» Romance » Mates, Revenge, and My Psychotic Dad, PoeticIrises ? [story reading TXT] 📗

Book online «Mates, Revenge, and My Psychotic Dad, PoeticIrises ? [story reading TXT] 📗». Author PoeticIrises ?

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thing okay? you've seemed depressed ever since we came back from bio."

Can i trust her i mean i just met her today, but she seems to care soo.......

" i found my mate."

" Really?! that's great who's the lucky guy? is it that guy we met in gym? he was really cute and he seemed to really like you....."

" No it's......alpha Adrain of the SilverMoon pack. And he........rejected me."


"Do you want him?" What?! of course i want him i mean he's my mate, i already love him.

" Yes."

" Then that only means one thing..... it's time for the game plan." MY FRIEND THE LUNATIC





" Alpha it's time to get up, we're ganna be late!!"

" ya i heard you the last five times!"

" baby don't go." Oh shit i forgot a had some chick over last night. Now things are about to get complicated...

" You need to go, like right now."

"What?! What the hell are you talking about i need to go?!!!" She shriecked.

" Exactly that, i'll give you 5 minutes to get you stuff on. If you put up a fight you will be taking out my house by force. Do i make myself perfectly clear, now......get the fuck out my house."

" Your a fucking bastard! You now what fuck you! You piece of shit!" Man that girl can curse.

" I hate to break it to you but you all ready fucked me sweet cakes." With a big huff she finally left leaving me in piece to get dress.

My Name is Adrian Silverthorn, And i'm alpha of the Silver Moon pack, one of the strongest packs in the world. I became alpha when my father, Marcus was challenged by Alexander Forgoth, ex royal guard of the royal family.

Know one knows when he went crazy or turned rogue, all we know is that he's a threat and i want revenge.

To top it off I just found my mate, and I refuse to have a mate. I don't want to be tied down. The shit is I can't get her out my head, and it's driving me completly insane!

She just so..... enchanting. Every thing about her intrudes me. The way she walks in her seductive way, the way she twirls her hair around her finger when she's thinking, and her eyes.

Her eyes are a mystery i wish to uncover. when i first noticed her, her eys were a steal grey, hrad, guarded.

But when i looked into her eyes, the moment i knew she was my mate her eyes turned the most pure, clear, almost glowing green i've ever seen. She the most beautiful creature i've ever seen.

I need to stop with this sappy crap. I'm Adrian Silverthorn, the hottest thing that happened to Green Crest High(A/N I couln't think of any thing for the name:P)I could get any girl i want with just a look, that who the fuck i am. i don't neeed a mate.

TIME SKIP........................................................................................

I pull up in my Range Rover (A/N not into cars don't blame me)like any other day. Girls swamed me hopeing to change the player, no luck with that. Guys greated me with respect, and people steped out my way. What can i say i'm the king around here.

" Woooo you see the girl Lucas bagged? damn i wish that was mine i wouldn't let her leave the bed."

" I know man he's so fucking lucky."

I wonder who thier talking about.... i probably already had her.

"Didn't that chick just get here two day ago? And she's already all over Lucas? The slut!"

Hold up one second..... there's only two girls that i know so far that just came here recently. One... Ashley the girl i banged yesturday, and........Raven, MY mate.

Raven's POV

Getting Lucas was easier that i thought. I actually ran into him during my run yesturday. Who knew that a little flirting and praise could get me the title of his girlfriend so soon. Well the sooner the better.

I pulled in school on the back of Lucas's bike, his bike is as sleak as mine but i'd pick bertha over any bike.

In a matter of seconds i see the head of scarlet hair called my friend, pushing through the crowd that had circled around me and lucas, which was his pack.

" Move it people! get out my way!" Well isn't she a rude little doggie.

"Damn Raven you move fast! i thought the plan would take at least a week, but it took you two days!" Oh my god she's ganna ruin everything with that big ass mouth of her's!

" Excuse me scarlet can i speak to you for a moment?" i ask her pulling her from the crowd.

"Are you on drugs? Have you lost your mind? You almost ruined the whole plan!" i wispered yelled.

" Oh my bad but, you should know, the look on Adrians face was absolutley priceless!" she laughed.


"Yup, this plan is my best one yet" she sighs happily.

" Say's the one whoes not doing anything dangerous"

TIME SKIP: Lunch Time

Lunch; my LEAST favorite time of the day. A time where people are seperated into levels of statice.

To my right you have Adrians side, where you mostly see the goths, emo, stoners,and my favorite the delinquents. On my side you have the jocks, cheerleaders, prep teams, tech geeks etc.

I REALLY don't belong on this side. I swear if any of these preppy, sluty cheerleaders come up to me, their ganna need another nose job.

"hey babe you wanna hit the skate prak after this" Lucas asked.

"i don't know i'll have to see with my crazy mom." which was a lie. My mom would let me do anything as long as i'm cautious and don't attracted unnecessary atention to myself.

Thing were going slowly until the music started.

"Where countin 1,2,3! You look so cute when you get that mad,
You drain lilfe form me and it feels, Oh so good.
The looks you give are so contagious, the way we move is so outragious
Just let me in we're wasting tine, just let me in let's make it right

Everyone was just siting around listening to it so, i thought i'd spice it up. I grabed Lucas's hand and we started dancing in the middle of the lunch room.

Adrian's POV

I really can't believe this shit. some how between Two days ago and now, Raven had some how gotten the title of that dick heads girlfriend.

I'm not jealouse or any thing it's just that she moved on so fast. But wait didn't i to? i mean i've banged like four girls in the last two days.

"do you see what you've done you selfish prick?! Now our mate has moved to scum like lucas!" my wolf screamed at me, and trust me no one likes to hear sceaming in there head.

"Chillaxe man so what, i don't need a mate i could have any girl i want."

" Why, why me? Why did i get stuck with an idiot like you?" he wimpered.

By this point i've had enough of him. i put up my barrier,and shut him out. Now.....thats more like it peace and queit.

"Alpha,ALpha,there's some thing going on in the lunch room." my beta and best friend says to me, through our mind link. Fuck man just when i get some peace.

" I'm on my way."

I walk into the lunch room to hear The Maine blasting though the speakers, and bodies going crazy to the music. I spotted my beta and headed over to him.

" sooo whats the emergancy?" i ask in my alpha voice. I'm so not in the mood right now.

" i just thought you should know about this little party. Last time i didn't tell you , you almost took my head."

" what ever" man people are really going crazy up in here. The prep teams were grinding on any body who passed them, the jocks were practically having sex on the tables, and forget about the cheerleaders.

I involentary scan the crowd for Raven to see her dancing seductivley against Lucas. My wolf saw red. Shit.... was bout.... to go.... down.

Raven's POV (A/N i know i keep switching pov's but i'm trying to get a look in each persons head)

Dancing with lucas wasn't what i'd call smooth. He kept missing the beat and didn't seem know know what to do half the time, which was kinda cute in an innocent way. Then things got interesting.

"Reach out touch someone, so catch me if you can," During that part i was twirled out of lucas's arms. I didn't know who it was till i smelt him and his mouth watering aroma.

We began to move to the music, and when i say this guy can dance i mean he can dance. We moved perfectly together, our bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. Why can't he see that?

Time to intice him. While i we danced, i inched up and wispered in his ear the last sentence of the verse.

"Reach out touch some, touch someone, touch uh." With that twirled back to lucas, he looked mad so i smiled at him and kissed him. That seemed to make him relax.

Suddenly i heared a low growl. Turning around while dancing in place i saw it was adrian who growled, and he was giving Lucas a murderous look.

By then the principle had stormed in and had started addressing orders. Me and the law mix like water to oil so i got out of there. Unknowingly stepping into more stress.

Adrian's POV

Fuck! How dare that shitty little ass put his hands on mate! i'm ganna obliterate him!

" Yo Adrian what goin on man? You've been pissed off since lunch." My beta Louis says to me.

" I fucked up big time man" I wispered, more to myself than him.

" You fuck up alot,but there's nothing that won't stop you from making it right" he laughs.

" You dont get i really messed up i....i rejected my mate. And now she's that dick Lucas's girlfriend." I growled at the last part.

" What the hell you rejected your mate? wait you said she's lucas's right that means........yup your fucked man. How did you let something like THAT get away?"

" You don't have to tell me something i already know!" I growled. Doesn't he think that has passed my mind?

" Well there's only one thing to do now......"he trailed off.

"What the hell is that? I can't violate the treaty."

" You don't have to, now all you have to do is steal her back. What girl would deny you"? I mean your Adrian silverthorn." He's right, I can

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