» Religion » I AM COMING! Volume 1, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

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from JESUS to Sabrina and then it was right after that she did in fact hear from the LORD. The letter below was told to Susan by JESUS along with a Scripture confirmation. The last three letters Susan copied down at the dictation of JESUS, HE followed each letter with a single Scripture verse. Each time the Scripture that was given, amazingly it coordinated with some of the content HE had dictated in each letter. This letter is the same. JESUS dictated these words in this letter to me (Susan): Be HOLY as I am HOLY. Then at the end of the letter, I asked if HE had a Scripture verse to include and HE simply said LEVITICUS 19 which starts out with this verse to my amazement: 1 The LORD said to Moses, 2 "Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: "Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.' (I have included the entire section of Leviticus 19 at the LORD's request below HIS letter.) So in this letter the LORD stresses that His people need to be holy. He also talks about being second to the world in the hearts of the people.

PART 27. I (Susan) would like to share an amazing story about this letter I received below from JESUS. The same morning I received this letter below, I woke in the early morning three different times and I heard very clearly the name "HEZEKIAH." Well honestly, I knew I had heard this name before and that it was probably from the Bible, but I couldn't place who it was or where I had heard of it. Well later that morning, I had been praying and I asked the LORD for a Scripture to look up and HE simply said, "MICAH." I had not yet looked up the name HEZEKIAH in the Bible yet that day, but instead I turned to the book of Micah the LORD suggested and I was amazed to discover that "Hezekiah" was actually the King reigning during the era that Micah was a prophet. Well that same morning, the LORD had dictated this letter below to me, I was stunned to discover that Micah addressed the rise of religious infidelity and idol worship as this letter also addresses and this confirmation suggests that the people still turn their backs to GOD now, just like they did during Micah's era. In this letter JESUS addresses the doubts of the people about the end coming. He speaks on hell, and the church doing things only for their benefit and not GOD's in worship.

PART 28. In this letter once again JESUS says that if you are making plans apart from HIS plans you are going to miss HIM when HE returns. He addresses how focus off of HIM will leave you behind to face the worst. This letter is about making choices and the consequences of the choices we make.

PART 29. First is a letter from the LORD JESUS as dictated to Sabrina and also a special letter to the bride of Christ specifically from her GROOM JESUS. Below it is a letter from the LORD as told to Susan. Below this letter is a Section written by the evangelist and author Charles Spurgeon about the topic: "The Form of Godliness Without the Power." Susan included this writing of Charles Spurgeon since in the letter the LORD mentions this particular phrase. Sabrina's letter speaks of the people rejecting the LORD for the world. In the letter to Susan, the LORD talks of His compassion; patience with a world that is rejecting Him, but He still wants a pure bride.

PART 30. This has one letter given by JESUS to Susan for all who will receive it. This letter speaks of lukewarm commitment and doing good works apart from GOD's consent. The world looks so normal, but it is not. No middle ground, only 100 percent commitment. There is only one path to GOD - not many.

PART 31. This was dictated by JESUS to Susan for you. Again the message here is more focus on the world than the LORD. A lukewarm commitment and following men will lead to disaster. JESUS asks do the people even wonder who created them?

PART 32. This was dictated by JESUS to Susan in the first letter for you. Then Sabrina received a letter from the LORD also for you. JESUS speaks of the stench the lukewarm church is to Him. He speaks of the path being narrow because it requires a full surrender which few are willing to give. In Sabrina's letter JESUS talks about the blood only being available in this world not the next life. HE talks about what happened on the cross and how this generation abuses HIS good name. The time of this mercy is running down.



We wish to acknowledge in the first place our precious GOD, JESUS, THE FATHER, and THE HOLY SPIRIT who brought us together to write the Lord's Letters and bring them out in this last hour.


We wish to acknowledge our brother in the Lord, Mike Peralta, who gave us the idea about a book and who wrote it all out for us.


We wish to acknowledge everybody who has any part in working with these letters to bring them out in any way. 

PART 1: Introduction to the Letters and Warning from JESUS that HE IS COMING and to GET READY.

September 11, 2010.

This is an urgent message from the LORD JESUS–We are but humble servants asked to do HIS work in these last days–Please read and forward to whoever you can–God bless.

Around 2007 or so, the LORD brought together two people from two different parts of the globe, one in the U.S. and the other in Belgium. Sabrina, Belgium, and I, Susan, U.S. became friends because I had posted some information about GOD online and I received an email from her about it. I was involved in church outreach at the time and she was having struggles in a very secular region of the world with outreach. I felt the LORD wanted me to support her as she and I both struggled with issues of outreach in our communities, thus began a wonderful friendship, but we did not know that GOD had bigger plans for our lives. Sabrina had the unique gift of being able to hear the voice of the LORD and I totally believed and supported her gift. Then recently she let me know that the LORD had a gift for me, I soon found out that the gift was also hearing the voice of the LORD, I started to write down letters HE gave me recently and I have been filling many notebook pages. The messages are very, very serious, the LORD told us we needed to get these messages out without delay–so here are the letters I received, you can read more about us at the bottom of this message. Please pass this message on to whomever you think needs to read this.

Then I, Sabrina, asked the LORD what about your, Susan’s, letters:

“I have spoken to her so she might learn to understand MY Voice. Send the word out about MY soon coming. Don’t be shy about a thing. The world must get penetrated with MY words. Everybody must know that I am coming very soon. Many do know, but are not ready. Therefore send out MY words! Send them out & don’t be shy about a thing.”

Then the LORD said: “This refers also to you, me, Sabrina, MY daughter, don’t be shy about a thing any more. Do it soon!”


Words given to Susan: 2nd Letter. September 2010.

The people should prepare. I am coming.

They need to be ready at all times. Waiting for me. Am I not worth the wait? I died for them. I wait on them long, suffering to change their hearts toward me. The day will come when I wait no more. It will be too late for them. They will suffer. Now is the time to come to me. It will happen soon. I cannot wait on their hearts. Am I not worth it? I died a horrible death for them. They do not know what torture I saw. Am I not worth it? I do everything for MY children. I spare no expense. I gave all. I gave them all of Me. I bled out. It was for them. Tell them this. Soon I will come and they will miss the greatest ride of their lives. MY love for eternity. I gave all. I give all. I am a loving God. MY heart never stops beating. It is love never ending. Sad it will be. I gave all. It was for MY children. These are MY words. Write this down MY daughter MY bride, days are getting darker. They need to turn now. I can’t wait forever on their hearts. It will be too late for many soon. It will be too late. Tell them to take this seriously. Soon it will be too late. These words are true.

Everything I did was worth it. I would die again for MY children but they reject MY love, MY salvation, MY Spirit and put ME to shame again. I won’t wait forever on them. They will be sad when they realize they have been left. It will be the worst moment of their lives.


4th Letter. September 2010.

Time is short. The times are progressing, it can’t be stopped. I will deliver MY people.

Write it down. Cling to ME, depend on ME. Nothing else will deliver you. I am coming soon. The world will see MY wrath very soon. Nothing will save the ones who disobey. They cannot be saved if they turn from ME. The hour is short, so short you can see the times changing rapidly. It will be dark, so dark for those who refuse ME. I am their only hope. People must see I am their only hope. Come to ME at this hour. There is little time left.

Destruction, darkness is coming to the earth. This hour is bleak, so bleak. So dark, people must run to ME. I will save them, I love them. They don’t listen. I am their only hope, salvation. I am their salvation.

Write it down daughter, sister, MY bride. Come down now. Lay down your weapons of destruction; weapons of the tongue; evil thoughts. The world will never be the same. All will be black. They will know, and they will see it is ME. MY salvation is

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