» Religion » I AM COMING! Volume 1, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

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will not delay."


Letter 12. Words given to me–Susan–by the LORD to be shared.

Write it down MY love. This is MY voice you are hearing. Write what you hear.

MY coming is close at hand. I am near. All is ready. It will happen soon. Many do not believe. They are wrong. I have been warning them. They will find out. MY words are true.

Write it down. There will be hard lessons for them to learn if this is what they have to go through to find ME. I would rather they come now. But if they resist, they will be left. MY words are true.

Now concerning you and Sabrina, write it down. These are MY words for you. You will find out soon what you are to do. I will reveal more in the coming days. The plan will be given to you step by step. You shall see. It will all come together. I will provide you direction. Life will change soon. Sister Sabrina will be healed. She needs to prepare. I am making ready for this great miracle. Tell her to make ready. All is ready. Susan’s words: Read the description below of what she will be healed of.

These are MY words, write it down MY precious Bride. I thank you for your help in this. Sabrina is your dear sister. She has fought hard. She is MY loved one. Her healing is coming. What a great day lies ahead to be lifted of this burden. She will rejoice, it will all be worth it. Tell her it will be soon over. I will receive glory. Many will be saved. Tell the people to prepare. I am coming swiftly. Nothing can stop ME. The dominoes are falling. The plans are laid bare.

Write it down. Sabrina’s healing will come soon. Your ministry will be short. Let this be a sign of MY soon coming. All is being made ready. I will come and pull MY bride out. Days are darkening. Time is short. They say I am never coming, but I am. Soon all will become dark. You must write these words down. I love you MY bride. Tell the people to make ready, prepare their hearts. These words are true. MY servants speak truth. These are MY words.

I am coming swiftly. The signs are passed. The event is coming. The greatest event of all time, MY retrieving the Bride and MY great feast. The plans are laid out. MY word is true. The earth will grow dark. The people will know they have missed it. Turn your hearts to ME now. Escape with ME. Now is the time to surrender. You must choose. If you think you have time, you don’t. MY sheep hear MY voice. If you have MY Spirit, you know this is truth. You know MY words are true. You see the times. I am your Father. MY Son died for you. He is coming. Did He not say He would? There will be no excuses, all has been said. The warnings are clear. MY words are strong and full of truth. Don’t be blind, open your eyes. The truth is before you. If you refuse to see it, then you cannot be helped.

Write it down. These are MY warnings. How long must I plead? I cannot plead much longer. I must come. MY heart breaks over those who will be lost, you will suffer at the hands of the enemy. It is not MY choosing that you do it this way. I will not wait forever on this lost generation. You have but a little time left. Save yourself, turn to ME. Turn from the world. It is gross. it is evil. it is dying. it is lost. I offer hope, wholeness, peace, love. I am your escape. Cling to ME. The hour is closing. The door is closing. When I come for MY bride, it will be wonderful. Won’t you join us? Come meet me in the air. I am love, I will take you away to a glorious home, a heavenly home made with Holy Hands, MY precious pierced hands. I am a loving God. I will save you. Please turn now. Seek MY face, I am calling you to repent, turn, and save yourselves. These are MY words.

This is what Sabrina suffers from today as referenced above: A short summary: Pronounced Lumbar scoliosis of 20° with chronic vertebral pressure due; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia with Spasmofilie ; Discopathy symptoms; The disc L1- L2 and L2-L3 are more pronounced narrowing ; Moderate facet degeneration L4-L5 level and L5-S1 ; At the level C5-C6 there is a wide beam discus bulge, prominent on the left, reaching down to the C6 nerve root to the left = hernia ; Continuous paralysis ; Constant pain in left knee after surgery, again torn miniscus ; Glaucoma in eyes ; Constant headaches / migraine ; total of + 66 % disability.

Matthew 12:25. Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.”


PART 3: In this letter, the Lord is pleading to get ready and explaining that His coming is actually really soon.

September 21st, 2010.

Dear Friends of Christ:

Sabrina and I recently posted and emailed important letters, and words, we received from the LORD in a message titled I AM COMING, as seen on this blog: I continue to receive, almost daily, letters from the LORD. Some are very personal and some, like the one below, are for public viewing. These are serious warnings and we have been instructed by the LORD to send them out. I was told to send this one out and I shared it with Sabrina first and she heard this message from HIM about the letter: Sabrina heard this from the LORD regarding MY, Susan, letter from HIM: The Lord tells me to post this word and to not be worried about what people will think and their reactions and that the ones who must receive it, will receive it. Here is the letter I copied down as the LORD dictated it to me today 9-20-10:

Susan write it down.

Susan We have work for you to do. This is what I have to say. Very soon you will be telling the people what I have to say. You will be taking your orders from ME. I will guide you with MY eye, you will see. All is prepared. All is planned. It will be glorious. The people will be amazed. This miracle will change hearts. They will come to ME. I am in control. MY plans will succeed. All is ready. You will see. We are prepared for this event to happen. You will be amazed. Many doors will open. I have prepared the way. People’s hearts will be stunned. The world will stand in awe. I God can do anything. I can make the blind see. I can make the deaf hear. I can make the lame walk. I can heal Sabrina.

MY banner is Love. I am Salvation.  

These are MY words. Your lives will change. Pray for comfort, for guidance, support, direction and I give it freely. Ask and you will receive. I am mighty. I am great to deliver.

Write this down. We will be going home soon. The world will be astonished because they did not believe, but MY bride will be at MY side forever more to reign and rule with ME for eternity. It will be glorious. The world will be lost in their sin. In their disgust of God, their plans will fail. All their well laid plans, gone to dust. I am the only hope for this lost world. The hour is near, all must choose: life or death. The hour is now: peace everlasting or death: a simple choice but a final choice.

Give ME your allegiance and live. Live in peace, love, comfort. Don’t delay, the door is closing fast. Time is running out: life or death. Today you must choose. I have been patient, but you behave as if I will never come back. But I am coming and soon it will be too late for many.

These are MY final pleas. Soon I am coming and time will be up when the door closes it won’t open again. Don’t be so sure of yourself that you have all the time in the world. It will be a fatal choice. MY love is great, but I can’t wait forever. Soon this world will grow dark, very dark. The time is closing, the hour is now. I won’t wait forever. Choose now, make your choice. Those who call on MY name will be saved. I am JESUS, the only name that saves.


PART 4: Like the other letters, JESUS explains that HE is actually coming soon and to stop engaging with pagan idols.

September 24th, 2010.

Hebrews 6:4-6. It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.

After reading Hebrews 6:4-6, I realized that it is impossible to receive the gift of hearing the LORD’s voice as I write down HIS letters and then to turn around and to become disobedient in refusing to put them out for others to read–when this is what the LORD has specifically told me to do–then to be able to continue in a close relationship with HIM if I am disobedient. Especially since this gift was given to me to support HIS end time work. So in order to maintain MY ongoing relationship with the LORD–I MUST BE OBEDIENT AND POST THE LETTERS THAT HE GIVES ME FOR ALL TO READ–Seek God while HE can still be found. HIS servant, Susan.



Letter 17. September 21, 2010.

Write it down.

I want you to write these things down. Time is short MY dear. All will know soon how very close the time is. I will give you direction. You will know what I require of you. All will happen soon. Everything is in the works. I have been patient with MY people, but the time has come to soon make our departure. The world will realize

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