» Religion » I AM COMING! Volume 1, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

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an excuse. HE has done so MUCH but still some refuse to believe. - Reader 9

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I was so heart broken to the point of tears that he actually begs us and says, “Please choose life and not death.” I don’t understand why He actually has to beg us on something that will benefit us and not HIM. I am still soooo overwhelmed by all of this to the point that I have lost my appetite and I can’t even think straight. - Reader 10

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Dear Susan, That's a powerful message from our Father, It brought tears to my eyes. Bless you and thank you for being faithful and bold. - Reader 11

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Dear Susan, Thanks for the I am coming letters. It has really touched me and makes a big difference in my walk and relation with our Lord Jesus. I am growing in my faith and holiness. All glory to Jesus. - Reader 12

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I am so much grateful for the messages you have sent. Nothing in this world is more important than to make spiritual preparations for the rapture. Thus your letters from Jesus is really a big help for me. You know I also forward your letters to my friends in e-mail so that they will be also informed for the lateness of the hour. Thank you so much. - Reader 13

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We are even more motivated to not waste a minute while there is still light to work in reaching every single person we can with the Good News of our Lord Jesus. - Reader 14

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God bless you Sabrina and Susan, it is the End of days, the world needs to be ready for the Lords return, the signs are all around us, thank you for the Lord’s words. – Reader 15

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One of the most convicting and touching messages I have seen from God the Father. Thank you Susan and Sabrina! – Reader 16

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Amen! Apostle George gives the letters to his congregation of 7,000 - your letters are truly making an impact. – Reader 17



This Volume contains Parts 1 to 32.

September 11, 2010 to December 31, 2010.


These urgent prophetic messages are recorded at the website:


Sabrina's email is:


Susan's email is:


PART 1. Introduction to the Letters and Warning from JESUS that HE IS COMING and to GET READY.

PART 2. A second introductory letter and announcement with warnings that JESUS plans to come soon.

PART 3. In this letter, the Lord is pleading to get ready and explaining that His coming is actually really soon.

PART 4. Like the other letters, JESUS explains that HE is actually coming soon and to stop engaging with pagan idols.

PART 5. Again the LORD tells about His plan to come back for the bride, evil of the enemy and the unpreparedness of the world. 

PART 6. This is a letter with the LORD pleading to the people to get ready and He speaks of His sacrifice on the cross for His people.

PART 7. This was the first letter we received that the LORD really talks about the world to come and where the Bride is going.

PART 8. In this letter, JESUS talks about His bride and also talks about the evil of hell. We included the letter from Sally Richter who received a very similar message from the LORD.

PART 9. Susan just received this letter over a two-day period and it is a very serious letter given to Susan by our Lord JESUS. The Lord addresses the seriousness of the hour and also HIS anger for the lukewarm church. We have also added to it a letter given to Sally Richter from the Lord on 10-13-10 that also speaks volumes about the urgency in His voice. Also with these letters at the bottom we are including a testimony from a friend of ours (Sabrina & Susan) who has been reporting to us about having visions which started the beginning of this past summer 2010 and have been happening right up until the last couple days.

PART 10. The LORD warns people in the letter to Susan that a vile nation is forming and the people are not paying attention to what is coming. Through Sabrina's letter the LORD pleads for the people to repent and come to HIM before it is too late.

PART 11. In this letter JESUS talks about the lukewarm condition of the church, the darkness coming over the earth and the cruel master the enemy will be. Charlotte Hill's letter is included from the LORD with very similar words for the people.

PART 12. In this letter the LORD talks about the darkness coming over the earth and how little the people are paying attention to what's happening to them around them. The LORD tells how HE will see His plans through no matter whether the people are ready or not.

PART 13. This letter primarily the LORD talks about the world's descent into darkness and the people's refusal to pay attention to what's coming. In Sabrina's letter the LORD implores the people to follow HIS commandments and the importance of following them.

PART 14. JESUS pleads with the people to come to HIM now. Only HE can save them. Repent and to turn to Him. Also for the people to stop clinging to the world.

PART 15. In Sabrina's letter from the LORD He speaks about hell and how the bride needs to be free of spots and wrinkles. In Susan's letter JESUS talks about the Bible as the standard against all other schools of thoughts. It also speaks of the evil nation forming and darkness coming over the earth.

PART 16. The letter to Susan from JESUS speaks strongly of the trouble the lukewarm church is in. In Sabrina's letter the LORD warns to listen to His prophets, He speaks of standing before Him one day and keeping HIS commandments.

PART 17. This is a letter from JESUS to Susan telling the people to listen to HIS warnings and that the people are not paying attention at all or listening to His warnings. The world is blind and not seeing what is coming. Also includes a letter from Mary of Texas who received a similar word from the LORD.

PART 18. This message has three parts. First a letter Susan received from the LORD JESUS, then second a letter Sabrina received from the LORD JESUS, and finally a word from a young 10-year-old girl who had communicated with Sabrina. The messages from the LORD are stressing the importance of following the commandments of GOD. The commandments are not obsolete as so many seem to think by their disregard of them. It is clear in this verse Revelation 12:17, a New Testament verse, that GOD's commandments are not obsolete for this generation. JESUS speaks in His letter about the many roles He can play in a person's life. Also in this letter to Sabrina, JESUS warns about not keeping His commandments including keeping the Sabbath holy.

PART 19. In the letter to Susan the LORD talks about the people being far away from HIM. HE also talks about the way the people profane HIS Holy name in this letter. Primarily this letter addresses the trivial way the people use GOD's name and HE will avenge the use of His name.

PART 20. This is a very serious word. First is a letter with words as told by the LORD JESUS to Susan. Second is a letter from the LORD JESUS as told to Sabrina. Third we have included the story about Philipa, (a young girl who is the daughter of Guinea missionaries) and the messages she has received from the LORD JESUS since contacting Sabrina. We have included the story about how Philipa came to hear the voice of the LORD and three very serious additional messages she has since received from the LORD. In this letter to Susan the LORD speaks quite a bit about the world as a cheating mistress lusting after the world. Sabrina's letter from the LORD speaks of the importance of listening to HIS warning messages.

PART 21. This message contains two letters from the LORD. The first was given to Susan about the lateness of the hour and the second letter contains a message specifically for the bride of CHRIST as told to Sabrina by JESUS. In the letter to Susan, the LORD tells the people and churches to stop building for a distant future that isn't coming and instead to get the people ready to be raptured. The letter to Sabrina is more for the Bride about what awaits her in heaven.

PART 22. In this letter the LORD speaks on those embarrassed by HIM and how He was not embarrassed when He died for them up on the cross. The next part of the letter talks about the people being in a trance over their idols. And how their idols won't ultimately rescue them.

PART 23. Now, I (Susan) want to share a testimony about the 2nd letter here below that I received from the LORD on Dec. 5. In this LETTER, our LORD JESUS makes mention of the "leaders over HIS flocks" and of the "false prophets of old" in the same section. After the LORD had finished reciting the letter to me, I asked HIM for a Scripture verse. He told me right away, "Jeremiah 23" which I immediately looked up and to my amazement this section of Scripture is all about the very same topic HE mentions in the letter regarding the "leaders over HIS flocks" and the "false prophets of old." It was an amazing confirmation because although I knew this was mentioned in the Old Testament, I sure did not know the location was Jeremiah 23 as the LORD gave me. The first part talks about not making your own plans but following JESUS' plans. He warns the lukewarm and those who lead their flocks astray.

PART 24. In this letter JESUS says He will not accept a partial commitment and to let go of future planning. He speaks of what He endured on the cross and how a lukewarm commitment will not be acceptable.

PART 25. First a letter from the LORD JESUS told to and written down by Sabrina and a second letter dictated to Susan. In Sabrina's letter the LORD makes reference to the occult and I have included a link to an article about GOD's views on the occult. In this letter the LORD says that any plans apart from HIS are not His. He tells how only the humble can hear His voice and the message He wants people to hear. He is seeking only the pure-hearted.

PART 26. Along with the letter below from the LORD is a word from the LORD to our little 10-year-old friend Philipa, whose parents are missionaries for the LORD in Guinea. Philipa began to hear from the LORD and receive visions after she communicated with Sabrina about these letters from the LORD. She expressed enthusiasm for hearing

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