» Religion » My Understanding of The True God, Cathrine Thomas [mobi reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «My Understanding of The True God, Cathrine Thomas [mobi reader .TXT] 📗». Author Cathrine Thomas

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ONE GOD, we shall inhabitant the earth, but only a third of it, “the good one”, and all the evil people will perish. Nowhere does it say in the Old Testament that we go to Heaven.

If you read Zechariah 14, you will see that God will gather nations to battle against Jerusalem and then God will fight with all the nations, and in that day God’s feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives will be spilt into two, from east to west, making a very large valley; half of the mountain shall move to the north and half of it towards the south.

Some people say they are well read, but are they well lived? And if you are so well read, how come you haven't read the Old Testament or the Torah? Jesus himself studied the Torah to gain knowledge. It's the only Book with the correct knowledge: you can get wisdom and understanding, and you can ask God the Creator to help you. Remember God has always loved us, but we have walked away and trusted in mankind. Let us return to God the Creator and see that whatever is happening in our world is in the Old Testament (The Torah).

The Old Testament (the Torah) tells us that God will attack your coastlines; there will be a fire that man cannot quench: this is happening to all the rich and famous areas of our world. It says that people will eat swine flesh and that the mouse will be consumed together. It says we are digging up the kings’ bones and placing them on the earth for the birds of heaven to eat. It says that we take the trees from the forest and place them in our homes; we make idols with silver and gold balls and pray to them, with each priest preaching his own words. The Old Testament tells us that we take from a widow and we have crossed the borders of the fatherless; that we teach wrongly; that that there will be more of the children of the fatherless than children of married women. Are all these disasters not happening in our world today?

I woke up one morning and heard these words, which I have remembered ever since:
Whatever good comes out of this, may it be good fruit for the mouth.
This is why I think I ought to say what I have read so that good may come out of it.

I think the truth is that Jesus did really come to this earth. Yes, he was the son of God, but so are we all, children of God. If Jesus was the Messiah, he should have documented his teachings for further reference, as God did with his other Servants in the Old Testament. The New Testament came out 400 years after Jesus’ death. There were others who claimed to be the Messiah and have been rejected. What make Jesus so special? Maybe God wanted to test us, or perhaps He is fed up with mankind because they do not want to listen? We are always creating other gods. Or it could be what is determined shall be done. Read Daniel 11:21-45, and you will understand what harm a man who “will exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak strange things against the God of gods” (verse 36) does to mankind.

If Christianity is the correct faith, then why are there so many different churches each to their own beliefs? Surely all must believe the same? Why do Christian sects say that the Catholics are wrong, and each one claims to be right?

Let us consider how many days it will be before mankind “will arise to your inheritance at the end of days” (Daniel 12:13). If you read Psalm 90:4, you may say that our thousand years is one day to God. But, even then, Jesus has been a very slow worker: why is he taking so long for the earth to be righteous? Why does he not come back and correct the false beliefs and actions of Christians? What was the Messiah/Servant meant to do on the earth? Was he meant to walk around and preach in the streets, as Jesus did?

Christians are now not even living up to what Jesus said. I shall never let anyone smack me and not return the smack, and Christians do the same. Christians do not allow someone to sue them to court and then take off their clothes to give to that person. Christians are more interested in getting rich than living according to Jesus’ teaching, and they do not pay much attention to what GOD may think.
Christianity was, in fact, created as a national religion by Emperor Constantine. Incidentally, Constantine murdered his wife and son, but later the church made him a saint. Christianity played an important role in Egypt after Constantine’s time. As an Old Testament reader, I wonder why God the Creator would lead Moses and his people out of Egypt and then restart another religion in that country?

My sister and I had a conversation, and I said that I wanted God the Creator to take me before He takes anyone else in my family. Her reply was, “So do you think you are the Messiah and can die for our sins?” I never got a chance to answer her, but I do not believe that any person dies for our sins: we shall all be accountable for our sins. Jeremiah 31:30 tells us that each person will die for his own sins. I wondered whether Christianity had taught not to allow people to answer what they believe. No, I don’t think I am the Messiah nor can I die for anyone’s sins: mine are too much for me to carry, never mind carry others’ sins upon me. Besides, I am going to hell, according to the new born Christians. What I meant by what I said to my sister is this: if I die before you all, you will read what I have written and see that I am correct in believing only in God the Creator; you, my sister, have the same blood as I and yet we can misinterpret words; in the same way Jesus’ disciples misunderstood his words. His words have been changed to suit the author; even parts of the Old Testament were changed in the New Testament and misinterpreted to suit Christianity (like the words “a child to be born from a virgin”).

If Jesus died for my sins, therefore I can sin as much as I want to, because Jesus took it upon himself for my sins, and why would we have to face judgement day for our sins? That is why we have free will, the tree of knowledge, why we get wisdom, get understanding, and know what is right and what is wrong.

A friend of mine told me that I should be doomed to hell because I do not believe in Jesus, but one should not judge someone else, as no one has the right to any prediction or to curse anyone. Only the Creator can do this, the Old Testament states. Besides how can I go to hell when we are already in hell, the hell that mankind has created on this earth?

If the Lord God of Creation has rebuked Satan, who are we to change His word? Why do we still blame Satan for all our wrong doing, when we ourselves are evil? Zechariah 3:2 tells us: “And the Lord said to Satan, ‘The Lord rebuke you, Satan! The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is this not a brand plucked from the fire?’”

I have been asked what if I am wrong, and Christians are right, but how can I be so wrong in believing in God the Creator, in believing in all the amazing creations, which only God can create? I accept that I could have misunderstood the words in the Old Testament: yes I agree that sometimes, when one reads the truth in the Torah, so many thoughts go through one’s mind, and sometimes you actually wonder whether there is a God. But I thank God my Saviour who has helped me. If I had not read the Book of Daniel, I should have probably walked away from God. I am sure God enjoyed the way he had to explain to me, as I told Him that, because I am only one of mankind, He would need to draw me pictures for me to understand, but, as each day goes by, I am learning so much and knowing God is at my side. It even feels as if he is talking directly to me. I wish I could hug God and say how sorry I am that mankind has walked away from Him. How sad He must feel. I cry every time I think about it.
What if, on Judgement Day, God the Creator says to me, “I sent Jesus to earth as the Messiah, your God or my only beloved Son. Why didn’t you take note of it and not listen to the rest of Christianity? They were right”? I will answer God and say, “God, you know how messed up this world is, there is no peace, people lying, talking against your word, changing the laws of Moses, which you gave to him. Mankind eating everything that you said they should not, killing the animals in a un-humane manner, not making any sacrifices with a proper meaning, killing off the poor so that they can live like kings, not worrying about the widows and fatherless children.” And I will also say, “Sorry, God. Why did you come to earth and not document your new word, and not re-write the Ten Commandments to the two that are put in place by some Christians? Surely, God, if you can tell Isaiah to write it down with a man’s pen, you yourself could have written it down? If Jesus was your only beloved Son, you should have given him enough knowledge to write it down: he studied the Torah and he could read, why could he not write? And why, God, did you tell prophets that you will not change your word from the ancient, and yet you then sent Jesus or yourself to earth to change your word?”

Isaiah 45:21 tells us that the Lord said: “Tell and bring forth your case; yes, let them take counsel together. Who has declared this from ancient time? Who has told it from that time? Have not I? The Lord? And there is no other God besides Me, a just God and a Savior; there is none besides Me.” Also in Isaiah God said He would not give His glory to another. (My sister told me that Isaiah 53 is not in the Torah, thats not true. But it is in the Old Testament.) And in the Psalms God said we must not trust in mankind. Why would God change His word? He would have told us that the Messiah would have changed His word. As I read Isaiah 53, I understand that the Messiah will bring back righteousness to the earth and that mankind will come back to God the Creator. Even these may be little things that I tell God the Creator, I am pretty sure He will understand how wrong I could have gone, and He will still save my soul.

But let’s say now it is the other way round, and I am right that there is only God the Savour, the Creator. (It is undoubtedly true that there is no other GOD.) What is going to happen to Christians? Those with eyes and cannot see, with ears and cannot hear? I do hope that all of mankind realises before judgement day what is the truth.

I am getting rather irritated, but I know there is only one God: nobody else can be the one and only God.

I had

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