» Religion » I AM COMING! Volume 1, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

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I believe if you are not longing for his appearance then something else has displaced that longing.

What could replace the longing for Christ’s appearance in a Christian’s life? Could it be other worldly interests and pursuits that have filled the place of that longing as top priority? If so, then there is definitely not room for the longing for Christ’s appearance.

If you are not longing for Christ’s appearance because something else has usurped your time and interest then any mention of the possibility of Christ’s return being at hand is not going to be of interest to you. This is because you have no longing for his appearance. If you did, then you would not be resistant, disinterested, or disengaged from the idea that Jesus’ return could be so soon.

People who long for anything are not disengaged from the things related to what they long for. Hence, those who long for the return of JESUS, as mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:8, will not be put off, disinterested, or even hostile to the things that suggest that the return of the LORD is near, but rather they would embrace such information.

So if the “longing for His appearing” holds no sway in your life then you might want to ask yourself what does? James 4:4 says: You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. If your friendship with the world is replacing your longing for the appearance of Christ then you probably don’t like the suggestion that Jesus’ return could be so soon.

You may say to me as in 2 Peter 3:4 “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” But God says for the true Christian you are to long for Christ’s appearance and that it can’t be less important to you than a friendship with the world. Jesus says to surrender all to Him and the lukewarm church wants to give Him just a portion because they are sharing their longings with the world. If you aren’t longing for the appearance of the LORD in your heart than your eyes aren’t going to be open to the idea that the LORD’s return could be so soon.

The word “longing” also means a persistent and strong or yearning desire. David and Isaiah used the word “longs” to describe their feelings toward the LORD in these terms:

Psalm 63:1. A psalm of David. When he was in the Desert of Judah. O God, you are MY God, earnestly I seek you; MY soul thirsts for you, MY body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

Isaiah 26:9. MY soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning MY spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, the people of the world learn righteousness.

I also want to mention that 2 Timothy 4:8 is not a date-sensitive command. God makes no statement in this verse to “long for Christ’s appearance” after a certain date or time in history has passed. Isn’t that interesting? So who could possibly long for Christ’s appearance and simultaneously be disinterested in things related to watching for Christ?

If in MY heart, I think Christ is not coming back for many years into the future despite all of the signs having come to pass, I doubt very much that longing for His appearance will be of any great interest to me. This is something you need to ask yourself as a Christian, are you following the mandate of God to long for the appearing of Christ or are you just totally disinterested? How do you discount the signs He has given that are coming to pass before our very eyes and yet maintain to be a surrendered Christian? Without a longing for HIS appearing and without studying and acknowledging that the signs in the Bible point to the very soon return of Christ–you cannot be a surrendered Christian–the two are disconnected. This leaves you in the category of lukewarm–a very dangerous place to be.


PART 9: Susan just received this letter over a two-day period and it is a very serious letter given to Susan by our Lord JESUS.

The Lord addresses the seriousness of the hour and also HIS anger for the lukewarm church. We have also added to it a letter given to Sally Richter from the Lord on 10-13-10 that also speaks volumes about the urgency in His voice. Also with these letters at the bottom we are including a testimony from a friend of ours (Sabrina & Susan) who has been reporting to us about having visions which started the beginning of this past summer 2010 and have been happening right up until the last couple days. 


October 18th, 2010.

I just received this letter over a two-day period and it is a very serious letter given to me by our Lord JESUS. The Lord addresses the seriousness of the hour and also HIS anger for the lukewarm church. I am not hesitating in getting this word out to you. I have also added to it a letter given to Sally Richter from the Lord on 10- 13-10 that also speaks volumes about the urgency in His voice. Also with these letters at the bottom we are including a testimony from a friend of ours, Sabrina & Susan, Buddy Baker who has been reporting to us about having visions which started the beginning of this past summer 2010 and have been happening right up until the last couple days. The incredible thing about his visions are that they began about a week apart and now they are each coming just a couple days apart. So we encouraged him to write out all of his visions that the LORD has given him and to provide his email address to tell others about what he is experiencing and how this amazing testimony is yet another sign of the nearness of the coming of the LORD. I pray you are blessed, encouraged, and can see the seriousness of these messages we must put out from the LORD. I implore you to seek the LORD while HE can still be found, Susan Davis.


Letter 24. 10-15-2010. dictated to Susan by the LORD JESUS.

Write it down. The days are coming. I am at the door. It is coming fast. MY words are swift. The hour is near. It is closing in. We will leave soon. Take off. This is all prepared for MY retrieval of the bride into the air. We will go off together. The world will be amazed. They will not know what happened to them. Suddenly it will be worldwide calamity and chaos. The people will not know what hit them. Nothing will be the same again. It will be devastating. The people will not know what hit them. Many will be in shock. MY people who call themselves “Christians” will realize they’ve been left and they will know then they were lukewarm.

Life is going to change. All is ready. The hour is now. We must leave together. The time is set. I have MY plans. I work MY plans. I bring about these things. You will be loved. The world will see what changes are being made. The hour is nearing.


Susan write it down. 10-16-2010.

The times are closing in. I am coming swiftly with MY mighty angel army. Everyone will see soon as I make MY entry to earth. The hour is waning. Soon I will depart with MY bride. It will be just as the days of Noah: eating, drinking, and making merry. Then I will come and all will go dark. The world will go dark. The hour is closing in.

I am coming before they turn around. The world will be astounded. It will be incredible. They will be in shock, those who are left. The darkness will be immense.

These are MY words. Write them down.

The people must get ready. I have much to do in a short time. The people will see it is I, Jesus, that has come to take MY people home. Many will know they have been left. Great sadness will consume them.

 It is not MY way or desire that they be left to face the cruelty they will encounter. But, they have chosen against me if they cling to the world and do not turn to ME in this very hour. This is the deciding hour. I am looking for decisions to be made now. No decision is a decision. Choose ME and be saved. Choose against ME or make no decision and your loss will be great.

I am not looking for those who choose against ME, but for those who want to come with ME to their new homes in heaven. If you turn your back to ME, I cannot help you. These are MY words. I am looking for those who want to be saved ,who are seeking ME with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength. Those are the ones I am seeking out now. Seek ME and be found. Reject ME and be lost. A simple choice is before you. Time is wasting. Soon it will be too late to be found. The door is shutting soon.

Write it down.

The hour is closing in. The people are asleep. They are not watching. They will be lost. I am sad for them. It is going to happen soon. The world is growing dark. Evil is closing in. There is very little time left. I promise and MY promises are true. I speak truth. These are MY words. I, Jesus, am true to MY words. The people doubt but when I come and they are left, they will know I am true to MY words. They will then learn the sad truth that MY words can be trusted by all.

We are nearing the end of this age. It is coming swiftly. The time is at hand and I am ready to retrieve MY bride: those who are ready; waiting; watching; looking to ME; and surrendered to ME. If they are of the world, they are lost and the world will be theirs. But MY surrendered ones will know ME. It will be utter bliss for them: ecstasy, life never-ending surrounded by love ever-lasting, beauty, splendor. I am true to MY words.

MY people who look to ME now will never be disappointed. I am their Savior and I come to rescue them from the horrors to come, to retrieve them from man’s worst hour. Make no mistake, MY word won’t be trifled with, I will not tolerate rejection. The result will be devastating, I am sorry for their loss, but they have been warned and I have been true about these warnings. Please believe ME, I am not to be trifled with, I am the Lord who loves, but reject ME and know the consequences of your choices.

These are MY warnings. Soon all will know that I am God. MY word is everlasting. MY power is everlasting. MY might is everlasting. I am God. Men cannot know the gravity of their choice if they choose against ME, their loss will be

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