» Religion » I AM COMING! Volume 1, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

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those left: horror for those left; splendor for those taken.

I am a God of great love and patience, but I am ready to receive MY bride unto Myself and she is ready to be received. All is ready. The world needs to take heed. I am a God of great patience, but I am coming and the time is short.

Write it down. These are MY words. I am careful with MY words. Did I not say I was coming back to receive MY bride? I will do what I say. Don’t doubt.

You do not believe, but MY word is true. The hour is at hand. All is ready. The plans are in place. Men cannot stop these plans. I am God. I will fulfill MY destiny to retrieve MY beautiful bride. She is the one who waits on ME. She is the one who longs for ME. She desires to be with ME. She puts no other gods before ME. She is the one I died for. I died for all, but MY bride receives ME without hesitation. She waits and watches. I know her and MY bride knows and loves ME. She obeys ME. She adores ME and I adore her. MY bride is surrendered and follows ME. She knows that I have answers. All others will be left.

Be part of MY wedding party and come to live with ME. Soon I am leaving with MY bride. You can be among these I take with ME. Why choose death and destruction? Come to your senses and live or be blinded and die. I am holding out MY hand for just a little bit longer. But don’t think it will be forever.

Soon all will be dark and I must pull away MY hand and depart with MY bride. Choose now, the hour is waning. You have precious little time left. This is your Lord and Master Jesus speaking.


Some info about seeking & finding GOD:

A very encouraging helpful website for seeking GOD:

Previous letters from the LORD can be found at this link:

God bless and thank you to our webmaster who has also received confirmations from the LORD for our messages and wholeheartedly supports our efforts, God bless Cindy, God loves you!

Thank you and God bless to all the wonderful emails and messages we have received from around the world, your support and prayers are absolutely appreciated and needed. The enemy has challenged our lives because we choose to be obedient to our LORD JESUS, but we are in good company with those who go before us. Keep praying for Sabrina’s healing. She is one of the kindest people I know and would not hurt a fly. God bless and pass the WORD on to seek JESUS right now as your undisputed LORD and Master!  


PART 6: This is a letter with the LORD pleading to the people to get ready and He speaks of His sacrifice on the cross for His people.

October 1st, 2010.

I just received this letter from the LORD and I am getting it out right away because I sense the great urgency in HIS words. God bless you, Susan Davis.


Letter 21. Thursday, September 30, 2010.

Write it down. These are MY words. All is ready. I am coming so very soon.

The times are speaking of MY coming. All is evil. The world is preoccupied with itself. I am bored with this world and its preoccupation with itself. This is your Lord and Master speaking.

I know the writing is on the wall, the time is closing in. MY people need to get ready. They need to surrender their lives to ME. I, God am a powerful God. I will be sad for them. The time is drawing near. All has been said before. The hour is late. I am giving them only a little bit more time and then I must return for the bride.

What must I do to wake the people up? They sleep soundly. When they finally wake it may be too late. Then the hour will be upon them and they will be left. They cannot understand the gravity of MY nearness. The season is now. They can know the season. I am coming to bring them to MY heavenly home prepared especially for them, where they will lack for nothing. I have bled out for them and they do not believe ME. They won’t listen.

Write it down. These are MY words. I am patient with these people, but I cannot wait forever. MY coming is set. I will arrive soon. The hour is closing. MY bride is ready. I am ready.  

I have told you the truth, I am returning quickly to retrieve MY bride. Why do the people doubt? I am telling them the truth. It will be.

I come without delay. MY time is at hand. The time is coming for ME to remove the bride. All is set. All is established. I am ready. Soon they shall see. MY coming is appointed and no man can stop ME from returning for the bride, MY beautiful bride. We will reign on heaven and earth forever.

I will not wait on MY people forever. Why do they think that I, God, am not true to MY words? I will do as I say. I have said I am coming and I will come.

The hour is darkening. All is dark. This world is falling apart and all who seek after the things of this world. They seek base things. Their love of the world is a stench to ME. I hate their pursuit of evil, when they could have MY love. Their choice is sad and ultimately they will learn too late a horrifying truth of being apart from God for all eternity. I do not want to leave them, those who do not want ME. But they are choosing for the world and their choice is sad and fatal.

Wake ‘O earth, your Lord and Creator calls you to repent and find your way home. It is not too late, but the hour is shortening. Please come to your senses. I, God, am waiting on you. Turn to ME. Repent of your sin. Open your eyes. Surrender yourselves and I will save you. All is not lost. But soon it will be too late. Remove your blinders. Open your eyes and see the truth. I am leaving soon with MY bride. These are MY last calls. I am patient only for a little bit longer. And then the shock will set in that MY bride is gone and the world will go dark.

Write it down. These are MY words. I am coming very soon. I, Jesus, am coming. I will take MY bride with ME. Many do not believe. They are wrong. They are playing a dangerous game. The hour is short. I am holding out MY hand to them. It is MY hour. They must know that I am God and I will not be mocked. I will not tolerate mocking, mocking of MY Name and MY message. MY message is clear: turn, repent, surrender. Come to safety, all will be well in MY loving arms. Turn away, and die. These are MY final offerings.

What must I do to reach you? I died a horrible, painful, humiliating death. There is much you will never know how I suffered. I cried out to MY Father and He would not listen. And I was alone in MY pain and suffering. It was horrendous and it was MY love, MY display of love. I gave all to save you: to give you hope; to give you health; happiness, and life. You make ME suffer again when you reject ME. I suffer over you, your loss. You will reject the Son of Man and be rejected by MY Father and suffer great loss, eternal loss. How can I make you see? What can I do to make you see the time is short? Won’t you even consider MY offer? I am a loving God and I give greatly, I gave all as a demonstration of MY undying love for humanity. What more can God do?

These are MY words. These are MY pleadings. I am ready to pull the bride out to safety. Be among her and live. Accept MY offer and live, live well. Why wait? Soon it will be too late. Then you will have eternal regret and suffering at the hand of the enemy. He is ruthless and uncaring, he cares not for mankind. Don’t be deceived. He will leave you behind to die a horrible death. There is no way to the Father but through ME.

I am your only hope: turn, repent, surrender, and run with ME in the fields of bliss in heaven. I await to take you with ME. I invite, you reject. Time is short. Your rejection will be your last action soon, if you don’t accept MY offer. I am God. I will not be mocked. I gave all. Do not trivialize MY words, MY offer. Soon time will be up and your chance to surrender will be too late. Consider this seriously. I would rather you be hot or cold, as it is, I must spit you out. Come to ME. Come quickly. I am pleading for you to wake up. I cannot wait forever. These are MY final offerings.

I love you, but rejection will be your last action. Choose life, choose now. This is your Lord Jesus speaking. Give ME your life and we shall be together forever.


I wanted to share this wonderful letter of encouragement I received from someone, across the globe from me, I had never met before but it meant so very much to me to receive this and this is for everyone who is out there doing the work of the LORD and trying to warn the people and facing persecution, I couldn’t have said this better if I tried.

Hi my Sister,

I am so happy that you answered me, Don’t worry, Sabrina knows me already, we are friends already.

For this negativity you guys are receiving, please let me tell you something;

1. We are living in last days, and the Bible said: there will be many mockers, people will like to hear what pleases them, people will reject the TRUTH.

2. As servants of the Lord, you guys are not doing this end times works to please people, but God. Paul said, if I am pleasing people, I am not a servant of God.

3. Don’t expect that everybody will agree with you. If people did not agree with Jesus when He was on earth, so do you think all will agree with you, never.

And Jesus said; “If MY wet wood they did like this to me, what about your DRY WOOD?”

4. One of the most important things: people minimize you guys and these messages, is because people LOVE this world and things of this world too much. So these messages are not welcome to them, because they are enjoying this evil world. They are the image of Lot’s wife who looked back because she loved SODOM and GOMORAH.

5. Jesus said to the people: “HYPOCRITES, you know to

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