» Romance » My Sophomore Year, Katie Such [reading e books .txt] 📗

Book online «My Sophomore Year, Katie Such [reading e books .txt] 📗». Author Katie Such

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a few, by the way I think you look gorgeous today.”
“Thanks you don’t look half bad yourself.” I said unaffected because we always tell each other how we look every day. I’m wearing a black shirt with a blue tank top, a pair of blue skinny jeans, and my black converse. My piercings are all black and blue stripped, except my lip. It’s white with blue dots. I really wonder who Aiden was talking about now because of what he said. Oh well I guess I’ll find out when I talk to him. He walked into history a minute after the bell rang.
“Well Aiden what do you have to say for yourself? You’re late, let’s here that excuse.” Mrs. Salina asked.
“The truth is I was leaving a note in the smartest and prettiest girl’s locker asking her to the winter formal.” He said flat out with confidence.
“Oh well next time do that on your own time not mine. I don’t want to have to wait for you to get a girl. This is my class time Aiden, now take your seat. Next time you will have detention.”
“Yes ma’am,” Aiden replied. I quickly wrote a note saying:

Hey, who’s the girl? Can I know?

I quickly passed it to him, he read it looked at me smiled and wrote something and passed it back to me:

You already know her. But I can’t tell you her name. It’s a secret. Why are you jealous?


No of course not, why would I be?


Idk, I don’t understand why you are asking then? You’ll find out soon enough.


Wow, what’s wrong with you today? You’re crabby or something.


Sorry, I just think this isn’t really your business until the person says yes or no. You know you’re my best friend and that I love you like you’re my sister right?


Love you too Aiden, but don’t be so snippy with me. Sorry don’t mean to be a bitch.


Its okay I’m kinda crabby anyway, but I’ll talk to you after class I don’t want you to get in trouble.

I was really irritated so I just didn’t reply. Aiden could be so sweet but sometimes he could be a real pain in the ass. But I got to love him he’s so much like me.
After class I went to my locker. Aiden didn’t come with like he usually does. Oh well… I opened it and I looked in the holder where Aiden and I always put our notes to each other. Sure enough there was a piece of paper neatly folded in the holder. I pulled out the note it read:

We have been friends since the day I started school here. When I saw you walk into the office on my first day I thought you were the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, I didn’t know how to tell you in person but I love you and I have since the first time I met you. When we were on your porch and I kissed you, I didn’t think that you wanted to be with me so that’s why I said friends. But ever since then I regret not asking you out I have loved you for the longest time and I want you to be my girl and everything. Will you please go to the winter formal with me?

I read this and I felt the tears well up in my eyes. This is the guy I’m in love with and the guy I really want. I have never felt this way about any other guy.
Not letting Aiden know I read the note I walked into my next class. He looked at me and I smiled. He gave me a confused look. I just ignored it for now. I was going to make him wait just like he made me wait for him to ask me out. He’s going to have to wait for an answer.
After school I walked up to Aiden and said, “Hey,”
“Hi so did you get my note?”
“Yeah I did.”
“So what do you say?”
“I’d rather do this,” I pulled him really close and kissed him. He pulled away.
“I take that as a yes.”
“Hmmm do I have to make it any clearer?”
“I think you should.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck and kissed him.
“Get a room,” I heard someone say. I didn’t recognize the voice at first. I turned around and saw Jake standing there.
“Shut up Jake,” I said.
“No, by the way Aiden have fun with my sloppy seconds.” He said and walked away.
“You dated him?” Aiden asked surprised.
“Uhh yeah for a while.”
“He’s a jerk though. For how long?”
“A year and a half, he was my longest relationship.”
“Oh, well we better get to the bus.”
“Wait, your not mad are you?” I looked at him with confused eyes.
“No but tell me one thing. Did you sleep with him?”
“No! I’m a virgin. Are you though?”
“No,” He kinda looked away when he answered.
“Oh, well let’s go.” I started to walk away and he followed
“It was with only one person and we were together for 2 years, but she broke up with me for someone else.”
“Okay, I get it,” I said and boarded the bus. I sat down and when he sat next to me I looked at him and said, “Just so you know I’m not ready to have sex and I’m not going to be for awhile, Ok?”
“Okay,” was all he said. I looked out the window on the ride home. We were together and already having problems. This isn’t good. But I guess we will see where this all goes.


I started to put on my dress, its blue with sparkles on it. It goes all the way to the floor, and its form fitting. I actually didn’t look as emo as I always do. I took out all my piercings and I straightened my hair so it looked normal. I don’t really like looking like this, but I want to prove that if I want to I can make my self look pretty and not like an emo Goth.
As soon as I was completely ready I sat on my bed to wait for Aiden to come. He was here within ten minutes. I heard the chime of the door bell. I started to walk down the stairs as my mom let him in.
“Wow, umm Elissa you look. Wow,” That’s all he could say. (Haha)
“Thanks, you look amazing yourself.” He had a tux on with a tie to match my dress, it was even sparkly. My mom took a few pictures of us and we left for the dance. His mom drove us. Neither of us can drive yet. But I have my permit. I’m not sure if he does.
After the dance we walked out side and sat on the bench, he hadn’t called his mom yet. I didn’t really want him to. It was going good so far and it’s nice to know that there is someone like me out in the world. I use to think I would end up alone because I was the odd person out, but now I know that there is someone for me and like me in this shitty world.
“So, what should we do now?” Aiden asked.
“Whatever you want to.” I looked at him and kissed his cheek. I started to turn my head away again and he pulled me back to him and kissed me. It started off just a slow kiss, we deepened it and he opened his mouth and ran his tongue along my bottom lip begging for entrance. I teased him a little and then let him in. His tongue explored every inch of my mouth. Then I heard someone clear their throat. It was Mr. Jackson our principle.
“Ummmm Elissa did you ever finish that service learning idea for the school yet?” he asked.
“Uh yup, I’ll have it on your desk Monday morning”
“Okay thanks.”
“No problem.” I said and he walked away and I looked at Aiden and we both just started laughing.
“Well that was slightly awkward,” he said.
“Just a little want to go down to the park?”
“Sure why not?” he said and we got up and went to the park.
“I used to play here with my dad when I was little.”
“Wow, where is your dad now?” I knew he was going to ask because I brought it up.
“He died last year of leukemia,” I kinda looked away; talking about my dad is a really hard subject. I was closer to my dad than I am my mom. He understood my problem mom never seemed to.
“Oh, I’m so sorry for bringing it up.”
“No it’s alright, I just hate that my mom seems to have forgotten him and just hooks up with a different random guy every week. It’s like she’s trying to replace my dad.”
“I’m really sorry Elissa.”
“It’s alright it’s not your fault. But sometimes I do wonder what would happen if I were to do something wrong that she does and then she what she has to say about it. Because she doesn’t know what it’s like living with her, she should live with someone who is just like her.”
“I don’t know what to say…”
“You don’t have to say anything Aiden just be here for me and be someone for me to spill my feelings to.”
“Okay, I will always be here for you I promise.”
“Thanks,” I said and kissed him. I just wanted all of these thoughts to just wash away. Pretty soon he pulled away.
“You’re very welcome just promise me you won’t do anything stupid.”
“I won’t I promise, I love you to much.”
“Yes Aiden you are my world,” I brought him to my favorite place to sit.
In the morning I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating on my bed side table. I looked at it and I was from Aiden,
Elissa want to come over? my parents aren’t home and my mom or dad won’t care.
I wrote back saying,
Sure but you know my rule.
Of course baby I know. I won’t ever try anything until you are ready and you know that I already told you that.
Instead of replying I got up and got dressed my hair was still kinda straight from last night so I threw it up into

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