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to hurt others (Psa. 35:16; 57:4)? Does great disappointment sweep over His countenance when He discovers that you still have baby teeth and cannot take in deeper revelations from His heart? O may He find, to His soul's great delight, a full set of teeth pure and clean before Him.


" a flock of sheep...which came up from the washing..."

Sheep are helpless, totally dependent. They tend to wander away without realizing it. When they wander away for any length of time the sheep usually get dirty and matted. In this case her teeth are compared to shorn sheep. These sheep spiritually represent Christians who are pure in heart and motive. Shorn sheep are totally clean from outside impurities. In other Words, her mouth is a joy to Him for He finds no uncleanness, gossip, anger, cursing or discouragement coming from her out of it. What keeps us spiritually clean today? The application of His Holy Word (John 15:3; Eph. 5:26,27; Psa. 119:11). If we submit and abide in His Word then the Holy Spirit will do the cleansing in us. Tell the Lord you are willing to let His Word do its work in you.


"...everyone bear twins, and none is barren among them."

Praise God she has a full set of teeth. In other Words she is able to take solid spiritual food from the Word and not just the milk (I Pet. 2:2). Thank the Lord for the spiritual milk but spiritual milk alone cannot give the needed strength for life's problems ahead. We must begin to eat more solid spiritual food to develop into a strong disciple for Christ. Read carefully Heb. 5:13-14 and 6:1,2; Eph. 4:15. She is able to "chew" on the Word and savor it. Chewing helps us unlock the flavor of the food we are eating. So with a full set of spiritual teeth she is able to savor those subtle meanings underneath the surface of the Word. She is able to taste things from His Word that others miss. A fully surrendered heart to the Lord gives you a full set of spiritual teeth. A baby or a young child does not have a full set of adult teeth. So many remain spiritual children and cannot be given deep devotional thoughts by the Holy Spirit from His infinite Word! They can only handle milk at this point!

Dear blood bought Christian, is your mouth attractive to your Beloved? Place into your Beloved's care the Words of your mouth. Say with the Psalmist (Psa. 19:14), "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer." Let Him have control of the responsibility of your mouth and the meditation (what you spiritually chew on) of your heart! I can hear her now, all she can talk about is the Lover of her soul, "I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth." (Psa. 34:1). The angels who minister to her, love it; other lilies who fellowship with her, love it; but most of all He is greatly blessed by it!

Always keep in mind that above everything else He possesses, you are the Lord’s portion (Deut. 32:9). If you desire this, claim Psa. 81:10! O the shame! O the sadness to be spiritually barren! Pray Psa. 119:18, "Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law (Word)."


PRAY WITH ME: "I yearn with all of my heart to please You Lord, so control the words of my mouth by the power of the Holy Spirit. I want to speak the Word in faith and love (Gal. 5:6) and see You do mighty things in me and for me. Holy Spirit wash me clean by the living Word of God (John 15:3). May no criticism or sarcasm be found there. I claim and stand upon Psa. 19:14. Make it real in my life. May my mouth always be in agreement with Your Word! Dear Jesus, praise Your Holy name!"


V.3 "Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech is comely (lovely): thy temples are like a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks (veil)."

Listen to His heart dear Christian as He speaks of Your lips: "O My lovely bride, your lips are a scarlet thread! My blood has changed the way you talk! You now love to speak of Calvary and My blood. Before, it was filled with empty, worldly chatter. Praise for Me is continually flowing from your lips to My heart (Heb. 13:15; Psa. 34:1)! Remember the new song that I placed within your heart, I love the way you sing it to Me (Psa. 40:3). The sweetness of My words permeate your conversation in all that you say!" This is not necessarily a real tune but your life living in harmony with His heart which produces a perpetual song of love.

The scarlet brings out His beauty in you! Stop for a moment and meditate on the word "scarlet" (in the Heb. "shani"). It refers to a small insect through which the dye for the color scarlet was obtained. It was extracted by crushing the eggs of this worm-like creature. Please read Ex. 26:31 where it speaks of the beautiful veil in the tabernacle in which scarlet was one of the colors to be embroidered in it.

Now read Heb. 10:19-20. Those passages will unlock the secret of what the veil represented - the flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ! In Ex. 26:31 an untranslated Hebrew word appears along side of the word "shani" and it is the word "tolaath". The word "tolaath" refers also to the color scarlet or red. "Shani" is the product (red dye) which is obtained from the "tolaath" (worm). Keep in mind that sinful mankind is referred to as a worm (same word for scarlet) in Job 25:6 and Jacob (Israel) also in Isa. 41:1!

Dear dove of His heart, meditate on the depths to which your Bridegroom would go to have you as His bride. Isa. 1:18 states, "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet (shani), they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson (tola - worm), they shall be as wool." Do you understand now what Jesus had to become in order to take away your sin? In II Cor. 5:21 it states that God caused His own Son to become sin itself for us! Your Beloved had become a worm (us, sin)! When Jesus was on the cross and He said, "...My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?" (Mt. 27:46). Jesus was quoting Psa. 22:1. This was a prophetic Psalm concerning the crucifixion of Jesus (read Psa. 22:16).

Read Psa. 22:1-5 and see what was going on in Jesus' heart while on the cross. The Father answered the requests of former Jewish leaders but would not hear the cries of His own Son. O how this was like a knife wound in the soul of the Father's Beloved Son. Verse 6 reveals why the Father was painfully silent, when Jesus cried out in His heart, "But I am a worm ("tolaath"), and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people."! He was saying, "I have become a helpless, passive, naked and defenseless worm! I am not even a man whereby You may answer My cry to You, Father."

Remember, in order to obtain the scarlet, crimson dye, the "tolaath" had to be crushed! In Isa. 53:5 and 10 it tells us that the Messiah would be "bruised" (Hebrew "crushed" and so translated by other versions)! Praise God, as the Father crushed His Son, the worm, the cleansing, saving blood came forth for His bride. It would be used in giving her a spotless wedding garment (Isa. 61:10; Rev. 19:7-9)! Is your heart not touched by this revelation of the depth to which your dear Lord went for You, becoming a dead, putrefied, crushed soul? Doesn’t this cause you to love Jesus even more? Please look again at the devotional study concerning the worm in the beginning of chapter 1 entitled "How Low Would God Go To Save Us?"

With the application of the scarlet, her mouth is being made ready to speak things that will please her Beloved as never before. It will take place in her after she goes to the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense. Her lips will pour forth words that will please Him immensely (v.11)!


O WORSHIP HIM WITH ME NOW; BOW YOUR HEART: "My Lord, my God, my Redeemer, my Bridegroom, I prostrate myself before You. I worship You! I adore You! I praise You! I exalt You! I ascribe unto You glory, honor, power, riches, wisdom and blessing! You alone are worthy! O my Bridegroom You were crushed as a worm for me. Your blood flowed directly to my dead, sinful heart and wiped away all that offended Your infinitely pure heart! Praise Your name! Praise Your name! Praise Your name! O dear Holy Spirit, ever keep the scarlet upon my lips. O how I love the eternal blood of Jesus, my Lord, my Bridegroom. Dear Lord Jesus may Your eyes never cease to be pleased, for the scarlet will always remain there for You to know just how sacred and precious I consider it. Abba Father, praise Your holy name for You gave to me Your very heart, Your Son (John 1:18), and crushed His heart out of eternal love for my soul! Glory to God! Hallelujah!"


"Alas, and did my Savior bleed? and did my Sovereign die? Would He devote that sacred head for such a worm as I?”  (original version - Isaac Watts)

To that question the answer comes thundering from the throne of God, "YES!, YES!, YES!!!!"


"...thy temples are like a piece of a pomegranate within thy locks (veil)."

Pomegranates are red and produce a red fruit juice. Red represents the blood of the Bridegroom. But now it appears on her temples instead of her lips, why? Let the Word of God unlock the secret. Read Ex. 28:33,34; 39;24-26. Pomegranates were embroidered upon the hem of the Levitical priest's robe. The priest represents sacrifice and worship to God so also the Pomegranates. Pomegranates were carved on the Temple (I Kings 7:18:20). The actual Temple in Yerushalayim, built by Solomon, was the place designated by God where true sacrifice and worship was to take place. As a blood bought believer, her temples (the place of her thinking process) represent the area where the will chooses to sacrifice to God and worship Him. What she spoke of with her lips was constantly on her mind. And what was on her lips – praise and worship concerning her Beloved within the "holy place" behind the veil of her mind! The Holy Spirit declares in I Pet. 2:5,9, "You also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."…"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."

Listen for a moment to her thoughts as she privately communes with her Beloved, "O my eternal Husband take me! All of me! I sacrifice myself (Rom. 12:1) in surrender to You day by day and minute by minute! I wouldn't have it any other way my Husband. I am not my own but bought with a price, Your precious, precious blood! O that precious blood, it has justified me (Rom. 5:9), redeemed me (Eph. 1:7), forgiven me (Eph. 1:7), drawn me near to Your heart (Eph. 2:13), given me peace (Col. 1:20), cleansed me (I John 1:7), given me a family (I Cor. 10:16; Eph. 3:14,15), overcome the enemy (Rev. 12:11), allowed me into the most sacred place in

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