» Religion » I AM COMING! Volume 1, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

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be left. The Son of Man is coming in the air. There will be much regret for not following ME.

This is what I have to say: stay close to ME, if you want to surrender. Satan is a roaring lion looking for whomever to devour.

Susan write it down. Thank you for meeting ME here. I am your Divine Lord Jesus, beauty spectacular. Eyes have not seen the beauty of the Lord God. Soon the bride will behold the beauty of her Groom and Maker. I am Jesus, her Love. She is Mine. I love her with a never-ending love. All will see the way I adore her. She is MY love for eternity. The bride is spectacular and I, Jesus hold a special place for her in MY heart. She will rule and reign with me forever. Her tenderness will be known throughout eternity. What love she has for ME and what love I have for her. I am forever hers. Our eyes are one; our hearts are one; our love is one. We are united in love and Spirit. She walks beside ME. MY love knows no bounds toward her. Surrender to ME and become MY love and bride. I will take you with ME when I come to get MY bride. We will rule and reign together forever. All is ready for the bride to flee away skyward.

MY love is awaiting her. I am ready to begin. I am ready for her to come to ME. The time is now and I am ready. There is so much for the bride to do in heaven when she arrives. These closing days bring us nearer to the hour of MY arrival. The hour is urgent. The people do not wake. They sleep. Sad they will be when they are left. What a sad time for them. All I can do is plead if they will not listen, what can be done? They refuse to listen and they will be left to fend for themselves. I cannot save those who turn their backs to ME. They must know their rejection of ME will be fatal and final. Their demise will be dismal. I cannot do more than I am doing. They must choose. The choice is theirs to make: a life of love or of destruction.

Write it down. The world does not know what it is doing by rejecting the Son of Man. It will soon find out how sad it will be to reject ME. I am prepared to save whomever surrenders to ME, but reject ME and all is lost for eternity.

I hold out MY hand and give all, but the world rejects. It chooses second best. It rejects the best, the Son of Man in all His glory, beauty, and love spectacular. What incredible loss, and for what? Worldly compromise, the things of this world are shallow and trite compared to MY unconditional love. I love with so much beauty and grace, the human mind cannot comprehend the incomprehensible love I offer. There is no comparison. Life is empty without MY love; without MY power; without MY Spirit. The world is shallow, empty, lost, and confused. There is no good place to turn for truth without the One who is Truth.

There is no other truth to be found. The beauty of MY truth is all encompassing and life is empty without it. I can only offer MY hand to those who will take it and be saved. If the people will not take MY hand, MY love, and believe MY words that I am coming, then they will awaken very soon and find themselves left without a Savior and rejected to the life that they have chosen instead of MY love and warmth.

I don’t want anyone to be left in this last moment, but I cannot save someone who does not turn to ME and repent of sin and follow ME with complete surrender. This world offers nothing and this truth will win out in the end: sad for many and beauty for few.

Write it down.

These words are for those who will listen. I, Jesus, Son of Man have a plan. I will take MY bride away to safety: to bliss, to life everlasting, and love never ending. I am a God of Truth. I wait on you, I warn, I wait and you reject. You see the world and it looks so inviting, but it offers you emptiness. So many step off into eternity: to nothingness and emptiness, suffering, and destruction. I offer more than these things. MY love is a fount, a road, a way. It leads, it guides, and spreads out beauty in front of you, a feast of love, peace, satisfaction, and you will miss this because you do not seek answers and truth. You do not seek God. You love the world and you find emptiness and pathways to hell. Hell that is unending.

I, God am true to MY word. If you turn your back to ME, I will lose you for all eternity and the sadness and horror will never end, the worm that never dies. I cannot retrieve you out of hell once you are there. It will be eternal loss and eternal suffering. Do not go this direction. Think hard and choose life. Choose ME: I am the Life, the Way, the Truth. You will not get to the Father except through ME.

I cannot retrieve you out of hell once you are there. It is an unending choice that cannot be undone. Please see the truth. I do not want to see you in hell. This was not MY intent for your life. But you must choose. If you don’t choose for ME, you will die and suffer. I died and suffered so you can avoid this end, but you reject MY gift. I suffered greatly so that you would not have to. What do I, God, need to do to wake you to this truth? Please believe the simple truth. It is a choice. Surrender your life to ME and follow or find yourself on the path to destruction: beauty untold or horrors unending.

This is it. You must choose. I am a patient God, but MY patience is wearing thin on this evil generation who blasphemes her Lord and Savior and rejects truth openly in exchange for gross evil. What can I do to wake you up? Come to ME now. Wait not, you will wait too long and then the door will shut and it won’t open again and you will suffer greatly at the hand of MY enemy. He is ruthless and savage. He hates humanity and will kill and destroy without abandon.

Wake up now. This is your Lord and Savior speaking. Run to ME. I am swift. I will take you to safety. You will be covered under MY wings of glory. All will be safe. I am giving you final warnings. Please wake up. Do not slumber. The evil world is forming. All is growing dark. There will be no place to run and hide, let ME free you from the coming nightmare. It will be the darkest hour man has ever known. Let ME free you of this hour, spend this hour with ME in peace and security in a beautiful heavenly home. Choose against ME and suffer the consequences of your choosing.

I hold out MY hand, latch on. I will never let you go if you reach for it and hold on tight, I will never let you go. These words are true. In your heart you know the lateness of the hour. Don’t be deceived by those around you who are blind. I, Jesus am for you. Who can be against you?


We recently received this letter from Sally Richter, I believe she is from Germany, and we were amazed at the similarity of the voice and message to the letters that Sabrina and I have received from the LORD so I wanted to include also this letter received from the LORD by Sally Richter, please note: this letter has been translated to English:

17 September 2010 at 06:00am, German time.

Write MY child. MY glorious Spirit is upon the earth. It will be over soon. Many things would come fast and hard for many people. This is Jesus, Your Lord and Father. I am sounding the trumpets now. Do not harden your heart to MY voice, tell all people. It will come in a split second and those who did not repent will perish and for those who believe and had prepared, a glorious day, banquet and all that I have prepared. The evil is lurking everywhere now strong and powerful at these days. They will devour anyone and many. MY little children will suffer a while but it is only their bodies, their soul I am taking care of.

Unto MY spirit I commend men to be cleansed by MY Holy Blood but many of them do not take heed of MY warning. Many will suffer at the hands of the enemy. Many will cry and wail at the end but I cannot deliver them for I called them hard, but they do not like. The serpents are roaming around now much stronger. They are taking many people, many souls because of their own desires. They are eating fruits of this earth and this fruits bear sins never dirtiest as before. It is rotten and full of sins. It is coming to their deepest and eating their souls.

Sally, MY child, prepare yourself. I am stirring your spirit for you to love ME, you obey and you came from me. I know your sufferings and pains. You cried for many souls, but I cried harder for them and on the cross I bled for them. I gave them mercy, but they do not have mercy on ME, MY Spirit is rejecting them. I knew how they laughed and shunned you and it hurts me deeply for it is I, they reject, not you, and their soul I cannot save.

It will be over soon MY child, the hour of vengeance is at hand. On that day they will cry on ME but I will not listen nor give ear to them like how they do to ME. I love them but they are full of sins, no humbleness in their hearts, no spirit of fear that I AM GOD.

Do not believe the love that you hear in this world, believe only in ME for I have loved you more than ever and more than anyone. Do not contaminate yourself of the sins of men and believe in lies. Seek always the truth and the glow of love in men’s hearts will prevail. The bread I gave you will strengthen you. The enemy is after you, but I covered you with MY Holy Blood and Holy Spirit. They cannot harm you. Go on spreading the mark of the beast, fast. that they cannot blame ME and have an excuse on the day of MY judgment. I love you, MY daughter. It will be over soon and you will rest in MY Kingdom together with many of MY beautiful and obedient children around the world.


This I published now, with the Lord’s confirmation to me in His words, The third Epistle of John.

Yesterday, September 23, 2010, “Do not harden your heart to MY voice.”

Why are so many not wanting to see that the LORD is coming so soon? I believe that 2 Timothy 4:8 is key to why people can’t see what is plainly before them:

2 Timothy 4:8. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

According to the Bible, there is a crown of righteousness awaiting those who long for the appearing of Christ. God awards those who long for Jesus’ return with a crown. So this is a key point because

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