall arise after them; and he shall be diverse from the former, and he shall put down three kings.
25. And he shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High; and he shall think to change the seasons and the law; and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and half a time.

(If the prophecy is about Antiochus Epihanes, it is true that he tried to “change the seasons and the law” by trying to abolish the Jewish feasts and the Jewish law. The words “a time and times and half a time” may refer to 2½ years, which was the period of the persecution under Antiochus Epiphanes, approximately 168-164 B.C..) But my feeling is that Jesus and his followers have change the seasons and law, the seasons been the Jews Sabbath is Saturday and Jesus day is Sunday, you also have God’s law and then you have Jesus law, and also feel that “a time and times and half a time is 2500 years.

26. But the judgment shall sit, and his dominions shall be taken away, to be consumed and to be destroyed unto the end.
27. And the kingdom and the dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High; their kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey them.”
(Has this happened? Is it still to come? Or does it mean that believers in the Most High receive a special “everlasting kingdom” that is more powerful than any other kingdom?)
28. Here is the end of the matter. As for me Daniel, my thoughts much affrighted me, and my countenance was changed in me; but I kept the matter in my heart.
(Like Daniel, we are also “affrighted” by this prophecy.)
Daniel’s prophecy may be about Jesus: there are aspects of it that tell us why Jesus cannot be God or the Servant or the Branch. He changed the law of God, and Christianity has changed “the seasons and the law”. Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, not one of “the sons of the Most High”, not one of “the saints of the Most High”. And he or the Christian Church has not achieved the victory that Daniel envisioned.

Malachi 4:4-6 warns us of the Lord’s words about “the dreadful day of the Lord”:
4. “Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgements.
5. Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the dreadful day of the Lord.
6. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

Have we remembered “the Law of Moses” with its “statutes and judgements”? There is a grave warning of “the dreadful day of the Lord” if we do not. Perhaps there is already “a curse” on the earth.

We in today’s world pay more attention to science and money than we do to God’s Law, and Christians are becoming more and more committed to science and money. More and more believe in evolution. They are more interested in climate change than in “the dreadful day of the Lord”. We pay more attention to weather reports than we do to prayer to God and faith in God.

A question to the eco-friendly and climate change people: how is your eco-friendly stand and climate change going to help you in anyway, when the idiot nations are throwing and shooting off bombs and rockets, and I might add nuclear rockets? How will this help your climate change? Don't you think you are just wasting your time and money? Maybe you can advise all rocket and bomb people to put in eco-friendly stuff inside the rockets? Don't you think it’s a bit too late to change the disaster that you have caused? You dig into the earth, and what you don't want you throw on the waste side creating mankind hills! And you people who take photos of mankind destruction and think it’s so nice, yet you won’t go and climb a mountain and really look at God's amazing creation. Did you know that when you walk and talk to God of creations, and God starts answering you, and you receive wisdom and understanding, you don’t need to pay a doctor and still tell him what’s wrong with you? Just talk to God: God is the only one who can heal you. Go for a walk, talk to God; it costs you nothing, not a cent, and you won’t get sick you will get better no matter what your problem is. (As the saying goes, the best things in life are free!)

Think about what is happening in Cape Town. The people in Cape Town have used and abused water, and they are too proud to ask the original God for rain. They pay more attention to tourism because it makes them rich.
Another example of how Christians behave in our land: Angus Buchan gathers in Bloemfontein 1.7 million people at the cost of about R300 per person, to pray for peace, justice, etc. Just after the prayer gathering there were farm murders, and there is a sign that says you have thanked farmers for your food. Angus then later gathers in Cape Town to pray for rain, but he condemns gay people and falsely assures the people that rain will come and that the dams will be full by the next year March 2018. But the rain did not come. What happened, Mr Angus Buchan? I have prayed to God, the Original God, to let it rain in Cape Town. But I have not seen a sign that says you have thanked God for the rain that causes the food to grow. Why don’t we all pray to God the Creator for rain?
Angus, I have no idea why women follow or even listen to you. How can you take money from my one sister who is a widow? I don’t even ask her for help, as my Bible tells me that we should not. My God is looking after her, yet you are taking from her.
Another question to you: why, when I sent you a message on Facebook (and I might add you had so many followers) did you send me a message saying that Facebook was a fake? You sounded like Donald Trump. Or maybe you yourself have never read the Old Testament? Try reading it. My Son one day said that I must watch you on your Sunday thing on TV, and I did: you spoke about being proud, and I took it to heart, and yet how proud are you! Should you not practice what you preach? Also start teaching your followers to stop condemning others; you yourself need to stop condemning; you have no right. When they wanted to stone Mary Magdalene, Jesus states that the one who is without sin is the one who should cast the first stone; now this is Jesus; who are you? Better than your Saviour who you preach about?

Many Christians say that the people who call themselves Hells Angels are going to Hell. Now this gets close to my heart. I have a Hells Angel as a family member; I went to a birthday party, and yes they drink and party, but I was treated like gold when entering their premises, and they organised a braai (what people other than South Africans call a barbeque). Now, as we all know, when you drink, you hardly eat, but there was a lot of food at the braai. I went to my brother and said, “What is going to happen to all this food?” and he said, “Don’t worry, they will take it to the orphanage.” And they did. They don’t want media coverage for the good deeds that they do. My brother respected my mother to the day we put her in the coffin and buried her; he cried silently for my mother. The Hells Angel put the biggest reef on her grave. I am busy crying now, because I can’t see the reason behind your logic: how can you say that people who do good go to hell and you are going to heaven? Just to say when we were going to the funeral, my brother phoned me and asked me if he can wear his patch or what they call it: he was sacred that my mother would not recognise him. But you don’t worry about the dead, you don’t respect the dead. So I am asking who actually are going to Hell? Hypocrites attend funerals, and their funerals are not about the person who has died: it’s about saving another soul into their so-called heaven. Jehovah’s Witnesses sell pamphlets at funerals; the other followers are just waiting to see if they are in “The WILL”; you never gave the person the time of day when he or she was alive, yet you gather only at funerals.

Christians speak badly about Free Masons also. Do you know what the sign of the Free Masons is? It is “Creator of the Universe”. Did you know you that you are only allowed to enter the Free Masonry if you believe in God? They also stand for helping others.
The prophecy is that the Messiah will bring an eternal peace to all the nations, to all peoples:

Isaiah 2: 4: And He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.
This has not yet happened, so, if Jesus is the Messiah, why has this not happened? War is still part of our world.
I am not claiming that Judaism is correct in all its thought and action, but it is correct in believing there is only ONE GOD, no other.
When Jesus was crucified, he said, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” He was quoting Psalm 22:2, but why did he question God in this way? Was he not questioning whether God existed?

The Jews are waiting for the Messiah to come from the line of King David, and Christians believe that Jesus came from the line of King David. If Jesus is the Son of God or God, as Christians maintain he is, then King David must be God’s father!

Christians believe that only the people who believe in Jesus are going to heaven, but what then is going to happen to all the people in the Old Testament, Isaiah, Daniel, Joseph, Moses and all the rest in the Old Testament? Christians are getting confused and are very confusing: they say that Jesus is God, that he is the Messiah/Servant of God, he is the son of God. I have not come across any part in the Old Testament where it states that God will send Himself or His son; I can see only that God will send his Servant the Branch to bring back righteousness, to be a banner for the people. There will be justice; peace will start settling in; we will all have to face judgement day, as we are accountable for your own sins. If we repent and accept that there is ONLY

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