» Romance » The love that could be <3, Tasha [classic book list TXT] 📗

Book online «The love that could be <3, Tasha [classic book list TXT] 📗». Author Tasha

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LOVE BITE so i tried squwerming out of his grasp but it was no use he was to strong and it was not like i didnt want him to give me one he would most proberly give it were it was most noticable for people to see.

Kyle gently sucked and bited harder and i couldnt fold in a moan at how good it felt and i could tell he was smiling againsnt my neck until he finally stopped and i turned around to face him and i pushed him down so he was flat on his back and i straddeld him so my legs were on his sides and i put my hands on his chest and i put my head in the crook of his neck and planted kisses until i found the place that would be noticable and did what he had done to me but harder and he gripped my waist and groaned and this time i smirked and stopped and planted kisses until they were on his lips and i lifted up Kyles top and he helped me and i runned my hands down his chest and abs and he moaned and then we heard someone clearing there throat and when i looked up Zack was there and he sneakly winked at me and saying with his eye that he new what we were doing.
Chapter 7 part 1...Life and school :L

I buried my head in Kyles chest with my cheeks flaming with a crimson red colour and Kyle stroked my hair and i could tell he was silently chuckling as his chest heavedout and in and when i thought i wasnt red as a beetroot i looked up and Zack was still laughing and i flipped him on and that only made him laugh and i glared at him.

"Zack is there any reason your interrupting us" My cheeks flamed again by just remebering what we were doing and then Zack had a completley serious look on his face and i was confused as i had never seen one of the guys this serious as how Zack looked right now.

"Ermm well its ermm your farther we have evidents from the pack that he is building a werewolf army with rouges and hes planning to attack and before you ask the whole pack are on the way and we shall relocate to a bigger house just until we are safe" I looked at Kyle and he had a look of sadness in his eyes and i looked over at Zack for answeres but he had his head down until he said something that i had barely heard and left me heartbroken.

"That means Kyle has to leave and you stay here to keep you safe but ill be here to with you Tasha you need to finish your school work you have already missed a week and your last exams are soon you need to study and find a college" I looked to Kyle and he was trying to look anywere but me.

"Zack go please" I said and i shortly heard foot steps fading away so i lifted Kyles head up silently saying is what Zack said is true and he nodded and i had tears in my eyes and Kyle touched my cheeck and rubbed it gently.

"I promise when i can i will come and visit you we wont apart long i promise i need to get ready its not safe for you Zack will be here with you" Kyle lifted me up and set me down and i let the tears fall freely and i didnt know how long i was but i eventually fell asleep and i didnt notice until i felt someone shaking me and i opened my eyes a few times to adjust to the light and when i did Kyle was there and suitcases were near the door so i looked back at Kyle and he looked sad and pained to leave.

"Hey i have to go ok and ill miss you so so much but ill ring everyday and night i promise and Tasha what ever happnes stay here and i love you so much and stay here for me dont come i got to go im sorry it pains me to go and leave you but i have to so goodbye i have to go now before i cant go i love you" I looked at Kyle and he had tears in his eyes and i leaned in and kissed him long and romantic until i was out of breath.

"Ok i love you to just dont be long ill miss you now go i love you now go goodbye Kyle" Kyle gave me one last kiss and went to the door and picked his bags up and looked back one last time and he blown a kiss and closed the door and when i heard the car pull of i let the tears come again and then i felt two strong arms come around me and pulled me againsnt him and whisperd comforting words in my ear and when my eyes started to droop again i felt myself being lifted up and up the stairs until we came outside a door and went in and im guessing Zack set me down on my bed and tucked me in then left the room and i went on to Kyles side of the bed and it smelled of him so i snuglled into tthe covers and had a dreamful sleep.

Tashas Dream...

I was in a room and it was light and then Natasha the older me came out holding something in her hands so i looked at her and she gave me a warm smile.

"Hi again Tasha i know whats happening ive been waatching and i know your at your weakest but this is your challenge Kyle is gone for a while you have to practise you powers you will get words or something in your head and youll know what to do and Kyle will come home Tasha i promise just maybe not okay but youll find out but have this we need Kyle to help us stay connected but hes gone so have this it will keep us connected so i can guide you and talk to you ok its time to wake up the object will be on your night stand just keep it with you at all times"

End of Dream...

I felt myself slowly falling and it all went black and my eyes blinked and i wiped the sleep away with my hands and i looked over to the nightstand and there was a chain with a belive writing on it and i picked it up and tied it round my neck and i looked around for the clock and when i found it it said 5:30 and i knew i wasnt getting back sleep so i hoped out of bed and got changed in some joggers and a tank top and i put my hair in a loose bun with no makeup and i went downstairs and got a cookie and i ate it then i went up stairs and in my room and got my phone and put my shoes on and i looked at my phone and i had 1 new message so i opened it and it was from Kyle.

Hey baby girl i miss you but call me when you wake love you :)

I called Kyle and he picked up after the second ring and it brought a smile to my face to hear his voice again.

Phone Convo....

Kyle: Hey baby girl i miss you so much i wish you were here.

Me: You to im wating to go to school i have to sit some of my exams today as i missed a lot of time being with you and im thinking of not going college?

Kyle: What Tasha you have to go baby girl i know you want to go i dont want you not following your dream beacuse of me i love you to much to let you not go college i didnt have a choice i had to be alpha but you have and i want you to take it.

Me: Kyle i-i dont know im confused ok i dont know what i want yet ok im confused at were i want to go in the future ok.

Kyle:So your confused about me then.

Me:What no i love you your the one thing i know were im going in my life im going to be with you im sure of that.

Kyle:Ok then Tasha i got to go bye.

Me:I love you Kyle

Kyle:I know bye.

Convo over...

I cant belive he didnt say i love you back he just said i know but i had to forget about himfor now and i had to get to school as the time said 8:00 and i had to be there for 8:30 so i got my exams and went down the stairs and door and ignored when Zack called me and went straight to my car and got to school in 20minutes and parked up and i saw Courtney and Charlotte at the tree and they waved me over so i put on a fake smile and walked over to them and gave them a hug and looked at Courtney.

"Hey i know Charlotte hasnt told you but i got tickets to go to La and i got one for you to if you want to come i mean" I looked skeptical at Courtney but she nodded and hada nice smile on her face and i hugged her and then the bell went and i went to the hall to start my exams that i missed.Lets go.

I cant belive how hard that was i couldnt concentrate i couldnt get Kyle out of my head he was there all the time and it felt like time dragged but i was now on the way back home to face the truth so when i got back i parked my car and got out and went in side and into the kitchen were i found Zack sipping a coffe and when i sat down he raised his eye brows and i knew he wanted to know why i was ignoring him this morning so sighed and put my head in my hands.

"I talked to Kyle this morning and i told Kyle that i might not go to college nd i told him i was confused about my future and he said i was confused about him and he had to go and i said i love you and he said i know bye and hung up hes upset and angry and he doesnt love me" I said the last bit in a whisper and when i looked up at Zack he looked angry and he stormed of up the stairs and i had tears in my eyes so i slowly went into my room and got my suitcase out and put all my things in and i had all my bags i came here with and went out of the room and down the stairs and into the living room and i got the 2 pieces of paper out of my pocket and wrote the notes to the guys and one for Kyle.


To Zack and the guys

Well im going to a friends and dont come but Zack go to them and...Kyle just leave me alone i can handle myself but tell the guys im sorry and ill call them soon and ill miss you so much beacuse i think of you as the brothers i never had and ill
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