» Religion » Magickal Warriors Book Of Shadows, Magickal Warriors Coven [read aloud .txt] 📗

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Beauty spells

Glamour spells


Glamour Spell #1

You will need:
1 wine glass of water
1 pinch of salt
1 red candle
1 light blue candle
1 red rose (no scars or imperfections for best results)
1 round hand-held mirror


Drop the pinch of salt into the glass of water saying:

'Beauty be within me.
Beauty now set me free.'

Carve the symbol of sex into the red candle. Carve a mirror symbol into the light blue one. Light the two candles, first the light blue one and then the red. Lay the mirror between the two candles and scry into your reflection. Drop the rose petals one by one onto the mirror. After this is done, drink the water and say:

'Beauty, beauty come to me.
Beauty, beauty set me free.'

Let the candles burn down all the way.

Glamour Spell #2

You need one or more pink candles.
A handheld mirror
Love oil
'Dress' candles in love oil
Next light the candles & stare deeply into the mirror
Visualize the change you want.
Recite this incantation aloud:
"Sacred flame, as you dance
Call upon my sacred glance.
Call upon my second sight,
Give me (fill in what you want here)
With your light.
Blessed flame, shinning bright,
Give me now my second sight.
Power of three, let them see, let them see"


INTRO - Everyone learns best by doing. The ritual given here is representative of the rituals worked in modern magic. It should be used as a general pattern indicating the essential elements and sequence of rituals, and will also be of some value in awakening a magical perception of the world. This ritual requires few can be worked just about anywhere where there is 1/2 an hour of uninterrupted quiet. GREAT for beginners.

BEGIN - Wear loose, comfy clothing of neutral colors. Take off your jewlery, shoes and anything else that hinders a free circulation of blood or irritates the skin. It is best if you bathe before beginning but at least wash your hands and face. Remember, you are trying to invoke a spiritual awareness into the temple of your body.

Place a candle on a low table such as a bedside table or a plant stand. Take a few minutes to clear your thoughts. when you feel inner tranquility, stand facing South with the candle in front of you. Raise your arms wide and lift your head high in the traditional posture of invocation. Look into infinity and focus your attention upon an imaginary star distant, overhead.

Speak the following cleansing prayer: Have Mercy upon me, O' Godess. Blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquities and cleanse me of all misdeeds. Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean. Wash me and I shall be white as snow. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in my heart. Thou, who art the Crown.

(touch your forehead w/your right index finger)

And the kingdom....
(touch your groin)


(touch your left shoulder)

And the glory

(touch your right shoulder)

And the Everlasting Love

(Touch your heart center)


(Point to the lit candle)

As you speak this cleansing prayer founded in the magic of the Kabbalah, visualize a clear cascade of sparkling waterfalling upon your head and body and refreshing you while washing your cares away.

Eclectic Circle Ceremony for Solitaries


Blessings upon thee, O creature of water, I cast out from thee all impurities and uncleanness of the spirits of phantasm, confusion, or any other influence not for the free will of all.


Blessings be upon this creature of salt; let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth thencefrom, and let all good enter therein. Wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me.


I take this salt of the Earth, Blessed with the will of Fire; I take this water of spirit,Exorcised with mind of merit; I mix them with words of power, Dedicated to every Tower.

By the power of moon and sun,
By the power of Spirit,earth and sea,
God and Goddess are part of One,
As I Will, so mote it be!


I conjure thee, O circle of power,
As thou encircle every Tower.
That thou beest a place of Truth, Joy and love,
Encircling Flight of Eagle, Hawk and Dove.
Mighty Aegis of the Lady and Lord,
Rampart of thought, action and word.
To Work in Peace, Powerful and Free,
Who walk between two worlds conjure thee;
A boundary to Protect, Concentrate and Contain,
That Power raised here be not in vain.
Wherefore do I bless thee and consecrate thee, in the names of Cernunnos and Aradia

SEALING OF THE CIRCLE (seal with water/salt mixture)

With potion of earth and water, I seal the sacred circle,
Linking air and fire!
With potion of earth and air, I seal the sacred circle,
Linking fire with water!
With potion of earth,air,and fire, I seal the sacred circle,
Linking water with the Earth!
As the four directions are brought to merge,
Let influence of the mighty ones converge!

(Seal with Censer)

With Incense and air of Mind,
East to South,I do Bind!
With Incense and air of mind,
South to West, I do Bind!
With Incense and air of Mind,
West to North, I do Bind!
With Incense and air of Mind,
North to East Completion Find!

(Seal with Candle)

With the Fire of emotion and will
East to South, our dedication fulfill!
With the Fire of veneration and Will,
South to West, our allegiance fulfill!
With the Fire of Devotion and Will,
West to North, our consecration fulfill!
With the Fire of Commitment and will,
From North to East, This inscription fulfill!
Within the circle All wills be free,
The circle is sealed, So Mote it Be!


Ye Lords of the Eastern Tower,
Airy Lords of Spirit;
Let your influence of Power,
Aid our minds with merit!
I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to guard the circle.

Ye Lords of Southern Power
Fiery Lords of Will.
Pray do grace your Tower,
Your Powers to fulfill!
I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to guard the circle.

Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the West,
Watery Lords of Death and Initiation;
I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to guard the Circle.

Ye Northern Lords of the Earth,
Though we be yet but Mortals;
Bless our work with worth,
Boreas, guardian of Northern portals.
I do summon, stir and call you up, to witness these rites and to guard the Circle.

Goddess and God, I would know,
As 'tis above, so 'tis below
Blessings on this work, please bestow!
This be my will, true and free,
I do so will, so mote it be.

Air, Fire, Water, Earth,
Elements of astral birth,
I call you now; attend to me!
In the Circle, rightly cast,
Safe from curse or blast,
I call you now, attend to me!

From cave and desert,sea and hill,
By wand, blade,and pentacle,
I call you now, attend to me!
This Is my will, so mote it be!
Bath ritual

The purpose of a ritual bath is to cleanse Yourself, from the inside and out, of negative energies and prepare your Physical, Mental and Spiritual Self for Circle. A ritual bath is a rite in and of itself. The rite is ideally done just prior to Circle, but this is not always the case. [An example of such is if you have to travel to the meeting place.] After the rite is completed and you must travel to another place for Circle, try to keep your mind in a Spiritual frame as this will aid you in Circle.
The bath water should be infused with salts, herbs oils and colors that are harmonious with the work to be done in Circle. To prepare for the bath:

Select the Herbs, [it is best to have your herbs in a satchel for easier clean-up] oils and salts [of the same color as the candle] that you will be using.
Have a censer and charcoal block ready to burn a corresponding incense on.
Anoint a candle of appropriate color [Possibly using the same oil as you are using in the bath water.] If you have a shrine set up in your bathroom, there should be a Goddess and God candle present.
Have some Rite Water ready. [Rite Water is made from: 1/3 sea-water {river-water with sea-salt added will do if sea-water is unavailable}; 1/3 river-water; 1/3 spring-water {store bought is OK}.]
Have a tape recorder with meditation music in the bathroom with you, as its aid to visualization and meditation is invaluable. [Be cautious to have the tape recorder far away from any water and DO NOT TOUCH IT WHILE YOU ARE STILL WET.]
A glass of wine is also needed for consumption upon completion of the rite.
And your libation dish for the libation to the God and Goddess.

TO BEGIN, turn out the lights and light the candle(s) and incense, turn on tape, fill the tub with warm water and add herbs, oils, salts and a cup or so of Rite Water. With your Athame draw and visulize a Water or Banishing Pentagram over the bath water. All of these tools represent the four Elements; Air/the incense and the scents from the bath,

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