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no attraction for me anymore. You alone fill my soul, my heart, and my vision!"


In this incredible vision the Holy Spirit now directs her spiritual eyes to the "powders of the merchant". They were used to bring a pleasant scent to the air. Some were used to beautify. They all were costly because of the tedious work of pulverizing the various substances into fine powders. He was "crushed" for our iniquities (Isa. 53:5,10)! It pleased Lord to crush His Son! O what glorious powders were brought forth from the crushed heart of our God and King! As a result, indescribable scents of victory came forth from that crushing and God's heart was pleased. With her eyes ablaze with glory she spoke, "O my Beloved Bridegroom, I do not need things of the wilderness to make me attractive or to give me pleasure and joy. I only need to be Spirit-filled with Your wonderful fragrances of holiness, obtained through the crushing of Your heart. These will beautify my life as You live through me in the power of Your Word and Spirit (Gal. 2:20; 5:23,24; Eph.5:18-21)!"



PRAY WITH ME: "Dear Father, refine my life. May my stubborn will be continually crushed in crucifixion (Gal. 2:20). Make me sensitive to Your promptings! Thank You for Your Word of cleansing and restoration! In Jesus' name, amen."


Vs. 7,8 "Behold his (litter or carriage to travel upon) bed, which is Solomon's; threescore valiant men are about it, of the valiant of Israel. They all hold swords, being expert in war: every man hath his sword upon his thigh because of fear in the night."



O what a vision! O how each one of us needs to see Jesus lifted up! This is exactly what the bride of Christ needs. The bride refused to go with Him when He called. Why? Because of the shadows; because of the heat at noon; because of a divided heart (Mts. of Bether)! Here is the answer for her fears and anxious moments, it is to simply "Behold" Him, high and lifted up coming out of the wilderness (Heb. 12;1-3; I John 3:1-4; John 1:35-37).


"...his bed, which is Solomon's..."

She also sees Him seated. He is at rest. Much like Jesus, sleeping in the boat. This is a scene of confident triumph. He has everything under control. Had she gone with Him she would have been right next to Him enjoying every minute of the fellowship as they come up out of the wilderness. She would be seated with Christ, her Beloved and that is where we receive our authority to overpower the enemy's attacks (Eph. 2:6). The bride is to never forget that the "bed" (carriage) is her Beloved's alone! He is to get all the attention, praise and glory!

At this moment the Holy Spirit invites her to be seated with the King. She could feel His power and authority flow through her spirit. O how safe and secure it felt seated so close to Him. The King revealed to her that there would be fierce attacks from the enemy. He put His strong arm around her as they traveled alone in the wilderness and said, "You now have all of My authority." It was the authority of victory of which He had over the enemy at Calvary. The proclamation of His Lordship and His blood would be all the authority she needed (Rev. 12:11). He explained that it would come through using the Word. The only requirement was for her to walk in holiness. He told her, "Continue to apply the crucifixion ("myrrh") and holiness ("frankincense") daily to your will and you will walk in joy and victory each step of the way."


"...threescore valiant men..."

In this wonderful dream she sees the Beloved as her dynamic King with sixty men carrying swords ("6" the number of man - Gen. 1:27,31, "10" the number of responsibility - Exo. 20:1-17 - 6 x 10). Her King has those in His service who are led by the Holy Spirit and are able to skillfully use the sword of the Spirit against anything that would harm her in the wilderness journey (Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4:12). Praise God for His holy sword, His immutable Word! The word "valiant" means to be strong or mighty. May each one of us be skilled in standing on and claiming with active faith the promises of His Word!


"...they are about it..." (around it)

Notice that the King is the central focal point of the sixty valiant men with swords. Your purpose in any study must be with the Lord as the center. Without the Lord Jesus as our leader, as the central purpose of our walk and as the One lifted up to get all the glory all will be meaningless. Keep in mind He is being carried so He is lifted up. The Bridegroom-King is to be lifted up in our life. Our purpose is for Jesus to be seen in us by all those who come into our pathway along this wilderness journey: family, friends, unbelievers, angels and demons. Because these warriors were close to the Lord’s carriage then they were able to hear His instructions on how and when to use the sword if necessary. How close do you stay to the Lord? Do you talk to Him during the busyness of the day? Do you praise Him in your mind when you are not required to concentrate on other things? Do you meditate upon a very special Word He has given to you?


"...They all hold swords..."

You are to "hold" the sword! Too many of God’s children put their sword aside only to pick it up once a week when the Lord’s troops gather together for further instructions. Spiritually we must "hold" the sword close to our heart and mind as we walk through the activities of daily life, ready to use it at a moments notice since the enemy will attack at the most unexpected times. Isn’t that what Psa. 119:11 means - hiding it in our hearts; is that not holding it spiritually close? What did it take for the Son of Man to stop the enemy in the wilderness (Matt. 4:1-11)? Jesus, our Lord spoke the Word three times. Whether it is in warfare or in worship, use His word! Actually praising Him during spiritual conflict will bring victory. "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings has thou ordained strength (praise - Matt. 21:16) because of thine enemies, that thou mightiest still the enemy and the avenger." (Psa. 8:2) Read II Chron. 20:20-22!

As you read ask, "Lord, what are You desiring to say to me in this passage? I want You to feed my spirit (John 6:63). I am reading Lord because I love to hear Your voice! I want to know what pleases You. Your heart is Your Word, cause it to be revealed to me. Thank You Holy Spirit for making it real to me."


" in war..."

When are we ever going to become expert in the Word of God so that we can "...endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ" (II Tim. 2:3)? It will take: reflective study, a time commitment, a deep love for the Bridegroom, loving worship and quiet listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying in the heart! "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (II Tim. 2:15). We become experts in spiritual warfare by continually applying His word to each circumstance. Heb.5:14 teaches, "But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil."

Loving His word and applying it will be worth it all, for in her life's journey she will be seen as more than a conqueror (Rom.8:37). This miserable earth is a wilderness! As we lovingly submit to His Word and actively use it we will walk with our Beloved King in victory! Praise God! Dear bride, keep the sword near your side as those in Neh. 4:18 so that the Kingdom of God may be advanced for His glory! Her Beloved Bridegroom has provided everything so that she can become an expert in spiritual warfare: the Holy Spirit to reveal life changing and life directing truths (John 16:13), pastors and teachers to help train and equip us (Eph. 4:11,12; Tit. 2:11-15) and other surrendered believers for true Christian fellowship.

Actively identify yourself with those who are truly skillful in using God's word. Watch their walk not just their talk in actions, attitudes, reactions and responses. Be cautious, some have a great gift in teaching biblical information but their walk leaves much to be desired.


"...every man hath his sword upon his thigh ...."

The "thigh" speaks of strength and the ability to stand. It was the placing of the hand upon another's "thigh" where personal covenants of commitment were made between men (Gen. 24:2,9; 47:29). The Holy Spirit admonishes us to "Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth...." (Eph. 6:14). Never forget to humble yourself and allow the grace given to you to be dispensed through you to others. A humble heart before God and His people will cause you to become a Holy Spirit-filled expert in the use of God’s ultimate weapon - His Word! You will be a protector of the little lambs of the flock!


"...for fear in the night."

As the vision continued a foreboding chill enshrouded her soul. She screamed for a chilling, fearful, depressive darkness pressed in upon. There had been the terrors of the night, the moment when her Beloved had left and she was all alone! Night after night fear had filled her emotions. It was as if she were reliving the terrible sin of separation and the fear of never seeing Him again. This time a holy sword came out of her mouth, "Jesus is my Lord and I have overcome by the blood of the Lamb!" (Rev. 12:11). Instantaneously the night fled away - she found herself next to her Beloved King. She had used the sword! Her eyes were opened and there were heavenly warriors surrounding her. Dear Christian we live in a night scene (Rom. 13:12; John 3:19,20)! The workers and rulers of darkness will attack us with hellish fears as we travel through this "valley of the shadow of death" (Psa. 23:4)!

Literally it is "the valley of darkness". It speaks of our journey here on this earth and not really about dying. The death of a child of God will be full of light. We can say with full confidence that, "even though I walk through that dark valley I will fear no evil!" If He is the center, as we see Him here, then there is nothing to fear! We must truly make the study of our Bridegroom's Word a top priority so that its light will emanate from us to illuminate the path leading us to glory. "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (Psa. 119:105). Don't miss reading Psa. 34:7!

Thanks be unto God, for in each wilderness difficulty she now knows that her Beloved King has His valiant, mighty warriors ready to minister to her needs. Who are these valiant ones? Some are His angels, appearing as humans at times, who minister and do battle for us (Heb. 1:13,14; Psa. 91:11). When you speak the Word of God out of your mouth, angels are activated to minister to you and against the enemy (Psa. 103:20)!

These valiant ones are also the prayer warriors in the body of Christ who do battle with the sword of the Spirit for the bride! Thank you Jesus! We don't have to fight our battles in the energy of the flesh (I Sam. 17:47; II Chron. 20:15; 32:8). Praise God for the One Who always causes us to triumph (II Cor. 2:14)! 


PRAY WITH ME: "O my dear

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