» Romance » My Sophomore Year, Katie Such [reading e books .txt] 📗

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keep him here until he reaches a healthy weight, and we need to make sure he has no other health issues. We will keep him here as long as it takes to make sure that he is healthy. This issue is very common in twins and there is no need to worry. Your baby girl is just fine. She is a good 5 pounds. Very surprising for twins.

Hearing all of this made me cry, all I wanted was two normally healthy babies. Aiden held me as I cried. I wasn't even allowed to hold my baby boy. I didn't care that he was small I just wanted to hold him.


This morning was terrible I have to leave the hospital today without Akira, he’s still too small. He’s gained a pound since we’ve been here but I still haven’t been able to hold him or feel him. It’s just not fair!!! The doctors told me I couldn’t stay any longer. We are allowed to take baby Aiyanna home though. I’m happy that she is healthy but I really wish her brother was too. The doctors said once he is five pounds I can take him home. Hopefully that’s pretty soon.
Once we got home I brought Aiyanna up to the nursery and I went and laid down in my bed. Aiden followed me and laid down next to me.
“He’s going to be okay Elissa I promise; the doctors said he’s going to be perfectly fine. Once he gets normal weight we can bring him home and he will live his life like any other normal kid, we won’t deprive him of his child hood. But we have to start showing off our baby girl, let’s call Jake, Nicole, and Nate. Anyone else can visit later.” Aiden was talking a mile an hour; it was so hard to understand him he was so excited.
“Okay, well I’m going to get Aiyanna and check her diaper and take a picture and send it to Bree. I told her I would send her one” I hopped up off the bed and walked to the nursery. I felt Aiden follow me. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and got to my camera. Aiyanna was awake just lying there with her eyes open. I quickly took the picture. I sent it to Bree with her name underneath. Then I picked Aiyanna up and brought her downstairs to sit with me on the couch. A few minutes later Bree texted back:
Awwww! She’s so cute!!!!
I just smiled at her text and went back to playing with Aiyanna, when all of a sudden she started bawling her eyes out.
“Shit, Aiden can you make me a bottle please!?”
“Yeah sure, be right there baby.”
“Thank you.” I couldn’t help it but I almost started crying because I can’t hold my baby boy in my arms when he’s crying because he’s hungry, tired, needs a diaper change or just wants to be held. It breaks my heart.
“Hey babe, the hospital just called they said that Akira grew another pound and that he’s growing really fast. They said we should be able to pick him by next week.”
“Really?!?!?! Oh my gosh, that’s amazing!!!!!!!” I said as he brought my Aiyanna’s bottle. I started feeding her and then my phone started ringing, Aiden picked it up and put it up to my ear, “Hello?”
“Hey, it’s me. Can I come over and see the babies?” I heard Jake’s voice say.
“Yes of course, but Akira is still in the hospital. He was very small when he was born so we have to wait a couple more weeks to bring him home.”
“Okay, well I’ll be there in a few to see Aiyanna.”
“Okay see you in a few Jake.”
A few minutes later there was a knock at the door, I already knew it was Jake.
“Babe will you answer that?” I asked Aiden.
“Yeah,” He got up and opened the door for Jake, “Hey man, she’s in the living room go ahead.” A few seconds after Jake walked in the room and smiled.
“She’s adorable, can I hold her?” He asked.
“Of course, come sit on the couch though, she’s really light and fragile.”
“I know I’ve held baby cousins before,” He smiled and sat down next to me and I passed her over, “She really is adorable guys,” He said and just stared at Aiyanna. I smiled as I thought one day Jake really is going to make a great dad.


Today’s the day; I finally get to bring my baby boy home! He’s been in the hospital since the day he was born and now he’s ten weeks old, I haven’t been able to hold him or anything, but the doctor says he’s at the weight a two month old baby should be at. Aiyanna is eight pounds. They said that Akira is seven pounds six ounces. So he’s not too far behind her.
“Hey Aiden, what if Akira would have died I don’t think I could have lived with myself if that would have ever happened. I mean it would have been heartbreaking only having Aiyanna and her brother died.” I wondered this since they day at the hospital when they told me that he was only two pounds.
“Babe, if that would have ever happened we would have just had to deal with it. We wouldn’t just be sad all the time we would have done whatever was best, like taking care of Aiyanna that would have been the most important thing. Nothing else, we have to think of the positives not the negatives, just be happy that he’s alive, yeah it sucks that we didn’t get to take care of him the first two months of his life, but just think Aiyanna already sleeps through the night. Maybe he will too.”
“I’m sorry; I’ve just been kind of upset lately I really wish that I could have been with him every moment while he was in there. It’s not fair for him to of had to stay while his sister was at home.” I told him as we got out of the car, to go into the hospital. We walked up the front steps hand in hand. We walked up to the registration desk.
“Hi we are here to pick up our son. Akira Jacob Anderson. He should still be in the OBGYN.” The receptionist looked up something in her computer.
“Okay, you can go on up I’ll let them know you are here for him.”
“Thank you,” we both replied and walked towards the OBGYN. We walked in and saw that Akira was already in the car seat that we left the day we took Aiyanna home. He was already to go. He looks so small! He doesn’t even look like he’s seven pounds. It’s crazy how much bigger Aiyanna is.
“He’s all set, you can go ahead and take him home,” The nurse replied.
“Thank you so much.” I said and pick up Akira, He even feels really tiny.
Once we got home with Akira I told my mom she could go back to work. She just watched Aiyanna until we got back. My mom left and we were home alone, like usual. I decided to text Nathan and Nicole to let them know that they can come and see Akira since he’s finally home. A few minutes after I texted them they were home.
“Hey, where is he?!?!?” Nicole yelled.
“Be quiet he’s sleeping!” I said and walked over to where he was laying in his car seat. Nicole picked him up and he nestled into her arms.
“He’s so cute! Aiden he even has your nose and mouth!” She said.
“Yeah, well that’s my little boy right there. He’s got to be as handsome as his dad is.”
“Sure honey, whatever you say.” I said and just laughed.
“Hey babe, I got you didn’t I?”
“I love you.” Aiden said and kissed the top of my head.
“I love you too.”


Chapter 16

It’s been three months since Akira has been home, he’s still a lot smaller than Aiyanna. He’s only ten pounds and Aiyanna is sixteen pounds. I hope he doesn’t stay too much smaller than her, I don’t want him to be under developed all of his life.
“Hey babe, I think we should at least start wedding plans, I mean we don’t have to get married yet but we could start thinking of ideas and figuring out a date.” Aiden said.
“Yeah, we could start on that soon, maybe we could set the date for a day after the babies learn how to walk and stuff so we have a flower girl and a ring bearer. “
“We could do that. I love you so much and I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle in that white dress. You’re going to look beautiful, as always.”
“Baby, you’re so sweet. I can’t wait to finally be married to you and be your wife.”
“I can’t wait either baby.” We cuddled up close to each other and just laid there while the babies slept. I can’t believe they are five months old.
On Monday we start our new home schooling, we both don’t want to be away from the kids all day so we decided that this was the best choice for us. Nathan and Nicole want to do it too but they still have to try and convince their moms. We all decided that since

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