» Romance » The love that could be <3, Tasha [classic book list TXT] 📗

Book online «The love that could be <3, Tasha [classic book list TXT] 📗». Author Tasha

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about my parents they were good parents and even know they travelled alot they still made the effort and i just wanted to say im going to miss you and you were the best parents in the world and i hope your in a better place now im sorry and goodbye i love you so much" I started crying as i walked back to the first bench and i cuddled into Kyle as they lifted my parents coffins out of the church and we all followed to watch them be buried.

I had put a red rose from the garden in the grave and we were now watching the graves being lowed and i made a silent prear and we all went to are cars and we drove back to Kyles were we were helding a gavering that i must say i wasnt looking foward to.

O.M.G the only thing that was getting me threw this is thinking of my parents and i thank them for this being over and done and i could go snuggle up in bed with Kyle and wake up tommorow and go to the sileciters for them to read my parents will but i dont care about money i would trade in everything i own just to get them back but sadly it doesnt work that way.

"Im going to bed im tired and want to sleep this day off" I trudged up the stairs not waiting for an answer and went to our room and slipped into bed fully clothed and i heard footsteps walk in and the covers being lifted off of me and then someone put an arm around me and i immedialtyly snuggling up to it knowing full well it was Kyle.
The Morning..

I woke up to the smell of bacon so i rolled over and Kyle was not there and when i started to get panicky he came into the room with a tray in his hands and when he set it down there was a full english breakfast and orange juice and on the top a red rose and i smiled a big smle to Kyle and i pulled him down for a kiss and he eagerly returned it back.

"Thankyou baby you didnt have to do this" I said to Kyle after we finished our little make out session.

"Its fine and um well you have to be at the sillictors in 1hour so eat up" After he said that the events that had passed fludded back in mind and i struggled not to cry and i began to eat the lovely breakfast my fiance made me.

"Tasha when do you want to get married" I looked at Kyle suprised i was currently putting my hair up as i only had 45minutes to get to the scillistors office.

"Kyle i dont know can we talk later and i-i dont want you to come with me i want to do this on my own please" Kyle nodded and i grabbed my bag and car keys and went over to Kyle and when he tried to kiss me i turned so he kissed me on the cheek then i chuckled and kissed him on the lips.

"Love you baby boy i'll see you later" I didnt wait for an answer i rushed down th stairs and into my car and went the 30minute drive to my destination.

In the slicitors office.

I was nervous i really was my palms were sweaty and i was deep in thought and when the door openend i neary had an heart attack and a guy around the ag of 35 came in and i smiled and he gave me a brief one back and then he started.

"Well im Mr.Marche and i'll read out your parents will now ahh they have left you all of there money wich here states you will get in your bank account in about a week but you will get some monthly and it states you will inherit there house and all there furnture ect and i have a few items that your parents put in a saftey deposit box and here is the key to it and that is all thankyou you may leave" He handed me a little key and an piece of paper with an adress on it and i gave a small smile knowing he wanted me to just leave.

I walked out of the building and leant up agaisnt the wall and i felt a buzzin noise come from my bag so i got my phone out and it said Kyle but i couldnt think right now so i hung up and got into my car.

Why couldnt he just give up already my phone was going every 2minutes and i chucked my bag in the back seat and parked up my car and enterd the building with the small key in my hand and i scanned the room and spotted an old women behind the desk.

"Hi im Natasha i was wondering if i could get into my saftey deposit box it's number 127" I knew that was the number as i had looked over at the key and it had the numbers 27 ingraved into it and as i looked over at the women she gave me a bright smile.

"Yes my darling i will show you we dont want you getting lost now do we" She gave of a little chuckle and i smiled at her and she got out of her chair and we started walking down sevreal hallways and stairs and i was suprised she could walk so fast as i had to keep up with her and then she came to a door and i nearly bumped into her and she made a sighn to go in but before i went in i gave a smile and hesitanly opened the door and it closed with a thud.

There were sevreal boxes in number order so i looked for number 27 and it was the last one on the second row so i raised my hand that i have only just noticed was shaking so i took a deep breath and opened it up and there was a box in there so i took it out and shut the box up and went back outside the door were the woman was still waiting and she smiled at me and began leading the way back out to the front office were the women sat back down and started tyoing on the computer so i went back outside and in my car were i put my head on the head rest.

I started driving back home and when i checked the time it was 4 already so i stepped up the speed and i managed to dodge the cars and make it back in 25 minutes and i pulled back up to Kyle's house and i opened up the door and walked in and it was empty and i heard shouting from upstairs but i brushed it off thinking they were playing games so i sat on the sofa and put the box down on the coffe table.

I stood up and grabbed the box and quietly tip toed up the stairs to mine and Kyle's room and put the box in my suitcase that only had a few clothes in then i went out of the room and into the games room where i heard all of the voices coming from.

"Hey guys" They all looked behind them and smiled at me and i went over and sat down with them and they contuined there games and i noticed it was mw2 and i sighed and they all laughed.

"Err Kyle can i talk to you" I looked at Kyle and he nodded so i went out of the room and down the stairs were i plopped myself down on the couch and Kyle came and sat next to me.

"You know i love you right" Kyle nodded looking confused and i leaned over and kissed him and he was suprised but got into it and i stod up and grabbed his hands and led him upstairs and on the way we saw the guys leaving and i laughed and we entered our room and there was red petals on the bed that i put on there earlier and i sat on the bed and me and Kyle started kissing and well you know now how the night ended up after that.

When i woke up i was in Kyle's arms and i was a little bit saw down that area if you get what i mean.
Chapter 10 part1.....Pregnant?

It had been 2 weeks since that me and Kyle did it and i was starting to get ill i was heating up and throwing up in the mornings and i barely eat beacuse all i did was bring it back up and i was concerned but i didnt tell Kyle about these things i kept it to myself until one day i couldnt do it anymore i had to tell someone anyone beacse im scared.

In a haist i grabbed a bag and stuffed whatever clothes i could get with my hands and zipped it up and i all but finished but Zack came in while i was putting it on my shoulder and i looked at him with tears in my eyes and he came over and pulled me into a hug and i let it out i couldnt hold it in anymore.

"Hey sweetie what's up with my little sister"" I sobbed and looked up at him while wiping my tears away and looked down.

"Zack i-i well me and Kyle we you know did it but that's been about 2 weeks ago and ive been feeling sick and being sick in the mornings and i im going to take a test but i think i know im pregnant im scared im barely 18 my birthdays in 2 days" Zack pulled me to him and i rested my head on his shoulder.

"I have to go Zack i cant im still a kid okay" He took my bag and put it on the bed then took a hold of my shoulders and made me look at him and he kissed my forehead.

"No your not going to run anymore you have Kyle and me and Brody and Lucas so dont say you dont have anyone now go buy a test come back here do it then call Kyle as he has gone to meet the pack to discuss some buisness now go" I nodded and kissed him on the cheek and went and wiped my eyes and got my keys and some money and got into my car and drove to the cemist and when i got there i parked my car and all but nearly ran to the section were it sold tests and i got two of each cheap and expensive and went to the cashier and there was about 20 tests there and it all came up to just over £80 pound but that didnt matter to me.

I drove back home sparing glances at the tests and went straight to the bathroom the bag in my hands and started doing eachone and when i layed all 20 out they were all positive, I gavered them all up and put them back in the bag and went out and outside were i took one and put it in my pocket them chucked the others in the dustbin so no one would find them.

I slowly walked back up to the house and found Zack,Lucas and Brody in the kitchen eating like usaul and when i caught Zack's eye i made a signal
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