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that there was an underlying anger toward her brothers that had not been dealt with.

As the bride entered, standing there were her brothers each wondering what this intrusion was all about. They still had no respect for their little sister. One brother whispered sarcastically, "I thought we got rid of her for good! She was nothing but a waste around here." She could feel the coldness and disdain in their looks. It brought back so many hurtful memories. She was able to crack a smile but bitter anger rose up within her trying to intrude on this special moment. Something inside of her said, "Here's your chance to tell them what you really think of them! Go ahead!" She glanced back at the door and remembered her Beloved was just outside! She quickly buried the rage seething inside of her and forced a smile again.

The bride's mother ran up and embraced her. With tears of joy she said, "I have missed you so much. There has not been a day go by that something good you did or said hasn't crossed my mind. It's been such a long time since I saw you last. You'll have to tell me all about this wonderful Person you've fallen so in love with. Welcome home my daughter." And gave her another big hug. With a glimmer in her eye she said, "Well Mother, I have brought my Beloved to especially meet you. He's standing right outside the door!" With a quizzical look her mother said, "Hurry up and invite Him in my daughter! Why is He waiting outside?"

As He entered, a hushed silence fell over the room. The brothers all of a sudden felt very uneasy in His presence. They were no longer the tough guys who had belittled their younger sister. The brothers' hearts began to melt in shame and conviction as the Beloved came and embraced each one with a holy kiss on each cheek. They could say nothing.

It seemed that this magnificent stranger was in full control, yet He said not a word. The bride's mother bid Him to sit and make Himself comfortable. As the Beloved sat reclining He paused for a moment gazing downward. From His innermost being flowed springs of living joy as He began to share how much in love He was with His bride and the plans He had for her happiness and joy.

There was a pause as the mother excused herself for a moment to get some food and refreshment. She asked the brothers to help. At that moment the bride leaned over and whispered, "Thank You for not saying anything about the separation which I caused to happen between us!" He smiled and squeezed her hand and responded, “You know how much I love you and My love covers a multitude of sins!" (I Pet. 4:8).

They returned and He thanked them for the wonderful refreshments. He turned to them and said, "You know I am the King!" They gasped, "We thought it was only a 'story' she was telling everybody after she had moved out! Forgive us, we didn't know! You really are the King!" All of them bowed with their faces to the ground. He touched each one of them and said, "Fear not, I am not only your King, I am your Kinsman, the Husband of your sister. I have come to bless all of you."

With a great sigh of relief they received their wonderful King into the family. "Surely", they thought, "our sister has told Him how terribly we treated her." But in His eyes they only saw an intense love for them. In all their lives they had never felt so loved before. Without hesitation they received Him into their hearts.

As the King continued to share, the brothers became filled with a strange conviction concerning their sinful attitude. Their hearts melted realizing the immensity of deep hurt they had caused their little sister. Godly sorrow swept over their souls. Each confessed to Him and asked for forgiveness. Deeply moved in heart the Beloved embraced and forgave each one of them as tears of joy flowed. They asked the King, "Would You allow us to talk privately to our little sister?” He smiled, nodding His head in agreement knowing what was about to happen. In the other room one of them took their sister by the hand and said, “All of us realize how terrible we have hurt you. We don’t know how you can forgive us but we are asking you to find it in your heart." In a joyful release, she gave each one a forgiving hug.

The Holy Spirit was not through with His work concerning this matter and the bride herself, in a tearful emotional release, asked them to forgive her for the harsh and unkind words that had been uttered in frustration against them. She confessed, "I have held a root of bitterness against all of you. It has emotionally eaten me alive. It was as if the Lord's grace had departed from me. I was so alone with my anger toward you. I could not see the Lord leading me or guiding me. It was awful and it kept getting worse over time. I began to hurt others and didn't understand it. Then I surrendered to the Lord thinking that I didn't have to deal with you all anymore. However, I know better now. Please forgive me, dear brothers. I renounce all that I felt toward you." (Heb. 12:15).

She could feel a heavy burden lifted off of her soul. The bitterness and anger were gone. Peace and purity of mind replaced the darkness. All sat there amazed, each one thinking about the powerful presence of this wonderful King and how a healing joy had been brought to their home. The brothers had never experienced such tenderness in their heart before.

 The bride glanced toward her Beloved and noticed a gleam of pleasure in His eyes. The thought raced through her mind, "This must have been one of the 'little foxes' spoiling my soul." Again she glanced toward the Beloved and she knew in her spirit He was in agreement with that thought! It felt so good to have His approval again!

Excitement filled the house! Like a fast flowing stream, question after question poured out for their new Kinsman to answer. All could see how much He loved the sharing time with them. For the first time they truly felt special. They had passed from darkness into light (I Pet. 2:9). Old things passed away. It was as if they were a completely new creation (II Cor. 5:17).

When there were no more questions left the Beloved reassured them, "I promise to meet all of your needs according to My riches in glory." (Phil. 4:19). "Remember, just ask Me and I will take care of all them." The King rose from the table and said, "It has been a blessed time with all of you. I'm so glad you have lovingly and willingly received Me into your home. But we are going to have to get back to the palace. I have some pressing business to take care of." And with a twinkle in His eye said to the love of His heart, "my bride has close friends waiting anxiously to see her. I believe she has some important things to share with them, the virgins." Embracing each one of them He said, "Please come to the palace any time. Think of My throne as a throne of grace (Heb. 4:16). You will never need a special invitation! Remember, you're royal family now. I'm going to leave you a book I've written, it will guide you for the rest of your life!" They laughed shaking their heads in amazement of what had transpired this day!

O to have the forgiving spirit of Joseph upon us in dealing with crushing past hurts (Gen. 44,45). If you, dear child of the Lord, are ever to grow in your relationship with the Bridegroom, you must take care of any past hurts at home first. Is there unforgiveness in your heart for something a grandparent, parent, brother, sister, spouse or child did a long time ago? Maybe it took place way back in your early childhood days. I repeat, let the Lord forgive them through you as He allowed the Father to forgive His enemies while being tortured and crucified. It's for your healing.

Do those closest to you see that your attitudes, actions, and activities are controlled by a deep love for Him? How about your children (maybe spiritual children-friends), have you brought them near the Shepherd's tent (1:8)? Do they see the results of your professed surrender when you said to your Beloved, "I have eyes of love for You only my King, my Spouse."? Do they see a wonderful, loving holiness of obedience to His Word flowing from you in your daily walk?

The Beloved and His bride returned to the palace. Her close friends, the virgins, had heard they were coming and all were anxiously waiting to meet them. When the great door opened, they all rushed to her and gave her many hugs. They knew there had been a great victory in her life. All began to say excitedly, "Tell us all that has happened! We can't wait to hear about it! It's so wonderful having you back with us. It just hasn't been the same." The Beloved broke in during all of this excitement and said, "Ladies, words are not adequate to tell you how I feel concerning all of you, with all of My heart I thank you for caring so deeply, especially when My love was away. I know how much you want to share right now but she has had a very, very exhausting, full day." Then He addressed those court ladies who served and waited on His bride...


V.5 "I charge you, O ye daughters of Yerushalayim, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, till he (she) pleases."

They were told by the Beloved to be quick and be gentle in obeying His command to let her sleep. The Lord loves for us to meditate on all that He does for us. "My soul shall be satisfied...and my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips: when I remember thee upon my bed, and meditate on thee in the night watches." (Psa. 63:5,6).

Oh how loving her Beloved is, how caring, how gentle, so understanding! She now can sleep, peacefully with true rest of soul and spirit. How horrible were those sleepless nights (3:1). How beautifully exhausting was this day in finding Him. All her spiritual energy was poured out upon Him through His anointed presence and leading of the Holy Spirit. It is now time to rest.

If only we could realize that loving Him, following Him, obeying Him, serving Him, brings us true rest. As she lay back to sleep she said, "I love You, my Beloved with all of my heart." She squeezed His hand and with a grieved look started to say, "I'm so, so sorry I...." But He placed His finger gently over her lips. She knew all was well. In a moment His bride was fast asleep, in a heavenly slumber, with a glow of perfect peace.

The Beloved sits next to her stroking her hair saying in a whisper as she drops off into a sweet sleep, "You know I love you with all My heart, My Bride; rest My love and enjoy the dream I have prepared for you. May your heart be thrilled in this glorious revelation and vision of Myself as you sleep!" He heard her whisper quietly to her soul, "Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee (Psa. 116:7)." The Beloved watched her go off to sleep and joy swept over His soul. O how He loved being with her again! He too had been hurt very deeply by her

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