» Religion » I AM COMING! Volume 1, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

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her to do and see upon her arrival. She will be amazed at the sight. MY people have no idea what wonders await them in their new homes. They will be startled at the sight. It will be a moment of awe and magnitude. I, Jesus will bring her into her new home across the threshold. Together we will explore her new habitation and she will see the wonder awaiting her.

All will be amazed at the sight. MY bride will be made ready by her countenance and her jewels given to her by ME, her King. I will capture her heart into Mine. She will see the wonderful homes prepared for her. The scenery will be dazzling. I will sweep her off her feet. Her mansions will put anything earth has to shame.

The mansions are all ready for her arrival. Everything is ready. We have her home ready. She will be amazed at the beauty. There is so much to say. This heavenly home will be like nothing she has seen before. These homes are spectacular. I have made sure that every detail is in place. There is a life waiting for the bride.

Write it down. The home prepared for MY bride in heaven is so amazing. We have many wonderful things made ready for the bride. She will be astounded. There will be wonderful activities to do. There will be all kinds of family to meet.

MY bride will be in complete bliss. I, Jesus have made her a wonderful home that is destined to amaze. It is hard to describe the indescribable. Earth lacks the experiences to describe such beauty. MY city will be pure and clean. Nothing dirty will enter in, only those pure of heart. I, Jesus am ready to show these homes to the children. I am ready to let them see their homes. All is ready.

MY winged forces are ready to receive the bride and bring her home. It will happen soon. The time is short, brief. All need to get ready. We must depart soon and leave this world behind. She is coming home to the home she belongs to. Keep watching for ME. I am always with you.

These are MY words. Write it down. We have much to discuss.

These homes for the children are ready and waiting. I, Jesus have made sure they lack no good thing. Each home is made with loving hands to match the interests of MY children. I made sure these homes accommodate their unique interests. MY children are all different and have unique likes and interests. They will find these homes greatly to their liking. They will enjoy exploring their homes. All is made ready. I know MY children. I know who they are. I know the homes they are going to, will astound and amaze them.

Write it down.

I am ready to bring MY children home. It will happen soon. MY children will be so happy in their new homes. The days are growing darker on earth. I am ready to depart and receive MY bride. Life in heaven will be beautiful. There will be much to do. It will be a place of wonder and beauty. The children will love their new homes and the spectacular scenery. This is an eternal home unmarred by human hands. This is a home of grace and beauty. These homes will leave MY people breathless in awe. I spare no expense for MY children. All is ready and waiting for their arrival. They will truly be astounded.

The time is closing in. The hour is closing in. Soon, we will fly away to our homes and reside together in bliss. MY loved ones, I want you to see how lovely this world is and how you will be so happy. All is ready. Surrender your lives to ME in this hour so that I might take you with ME to your new homes, heavenly homes, to beauty unimaginable, where there is no mar or imperfection. You can see it.

You can be there too, it is yours if you surrender your life to ME now. I am your Lord. Make no mistake, I will not be mocked. I will not be trifled with by men who do not truly understand God and MY ways. If you knew ME, truly knew ME, you would not mock MY words; MY desire to warn you; MY desire to bring you to Myself in this waning hour. But you mock ME and refuse to listen. I have a wonderful heavenly home prepared for MY children, MY loved ones. But make no mistake, choose against ME, reject MY offer and you will miss all this. You will not see the Son of Man in all His Glory. You will miss the most wonderful experience for eternity.

I am sorry for your loss, but the choice is clearly yours. I cannot choose for you. You must choose. Choose life or death. The choice is yours to make: beauty or ugliness; eternal life or eternal death. The choice is yours to make. Do not underestimate the shortness of this hour. I will not wait forever on you to choose for ME. No choice is a choice. Think this through clearly and decide how you plan to spend eternity. I am GOD, I allow you to choose, but the time is short and your life is in your hands to decide. Choose well. This is your moment to decide.


Sabrina received this message from the LORD on Wednesday Oct. 6, 2010 regarding this letter:

“Write it down. These are MY words. Anyone who does not take MY Words seriously, will suffer greatly for all eternity. Don’t make it hard for yourself, choose now. I AM is coming to rapture MY bride, MY beautiful bride. I AM is coming to take her home, her eternal home, where she will be astonished by the beauty of it. All is ready, all is done, come MY children, look towards heaven, I AM is ready. I will always love you with an everlasting love. MY love is so different than yours, MY love is perfect, MY love is beautiful, MY love is perfect. Therefore, take heed of these warnings, written in love for you MY people. I AM is coming and the time is closing in. Those who have ears will listen.”


Some info about seeking & finding GOD:

A very encouraging helpful website for seeking GOD:

Previous letters from the LORD can be found at this link:


Dear Friends in Christ,

We have received many emails about people who are concerned for their lost friends and loved ones. So if you have many around you who are lost and you are concerned for their eternal welfare, we recommend the following: pray for them to be covered with the precious blood of Christ; pray for them to have a hedge of protection around them; pray for the LORD to send angels to guard them; pray for the HOLY SPIRIT to open the eyes of their hearts and to fill them with the truth. And never stop praying or fighting for your loved ones, God hears your prayers, and your prayers count! God is especially tender to the prayers of a mother for her children.

We have received many emails about people who are concerned for their own salvation. We have provided a couple links with details and verses that would be very helpful from the Bible here above. Matthew 7:21-23 says: ″Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of MY Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

The key words in this section are the words “I NEVER KNEW YOU”, in the Bible the word know means to be intimate with and this is what Jesus is saying here, these people were engaging in works, but Jesus is saying you never actually knew ME intimately. How do we know anyone intimately? Well we get to know them through their likes, dislikes and spending time with them. With Jesus, that means reading your Bible, spending time talking to Jesus and getting to know Christ. So if someone doesn’t know Jesus very well, they may be more of a casual acquaintance instead of an intimate friend or follower of Christ. Jesus wants more than a casual acquaintance relationship, HE wants it all: your heart, soul, and mind. Surrender everything to HIM and allow the Holy Spirit to come into your life to change your heart and renew your mind, it can’t be accomplished without the Holy Spirit working in a fully surrendered follower. May you find Jesus in a new way today. God bless you.  


PART 8: In this letter, JESUS talks about His bride and also talks about the evil of hell. We included the letter from Sally Richter who received a very similar message from the LORD.

October 11th, 2010.

The LORD JESUS dictated this letter to me and I am sending it out because the message is urgent. I have also included below it another letter given to a Sally Richter from the LORD that we received recently. The message and voice are the same, so we are including it with this latest letter, God is trying to warn HIS children about the late hour–God bless you, Susan Davis.


Letter 23. October 10, 2010.

Write it down daughter, this is your Lord Jesus. Susan the hour is waning. Soon I will be coming. Many do not believe. They will be surprised. I cannot help them if they do not believe. They choose not to believe on their own because I have given them plenty of warnings. Why do they wait to find ME when I have given them warnings? I have so much for them in heaven when I take MY bride.

All is ready. I am coming soon. This is the season of MY coming. Many are not aware of how close it is. They will be caught off guard when I come to get MY bride.

Write it down. The time is near, even at hand. The majority will be left to face the worst. I love them, but their hearts are far from ME. I have a wonderful place in heaven waiting for them, but they choose this life over ME. Even this life here would be good if they were with ME.

ME, Susan: Why are the people around me not seeing this?  

They are not seeing it because they choose not to. I have given them many signs to see the truth, truth right before them, but they refuse to believe that they are the generation.

The people will know I am God after MY people are taken and they are left. They will know that I can’t be trifled with and their hypocrisy is a stench to ME. I desire for them to follow ME and be sold out, but they refuse to listen and so many will

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