» Religion » Magickal Warriors Book Of Shadows, Magickal Warriors Coven [read aloud .txt] 📗

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Fire/the heat of the bath, Water/the bath and Rite Water and, Earth/the herbs and oils.
Lower yourself into the water and visualize it cleansing you of all negativity. Know that these energies are flowing from your Physical, Mental and Spiritual Self into the water. Relax and enjoy the warmth of the water, the scents in the air and the feeling of being cleansed of all negativity, let yourself drift. Now concentrate and visualize on the purpose of the coming ritual and know that you are truly prepared. When you feel you are ready, pull the plug and stay in the tub until all the water has drained. As the water is draining visualize and know that the negative energies that are now in the water are going into the Earth and are grounded.
Rise up out of the tub and do a Self Blessing like the following:

Anoint each area while saying aloud:
Blessed be my Mind, that learns of Your ways [anointing your forehead]
Blessed be my eyes, that have seen this day.
Blessed be my lips, That utter Your names and keep Your secrets.
Blessed be my breast(s), formed in strength (Beauty).
Blessed be the phallus (Womb), For without which I would not be.
Blessed be my knees, that shall kneel at thy Sacred Altar.
Blessed be my feet, that have brought me in these ways.
Pour a libation to the Gods and drink the wine. When dried, robe, clean-up the bathroom and take the libation outside to return it to the Earth. The rite is ended.

Rituls for the wheel of the year
Samhain Solitary Ritual
You will need the following:
•An apple A small piece of paper and something to write with
•At least one picture of an ancestor who has passed
•A pinch of salt
•offering bowl (a stone or hole in the ground at the center of your sacred space may serve as your offering bowl)
•One central candle
•Four smaller candles, one for each quarter

NOTE: Clean, fresh water or lighting a stick of incense may also be used as your offerings. If you are performing this ritual inside, you may wish to take your offerings outside to be left at the foot of a special tree or stone after your ritual is over.

I have used the term *Divine* throughout this ritual. Please substitute whatever term you use on your personal path (such as individual deityís names, Shining Ones, Great Creator, Spirit, etc.).

May be performed at any time of day but probably best at night.

[Opening. Some people like to ring a bell or beat a drum as a clear cut beginning. If you wish to cast a circle, do so now.]

Divine, I ask for your blessings on this my ceremony of Samhuin.

(Pause and continue)
Let me begin by giving Peace to the quarters for without Peace can no work be.

May there be Peace in the East. (light the eastern candle)
May there be Peace in the South. (light the southern candle)
May there be Peace in the West. (light the western candle)
May there be Peace in the North. (light the northern candle)
May there be Peace in ìthe name of your hometownî
May there be Peace in the Whole World.

(pause and then go on)

Grant, O Spirit, Thy Protection.
And in Protection, Strength.
And in Strength, Understanding.
And in Understanding, Knowledge.
And in Knowledge, the Knowledge of Justice.
And in the Knowledge of Justice, the Love of It.
And in the Love of It, the Love of All Existences.
And in the Love of All Existences, the Love of Spirit and All Goodness.

(Pause and then go on)

I honor the four directions so that power and radiance might join my ritual.
With the blessing of the Hawk of Dawn soaring in the Clear Pure Air, I call upon the powers of the East. Let energy of the four winds open this Eastern Gate and inspire me with the Element of Air.With the blessing of the Great Stag in the heat of the chase and the inner Fire of the Sun, I call upon the powers of the South. Let the energy of the rays of sunlight open this Southern Gate and inflame me with the Element of FireWith the blessing of the Salmon of Wisdom who dwells within the Sacred Waters of the Pool, I call upon the powers of the West. Let energy of the of Love in the hearts of all people open this Western Gate and instill me with the Element of Water.With the blessings of the Land and all who all love this Earth, I call upon the powers of the North. Let peaceful energy open this Northern Gate and imbue me with the Element of Earth.

(Pause and then light the main candle now.)

In the name of the Divine, my beloved dead and the Earth, Sea and Sky, I announce this Rite of Samhuin now open within my sacred space.

I stand here at the boundary of the old and new year.

(Wait at least 20 second for any private prayers.)

May they receive the Divineís blessing.


(Pause and then continue.)

Summer Is Gone
Now is the time of rutting, hunting, culling and migrating
The fields now the playground of the Sidhe
Biting winds strip leaves from the trees
Mulch to feed next yearís growth
Gentle rains turn into snow and sleet
Replenishing our wells and lakes
Furnaces and fireplaces warm our homes
As the sun stays low on the horizon
Mother Earth rests now
Storing energy for her work next spring

I thank the Earth, Sea and Sky
For the bounty of this yearís harvest
I am blessed

I send words out on the four winds
Praising the Divine
I am blessed

I remember my beloved dead this Samhuin and everyday
Holding them close in my heart and thought
I am blessed

I ask for the aid of the Earth, Air, Water and Fire
To send bravery, stamina and insight to those who are protecting me, our warriors
I am blessed


[State aloud the name of at least one of your ancestors who has passed over. As you do so, leave an apple on or near the main altar or offering bowl. If you are doing this ritual indoors, you may wish to take the apple outdoors to be left beside a special tree or stone after your ritual is over.]

May they be reminded of my love.
May you know you are loved.
May you never be forgotten.

I honor the Ancestors.
I honor my blood Ancestors

I honor those who have gone before me.
I honor those who paved the way I now travel.

I honor those who gave their lives that others might live.
I honor those who did not live to see the results of what they began.

I honor those who set for me examples of courage.
I honor those who watch over me now in spirit.

I give you my gratitude.

Here standing on the edge of the new year, may the swords of our warriors swiftly find their mark so they may return home to us. May the healing waters wash over those now wounded or suffering for any reason. Let me prepare for the Winter but never lose sight that the Spring shall come again.

Here standing on the edge of the new year, may all those spirits taken from their bodies find their way to the other side now while the veil is open. May those that passed with hate and bitterness in their hearts be healed by the Divine however they believe it to be. May those who were dear to me find Peace in the knowledge they are loved and will never be forgotten. May they rest cradled in the arms of the Divine and join hands with the ancestors until I meet with them again.

Here standing on the edge of the new year, may I not overlook supporting those who support our warriors and leaders and ourselves. I shall share courage with my neighbor, co-worker and any child who needs it. I will look out for others as they look out me.

May the Awen fill and inspire me to find real solutions to my difficulties. May peace fill my heart and be a product of all my activities. May I become a shining beacon of light in my home, community and country. Let the river of love keep overflowing throughout this new year.

(Pause and meditate for a moment on your goal for the coming year. When the answer comes to you, light their paper with the main candle and allow it to burn to ashes in the offering bowl. Add to the ashes a pinch of salt.).


(Pause for a moment. If you have any additional offerings, prayers or request do them now.)

Peace up to the Sky
Earth under the Sky
Sky down to the Sea
Strength in every one

The new year has been born.

(Pause for a moment and scatter the ashes and salt to the wind. If you are performing this ritual inside, wait until your ritual is over to take the mixture outdoors.)

This is a new beginning. I will be an example to my community and the next generation. I will not forget the lessons of the year that has passed. I embrace this new year with determination, hope and joy. I will extend my hand to help those around me. My work toward peace and love has just begun.

In the name of the Great Bear of the Starry Heavens and the elemental Earth, we thank the powers of the North. By the magic of the universe, by the gifts of the Earth, I withdraw this Northern Gate and radiate its light.

In the name of the Salmon of Wisdom and the elemental Water, we thank the powers of the West. By the endless waves of the Sea, by the streams in the forests, I withdraw this Western Gate and radiate its light.

In the name of the Great Stag and of the elemental Fire, we thank the powers of the South. By rays of sunlight, by the bolts of lightning, I withdraw this Southern Gate and radiate its light.

In the name of the Hawk of Dawn and of the elemental Air, we thank the powers of the East. By the four winds, by the clouds overhead, I withdraw this Eastern Gate and radiate its light.

Deep within the still center of my being, may I find Peace.

Silently within the quiet of the Grove, may I share Peace.

Gently within the great circle of humankind, may I radiate Peace.

May the harmony of lands be complete.


I now declare this Rite of Samhuin ended, but only in the apparent world.

—by Aigeann

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