» Religion » Let's talk about God, Roselaure Beton [good books to read in english .txt] 📗

Book online «Let's talk about God, Roselaure Beton [good books to read in english .txt] 📗». Author Roselaure Beton

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The boar out of the wood doth ravage it, And the wild beasts of the field feed on it.
13 Kochon mawon fin raboure rasin li yo, bèt nan bwa ap manje tout fèy li yo.

14 Turn again, we beseech thee, O God of hosts: Look down from heaven, and behold, and visit this vine,
14 Bondye, ou menm ki gen tout pouvwa, tounen vin jwenn nou non! Kote ou ye nan syèl la, gade sak rive nou! Pran ka pye rezen ou lan non!

15 And the stock which thy right hand planted, And the branch that thou madest strong for thyself.
15 vin sove pye rezen ou menm ou te plante a, ti pye rezen ou fè tounen yon gwo pyebwa a.

16 It is burned with fire, it is cut down: They perish at the rebuke of thy countenance.
16 Lènmi nou yo mete dife ladan l', yo koupe tout branch li yo. Fè kòlè! Annik gade yo, y'a peri!

17 Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand, Upon the son of man whom thou madest strong for thyself.
17 Pwoteje peyi ou te fè tounen yon gwo peyi a! Pwoteje pèp ou te chwazi a!

18 So shall we not go back from thee: Quicken thou us, and we will call upon thy name.
18 Nou p'ap janm vire do ba ou ankò! Ban nou lavi ankò! N'a fè lwanj ou!

19 Turn us again, O Jehovah God of hosts; Cause thy face to shine, and we shall be saved.
19 Bondye ki gen tout pouvwa a, mete nou sou pye nou ankò! Fè nou santi ou la avèk nou, epi n'a delivre!

Sòm 81

1 ¶ For the Chief Musician; set to the Gittith. A Psalm of Asaph. Sing aloud unto God our strength: Make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob.
1 ¶ Pou chèf sanba yo. Se sou lè chante yo chante lè y'ap kraze rezen. Se yon sòm Asaf.
Chante ak kè kontan pou Bondye ki tout defans nou! Fè fèt pou Bondye Jakòb la!

2 Raise a song, and bring hither the timbrel, The pleasant harp with the psaltery.
2 Konmanse chante a. Bat tanbouren yo! Jwe bèl mizik sou gita ak bandjo yo.

3 Blow the trumpet at the new moon, At the full moon, on our feast-day.
3 Kònen twonpèt pou anonse fèt la, lè lalin lan nouvèl, ak lè li plenn!

4 For it is a statute for Israel, An ordinance of the God of Jacob.
4 Se yon lwa nan peyi Izrayèl, se yon lòd Bondye Jakòb la bay!

5 He appointed it in Joseph for a testimony, When he went out over the land of Egypt, Where I heard a language that I knew not.
5 Bondye te fè sa tounen yon lwa pou pitit pitit Jozèf yo lè li te fè yo soti nan peyi Lejip la. Mwen tande yon vwa mwen pa rekonèt ki di m' konsa:

6 I removed his shoulder from the burden: His hands were freed from the basket.
6 Se mwen ki te wete gwo chay lou ki te sou zepòl nou an. Se mwen ki te fè nou mete panyen yo atè.

7 Thou calledst in trouble, and I delivered thee; I answered thee in the secret place of thunder; I proved thee at the waters of Meribah. Selah
7 Lè nou te anba tray, nou te rele m', mwen te delivre nou. Mwen reponn nou nan loraj kote m' te kache a. Mwen te vle wè sou ki pye nou ye avè m', lè nou te bò sous dlo Meriba a.

8 ¶ Hear, O my people, and I will testify unto thee: O Israel, if thou wouldest hearken unto me!
8 ¶ Koute m' non lè m'ap avèti nou, pèp mwen! Pèp Izrayèl, poukisa nou pa vle koute m'!

9 There shall no strange god be in thee; Neither shalt thou worship any foreign god.
9 Piga nou janm sèvi lòt bondye, piga nou janm adore bondye lòt nasyon yo!

10 I am Jehovah thy God, Who brought thee up out of the land of Egypt: Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.
10 Se mwen menm ki Seyè a, Bondye nou an. Se mwen menm ki te fè nou kite peyi Lejip la. Louvri bouch nou, m'a plen l' ak pawòl mwen!

11 But my people hearkened not to my voice; And Israel would none of me.
11 Men, pèp mwen an pa koute m'. Pèp Izrayèl la pa obeyi m'.

12 So I let them go after the stubbornness of their heart, That they might walk in their own counsels.
12 Lè m' wè sa, mwen kite yo swiv lide yo te gen nan tèt yo, mwen kite yo fè tou sa yo te vle fè.

13 Oh that my people would hearken unto me, That Israel would walk in my ways!
13 Ayayay! Si pèp mwen an te vle koute m'. Si pèp Izrayèl la te vle obeyi mwen!

14 I would soon subdue their enemies, And turn my hand against their adversaries.
14 Anvan yo ta bat je yo, mwen ta fè lènmi yo wont, mwen ta kraze tout lènmi yo.

15 The haters of Jehovah should submit themselves unto him: But their time should endure for ever.
15 Moun ki rayi Seyè a ta vin flate yo. Pèp Izrayèl la t'ap alèz pou tout tan.

16 He would feed them also with the finest of the wheat; And with honey out of the rock would I satisfy thee.
16 Mwen ta ba yo pi bon kalite manje pou yo manje. Mwen ta plen vant yo ak bon siwo myèl ki soti nan twou wòch!

Sòm 82

1 ¶ A Psalm of Asaph. God standeth in the congregation of God; He judgeth among the gods.
1 ¶ Se yon sòm Asaf. Bondye kanpe nan mitan konsèy ki nan syèl la, li kanpe nan mitan bondye yo, l'ap jije.

2 How long will ye judge unjustly, And respect the persons of the wicked? Selah
2 Li di: -Kilè n'a sispann fè mechanste lè n'ap jije? Kilè n'a sispann achte figi mechan yo?

3 Judge the poor and fatherless: Do justice to the afflicted and destitute.
3 Pran defans pòv malere yo ak timoun ki san papa yo! Pran defans malere yo ak moun ki san sekou yo!

4 Rescue the poor and needy: Deliver them out of the hand of the wicked.
4 Delivre pòv malere ak endijan yo! Delivre yo anba men mechan yo.

5 They know not, neither do they understand; They walk to and fro in darkness: All the foundations of the earth are shaken.
5 Nou sòt, nou pa konprann anyen! N'ap mache nan fènwa. Pa gen jistis sou latè ankò!

6 ¶ I said, Ye are gods, And all of you sons of the Most High.
6 ¶ Mwen te di se bondye nou ye, nou tout se pitit Bondye ki anwo nan syèl la nou ye.

7 Nevertheless ye shall die like men, And fall like one of the princes.
7 Men, nou gen pou nou mouri tankou tout moun, wi, nou gen pou nou mouri tankou nenpòt chèf.

8 Arise, O God, judge the earth; For thou shalt inherit all the nations.
8 Leve non, Bondye, vin jije latè! Paske, se pou ou tout nasyon yo ye.

Sòm 83

1 ¶ A Song, a Psalm of Asaph. O God, keep not thou silence: Hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.
1 ¶ Chante sa a se yon sòm Asaf li ye. O Bondye, pa rete ak bouch ou fèmen! Pa rete san ou pa di anyen, Bondye! Pa rete konsa san ou pa fè anyen!

2 For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult; And they that hate thee have lifted up the head.
2 Men li! Lènmi ou yo ap revòlte. Moun ki pa vle wè ou yo ap leve dèyè ou!

3 Thy take crafty counsel against thy people, And consult together against thy hidden ones.
3 Y'ap fè konplo an kachèt sou do pèp ou a, y'ap mete tèt yo ansanm sou do moun w'ap pwoteje yo.

4 They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; That the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
4 Yo di: -Vini non! Ann efase non yo pami nasyon yo, pou pesonn pa janm chonje peyi Izrayèl la ankò!

5 For they have consulted together with one consent; Against thee do they make a covenant:
5 Yo mete tèt yo ansanm, yo fè yon sèl lide: yo dakò pou yo fè bann sou do ou.

6 The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites; Moab, and the Hagarenes;
6 Moun peyi Edon ansanm ak pitit pitit Izmayèl yo, moun peyi Moab ansanm ak pitit pitit Aga yo,

7 Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre:
7 moun peyi Gebal, moun peyi Amon ansanm ak moun peyi Amalèk yo, moun peyi Filisti ansanm ak moun lavil Tir, yo tout yo dakò.

8 Assyria also is joined with them; They have helped the children of Lot. Selah
8 Moun peyi Lasiri yo tou fè bann ak yo, yo mete fòs yo ansanm ak pitit pitit Lòt yo.

9 ¶ Do thou unto them as unto Midian, As to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the river Kishon;
9 ¶ Sa ou te fè moun peyi Madyan yo, sa ou te fè Sisera ansanm ak Jaben nan ravin Kichon an, se sa pou ou fè yo tou.

10 Who perished at Endor, Who became as dung for the earth.
10 Ou te kraze yo nan Andò, ou fè kadav yo tounen fimye pou tè a.

11 Make their nobles like Oreb and Zeeb; Yea, all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna;
11 Sa ou te fè Orèb ak Zeèb, se sa pou ou fè chèf lame yo tou! Menm jan ou te kraze Zebak ak Salmouna, se konsa pou ou kraze chèf yo tou,

12 Who said, Let us take to ourselves in possession The habitations of God.
12 paske yo te di: -Ann pran peyi Bondye a pou nou.

13 O my God, make them like the whirling dust; As stubble before the wind.
13 Bondye mwen, gaye yo tankou pousyè nan toubouyon, tankou pay van ap pote ale.

14 As the fire that burneth the forest, And as the flame that setteth the mountains on fire,
14 Tankou dife k'ap boule nan rakbwa, tankou flanm dife k'ap mache boule mòn yo,

15 So pursue them with thy tempest, And terrify them with thy storm.
15 se konsa pou ou kouri dèyè yo ak gwo van tanpèt ou a. Fè yo pè ak gwo van siklòn ou yo!

16 Fill their faces with confusion, That they may seek thy name, O Jehovah.
16 Fè yo wont, fè yo blije kache figi yo, Seyè, pou yo ka chache konnen ou.

17 Let them be put to shame and dismayed for ever; Yea, let them be confounded and perish;
17 Se pou yo wont nèt jouk yo
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