» Religion » Magickal Warriors Book Of Shadows, Magickal Warriors Coven [read aloud .txt] 📗

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rocket .
Gender: Feminine, Planet: Saturn, Sign: Capricorn, Element: Water, Deities: Hecate, Medea

Protection, Invisibility. Use this herb with great caution to consecrate the athame or ritual knife. Make an infusion with the leaves or root to banish prior energy from magickal blades and to infuse it with protection. The root or leaves may be burned as incense for the same purpose. Gather the fresh flowers to make a tincture to refresh the power of the knives. Use an infusion as a magickal wash for ritual tools or sacred space. Brings protection and magickal watchfulness against negative energies in ritual. Wash a new cauldron in the infusion or burn aconite in its first fire. Used to invoke Hecate. Wrap the seed in a lizard skin and carry to become invisible at will. Used to poison arrow tips in early times. Also as protection from and a cure for werewolves.

African Violet (Saintpaulia ionantha)
Gender: Feminine, Planet: Venus, Element: Water

Spirituality, Protection. Promotes spirituality when grown in the home.

Agaric (Amanita muscaria) aka magic mushroom, redcap, death angel, death cap
Gender: Masculine, Planet: Mercury, Element: Air, Deity: Dionysus

Fertility. Place on the altar or in the bedroom to increase fertility.

Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) Also called Church steeples, cocklebur, stickwort, sticklewort
Gender: Masculine, Planet: Jupiter, Element: Air

Protection, Sleep. Agrimony is best known for its sleep-inducing qualities, therefore it is excellent in dream pillows, especially mixed with mugwort. Enhances magickal healing. A wash or oil increases effectiveness of all forms of ritual healing, psychic healing, or distance healing. Anoint hands with oil to cleanse auras. Creates a barrier against negative energies. Use if you feel to be under psychic attack. A counter-magick herb, it not only breaks hexes, but sends them back to the hexer.

Alfalfa (Medicavo Sativa)
Gender: Feminine, Planet: Venus, Element: Earth

Prosperity, Anti-hunger, Money. Brings in money and protects against financial misfortune. Harvest a small quantity at the full moon. Dry and burn in the cauldron. Place ashes in an magickal amulet.

Allspice (Pimenta officinalis or P. dioica)
Masculine, Mars, Fire

Money, Luck, Healing.

Almond (Prunus dulcis)
Masculine. Mercury. Air. Deities: Attis, Mercury, Thoth, Hermes

Money, Prosperity, Wisdom. Use oil, wash, or incense to anoint magickal wands or ritual candlesticks. (Almond wood makes excellent wands, especially for use in love magick). Excellent herbs for handfastings or other rituals of union. Also good for overcoming alcohol dependency. Almonds, leaves, and wood may be used in money magick. Placing almonds in your pocket will lead you to treasures.

In this section, you will find curses and hexes. Just remember that what you send out, you get back 3 fold. So be careful of what you do and how you do it!!!!!


A Powerful Evil Hex
Light 3 black candles at midnight and repeat the following three times.
If you have a bell you should ring it three times at the beginning of this ritual.

I call to the mighty bringer of light, Lucifer...
"Spirits of the abyss, here my call
all most powerful one and all
Lucifer my thoughts do sing
through the universe they now ring
Take thine enemy, take him smite
Break him, scorn him in the night
From the mighty depths of hell
cast your darkness on his shell
Oh Lucifer, oh shinning star
Touch him, burn him from afar
Revenge now will have its day
for thine enemy starts to fray"
So mote it be!
During the time spent doing this hex, you should be worked up into a frenzy of anger and thinking of the
darkness about to descend upon your enemy.
When you are done, extinguish the candles.


Here is a curse for someone who is extremely vain.This will bring them insanity from their own vanity.It shall make them crazy in their own mind thinking they are ugly and no longer pretty to the world.Take hair and nail clippings and a picture of the one you wish to punish.Take the picture and write the words "Beauty and Charm" on it with a black magic marker.Place all this in your cauldron and set it on fire.You will want to do this outside so in order to protect you from carbon monoxide poisoning and or burning your house down. As the fire starts to burn, read the following incantation
(Persons name) whom I now see
you'll go insane from vanity.
You'll see yourself as others do
all your looks are gone from you.
What was is gone and now is true
all your beauty will flee from you.
You look in the mirror, yourself to tend
your youthful face has come to an end.
Your mighty ego now is broken
you'll go insane in that same token.
I take this all away from you
because of all the things you do.
Once you thought you were so great
I bring you down to meet your fate.
The smell of stench is in the air
around you now, you'll lose your hair
In your mind you'll go insane
vanity is now your pain.
I accept this now manifesting by the powers of the Deities that rule the
Darkest of the abyss...Lucifer, Beelzebub and Astarot. Aid me in my endeavors
and carry out my wishes. So be it!Take the ashes and place them in a small bag or container.The reason you want to save every bit of this is so that you can place the ashes around your victims house.If you are someone who does go in this persons house that will be all the better for you can sprinkle them around the inside of the house in different places.
After you have read the incantation will want to sit and meditate on the curse and visualize all these things happening to the victim of your choosing. When you are done meditating for a few minutes, make sure the fire is completely out and return to your nightly affairs.


Publication Date: 11-26-2011

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