» Religion » Magickal Warriors Book Of Shadows, Magickal Warriors Coven [read aloud .txt] 📗

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you, drainingaway from your body. Fill your body with the protection energy of Vesta, drawing your visualization from the candle. When you feel you have collected enough energy, say;

Uriel, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, please aid me in the spell.
Guardians of the protecting light
Be with me this day and all this night
Guide me away from harmful intent
Return ill will from where it came
Aid me in peace and serenity,
As I will so mote it be!

Pull the protective circle around you. Draw anything left into your body. Allow the candle and incense to burn until they are consumed. (or completely gone)

Protection Spell

By Lord Merlin
Aslo found in the book, To Stir A Magickal Cauldron

Moon Phase: New moon, dark moon
Moon Signs: Aries, Pisces, Venus
Day: Monday or Friday
Deity: Herne
Supplies: One piece of parchment or paper(3" by 5") dragon's blood ink
Oil: Pine or Sandalwood
Incense: Pine or Sandalwood

Write your name 9 times with the type of protection needed on the piece of paper. Dress the purple candle. Place 3 drops of the same oil on the parchment or paper. Hold the paper in your hands and visualize a vibrant glow of protection.

Light the incense. As the incense fills the room, imagine a circle of smoke . Ask Herne to enter your circle and fill you with protective strength.

Light the candle and place it over the parchment on your altar. Say;

Give me loving peace
And protect me from harm.
Aid me in theis spell
While I recite this charm.
Cover me with love from the Goddess above
Herne, grant me protection, peace, and love.
Return all the ruin addressed to me
As my will, so mote it be!

(Repeat 9 time)

Pull the smoke circle into your body, transmuting it into positive , healing energy.

Thank Herne for His presence

Leave candle burning until it is consumed.

This is for asking the Goddess for a little extra protection.

Visualize a triple circle of purplish light around your body while

I am protected by your might,
O gracious Goddess, day and night.

Another of the same type: visualize a triple circle and chant:

Thrice around the circle's bound,
Evil sink into the ground.



Dream of a loved one who has passed through the Veil

1 white candle
A picture of the deceased
A pentagram
Bag of Lavender in natural bag(cotton, muslin)
Light the white candle and stare at the flame for a few minutes. Then put the picture at eye level and say:

'You are gone forever;
But through this spell,
My dreams to which
you will come.'

Place the picture under your pillow. Let the candle burn to a stub, extingush & place it in the bag of Lavender. Sleep with these items under your pillow for three nights to recieve the dream you want


You Will Need:
1 jumbo red or pink candle
Incense: Rose or Jasmine

A large pin to carve into the candle the name of the person you love. Anoint the candle with the oil while you repeat the name over and over. Light the and incense and say:

Powers of Love, come to this incense
Fill this room with your essence.
Light the candle and say:
It's Love I call to bless my life
Make (name) and (name) man and wife
(name) thou art the lover I truly desire
I see thy face in this candle fire
and if this love is meant to be
then it will be for me to see.

Snuff out the candle and repeat this spell until the candle is gone.


Write, on a sheet of paper, exactly what you have done that needs forgiveness.
Fold up the sheet and then write the name of the offended party.
Anoint it with only a drop of oil or maybe a drop of charged water.
Don't drown the paper or else it won't burn which is the next step.
Take a matchstick and light the paper in a fire safe container.
With the crime destroyed and the ashes washed away, say
"Forgiveness I seek and safety I need,
help me now prepare the seed."
If you have a garden or a simple plant, scattering the ashes will help foster growth within the relationship.
Charged water is any liquid that possesses a spiritual and usually not physical quality,
given by prayers, chants, and incantations. It's basically a Wiccan form of Holy Water.
Using a gemstone or other item to give it a charge is also a good idea.
Magnets are often used to give the water a special force and sapphires are good,
general enchanters. Keep in mind however that some crimes cannot be forgiven and
harsh words will only galvanize a situation.

To Ease a Broken Heart

strawberry tea (one bag)
Small wand or stick from a willow tree
sea salt
2 pink candles
a mirror
one pink drawstring bag
one quartz crystal
a copper penny
a bowl made of china or crystal that is special to you
1 teaspoon dried jasmine
1 teaspoon orris-root powder
1 tsp. strawberry leaves
1 teaspoon yarrow
10 plus drops apple-blossom oil or peach oil
10 plus drops strawberry oil

On a Friday morning or evening (the day sacred to Venus) take a bath
in sea salt in the light of a pink candle. As you dry off and dress,
sip the strawberry tea. Use a dab of strawberry oil as perfume or
cologne. Apply makeup or groom yourself to look your best. Cast a
circle with the willow wand around a table the the other ingredients.
Light the second pink candle. Mix all oils and herbs in the bowl.
While you stir look at yourself in the mirror and say aloud: "Oh,
Great Mother Goddess, enclose me in your loving arms and nurture and
bring forth the Goddess within me." Gaze deeply into the mirror after
you have finished mixing the ingredients and say aloud, "I represent
the Great Goddess, Mother of all things. I shine in the light of the
Golden Wings of Isis. All that is great and loving only belongs to
me." Then put half the mixture in the pink bag and add the penny and
crystal. Carry it with you always [or until you find another love].
Leave the other half of the potion in the bowl, out in a room where
you will smell the fragrance. Repeat this ritual every Friday if

From Laurie Cabot's "Power of the Witch"

To attract a soulmate/lover

Spell for finding love:

moon phase:Fullmoon
You will need :

2 pink candles

1 white

1 red

1 piece of paper

And one pen
(what you use for your circles)

cast your circle then light your candles
after that right on your peice of paper soulmate
then say
I welcome Aphrodite to my cirlce and ask for your help in this working. Aphrodite, I wish to find my soul-mate. Some one who I can love and care for. Someone who will understand me and someone who I can be with. I ask you now as I burn this piece of paper(*note you will write soulmate on piece of paper and then burn it over the pink candle *) to bring my true love so I maybe be whole.Now I thank you Aphrodite for your help. *then you will snuff your candles then close your circle Take the ash of the paper and throw it outside(*when it windy*) or you can bury the ash in Mother Earth.




You will need: A green candle, and A purple candle
A talisman with your religious symbol (pentacle, cross, star of David, etc)
Place a green candle on one side of a room. Place a purple candle on the other side.
Now, light the purple candle. With your religious talisman hanging from a chain or
string (to be worn as a necklace) dangling from your right hand, pick up the purple (lit)
candle with your right hand. Now walk in a straight line across the room directly
to the green candle. Using the purple one, light the green candle.

Set down the candle so they sit next to each other. Chant,
"I walk forth without doubt and fear,
And success draws me near."

Lay the necklace in front of it and meditate for awhile on the success you need. Let the candles burn themselves down, and wear the necklace whenever you wish success you follow you.
When you walk through a door to job interviews, auditions, or anywhere you need success, imagine how you walked in a straight line in your ritual, and consciously make an effort to do the same when passing through the door.

Prosperity Spell

To ensure a good measure of prosperity in your future, take some play money or a few Hell notes (purchased in Asian stores). Write your financial wish for the future on it. Hold it in front of an altar set with a green tablecloth and cauldron, and visualize your wish coming true. When you are satisfied with your image, say the words:

"Let my spell be spread on air.
Nothing may my wish impair.
Bring success and wealth to me.
As this I burn, so mote it

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