» Romance » Cliche, ninja jinx [read aloud TXT] 📗

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due. Getting me another BIG, FAT ‘B’ (instead of an ‘A+’). It sucked, and my day was ruined.


Anyway here I was looking at the death trap in front of me, debating on how I could dispose of it without anyone knowing, when Sarah stumbled in.


Ok for those of you who are wondering who she is, well let’s just say she’s the main character in the fairy tale. The nerd.


Though truth behold she wasn’t really a fully classified ‘nerd’. Because she sucks at school work, and test, and exams. She has a long line of ‘C’s’ or ‘D’s’. See not that good, not in my standards that is. The only reason she carry’s this title is because of the way she looks.


She has those thick black glasses which covers half her face and orange freckles the size of mars. Her hair was frizzy and a mousy brown, her eyes a drab black and her skin pale and green. It was weird, but it was the thing that brought us together. Because ever since I was a tiny little girlie she was always ‘that’ outcast down the street who lived in a pale blue house and had no life.


I, being the friendly being, was the first person to make contact with her life form. Everyone was talking about how ‘brave’ I was and all that jazz. To be honest I was shit scared that she would contaminate me with her genes, but then I came to realize she was really cool. So our friendship blossomed like a flower on spring morning.


We stuck together like glue sticks to paper (but I guess not strong enough), and we did everything together.


 I would say I would have had a normal and average life, just blending into the background and having a close knit group of friends if I didn’t become her best buddy, and really it would have happened. But I was loyal, and I really was close to her. She knew all my secrets and I knew hers. So I stuck, we stuck.


She damn sure was a feisty little thing though. Her attitude was like a bulls (has the temper span of one seeing red) and sometimes she could be really bipolar. I guess that happens though. If you’re treated and talked about behind your back, while you know it’s happening.


We were treated as the ‘teenage outlaws’, not that it bothered me. In fact I was pretty cool with it. No one to disturb me and I liked it like that. Must have been mums genes in me.


But I knew it bothered her. Even though she tried to hide it, I could see it. She wanted to be known, and not in the way she was. She wanted, no dreamed about being popular. I didn’t let that thought bother me though; I just thought it was an everyday thing with people like her.


Oh and before I get back to my story, just to let you know, she was the only one immune to the bad boy’s charms back then. I don’t know must have been a ‘nerd’ thing.


So here she comes, walking in like she owns the bloody place (after stumbling). Her head held high and her glasses crooked, with her mismatched socks and clothes. Today it was bright neon purple with yellow.


Remember when I said she wanted to be noticed, well this was one way she tried…though I think it’s having the opposite affect….


I looked at her as I pushed my food away and grabbed my bag and binders from the table, noticing the smudged makeup and frizzy hair in a scrunchy. Ok something was up; she never wore makeup, only when her grandma died of obesity or something…


“So what’s the occasion?” I asked as I swung my bag on my shoulder. She gave this very-very creepy smile that would have murderers running across the country and screaming bloody Mary. Though I was used to it, seeing as I see it every time she had a stupid idea.


Though- don’t tell her this- I’ve had nightmares of it at first. Crazy dreams, where she held a bazooka filled with banana peels and was riding a tricycle. It made me nearly pee my pants in bed…


“You know”.


I looked at her funny, with what I picture as a ‘what the hell look’ or ‘your high’.


“It’s valentine’s day silly!”


Oh that. That day where you get pointless letters of undying love and proposal’s and stuff. Useless. That’s all it was to me.

Yes I have gotten a few roses. I wasn’t complete freak. However they were from weirdoes and perv’s who think I’ll be horny at this time; since I’ve been getting no ‘action’. Now there’s your freak.


“So?” I asked as I cocked my head to the side and stared at Sarah with utter confusion. “So” she said slowly, “I have a feeling loves in the air…”


Oh God she’s winking at me! I know I said I was ‘best friends’ with her, but I wasn’t interested in her that way. Jeez how do I put her down softly? I don’t want to break her heart…


“Look Sarah…this is really uh awkward…but”


Yes, I was going well. I just need to get it out.


“I’m not looking for a relationship with anyone…I’m sorry”




She was looking at me funny. Like I have a bird crap on my head and a parrot on my shoulder.


“What? Is there something on my face?”


Then it was literally like a light bulb went on in her head, and her face contorted into a one of disgust.


“No you idiot. I’m not interested in you. I mean what the hell? I meant I have a feeling today is going to be special! For ME!”


Oh right….


I signed in relief and laughed as I scratched my head. “Yeah I see now…what kind of special?”


She shrugged her shoulders.


“Something big!”


And damn straight was it something big. So big in fact, that sometimes I wished I changed the course of the world…





Ha thought that was the end? Well it’s not, so keep reading….


Ok so like I was saying, we went to school in Sarah’s neon ‘Pink’ convertible; which honestly I hate, because it’s such an attention grabber and personally I like to keep a low profile and all.


But anyway she parked it like at the other side of the world and made me walk the distance to the front door of the school, and that may seem like nothing to you but I am one lazy person. So here I am being dragged by her as the sun was beating down on me and the stupid smell of roses was shoving up my nose when she stopped and began staring at ‘Mchottie’.


That one word describes all, so there’s really no reason for me to waste my breath explaining, and anyway he’s not really ‘that’ important to this epic recount. So she just stares at him, entranced by his utter beauty as he flicks is hair to the side and acts scandalous. “Hubba-Hubba is it hot in here or what” she asks as her eyes traced down his form. ‘Yes’ I wanted to reply, ‘because it was bloody 50 degrees out here.’


Anyway I’m not sure about you but I hate watching my friend get all hot and flustered in front of me, especially when she’s wearing what she is. In fact when you stare at her your eyes start to bleed because she’s beaming, and not in those ‘I’m so hot’ ways. “Ok Sarah you’ve had your daily fill of him so now it’s time to move on” I said as I shoved her forward.


“Just a little more” she begged and I looked at her firmly. Signing in defeat we began walking towards the front door. This was like a daily routine for me, she stops and stares while I push her forward when she gets too hot and bothered.


When we entered the school hall, it was like a switch went off and people began whispering about us or should I say Sarah. It wasn’t me they were interested in; in fact I could be a wall for all they care.


It was Sarah.


Sarah was the attention grabber, she always was. She liked and craved all attention even if it’s bad; she just wants it so bad. And sometimes I wonder if she has a problem and all. But it’s not hard to see she gets hurt when they say mean stuff to her face. And so that’s when I come in and be a good best friend and defend her. It’s hard to understand the workings of her and you probably think she’s delusional, but like I said we go way back.


“Belly do you think I can come over to your house today?” Sarah asks as she shifts her bag higher onto her shoulder. “Sure” I replied as we began walking down the hall. We fell into an easy silence after that. And that’s another thing about us both, we don’t need to speak or fill any silence. Truth be told I don’t think we’ve ever had one of those major awkward silences.


So let’s fast forward through the day and get to when ‘it’ happened.

It was after school and exactly 3:45pm and Sarah and I were exiting the building. No one was around except those few stray students, and nothing had happened so far at school. I had gotten a single rose from some perv, but that’s about all.


Then the ‘something big’ happened, and it wasn’t a bang or an explosion and there wasn’t fireworks, but it changed everyone’s lives. Because Sarah tripped on air and fell into the arms of ‘him’.


Do you remember the ‘the ultimate dark horse or black stallion of our school’ that I was talking about earlier, the one Sarah seems unaffected by. Well she fell into ‘his’ arms. Then just like that he dropped her and things went from there. If you don’t know what I mean, go read a cliché story and see. And if you’re too lazy I’ll give you a rundown.


Well first they fought after she was dropped, and then the bad boy took a sudden interest to her fiery spirit and ‘quirky’ style; though personally I think cupid was hiding in the bushes and was drunk when he struck him with a love arrow. Then he wouldn’t leave her alone and inevitably she fell in ‘love’ with him and they began going out. Thus for this drama was brought in with back stabbing bitches and ex’s.


You would have thought that Sarah would have broken down after so much drama, but she called me after a huge confrontation with one of his ex, and told me how exciting living as a popular was and how she always seemed to be living on a high. Like I said before, Sarah craved this attention ever since she was little, and now that she was getting the spotlight, she couldn’t leave it. So that’s what made her change her appearance.  


She couldn’t begin to fathom the thought of losing the limelight so she bought beauty products and did plastic surgery to become the symbol of perfection. She began to mingle with the fakes and we stopped hanging out. Slowly our friendship was crumbling but I stuck by her, even if I didn’t know her. That was her first mistake.


Then that epic twist came where there’s a misunderstanding of sorts, where the girlfriend thinks her loving boyfriend cheated on her. She broke up with him and came to my house where she pigged out. We watched movies and I felt wanted again. We hadn’t done this in a long time. I thought that she needed me, but boy was I wrong.


Because the next day she was gone. She up and left and that was truly the last I talked to her. She never called and soon at school it was heard that she had slept with another guy. I felt so bad for the bad boy right then. You should have seen his face; he looked like someone had told him his dog

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