» Romance » My Sophomore Year, Katie Such [reading e books .txt] 📗

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lip and I didn’t know what to do so I called 911 and the sent and ambulance over here. Aiden should be here soon I called him and I couldn’t get a hold of your mom so you’ll have to call her later or something.”
“Well thank you Jake that really means a lot to me. I probably should have been paying more attention I was pissed at Aiden for something stupid. I shouldn’t have been home alone.” I hugged him and I sat up. He kissed my forehead.
“No problem for my old love. I still have feelings for you Elissa, but you’re having a baby with Aiden and I know we’ll never have another chance together.”
“Never say Never Jake, who knows if Aiden will ever forgive me for what I did today, I was terrible to him and if he doesn’t forgive me maybe I’ll need someone around to help.”
“You know, I would be happy to help, even if you ever just need a friend, I’ll be one, I know I’ve treated you like crap since the breakup and I never should have.” He moved over and handed me my phone. Aiden walked in the room and looked scared.
“My gosh Elissa are you alright?” He came over and hugged me tight.
“Aiden can’t breathe.” I said breathlessly.
“Oh I’m sorry how is the baby?” He rubbed my belly.
“I don’t know. I just woke up with a massive migraine; I think I hit my head.”
“You probably did. Oh by the way Jake thank you for getting her here. I appreciate it.” he said and held out his hand for Jake to shake.
“It’s not a problem man: I couldn’t just leave her there.” Jake replied. A knock came at the door.
“Come in,” I said and the doctor came in.
“Ok well Aiden you can stay since you’re the father but Jake you need to leave you can come back in when I’m done here.”
“Nah, I have to go anyway, Elissa text me or call me sometime so we can talk.” He said and walked out.
“Ok so the babies are fine no harm hurt them. You will be set to go home in about twenty minutes I just have to get all the paper work set and you will be ready to go.”
“Wait, babies?” Shock came over me.
“Yes you are having twins; I would have assumed you already knew.”
“Ummmm no, we were never told that we are having two.”
“Well I guess now you know.” He said and walked out of the room.
“Aiden we are having twins!” I screamed very shocked.
“I know baby and I am scared but I can’t wait.”
“But I’m going to get fatter than I thought.”
“You’ll still be amazing and beautiful.”
“Oh shut it, such a dork, no wonder why I love you.” I said and kissed him, I texted Jake, Bree and my mom the news. After about twenty minutes the doctor came back and said I could leave. Aiden and I went back to my house and went to bed.
In the morning I woke up with a sore back I don’t even want to go to school today. But I have to since I’m going to be out a lot when the babies are born. “Aiden wake up, time to get ready for school it’s six thirty.” I tapped his shoulder.
“I’m up babe I’m up, go ahead and shower and I’ll take one when you are done.
“Okay, I’ll be ten minutes.”
“Okay love you.”
“Love you to babe.” I got up and showered. It felt relaxing to stand under the hot shower. I took a quick shower though, since Aiden has to get in too.
“Okay get your ass in the shower so I can change.” I said jokingly.
“Okay, okay, damn woman someone’s hormonal today.”
“Gee thanks babe, I’m sorry that I’m having your babies and you’re the one getting pissed at me, I’m only kidding around with you and you know that.”
“Yes I do know that, now get changed and we will go eat and go to school.” He told me and went into the bathroom with his towels and his clothes. I walked to my closet and decided on a blue shirt that was a little baggy so it didn’t hug me too tight and a pair of black sweats, because none of my skinny jeans fit anymore so I mostly wear sweats or gym shorts. Hopefully I’ll be able to fit into most of my clothes after I have the babies.
“Are you ready to go hun?” Aiden walked out of the bathroom and walked behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his hands just under my belly.
“Yeah,” we walked downstairs. I grabbed a couple snacks for throughout the day and a cereal bar for breakfast. Then we are off to school.


“Come on Aiden! My appointment is in an hour! We still have to stop and get some lunch!” I grabbed the keys for my mom and started her car. I’m going to find out the sex of the babies today. Yes, I’m now five months pregnant. Jake and I have been hanging out a lot lately he’s a great friend.
“I’m coming baby don’t worry! I’m just finishing my eyeliner!”
“You’re such a girl sometimes!” I yelled at him.
“Yeah but you still love me.” He said as he came down the stairs.
“Well of course. I will never stop loving you either.” I kissed him quickly and headed out to Aiden’s car. He got it for his sixteenth birthday last year from his parents considering they are never around. They bought him a Honda Odyssey; yes a van but only because of the babies. My mom is going to get us a nice car for when he and I want to go out or for when we are going to school or other places where we can’t take the babies. I really want a black camaro. But we will see what I get and as the kids get older we can have a better car.
For lunch we stopped at Taco Bell. I was craving it so bad.
“Okay so your appointment is in forty minutes and it takes thirty to get there so we will have time to check you in and all.”
“Yep, oh and you know what I could go for right now?” I told him, he and I haven’t had any sexual contact since the night I told him to get out and then I fell down the steps.
“What babe do we need to stop to get it? Because we don’t have time we can always get it after.”
“No, I mean I could go for some sex, which is one thing that you won’t give me. Even the doctor said last time that it’s completely normal and it’s actually more pleasurable for the women because they are more hormonal.” I really do want it. I haven’t done anything in a few months.
“Well you are just going to have to wait until you have the kids because there is no way we are having sex before those babies come out.”
“Fine then, maybe I’ll just take Jake up on his offer then.” I joked, Jake has offered but I would never.
“Fine, go ahead I don’t care. It’s not like he can get you even more pregnant. Plus, I wouldn’t mind if you did, because that would stop you from bugging me.” He said as if what I said didn’t affect him at all.
“Wow I was only kidding. Do you really think I would want to go have sex with someone else when I’m carrying your kids? I would never and plus you know how much I love you and that I would never do anything to hurt you. So if you are going to act like that then fine. You don’t need to be in the room when I find out the sex. In fact I don’t even want you in there.” I said he really pissed me off. He didn’t answer when I said anything. So he must not want to fight it at all.
The rest of the ride went by really slow. As soon as he parked I hopped out. Longer car rides kill my back now. Which I hate but what ever.
“Elissa stop, please,” I stopped and turned around out side of the clinic door, “don’t do this. You have to let me in there to see the sex of my babies. I love you and I only said what I said because it’s irritating you bugging about sex all the time. I know you want it but you have to know that relationships aren’t all based on sex you know. I know I’ve wanted it too but with two babies in there and how big your belly is getting it’ll just be weird and uncomfortable for the both of us. No matter what the doctor says. I love you too much to make you feel awkward. I can do anything to make you feel pleasure but doesn’t mean we have to have sex. I mean what we did before we had sex was just as good. I can always still do those things you just have to ask. Or show me that that’s what you want.”
“Okay Aiden I get it I’m sorry. Now let’s go find out the sex of our babies.”
We walked inside and I signed in. It only took about a minute and a half before the nurse came in and brought us to the right room.
“Okay doctor will be in shortly,” she told us after taking my weight and checking how big my belly is. We didn’t wait long, the doctor walked in.
“Okay so you ready to see the sex of the kids?”
“Yeah doc. My guess is two girls.” Aiden said as he held my hand so I could lay back on the table.
“Okay, Elissa do you have a guess? I’m thinking by the way your belly is growing is that it’s two boys. You’re a little small for two girls.”
“I don’t really have a guess and I don’t really care. I would like one of each though, that would be nice.” I said not being picky because I would love them no matter what sex they are.
“Okay well let’s get this show on the road then.” He put that jelly stuff on my stomach and he rubbed the monitor across my stomach looking for the babies, “Well mommy it looks like you are getting your boy and girl.” As soon as he said that I smiled and looked at Aiden. He had a shocked but happy face. I waited for the doctor to print out pictures and wipe off my stomach.
“Thank you doc. When do we need to come back?”
“In two weeks.”
“Okay thanks. Aiden you ready to go home?” I asked he still looked a little shocked.

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