» Romance » Taken By a Mafia King, Hlengiwe Mathebula [top business books of all time TXT] 📗

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we should expect anything from now.

We travel for almost 5 hours. Apparently Zweli decided to put my granddad in a private hospital. I’m not comfortable with the whole idea. I know I’ll have to pay for that money when I’m not even done paying for the lobola money.

We find most of the family outside the ward. I walk in with Zweli. My grandma is standing by mkhulu. She’s trying so hard not to cry. I wish I was as strong as she is but I’m not. As soon as my eyes land on mkhulu I can’t hold back the tears. He stares at me like he doesn’t know me. He has heart problems and me disappearing didn’t help him. I don’t want to stand here and see him like this. If something happens then I want to remember him as a strong person that he is. I leave the room and Zweli’s mom and Sizwe follow me outside. I try to walk but my feet give in and I end up on the floor. I must have fainted because I wake up at my grandparent’s place. There’s so much wailing and screaming. And then it hits me. Mkhulu is gone. Just like that? Zweli is sitting at the corner of the room looking at me.

“He’s gone” that comes out as a statement not a question.

“Thirty minutes back”

I go numb. Mkhulu has been my second dad. He taught me most of the things I know. I remember how he got mad when my dad refused to let them take me when I was 10. Zweli walks over to me. He hugs me and kisses my forehead. I don’t say anything. I don’t even cry, I’m too numb.


Mkhulu knew almost everyone in the neighbourhood. People have been coming and going the whole week. I know people mean well but I wish they had only came today. No one is really looking forward to this day. Mkhulu will be laid to rest today. Of all people in the world not even Nonhle or Zweli but God chose mkhulu.

“It’s time to see mkhulu before he goes outside” my dad tells me, when he walks into the room. I shake my head no. As if seeing him like that at the hospital is not enough. Zweli tries to persuade me to but I stand my ground. My dad says okay and he leaves and Zweli and I follow him. I help gogo go outside, walking behind mkhulu’s coffin. It’s too hot for her to be using that big blanket. One of my aunts suggested she uses a smaller blanket but she didn’t want to.

There are so many people outside, I’m glad Zweli’s mom hired a catering company. Even though we didn’t want her to but she’s so damn stubborn so we decided to let her have her way this time. We sit in the tent, Zweli is holding my hand this time. He looks so far away like he’s been through all of this before.

People keep fainting and I’m busy dealing with them no time to concentrate on the service. I’m worried about my grandma. She’s just staring into space. She’s not moving or crying. I get the chance to sit down. One of mkhulu’s friend and neighbour is talking about him. I’m listening but one would swear that mkhulu’s friend is speaking some foreign language. I hear the words but I can’t really process what he’s saying.

Soon the moment we all not looking forward to is here. The hearse is here. We heard to nearest cemetery. I ride with Zweli’s mom and brothers. I feel a hand in my shoulder it’s their mother. Funny how I never saw mine. She’s not family but she should be here to pay her respect to the man who helped raise the daughter she left behind. We get to the cemeteries, the Reverend reads the bible and when he’s done we all watch as the coffin is lowered into the ground. Our hearts sink down with it. I’ve been trying to be strong for my family but now I can’t hold back the tears. As soon as my shoulders shake, Zweli hugs me so tight. My uncle and his son come with a spades we take the soil from one spade and pour to the other. That’s what I was praying for. I doubt we’re strong enough to go over where the coffin was lowered. They start to fill in the hole. My grandma starts to wail it hurts so much. I want to go to her but I’m not strong enough. We pray, and my dad thanks everyone then we go back home. My grandma won’t stand up. I feel so helpless. Zweli forces me into the car we wait until my grandma gets into the family car and we head home.


Yesterday was a very heart breaking day. The thought of never seeing mkhulu again makes everyone cry. Today we woke up around 4am to wash the blankets and windows. Only God knows why we have to do that. As if the day of the funeral is emotionally draining. My grandma won’t allow us to open the curtains and she won’t wake up. I hope she recovers soon. We can't afford to lose her too.

“We are heading home. Mama is staying behind with you” Zweli tells me. They’ve been very supportive and helpful they also need to rest. So I accompany them to the car. I hug them. Sizwe hugs me longer and then Zweli starts to complain. I honestly don’t know what his problem is because it’s not like he’s jealous. For him to be jealous it’ll mean he loves me and we all know he doesn’t.


Zweli’s mom left last night, after staying here for 2 weeks. Apparently Zweli lost his granddad 2 years ago, and the loss hit him hard more than anyone. They thought he wouldn’t recover. He started withdrawing from people. He hardly smiled until I came along. He called his mom that night he came to my house. And he told his mom he’s going to marry. If he didn’t kill Bonga to make me agree I would’ve thought the story is sweet or something.

“You’re a married woman. It’s time you for you to go home” my grandma tells me like she’s been telling me for the past 2 weeks.

“I’ll leave tomorrow morning” I tell her.

But I’m scared to use public transport, I know my kidnappers died but I know Zweli might have pissed more people and it’s no longer safe. My world has been unsafe the day he came to my house.

“Looks like your husband decided to come fetch you” I turn to see his car parked by the gate. I go to my room to pack. I find him in the kitchen with my grandma they are drinking coffee and they are laughing so hard. I’m so happy to see my grandma laugh she hasn’t since mkhulu died. I’m so glad someone made her laugh even if it’s my evil husband. Zweli tells me that we need to leave right away. My aunt decided to come live with grandma since her children are old enough to look after themselves and her husband died 10 years ago. I kiss my grandma goodbye.

I must’ve fell asleep as soon as Zweli started the car. We get home, his brothers and mom are here. It’s good to be back. Grandma’s house was starting to depress me. I needed the air.

Chapter 6

For the past 2 weeks, Zweli has been hovering over me like mother hen. If it’s not him it’s his mom, brothers and maShezi.

I open my eyes and Zweli is not in bed. He’s been super great since mkhulu died. He even stopped raping me. So it takes losing a grandfather to be treated well. I walk downstairs and the whole family is here well everyone except for mkhulu. Even Nonhle, her twins and husband. Momo hugs me, I’m happy to see her. Nonhle comes towards me for a hug but I side step her and think.

Funny how people like mkhulu get to die and then people like Nonhle and Zweli get to live. The world is really fucked up

I turn to ask my dad something but I see everyone looks shocked and Nonhle has tears in her eyes. Okay I might have said that out loud. They tell me that they came by because they didn’t get the chance after I was kidnapped. We sit and eat in uncomfortable silence. Everyone is looking at me like I just killed someone. Okay I have killed both Zweli and Nonhle but in my head not literally.

They all leave after lunch and I can tell it wasn’t what they planned to do. As soon as the last car is out the gate. Zweli takes my hands he leads me upstairs to the bedroom.

“What was that about?” he roars in anger. Eeh banna this guy kingpins, rapists and murderers deserve to die or he thought they deserve to live forever?

“Those were my honest thoughts. I didn’t realise I said that out loud but I meant that”

“You’re going to take that back”

“No, I won’t…” before I get the chance to talk he slaps me so hard I lose balance I fall on the floor. He doesn’t stop he keeps telling me to take it back in between kicks. But being the stubborn person that I am, I don’t. He kicks me so hard I black out.


“You’re awake” my stupid husband sounds and looks shocked.

“Nah, I’m dead”

“Don’t say that” his mom reprimands.

“You’re going to give me a heart attack. If you come back here. You’ve been in a hospital 3 times within a year” she continues.

“I hope I don’t come back here” I reply but looking at Zweli.

“You shouldn’t have left the house alone. The world is not a safe place” Sizwe comments. I don’t know what Zweli told them.

“When am I leaving this place?” I ask no one in particular.

“In an hour” the doctor walks in with a smile.


“I have a business meeting with some guys. Can you come with me?” Zweli asks during breakfast. I nod. I’d love to go out.

“When are we leaving?” I ask.

“In 10 minutes”. I nod.

We drive to some mall. There’s an Audi it looks like it’s stuck. Good thing I have my tools with me. A tall guy walks towards us.

“Mandy’s car stuck. There’s no network, she went to look for help inside” the guy tells us.

“My wife can help. She’s a mechanic”

“I’d like love that” he replies looking warry. I think Zweli can see that, because he tells him not to worry. I walk towards the car. Zweli’s follows with my tools.

I’m inside the car trying to start it and see what the problem is when the door is roughly opened. The next thing I know I’m being dragged out of the car. For some reason I think I’m being hijacked until the girl comments.

“You bitch what are you doing in my husband’s car” she screams in my face and she slaps me across the face. I don’t even get the chance to defend myself she slaps me again and the she throws me on the ground. I see some guy and Zweli running towards me.

“Mandy what are you doing?” the guy screams.

“I found this bitch in Ayanda’s car. It’s either she was stealing it or she wants him” she replies giving me a nasty look.

“This is my wife. She’s a mechanic. Your husband told us your car broke down and she was trying to help”

“I thought…” Zweli doesn’t give her the chance to finish.

“What happened to asking?” he asks her, but he doesn’t wait for her to answer he turns to me and tells me that we’re leaving. I start to shake my head but he takes my hand and leads me to the car.

“But you had a business meeting” I comment when we get to the car.

“His wife will have to apologise to you first”

His phone rings non-stop

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